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N'Gai Croal - RE5 Trailer Imagery is Racist

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King_Slender said:
Solution: No more black people in games unless the development team has a majority of black coders or the game gets vetted through Croal. "Problem" solved.

Wow, no one has made such a witty comment yet.



King_Slender said:
Solution: No more black people in games unless the development team has a majority of black coders or the game gets vetted through Croal. "Problem" solved.

Can we at least all agree that Croal should be chastised for awful scholarship and argumentation?


harSon said:
Theres a difference between killing terrorists (People who choose to be bad) and killing African locals who were zombified against their will.
Indeed! The game is about killing zombies. NOT about killing black people. Pretty f'in simple.
onemic said:
Well then, they certainly made a bad trailer if they were all already zombies then didn't they?

If you watch the trailer again, look at the close ups they do of the people there. They really don't look like normal guys minding their own business. There's one part of that trailer that I've seen people now use as a replacement for the original yougonnagetraped.gif (The closeup of the guy standing by a wall)

that's the same guy I used to bring up my theory about the village already been infected. Why are they all hail'ing to the guy with the megaphone? This definitely looks like a "this guy is investigating our village..we have to end this now" moment. That, and the fact they act like a sheep, makes me think they're being controlled or something like that, and the virus might be the way to do so

we're just speculating here, but one thing for sure: like I said like 10000 times already in this thread, I can't possibly find any racism in this trailer, and the nazi/ jew analogy sucks ass


This issue is going to get more and more press as RE5 nears release.

I remember thinking "Holy shit. This is gonna blow up." when i first saw the trailer. I didn't think it was racist as such, but it was certainly presenting some pretty confronting racial imagery that would lead to discussions such as this.

You can rationalize it all you like, but regardless of it's intent, footage of a white man with a gun fighting hoardes of angry black poor people with machetes is undeniably laden with socio-political baggage.

I find it hard to believe that Capcom would have been ignorant of this, though it's too early to start judging whether the game is racist or not. I'd actually like to see RE5 tackle the issue in-game. From what little we've seen, RE5 is walking a fine line and unless it makes some attempt to address its controversial racial aspects, Capcom are leaving themselves wide open to accusations of racism.
Wow, I just read it. What a misleading thread, N'gai's article isn't so much about racism in the game as the marketing and image the game will have in the media. He makes a solid point, Capcom really shouldn't have released that trailer.

....but to be quite honest, we ALL KNOW Resident Evil is about zombies. It's a decade-old franchise about violent outbreaks. In the case of GTA (especially San Andreas), you really just go around being a criminal and making money. If that can get by the press and sell millions, so can Resident Evil 5....and it will.

Like I said before, this controversy really only helps the game, and being one of my favorite franchises.....I say bring on the controversy and bring on the sales!

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Red or yellow, black or white
Ill kill all zombie races in my sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.


Fuck Cancer
I'm sorry if this is too much offtopic but I have another serious question. Why, in any US movie or tv-series, you never see a black man married with a white woman? And whats about sitcoms with only black actors? And black comedians who like to make racist jokes about whites? I dont get why you still want to be so separated.


underfooter said:
Wow, I just read it. What a misleading thread, N'gai's article isn't so much about racism in the game as the marketing and image the game will have in the media. He makes a solid point, Capcom really shouldn't have released that trailer.

....but to be quite honest, we ALL KNOW Resident Evil is about zombies. It's a decade-old franchise about violent outbreaks. In the case of GTA (especially San Andreas), you really just go around being a criminal and making money. If that can get by the press and sell millions, so can Resident Evil 5....and it will.

Like I said before, this controversy really only helps the game, and being one of my favorite franchises.....I say bring on the controversy and bring on the sales!

The trailer has been out for months now and was no big deal until N'Gai turned it into an issue to sell page views.


So should the title be the GamePolitics title (which is probably what we'll see on Fox News or worse), or the original N'Gai article title?
nerbo said:
The trailer has been out for months now and was no big deal until N'Gai turned it into an issue to sell page views.

Controversy = publicity = sales.

Capgod will make millions off a brilliant game, we at GAF will have the time of our lives playing it, and a few annoying soccer moms will lose sleep. It's a win-win-win.


Anasui Kishibe said:
that's the same guy I used to bring up my theory about the village already been infected. Why are they all hail'ing to the guy with the megaphone? This definitely looks like a "this guy is investigating our village..we have to end this now" moment. That, and the fact they act like a sheep, makes me think they're being controlled or something like that, and the virus might be the way to do so

we're just speculating here, but one thing for sure: like I said like 10000 times already in this thread, I can't possibly find any racism in this trailer, and the nazi/ jew analogy sucks ass

Like I said, if they are indeed all zombies, then capcom made a bad trailer, as most people(Including Croal, which is pretty much the reason as to why he made his comments when he did) when watching see the part when the guy gets attacked and his eyes begin bleeding as when they all become infected. Before then they're normal people.

And if they were indeed all zombies from the beginning, like you're trying to say they were, why didn't they attack Chris from the get-go? It kind of makes no sense that the attack only begins after the first guy, gets attacked, goes crazy, and then begins attacking Chris.


consoul said:
You can rationalize it all you like, but regardless of it's intent, footage of a white man with a gun fighting hoardes of angry black poor people with machetes is undeniably laden with socio-political baggage.

consoul said:
is undeniably laden

Stop saying this. Seriously. You are manufacturing this wholecloth.


nerbo said:
The trailer has been out for months now and was no big deal until N'Gai turned it into an issue to sell page views.

Clearly you weren't around when it first released.

EDIT: damn it Bish beat me to it :(


kamorra said:
I'm sorry if this is too much offtopic but I have another serious question. Why, in any US movie or tv-series, you never see a black man married with a white woman? And whats about sitcoms with only black actors? And black comedians who like to make racist jokes about whites? I dont get why you still want to be so separated.

1. Interracial relationships are still "taboo" to this day.
2. You see Movies and television shows with all black actors because they can't find work anywhere else. Hollywood has come a long ways but it still has its problems.
3. White comedians make racial jokes as well (And don't receive negative feedback unless it's obviously said with negative intentions such as Kramer). Ralphie May is an example of a white actor with a racial act.
we're gamers arguing over this for 20+ pages. Wait until Fox News, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton see this game. Shitstorm? is an underestimation of what will happen the closer we to release of this game.
consoul said:
This issue is going to get more and more press as RE5 nears release.

I remember thinking "Holy shit. This is gonna blow up." when i first saw the trailer. I didn't think it was racist as such, but it was certainly presenting some pretty confronting racial imagery that would lead to discussions such as this.

You can rationalize it all you like, but regardless of it's intent, footage of a white man with a gun fighting hoardes of angry black poor people with machetes is undeniably laden with socio-political baggage.

I find it hard to believe that Capcom would have been ignorant of this, though it's too early to start judging whether the game is racist or not. I'd actually like to see RE5 tackle the issue in-game. From what little we've seen, RE5 is walking a fine line and unless it makes some attempt to address its controversial racial aspects, Capcom are leaving themselves wide open to accusations of racism.

Good post. I don't believe for one second that Capcom had any racist intent, but this is how it's going to play out if the imagery in the trailer turns out to be representative of the final game.


harSon said:
1. Interracial relationships are still "taboo" to this day.
2. You see Movies and television shows with all black actors because they can't find work anywhere else. Hollywood has come a long ways but it still has its problems.
:lol :lol ...:lol


Father_Brain said:
Good post. I don't believe for one second that Capcom had any racist intent, but this is how it's going to play out if the imagery in the trailer turns out to be representative of the final game.

I honestly doubt it will, but if it does capcom deserves all the criticism they get.


bishoptl said:
Jesus, do any of you bother with the slightest modicum of research before posting, or do you just vomit on the keyboard and hit "Submit Reply"? This has been going on since July 31 of last year, and noted in gaming magazines such as Edge as well.

GAWD. Moron.

*shrug* Before N'Gai wrote of it, I didn't hear much of any talk or outrage about supposed racist connotation with it. Sorry if I spoke how I see it.


CassidyIzABeast said:
we're gamers arguing over this for 20+ pages. Wait until Fox News, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton see this game. Shitstorm? is an underestimation of what will happen the closer we to release of this game.

This is probably the real take-away message.


Zzoram said:
So should the title be the GamePolitics title (which is probably what we'll see on Fox News or worse), or the original N'Gai article title?

Well, despite the fact that we're now 25 pages or so in, I'm going to go with the latter.

For the record, I don't think you did anything wrong in choosing the GP title as the title here. That said, it is pretty obvious there are some less careful types who are just running with it at first blush, rather than, y'know, reading the post itself.


I wouldn't be surprised if "this" RE5 was dumped completely, much the way the first RE2 and RE4 were (though for different reasons).

That's the problem with game companies... since their primary goal is to make money, they have no problem tossing their artistic vision out the window at the slightest hint of a problem.


Flavius said:
Well, despite the fact that we're now 25 pages or so in, I'm going to go with the latter.

For the record, I don't think you did anything wrong in choosing the GP title as the title here. That said, it is pretty obvious there are some less careful types who are just running with it at first blush, rather than, y'know, reading the post itself.

About 99% of GAF


kamorra said:
wow... WOW! Is that true?
OMG, what a crap.

3.9% of Canadian marriages or common law couples are mixed as of 2006 (up 33% from 2001), and it's growing pretty quickly. I don't know if it's taboo in the US, but it's certainly not in Canada anymore.


I wonder if there would even be any controversy if Chris Redfield was black. Some keep mentioning how no one has read or understand what Croal wrote but give me a break. Its more than clear that he is still adding race to the mix when it should have no bearing at all on this trailer. Some just have to get out of there head this attitude of if there is a situation of black vs white there is has to be something racist about it.




RumFore said:
I wonder if there would even be any controversy if Chris Redfield was black. Some keep mentioning how no one has read or understand what Croal wrote but give me a break. Its more than clear that he is still adding race to the mix when it should have no bearing at all on this trailer. Some just have to get out of there head this attitude of if there is a situation of black vs white there is has to be something racist about it.

May I please ask if you read the article?


Father_Brain said:
Good post. I don't believe for one second that Capcom had any racist intent, but this is how it's going to play out if the imagery in the trailer turns out to be representative of the final game.

CassidyIzABeast said:
we're gamers arguing over this for 20+ pages. Wait until Fox News, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton see this game. Shitstorm? is an underestimation of what will happen the closer we to release of this game.

Agreed. Capcom better be real careful about this, because this is very obviously a sign of what could happen if the final content plays out the same. I also don't think the trailer is indicative of the finished game, but if Capcom isn't careful this could be worse than Hot Coffee.


Banstick Emeritus
nerbo said:
*shrug* Before N'Gai wrote of it, I didn't hear much of any talk or outrage about supposed racist connotation with it. Sorry if I spoke how I see it.
You didn't see squat, obviously.


Capcom should just make the main character black - so it's not a white dude slaughtering black zombies. But then again I'm sure people will still find a way to argue that it's still racist.


Fuck Cancer
onemic said:
Among our generation and lower it isn't, but to the 35+ year olds, you can begin to see that it's still there.

I'm 31 but I'm not American and I live in Europe so I dont know these kinds of "taboos". It's certainly not a taboo here.


kamorra said:
I'm 31 but I'm not American and I live in Europe so I dont know these kinds of "taboos". It's certainly not a taboo here.

Yeah, it's mainly a southern US thing.

I'm from Canada, so it's not a big deal hear either.(Well at least in Toronto)


RumFore said:
I wonder if there would even be any controversy if Chris Redfield was black. Some keep mentioning how no one has read or understand what Croal wrote but give me a break. Its more than clear that he is still adding race to the mix when it should have no bearing at all on this trailer. Some just have to get out of there head this attitude of if there is a situation of black vs white there is has to be something racist about it.

JESUS H. CHRIST. It's a white guy killing a community full of violent, angry black people!

You really don't see how race might be an issue?



Flavius said:
JESUS H. CHRIST. It's a white guy killing a community full of violent, angry black people!

You really don't see how race might be an issue?


How old are you, by the way? I wonder if this is a generational thing. Edit: not a putdown. I legitimately want to know.


onemic said:
How did you not know?
Wait...what. Has the word "Taboo" changed when i wasn't looking. Did someone fuck with the wikipedia entry. Interracial relationships are not taboo in 90% of the country
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