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N'Gai Croal - RE5 Trailer Imagery is Racist

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harSon said:
2. You see Movies and television shows with all black actors because they can't find work anywhere else. Hollywood has come a long ways but it still has its problems.


You see all-black comedies because they're specifically targeted to a black demographic. Your statement doesn't even make sense. There are no roles, so somehow black actors magically whip up their own TV series, because it's easier to get a series floated than get an acting role?

There are also all-Latino shows for the same reason. Haven't seen any all-Asian shows, but the demographic is so small in the U.S. that it would barely make financial sense.

Incredibly safe prediction: More Latino shows in the near future, as the percentage of Latinos vs. Caucasians begins to tilt further in the Latino direction.

As of last census, the percentages are: 75/12/12 for Caucasian/Black/Latino. Of course, that's 8 years out of dat and we'll get a better look in 2010 at the next census. It's also made more difficult by the number of Latino respondents who select Caucasian and Latino. In 2000, less than 1.5 percent of the population was Asian, by the way.


Here we go again..
Too bad there's still like a whole year before the game is released..I hope Capcom releases some kind of long demo so they can clear many-many doubts..and the whole racist "thing"..


Fuck Cancer
Flavius said:
JESUS H. CHRIST. It's a white guy killing a community full of violent, angry black people!

You really don't see how race might be an issue?


I see someone killing other people. I dont see black people as a different race. I see them as people. Sure, if you really want to see something different it should be easy, you only have to try a little harder.
Flavius said:
JESUS H. CHRIST. It's a white guy killing a community full of violent, angry black people!

You really don't see how race might be an issue?


it's a digital white guy killing a bunch of digital black guys.

if there's racism in it, you're looking way to deep into the game.
CassidyIzABeast said:
we're gamers arguing over this for 20+ pages. Wait until Fox News, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton see this game. Shitstorm? is an underestimation of what will happen the closer we to release of this game.

Not really, just caturday / sunday replacement.

The previous "how does race affect gaming cultures?" only got to page 7 in a week or so. At least that thread got some serious replies after a while.


Pakman said:
Capcom should just make the main character black - so it's not a white dude slaughtering black zombies. But then again I'm sure people will still find a way to argue that it's still racist.

Yeah, pretty much. Even if they change it to a white guy killing white guys in Haiti theres gonna be a vocal group arguing over how changing it was even more racist than the game was in the first place, or people will complain about how there's no black people represented in Haiti. Should have just taken place in San Francisco, so we can go 100 more years ignoring how alike all humans really are, regardless of skin color.


This man does his research.
so let me get this straight. is canada NOT going to get this game because of the US? if so, that would suck. guess alot of people will be importing from japan...


bishoptl said:
You didn't see squat, obviously.
I can say that when the trailer was released, I saw nowhere near the amount of outrage and spitfire going on over it as there is in this very forum today - A large amount of which is in my opinion being blown way out of context in regards to a game we have little to no information on story-wise.
TemplaerDude said:
it's a digital white guy killing a bunch of digital black guys.

if there's racism in it, you're looking way to deep into the game.
so a digital nazi kills a digital jew in a WW2 game from the german perspective

people shouldn't jump to conclusions or get offended, cuz hey, its just a game man.....


Holy fuck.

I'm not saying it's racist. I've never said it was racist. I don't know which articles you guys are reading, but I haven't seen anything in which N'Gai has said the trailer is racist.

If you guys haven't taken your SATs yet, you're all seriously going to tank when it comes to reading comprehension.


Oh, and the idea that interracial marriage is highly taboo, in either the North or the South, is pretty much unsupportable. Interracial marriages have increased more than 600% since the 70's. If you think it's taboo, it's a taboo that you're imposing on yourself.


Flavius said:
I'm not sure what bearing that has, but what the hell, I'll play along: 33.

If you didn't see my edit, by the way, I mentioned that this wasn't an insult or psychoanalysis or anything. I just legitimately wanted to know.

For background, I'm a 20-year old central Wisconsinite (many Asians), politically and theologically conservative with extended family in northern Wisconsin (many American Indians), Milwaukee (lots of blacks), and Chicago (lots of everyone). I go to an Ivy League school, with all that implies culturally, ethnically, and politically. I know a lot about portrayals of other countries through animation, like I said, and I'm a religion and government major.

I don't see that, as a baseline, anymore offensive than Rus fighting Khazars. I don't THINK that I'm post-racial or whatever, but the fact that it jumps to anyone's mind, much less presented as obviously offensive to a hypothetical person, is baffling me. And, like I said, I know a lot of professors who do this all day.


kamorra said:
I'm sorry if this is too much offtopic but I have another serious question. Why, in any US movie or tv-series, you never see a black man married with a white woman? And whats about sitcoms with only black actors? And black comedians who like to make racist jokes about whites? I dont get why you still want to be so separated.

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet [didn't read the whole topic} but in the fresh prince one of wills aunts was/was getting married to a white guy.

way more

TemplaerDude said:
it's a digital white guy killing a bunch of digital black guys.

if there's racism in it, you're looking way to deep into the game.

People keep pointing out that it's just a video game. So should any racist image, book, speech or chant be dismissed by saying ,"It's just [insert medium.]"

And what stupidity says if you see racism in something you yourself are racist?

I really don't see what about this game is racist but the arguments defending are just embarrassing.


TEJ said:
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet [didn't read the whole topic} but in the fresh prince one of wills aunts was/was getting married to a white guy.

Mixed couples are on TV/movies a lot more now, and it's growing. For a long time it was just White+Black, since those were the largest groups in the US, but I think it's starting to branch out from that.
Wollan said:
I have been blowing up Caucasians for the last ten years in RE, didn't bother me.

qft. This series is getting old and tired. The devs decided to switch it up and put the setting in Haiti and now all of a sudden they're all racist.

racism oversensitivity ftl
GhaleonQ said:
If you didn't see my edit, by the way, I mentioned that this wasn't an insult or psychoanalysis or anything. I just legitimately wanted to know.

For background, I'm a 20-year old central Wisconsinite (many Asians), politically and theologically conservative with extended family in northern Wisconsin (many American Indians), Milwaukee (lots of blacks), and Chicago (lots of everyone). I go to an Ivy League school, with all that implies culturally, ethnically, and politically. I know a lot about portrayals of other countries through animation, like I said, and I'm a religion and government major.

I don't see that, as a baseline, anymore offensive than Rus fighting Khazars. I don't THINK that I'm post-racial or whatever, but the fact that it jumps to anyone's mind, much less presented as obviously offensive to a hypothetical person, is baffling me. And, like I said, I know a lot of professors who do this all day.
put it like this, its not that people are just jumping right into "oh its racist!" mode but its way you see a group blacks being shot at. oppression of people of any race is wrong but the generation of those raised in America who know, not even 60 years ago, white men were shooting at or attacking those relatives, grandparents,etc. of blacks who MAY have an offensive reaction.

Its not the fact that its racist as it is unsettling to some to see something like a group of black people(gtfo with the but but their teh zombies!1!11) being shot at by a white guy in police attire which probably happened in real life on multiple occasions.


So is it Haiti or Africa?

Recent interview confirmed Africa (it being the 'birthplace of mankind' and all...) I thought?


Flavius said:
JESUS H. CHRIST. It's a white guy killing a community full of violent, angry half-dead bodies.

You really don't see how race might be an issue?

I believe the changes I made in bold are why people take exception to this "issue". Race, sex and all the things we mistakenly define ourselves with don't have any bearing when a virus or parasite has killed you and taken your body as a play-toy. That's the thing... your adversaries in these games AREN'T EVEN HUMAN ANYMORE.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Flavius said:
Holy fuck.

I'm not saying it's racist. I've never said it was racist. I don't know which articles you guys are reading, but I haven't seen anything in which N'Gai has said the trailer is racist.

If you guys haven't taken your SATs yet, you're all seriously going to tank when it comes to reading comprehension.

:lol yo, you wasting your time

just leave slowly, and let the thread go deeper into ignorance


GhaleonQ said:
If you didn't see my edit, by the way, I mentioned that this wasn't an insult or psychoanalysis or anything. I just legitimately wanted to know.

For background, I'm a 20-year old central Wisconsinite (many Asians), politically and theologically conservative with extended family in northern Wisconsin (many American Indians), Milwaukee (lots of blacks), and Chicago (lots of everyone). I go to an Ivy League school, with all that implies culturally, ethnically, and politically. I know a lot about portrayals of other countries through animation, like I said, and I'm a religion and government major.

I don't see that, as a baseline, anymore offensive than Rus fighting Khazars. I don't THINK that I'm post-racial or whatever, but the fact that it jumps to anyone's mind, much less presented as obviously offensive to a hypothetical person, is baffling me. And, like I said, I know a lot of professors who do this all day.

I'm a 33-year old lawyer and professor who (as you might have guessed) isn't afraid to share his opinion. As you may also have guessed, I'm pretty fucking liberal in my thoughts and opinions. And while I don't want this to come off as talking down to you based solely on your age, my hope for you is that at some point, you realize that there is more to this world than the bubble you live in, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. You'd be much better served in expanding on your thoughts as to why you do not find the trailer to be insensitive, rather than expressing your incredulity at the fact that some people see this as being a very real issue.

With that, g'night folks!


avatar299 said:
:lol :lol ...:lol

Answer a few questions.

Why is it considered career suicide for a prominent white porn star to do a scene with a black man?

Why are there entire movies and television shows without a minority? (Lets use Friends an example. Over the course of 10 seasons, how many minorities were represented in a show taking place in Manhattan?)

Why do movie makers feel the need to add the "Token" minority in the background of movies as a replacement for an actual minority character? (Lets use Spider Man 3 and Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix as an example)

way more

CassidyIzABeast said:
put it like this, its not that people are just jumping right into "oh its racist!" mode but its way you see a group blacks being shot at. oppression of people of any race is wrong but the generation of those raised in America who know, not even 60 years ago, white men were shooting at or attacking those relatives, grandparents,etc. of blacks who MAY have an offensive reaction.

Its not the fact that its racist as it is unsettling to some to see something like a group of black people(gtfo with the but but their teh zombies!1!11) being shot at by a white guy in police attire which probably happened in real life on multiple occasions.

A more direct correlation is apartheid and oppression which led to murders of hundreds of innocents. Or untold cases of military men killing unarmed and impoverished locals in Africa. These are things that still happen today and constitute the great tragedy that is Africa. To use that as the setting for a zombie shooter just seems like bad taste.


harSon said:
Answer a few questions.

Why is it considered career suicide for a prominent white porn star to do a scene with a black man?

Why are there entire movies and television shows without a minority? (Lets use Friends an example. Over the course of 10 seasons, how many minorities were represented in a show taking place in Manhattan?)

Why do movie makers feel the need to add the "Token" minority in the background of movies as a replacement for an actual minority character? (Lets use Spider Man 3 and Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix as an example)

1. Didn't know that.

2. Never thought about that, but good point.

3. See 2.


I'm pretty sure that most successful white porn stars have banged Lex Steele or some other prominent black porn star at least once.


aka Ryder
It's Africa it's Africa it's Africa.

Sorry, some people just absolutely refuse to get their facts straight. I think one idiot even managed to say that Haiti was the birthplace of humanity.


Flavius said:
And while I don't want this to come off as talking down to you based solely on your age, my hope for you is that at some point, you realize that there is more to this world than the bubble you live in, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. You'd be much better served in expanding on your thoughts as to why you do not find the trailer to be insensitive, rather than expressing your incredulity at the fact that some people see this as being a very real issue.

1. Yikes.

2. I thought I made it clear that because it borrows directly from movies that aren't racist, it isn't racist.

harSon said:
Answer a few questions.

Why is it considered career suicide for a prominent white porn star to do a scene with a black man?

Edit: I removed the OFFENSIVE OFFENSIVE link because of nudity that I forgot was there, but search "onion n word video porn" for it.


Zzoram said:
Mixed couples are on TV/movies a lot more now, and it's growing. For a long time it was just White+Black, since those were the largest groups in the US, but I think it's starting to branch out from that.

I don't watch much television, but I was under the impression that instances involving relationships between a black man and a white woman in a broadcast TV show are almost non-existent. I can't recall a single instance of a seeing black guy and a white woman making out on prime time TV.

You don't see that for the same reason that you don't see videogames involving white guys running around killing black people - people in this country still haven't come to terms with all our racial baggage, and those images provoke deep-seated sensitivities even with relatively liberal/open minded people.


harSon said:
Answer a few questions.

Why is it considered career suicide for a prominent white porn star to do a scene with a black man?

It's not. Maybe you should marshal some facts before coming back and spewing what are essentially your stereotypes. Name a prominent white porn star, and I'll IM you a picture of her getting it on with someone not of her race.

No one's saying that Hollywood is giving equal representations to black actors, but you seem to keep missing the point that there's no reason you should see as many black actors as white when the country is more than seventy percent white and less than 13% black.

As for Friends, sure, it was a notoriously all white show. So what? That doesn't make it any more racist than A Different World or the Cosby show, neither of which had much in the way of regular white characters. Again, because they're micro-targeting demographics with their shows.

Rhindle said:
I can't recall a single instance of a seeing black guy and a white woman making out on prime time TV.

Really? Are you just really young? The first interracial make out scene I saw was on Star Trek. Saw it again on Rockford Files, and a dozen other TV shows. Never seen a Halle Berry movie? Missed Steve martin and queen Latifah being a couple? Anything starring The Rock? Or do you not count those?
besada said:
It's not. Maybe you should marshal some facts before coming back and spewing what are essentially your stereotypes. Name a prominent white porn star, and I'll IM you a picture of her getting it on with someone not of her race.

No one's saying that Hollywood is giving equal representations to black actors, but you seem to keep missing the point that there's no reason you should see as many black actors as white when the country is more than seventy percent white and less than 13% black.

As for Friends, sure, it was a notoriously all white show. So what? That doesn't make it any more racist than A Different World or the Cosby show, neither of which had much in the way of regular white characters. Again, because they're micro-targeting demographics with their shows.

but what if said actors deserve a part based off of actual talent more than the white actor ?(if said part wasn't written as race specific) Should he not get the part just based of his race's population?


besada said:
It's not. Maybe you should marshal some facts before coming back and spewing what are essentially your stereotypes. Name a prominent white porn star, and I'll IM you a picture of her getting it on with someone not of her race.

No one's saying that Hollywood is giving equal representations to black actors, but you seem to keep missing the point that there's no reason you should see as many black actors as white when the country is more than seventy percent white and less than 13% black.

As for Friends, sure, it was a notoriously all white show. So what? That doesn't make it any more racist than A Different World or the Cosby show, neither of which had much in the way of regular white characters. Again, because they're micro-targeting demographics with their shows.

Jenna Jameson.

I never said there should be an equal amount of Blacks (I actually included everything outside of Whites). In 2008 there should not be an American movie that is completely absent of any minority representation (A character with lines, not some guy walking in the background).

Of course they were targeting Black audiences, those particular shows were released in an era with even less minority representation then today.


besada said:
It's not. Maybe you should marshal some facts before coming back and spewing what are essentially your stereotypes. Name a prominent white porn star, and I'll IM you a picture of her getting it on with someone not of her race.

No one's saying that Hollywood is giving equal representations to black actors, but you seem to keep missing the point that there's no reason you should see as many black actors as white when the country is more than seventy percent white and less than 13% black.

As for Friends, sure, it was a notoriously all white show. So what? That doesn't make it any more racist than A Different World or the Cosby show, neither of which had much in the way of regular white characters. Again, because they're micro-targeting demographics with their shows.

Really? Are you just really young? The first interracial make out scene I saw was on Star Trek. Saw it again on Rockford Files, and a dozen other TV shows. Never seen a Halle Berry movie? Missed Steve martin and queen Latifah being a couple? Anything starring The Rock? Or do you not count those?

Hannah Harper

Can we at least all agree that Croal should be chastised for awful scholarship and argumentation?

I think thats very fair. While there is truth in what he said, he did not back it up with anything of substance, looked at the topic from his own narrow viewpoint, showed a lack of knowledge for the history of other countries and cultures, and generally took what should have been an easily stated and interpreted statement, and nearly crippled it with his shabby argument and phrasing. He needlessly overcomplicated, and others later sensationalized, a very simple idea that, shown as is, with no context, the trailer does possess a high probability of evoking bad feelings in more sensitive types. The history of whites in authority, police or military, using violence against darker skinned peoples is still recent and well documented enough to make it a very painful subject in some areas. Shown as is, to someone unfamiliar with Resident Evil and zombies, these connections are obvious, even if they don't offend or upset.


CassidyIzABeast said:
but what if said actors deserve a part based off of actual talent more than the white actor ?(if said part wasn't written as race specific) Should he not get the part just based of his race's population?

Sure he/she should. And I can think of plenty of instances where previously created work was altered to replace a white protagonist with a non-white one. Whoopi Goldberg's movie career would be a great example, considering she played any number of roles where ethnicity wasn't specified or was specified as white AND male. I imagine The Rock has ONLY played roles that were originally either non-defined or defined as white, since that accounts fo the vast majority of written action-adventure scripts.

You'd have a much better argument for women being intentionally left out of the media, considering they make up more than 50% of the population but are nowhere near represented that heavily in movies.


harSon said:
I don't recall any of the zombies in Resident Evil 4 looking like:

I don't think they could have if they wanted too...

And that doesn't scream racism to me... :-/


besada said:
The first interracial make out scene I saw was on Star Trek.

Sci-fi shows tend to have very racially diverse casts, and a lot of mixed couples. Sci-fi has always lead the way with equality, whether it's race or gender. It certainly doesn't get enough credit for this.

Star Trek had a Russian good-guy crew member during the Cold War. An African American and a Japanese bridge officer.

They originally wanted the nurse to be the first officer, but NBC said that was where they drew the line, so they demoted her to nurse.
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