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Nikita Season 3 |OT| New Division, New Timeslot

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Queen Amanda giving Nikita teas with the hacking into Division's screens.

She is coming. Episode tonight was cute but I need less filler character development centric episodes and more plot driving, multi layered action added into the mix. Villain of the week storyline is still better written than most other action shows on television though so gotta give the writing team some props for that! Can't believe I overhyped this episode thinking Alex
getting shot on her right shoulder
would actually be near fatal, but it didn't even seem to cause a dent on her physicality lol. To next week go! The organization this episode seemed affiliated with Queen Amanda so hopefully the writers reflect back on this. Doubt that former Seals would actually go rogue and become terrorists for the sake of money like that.

Extremely surprised that this show doesn't get as much attention on GAF while the inconsistent, albeit fun, likes of Walking Dead get 100+ pages per season.


I hope they don't kill off Owen

He's s a regular this season. Unless Craig Silverstein/Albert Kim are the 2nd coming of Joss Whedon where they'll kill a character the minute the character becomes a regular, I seriously doubt Owen will be dead anytime soon.

Owen + Nikita is the actual true pairing of this show. Michael + Nikita never really had that much chemistry for me :mad:

My feelings exactly. So bored with Michael and Nikita. I just am not feeling the chemistry. Owen and Nikita, OTOH, has this bubbling hidden chemistry between them.


I just watched the first two seasons on netflix recently. This show is fucking great -- probably one of the most underrated shows on GAF, for whatever reason.

I'm going to call too much of Nikita talking about how damaged she is, and the ever growing male harem that she has. Lastly I join the chorus of Owen x Nikita > Michael x Nikita.


Oh, I finally get to post a (somewhat) good news. The rating is out and it's 0.4. An improvement over last week's 0.2. Here's hoping it doesn't get adjusted down to 0.3 though. But even then it's still an upward swing. /smallvictory


Wasn't a good episode, though I liked how Nikita was all "I don't care who this chick is, she shot mah gurl Alex".

Apparently one of the dudes is gonna die this season, hope that boyscout guy dies.


I saw a screengrab of Owen's actor being a jerk (I forget how, maybe racist) on twitter and the fans have now turned on him. So wouldn't be surprised if it's him either.


wow. never figured they'd make Alex relapse.

much better episode since it's actually story focused instead of MOTW.
thank god for Owen and Amanda


Owen/Nikita <3

I know they're trying to hard sell Michael as the love of Nikita's life but personally, I'm just not buying it. I just don't see the chemistry. Whereas with Owen/Nikita, they just spark even when they say nothing to each other.

Also, Amanda is scary. I won't be surprised if she kills Ari if he ever gets in her way.

Still haven't watched any of the new episodes. God, I suck. I haven't gotten around to it.

I have a confession: episode 4 was my 1st episode this season. My bad. But I was kind of turned off with the way Ryan narrated the opening and the MOTW. I'm so used to Nikita being the narrator and end the narration by saying "And the last thing they'll breathe, will be my name".


Owen/Nikita <3

I know they're trying to hard sell Michael as the love of Nikita's life but personally, I'm just not buying it. I just don't see the chemistry. Whereas with Owen/Nikita, they just spark even when they say nothing to each other.

Also, Amanda is scary. I won't be surprised if she kills Ari if he ever gets in her way.

I have a confession: episode 4 was my 1st episode this season. My bad. But I was kind of turned off with the way Ryan narrated the opening and the MOTW. I'm so used to Nikita being the narrator and end the narration by saying "And the last thing they'll breathe, will be my name".

First ep was good, so was the 3rd. Second was kinda eh. 4th is definitely the best by far.
I wish this show was on a different network, I really think it would see more success besides changing the obvious friday time slot. I know of way to many people who wont watch a single WB show just because its WB. Sucks hard =/


Are they making Alex relapse? I thought she was just taking a pain killer to pretend that she's fine despite an arrow to the knee in the previous episode. It showed how she struggled from the injury when taking down that dude and getting "the decoder thingie".

Anyways I like that Alex loves Nikita more than Sean.

Not a fan of the direction they're suddenly going with Ryan, seems out of character.

Also, this picture is blowing my mind


WOW Amanda really stepping up to the plate. I think she's gonna make a fantastic main villain. Great episode.
I started to watch Season 1 and 2 on Netflix. I really like this show though it has a few flaws and they haven't addressed them at all in Season 2. The show has great action, believable fights and shoot on actual as opposed to the same repurposed sound stage which gives the show a fresh feeling. The show moves at a brisk pace and rotates characters well without dropping them for too long.

But the show really fails at doing heartfelt character moments and establishing characters. I'm 2 or 3 episodes from Season 2 final and I couldn't really explain anything about Nikita's character beyond her job/skills. She has no character. Neither does Alex or Michael. They're action figures and you can pose them however you want to move scenes along but they never have much depth. Nobody really has anything funny to say except when its Birkhoff making some stupid nerd joke (which aren't ever funny).

Regardless I still enjoy it but after looking at the ratings I fear Season 3 will be its last.

Also, the BUY A FUCKING KIA scenes are hilarious. KIAs have navigation systems and can operate blue tooth with simply TOUCHING THE STEERING WHEEL. zomg!
haven't watched this season since 1st episode of this season.

is still spy-of-week episodes? Any new major bad guy introduced?

Season 2 was pretty badass, especially the last third or so of the episodes. Its far less formulaic than Burn Notice and action is 1,000 times better. I am astounded that this is a CW show.


haven't watched this season since 1st episode of this season.

is still spy-of-week episodes? Any new major bad guy introduced?

The first 3 episodes were "monster of the week", but helped establish the 'theme' of this season, whether or not (Season 2 finale spoilers)
keeping the "new" division alive is the right thing to do.

In the most recent episode, there are some new bad guys introduced, but they are working for a bad guy we already know. This major bad guy will be the main one of the season, and the episode suggests that we'll learn a lot more about Owen's backstory/importance over the course of the season.

I'm definitely excited by where things seem to be headed.


I just started watching this, and I'm surprised how good it is. I expected it to be far more cheesy for some reason. Maggie Q is amazing (as is the rest of the cast for that matter).

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