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Nintendo 3DS Game Footage Video Reel


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ILikeFeet said:
it's in good company. there are other shitty looking games for the 3DS
I thought most of them looked good with the exception of that baseball game from Konami. That's not something I expect from a Ridge Racer game though. I hope they fix the graphics in it. I was really looking forward to it, but it just looks abysmal. They've got a solid 4 months to make some tweaks so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


MadOdorMachine said:
I thought most of them looked good with the exception of that baseball game from Konami. That's not something I expect from a Ridge Racer game though. I hope they fix the graphics in it. I was really looking forward to it, but it just looks abysmal. They've got a solid 4 months to make some tweaks so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

yea, I'm not holding my breath. Asphalt looks better than this. Chocobo racing looked interesting. mainly because it didn't look like a racer
Now that their handheld is equivalent to a home console, I do wonder what they'll do with Mario. Developing something as perfect and epic as Mario Galaxy would require a big team and they'd probably put it on console. I suppose we'll get a 2D NSMB, but will we see a smaller-in-scope 3D adventure?
Freezie KO said:
Now that their handheld is equivalent to a home console, I do wonder what they'll do with Mario. Developing something as perfect and epic as Mario Galaxy would require a big team and they'd probably put it on console. I suppose we'll get a 2D NSMB, but will we see a smaller-in-scope 3D adventure?

I'm sure we'll see a new 3D Mario.
We won't be seeing a console one for years, so that's plenty of time to make a 3DS game.


Jealous Bastard
Freezie KO said:
Now that their handheld is equivalent to a home console, I do wonder what they'll do with Mario. Developing something as perfect and epic as Mario Galaxy would require a big team and they'd probably put it on console. I suppose we'll get a 2D NSMB, but will we see a smaller-in-scope 3D adventure?

i'm actually much more curious--and concerned, i should add--about what it means for handheld metroid and zelda.
MadOdorMachine said:
I thought most of them looked good with the exception of that baseball game from Konami. That's not something I expect from a Ridge Racer game though. I hope they fix the graphics in it. I was really looking forward to it, but it just looks abysmal. They've got a solid 4 months to make some tweaks so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
They pretty much have to fix the graphics, when you see how much better both Asphalt and especially Driver look. Luckily, they've got plenty of time, thanks to the 3DS delay.


beelzebozo said:
i'm actually much more curious--and concerned, i should add--about what it means for handheld metroid and zelda.

hand drawn 2d metroid

hand drawn 2d zelda

hand drawn 2d mario

yeah buddy
AceBandage said:
I'm sure we'll see a new 3D Mario.
We won't be seeing a console one for years, so that's plenty of time to make a 3DS game.

I'm not that sure. Let's say that Wii2 is coming in 2012. They could use all their new ideas and have a 3D Mario ready for launch on their home console, or they could put it on their handheld with all the expectations that a new 3D Mario brings.

Also, what teams do they use? EAD Tokyo for both? EAD Tokyo just for console 3D Marios? In theory, they could've made Mario 64: Part II for DS, but they never did.


AceBandage said:
I'm sure we'll see a new 3D Mario.
We won't be seeing a console one for years, so that's plenty of time to make a 3DS game.
I'm pretty sure we'll see New Super Mario Bros 3D coming first.
We'll see.
I think with the new focus on 3D/graphics, we'll see 3D gameplay coming first and foremost from Nintendo.
As for who will make it, probably EAD.
They don't have to have a Mario for launch on the Super Wii.
AceBandage said:
From Good Feel, please.
They did an awesome job with Kirby and Wario.

I'm wondering if they're best suited for the Wii, with the extra res? But perhaps the 3D effect will be a far better choice. :D

And call the Mario one New Super Mario Land, separate it from NSMB, being the hand-drawn 2D version!

With an eventual New Super Mario Land Wii HD! :D



Jealous Bastard
i would love to see your dream come true, but i'm not sure that's what's gonna happen, or that it's likely at all to happen. i actually see every one of those as a remote possibility, even with the exclusion of the hand-drawn addition.


I've never been so sold on a system before its release as I am with the 3DS. It's like a dream come true for me.

- Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater ------ MGS4 was my intro to Metal Gear Solid, the PS3 and high-def gaming in general, and it holds a special place in my heart. I got the Piggyback guide for the game and read up on all the lore, and was fascinated by MGS3's plot -- Naked Snake, Big Boss, Cobra Unit, etc. All felt instantly classic just reading about them, and I badly wanted to experience the game. Now I'll have my chance, and it'll be a prettier portable version, likely with updated mechanics (the Threat Ring appears in the trailer, and wasn't crouch walking added post-MGS3?).

- Pilotwings Resort ------ I've been waiting for a Pilotwings sequel since soaring the skies of Holiday Island in Pilotwings 64 as a kid. I can only imagine how amazing it must be to fly in true stereo 3D... I hope the music and general ambiance of the game will be comparable to PW64, but it's already clear the spirit of the game is intact -- the sense of unmitigated freedom of flight -- and that alone is worth my excitement.

- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D ------ I can play Mercenaries in RE4 and RE5 for hours. Mowing down waves of Majini with Heay Metal Chris' Gatling gun in RE5 is just about the most satisfying thing in videogames, period. So to make a whole game around Mercenaries, which I've said since RE4 would be worth the price of admission alone, is top-notch. The 3DS has the full suite of controls necessary; hopefully they'll supplement d-pad quick select with touchscreen inventory management. One thing's for sure: shooting arrows out of the air will be easier than ever with 3D depth! And pimping HUNK as the front man for this game is just glorious.

- Resident Evil: Revelations ------ Of course, I also love walking through spooky European woodlands soaking up the macabre atmosphere of RE4. That "horror" sensibility appears to be alive and well in RER. Being stalked by Regenerator/Verdugo-esque nightmares on a dark, creaky ship more whiplashed than the boats on "Deadliest Catch" looks amazing.

- Kid Icarus: Uprising ------ Sakurai always delivers the gameplay goods: elegantly simple controls; deep gameplay; an inspired sense of action; charming, charming art direction and design. To see him take a beloved classic like Kid Icarus and so warmly inhabit its world just seems too good to be true. But it's real, and it looks real good, and I can't wait to be cursed by Eggpant Wizard or drag sexy Medusa back down to hell.

- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D ------ And perhaps the title I'm most looking forward to is OoT 3D, a timeless classic whose gameplay only gets better with age. Of course, time hasn't been so kind to the original's graphics, but here we have a version that's not only in stereo 3D, so that Hyrule Field feels as wide and deep as it is, but it's crisp and clear, the Vaseline smear of N64 resolutions and framerates lifted, and all the art assets have been redone in vibrantly colorful fashion. The game looks gorgeous; the decision to move the health bar and other HUD elements to the touchscreen where inventory and status are always accessible is brilliant; and exploring Kakariko's graveyard on the can is so, so good. :)

I just can't wait for the 3DS. I'm just astounded by how promising everything is!


at least the 3DS got one of its online killer apps announced. I expect some great sales for Mercenaries (it's pretty much a given though)


ILikeFeet said:
at least the 3DS got one of its online killer apps announced. I expect some great sales for the game (it's pretty much a given though)
Are you referring to The Mercenaries 3D? Man, I forgot for a moment that they confirmed online co-op for the game (hell, you even see it in the screenshots). Anyone who hasn't experienced the joys of RE5 co-op is in for a treat here. :)


Neiteio said:
Are you referring to The Mercenaries 3D? Man, I forgot for a moment that they confirmed online co-op for the game (hell, you even see it in the screenshots). Anyone who hasn't experienced the joys of RE5 co-op is in for a treat here. :)

yea, I forgot to mention it in my post :lol wasn't versus announced as well?


ILikeFeet said:
yea, I forgot to mention it in my post :lol wasn't versus announced as well?
I'm not sure, but I'd be game for Versus mode. :) It has to be one of the most unique deathmatch-style games I've ever played. The inability to run and gun simultaneously (which I'll always defend as key to RE4/RE5's appeal) forces you to strategically choose when to stand your ground and when to beat a retreat, which makes for some exhilirating standoffs. Really, I was surprised how well it works. :)


versus score attack is obvious at least. maybe a survival count mode (least # of deaths), most kills mode, and straight up versus
Cool, I'll post my list of most anticipated 3DS games!

Cubic Ninja: Love Sonic to bits, probably my fav 3rd-party character, sue me. XD So I'm really excited to see what some of the ex-Sonic folks are making, and I'm stoked for both this and FlingSmash which are extremely likely by Naoto Ohshima (FS is obvious, as Artoon was confirmed as the dev, and for CN, see my thread!). I still need to try out Ivy by Naka! Let's Tap put me off by being a tech demo mostly, I can get it for $10 though, hmm.

Mega Man Legends 3: I do like Mega Man, but the only ones I've played is X Command Mission for GC and I just recently got Legends 64, though I'm not crazy about the tank like controls and the very dated graphics (no-texture-filter? My main criticism of the DS' graphics. :( ), but with all of the vocal love about the series, AND with Capcom's godly work on the 3DS' graphics, who knows how awesome this will be! :D

Nintendogs + Cats: Loved the original, and sad a Wii entry was never made. :(

Mario Kart 3DS: Played them all but Super Circuit, 64 was my personal fav, I wish they went back to the music style of that game. :(

Harvest Moon 3DS: Loved AWL, the style of the characters helped a lot, but that's all I played, so I hope the 3DS entry is closer, hell theme looking like the Island of Happiness character would be great! I didn't feel like trying out the DS games, I should check out Sunshine Islands, that was a good one if I recall reading.

MGS3: Finally we get some Snake action on Nintendo after Brawl! Looks great graphically (only non-Capcom game to look so), and it's a very highly praised series, so why not? :D

SSFIV3D: I remember played SFII on the SNES! :D And I'm now a huge fan of Cartoon M. Bison, how can I not want to try it? XD

Tales of the Abyss: IF this comes to NA... I love Dawn of the New World, and this is essentially very similar (if not THE closest to it seemingly), I'll be able to get right into it. Now gimme Graces as well! :(

Medabots: Loved the Anime, Metabee was fucking BADASS, I hope this is closer to the Anime than the DS games looked. New show please! :D

Zelda OOT: Played it for very brief bits over my childhood and the Brawl demo, what seems to be one of if not THE highest rated game of all time, how can I not want to try it now?

SF643D: Loved Adventures (Rare's Nintendo home console swan song, left with a bang. :( ), liked Assult, and this is the fav in the series by a lot of people IIRC, will play! :D

Sonic 3DS: I've owned at least one of Sonic's handheld games each gen (Minus Pocket Adventure, which will change of it comes to the VC), this will be no different. :)

Okay,, a few are must haves while some are I'd like to try, but eh. XD


Flying_Phoenix said:
That's not really all that true. The sprites are done in vector graphics (I.E. Photoshop). Not slimmed down 3D models with textures applied.
I don't think you quite understood what I meant. The polygon's aren't "models", they're just flat surfaces (IE, rectantagles) with the 2D art pasted on as a texture. Whether that art is pixel art or vector art is irrelevant, they still have to be pasted onto polygons in order to move about the polygonal world.


ILikeFeet said:
versus score attack is obvious at least. maybe a survival count mode (least # of deaths), most kills mode, and straight up versus
I hope Mercenaries 3D will have a Practice mode where I can mosey about the various stages with no enemies chasing me, just soaking up the details. I'm not expecting it, but it'd be a nice perk. :)

On another note, I am SO HAPPY to see HUNK!

Thinking of Mercenaries 3D now has me thinking about MGS3D and wondering if it will have Metal Gear Online. MGS4's MGO is probably my family's most oft-revisited multiplayer mode. :)
ILikeFeet said:
at least the 3DS got one of its online killer apps announced. I expect some great sales for Mercenaries (it's pretty much a given though)
just imagine RE Revelations has online co op as well. omg. it's going to be so good.


Neiteio said:
I hope Mercenaries 3D will have a Practice mode where I can mosey about the various stages with no enemies chasing me, just soaking up the details. I'm not expecting it, but it'd be a nice perk. :)

On another note, I am SO HAPPY to see HUNK!

Thinking of Mercenaries 3D now has me thinking about MGS3D and wondering if it will have Metal Gear Online. MGS4's MGO is probably my family's most oft-revisited multiplayer mode. :)

there will be a single player, so it's close

my most anticipated:

Resident Evil Revelations: the first horror and RE game I will own

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries: online RE action

Kid Icarus: Uprising: I love me some S&P

Paper Mario 3D: self explanitory

Dead or Alive: Dimensios: DoA is a fun, non-complex fighter

Mario Kart 3D: new, better Rainbow Road with a better theme please!

Tales of the Abyss: I've been wanting to give the series another shot even though I was burned by Symphonia

Kingdom Hearts 3D: my most hyped :D

Sonic: for some reason, I keep buying Sonic games. a least Sega has been on the right track lately

Chocobo Racing 3D: despite not looking like a racer, I'm intruged

Final Fantasy: please be Crystal Chronicles! please be Crystal Chronicles!


interesting thoughts on the controls. maybe they will make the aiming more sensitive. or add tank controls to the ground portion. for me, aiming and shooting is a little hard so I don't think it's too much of a game problem. not adding 3D for the sake of it is a good move. I hope the charged shot doesn't make things too easy.


think a lot of the reasons you can see Nintendo own games are not shining the most is because Nintendo's development teams havent used a lot of the modern graphical techniques before....Wii and DS has kept them back.

Capcom game looks hot because they know what they are doing with the tech.


new content is almost a given.

I'm worried about PilotWings Resort. those textures look really flat and unappealing.

Chocobo Racing could benifit from some normal mapping. and explainingg the goddamned game!


Death Prophet
Is there always new music in every Animal Crossing game? That's really what I'm looking forward to most out of that game. :lol It's so damn relaxing.
Fantastical said:
Is there always new music in every Animal Crossing game? That's really what I'm looking forward to most out of that game. :lol It's so damn relaxing.
Wild World and City Folk had the same music. But they also had the same everything else sooo whatever

(still pissed I bought City Folk :lol )


Death Prophet
Crumpet Trumpet said:
Wild World and City Folk had the same music. But they also had the same everything else sooo whatever

(still pissed I bought City Folk :lol )
Yeah, didn't buy City Folk because it looked so similar. The 3DS one looks extremely similar as well, but I'm still interested. Well, I still hope there is new music.
I think Nintendo probably learned their lesson from City Folk's "disappointing" sales. Animal Crossing 3DS apparently shakes things up because you're the mayor of the town now. Not sure if that's gonna be a big change or not yet though.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
ILikeFeet said:
Chocobo Racing could benifit from some normal mapping. and explainingg the goddamned game!

Normal mapping ? They have other problem to worry about, how about fixing that framerate ? it runs like shit .....im disappointed in h.a.n.d they pushed the ds kingdom hearts 358/2 and their mystery dungeon chocobo wii games looks nice too.


Death Prophet
Crumpet Trumpet said:
I think Nintendo probably learned their lesson from City Folk's "disappointing" sales. Animal Crossing 3DS apparently shakes things up because you're the mayor of the town now. Not sure if that's gonna be a big change or not yet though.
Let's hope so. I'm very curious about the game's WiFi features, as well.

Also, Ridge Racer looks like a port of a DS game. Even the audio sounds horrible.


cw_sasuke said:
Normal mapping ? They have other problem to worry about, how about fixing that framerate ? it runs like shit .....im disappointed in h.a.n.d they pushed the ds kingdom hearts 358/2 and their mystery dungeon chocobo wii games looks nice too.

I'm not too worried about the framerate. other than the graphics and fr, I just want to know, "what the hell is this game?" it's called Chocobo Racing, it even looked like a racing game in the E3 shots. but the footage and images now makes you think this is an action RPG. come on Squeenix, label this game!

Fantastical said:
Also, Ridge Racer looks like a port of a DS game. Even the audio sounds horrible.

it looks to be a port of the Iphone version. which I think was a port of the PSP version :lol
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