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Nintendo Downloads - September 2009 (VC / WiiWare / DSiWare)

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1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times

2.Twilight Princess
105 hrs 13min. 16 times

3.FFCC My Life as a King
104 hrs 56 min. 17 time

4.Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
101 hrs 21min 13 min

5.Bully: Scholarship Edition
87 hrs 9 min. 9 times


Nuclear Muffin said:
What the hell?! NOA is taking the piss, 1 shitty game this week?!

This is a joke, we're not even getting quality games now! NOA, you should be ramping UP your releases when you have no major retail games to release, not lowering it!

I want at least two VC game week releases again :(

Crash is awesome, man. It's basically Track and Field meets River City Ransom and Super Dodge Ball.
You can drown your opponents while swimming.

Crash n the Boyz is a great game... did it ever actually get a US release?
Yes, it did get a US release.
My tops are ACWW at 90 hours and Wii Sports at 80. Nothing else quiiite makes 50 yet.
Metal said:
1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times
That's... a lot.
3.FFCC My Life as a King
104 hrs 56 min. 17 time
This also! :lol I did notice that 4 of my top 5 WiiWare games are the FF ones (the other is #6). My Life as a Darklord recently took the lead.


Metal said:
1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times

2.Twilight Princess
105 hrs 13min. 16 times

3.FFCC My Life as a King
104 hrs 56 min. 17 time

4.Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
101 hrs 21min 13 min

5.Bully: Scholarship Edition
87 hrs 9 min. 9 times

Wait can that Mario Kart number be correct?
That is insane. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Woah, how did I never learn about Crash n the Boyz till today?
Technos is always great with friends. I've can't tell you how many times we have played River City Ransom and Super Dodgeball.
DNF said:
that would be about 4,5 hours played everyday since release 1 and a half years ago.
:D nice

Yeah, that also averages about 6.5 hours per play session.

Either someone leaves their game running all the time, it's set up in a dorm-room with a revolving cast of players, or this person is all OCD about Mario Kart.

I'll be curious to check my stats when I get home from work. I think my roommates Animal Crossing obsession will place it at #1, after that it'll be tough to predict. I haven't been playing a hell of a lot of Wii lately.


I got addicted to the online Vs. races :(



Hope us EU folks get the new Nintendo Channel. I'm really curious to see my playtimes! Though I leave my Wii on the home menu quite a bit.


Metal said:
I got addicted to the online Vs. races :(

if you mean addicted as having negative affects to your real life then yeah, :(

but if you just have fun and enjoy it and your life isn't negativly affected, then what is the problem ? if at one point my last snes controller wasn't broken i probably would still been playing super mario kart regurlary till today (if it had online)


Wait... did we get two DSiWare games? Another site is listing Oscar in Toyland and Art Academy: First Semester. What's Art Academy all about?
Metal said:
1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times

2.Twilight Princess
105 hrs 13min. 16 times

3.FFCC My Life as a King
104 hrs 56 min. 17 time

4.Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
101 hrs 21min 13 min

5.Bully: Scholarship Edition
87 hrs 9 min. 9 times

101 days? Are you kidding me?


Metal said:
I got addicted to the online Vs. races :(


How in the hell do you have that much time off? Holy fucking shit, I am face-palming, wishing I was you, kicking myself in the dick for even saying that, and just, wow.

Holy shit!


Although Nintendo Week is pretty cool, I still want the digest video. The new Nintendo Channel is cool. Total play times, rating DS games (as expected, a lot of old titles are not in the catalogue), overall recommendation viewing, higher quality videos (and I think the videos all load faster now since I haven't had a loading hiccup at all), and the new UI is pretty slick. I noticed that they added purchase buttons to the game detail pages (or was that there before?), and sadly, the video loading in the upper corner while you browse is gone.

EDIT: And :lol at Denton's 101 days with MKWii. Dude do you get enough sleep?



Title: Art Academy: First Semester
Points: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Players: 1
Rating: E (Everyone)
Publisher: Nintendo

Title: Oscar in Toyland
Points: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Players: 1
Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Publisher: Virtual Playground


Title: Mart Racer
Points: 800 Wii Points
Players: 1-4
Rating: E (Everyone) – Alcohol Reference, Comic Mischief
Publisher: Joju Games

Title: Spaceball: Revolution
Points: 800 Wii Points
Players: 1-2
Rating: E (Everyone) – Mild Fantasy Violence
Publisher: Virtual Toys

Title: Texas Hold’Em Poker
Points: 600 Wii Points
Players: 1-6
Rating: T (Teen) – Simulated Gambling
Publisher: Gameloft

Virtual Console

Title: Crash ‘N The Boyz: Street Challenge
Points: 500 Wii Points
Players: 1-2
Rating: E (Everyone) – Cartoon Violence
Publisher: Aksys Games
Console: NES

I'll put this up till the official presser comes out


streaming problems fixed in the nintendo channel? that'd be nice. that's got to be one of the most glitchy players ever, and it would not-infrequently just die and kick me back to the wii menu.

shop channel update next? it needs it far more than the nintendo channel did.


Metal said:
I got addicted to the online Vs. races :(


Holy shit.

That would take me like 20 years to get to, for how often I have time to play.

Edit: Ok, I overestimated. More like 4 1/2 years. But that's only playing Mario Kart. :lol


Apparently I am a casual gamer now haha....

1. WiiFit 76 hours 41 Minutes
2. WarioWare: Smooth Moves - 73 Hours 21 Minutes
3. Wii Sports - 44 Hours 43 Minutes
4. Mario Kart Wii - 30 Hours 3 Minutes
5. Zelda: Twilight Princess - 26 Hours 26 Minutes

Even funnier is that the Nintendo channel is number 8 on my list. Thank god Mario Galaxy is above it at 7. A little bit of cred.


Btw, Internet Channel numbers are very inflated if you ever noticed it in daily usage times. I wonder though if the accuracy of the play time record varies from title to title.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Top 10:

1.) Fire Emblem 122 hours
2.) Wii Sports 120 hours
3.) Smash 97 hours
4.) Grand Slam Tennis 65 hours
5.) Little King Story 63 hours
6.) Prime Trilogy 56 hours
7.) Okami 39 hours
8.) Twilight Princess 39 hours
9.) Breath of Fire II 38 hours
10.) Punchout 33 hours

Surprising playtimes. :lol

Just watched the Scribblenauts developers video. Very cool if you haven't seen it.


listen to the mad man
Fuzzy said:
Now Nintendo knows and is going to ban you. :lol

ban me from cheating-infested mario kart online even though i buy more games than 99.99% of their customers? they can feel free :p


I can't check it out yet since I'm at work, but I'm going to have startlingly short play times. Twilight Princess might have eclipsed 50 hours, followed by Galaxy and My Life as a King. I'm guessing nothing else even eclipses 30 hours.


Metal said:
I got addicted to the online Vs. races :(

1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times
:lol Wow. Craziest thing i've seen today.

I'm at work, can't wait to see my totals. I play Mario Kart a lot...I wonder if I beat you in time spent playing.


Batteries the CRISIS!
billy.sea said:
Jesus, the game was out only a little more than a year. And out of that many days there are 101 of them you played full 24 hours of it.

It's been 505 days since Mario Kart Wii was released. He's literally played Mario Kart one out of every five hours of his life since that game came out :lol

That's some Bubsy 3D-level shit

[edit] okay actually it's not. Ulillillia only spent 500 hours playing Bubsy 3D.


DNF said:
if you mean addicted as having negative affects to your real life then yeah, :(

but if you just have fun and enjoy it and your life isn't negativly affected, then what is the problem ? if at one point my last snes controller wasn't broken i probably would still been playing super mario kart regurlary till today (if it had online)
I'm not sure how it couldn't have negative effects on his life. That's just under 5 hours per day, every day, since it was released. Even if his life was somehow not directly negatively impacted, the loss of "life potential" is staggering. I know we're all videogame nerds at some level and I sure as hell waste time playing some mediocre games at times, but the closest I can come to comparing that kind of time loss is being in prison... and even then you may get more out of life by reading things in the prison library. Plus... mario kart? I don't think you could even claim to have developed real-world "skills" like you would from dumping that time into SC/WC3/TF2/CS. Or sell-able loot in some MMO.

And while everyone's stunned at the Mario Kart time, look at the times for other games. 100+ hours for Zelda and MLAAK (I can barely understand FE but at least that seems possible)? 87 hours on Bully? If you add the times of the other games shown (god only knows what's going on past GH3) there's another 20 days of non-stop gaming. Here's hoping the time-counter is busted.


i find it funny that i downloaded this channel only to get my top 10 of most played games...
here's my top 10

1. Mario Kart Wii - 745 hours 30 min - 226 times (not surprising...)
2. SSBB - 333 hours 25 min - 78 times (this one was very front loaded since i barely play it since late last year)
3. Animal Crossing CF - 192 hours 31 min - 173 times (go fruit selling)
4. Metroid Prime 3 - 146 hours 47 min - 33 times (long sessions here lol)
5. Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 108 hours 44 min - 45 times (a classic that never dies)
6. Super Mario Galaxy - 86 hours 47 mins (haven't played it this year at all)
7. Mario Party 8 - 80 hours 19 min - 36 times
8. Metroid Prime Trilogy - 64 hours 58 mins - 10 times (again, long sessions)
9. Fire Emblem RD - 57 hours 3 min - 12 times (my bro pulled all-nighters when he played this)
10. Super Paper Mario - 48 hours 19 min - 22 times (it was almost tied with the original Paper Mario)

i was surprised to see games like Wario Ware so low since i remember playing that one a lot (the channel shows only almost 13 hours). TP only has launch time playtime (almost 6 hours) because i switched to the GC version as soon as that one came out and never looked back.

edit: now i remember why my TP and WW times are so low. most of the time was in the old wii that died. i bet TP would have like 50-70 hours total.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
My FE playtime is really high because I compulsively restart whenever a character dies. And replaying the game on a higher difficulty level.


Corporate Apologist
Some of these have to be because I just left the system on.

#1 Brawl: 267 hours
#2 Metal Slug Anthology: 178 hours (This one is most likely fairly close though, both me and my little brother put a ton of time into it)
#3 Wii Sports: 92 hours
#4 Internet Channel: 66 hours
#5 Spider Man 3 59 hours :lol (My little brother could not accept the fact the game sucked. And he never made any accomplishment in it ether)
#6 SMG 53 hours
#7 BWii 46 hours (This must of been left on for a day, I did not even beat it)
#8 FE:RD 42 hours (This is most likely the most accurate one of all)
#9 SPM 42 hours
#10 Paper Mario, 38 hours

In japan, doesn't it also have a way to keep track of DS records?

And my Mario Kart numbers don't show up since its was with the PAL version. I have a NA copy now though, Walmart oddly clearanced it out for $15


Zachack said:
I'm not sure how it couldn't have negative effects on his life. That's just under 5 hours per day, every day, since it was released. Even if his life was somehow not directly negatively impacted, the loss of "life potential" is staggering. I know we're all videogame nerds at some level and I sure as hell waste time playing some mediocre games at times, but the closest I can come to comparing that kind of time loss is being in prison... and even then you may get more out of life by reading things in the prison library. Plus... mario kart? I don't think you could even claim to have developed real-world "skills" like you would from dumping that time into SC/WC3/TF2/CS. Or sell-able loot in some MMO.

And while everyone's stunned at the Mario Kart time, look at the times for other games. 100+ hours for Zelda and MLAAK (I can barely understand FE but at least that seems possible)? 87 hours on Bully? If you add the times of the other games shown (god only knows what's going on past GH3) there's another 20 days of non-stop gaming. Here's hoping the time-counter is busted.

ok so all of what i write is hypothetically because i don't know him und i wouldn't dare to judge him or anything.

even with that much playtime there is the possibility that there isn't much loss of "life potential" at all.

since mario kart is multiplayer on- and offline there is the possibility to spend time with your real life friends while playing the game so this time wouldn't be lost or wasted

And an other point is with 2.400 hours playtime for one game even if you took the cost for console, controllers, this game and 1,5 years
of internet connection into account this costed him like less then 0,33 cent per hour. (even if he had just all bought for this one game)
so maybe he sees it just as a cheap hobby to kill time. (instead having a huge dvd collection or a big library)

I'm afraid i don't understand your point about developing real-world "skills" with other games instead, could you please explain it ?


DNF said:
since mario kart is multiplayer on- and offline there is the possibility to spend time with your real life friends while playing the game so this time wouldn't be lost or wasted
This is true, but is also why I looked at the time playing single-player games. ~100 hours for games like Zelda and Bully is pretty out there. And I don't have nearly enough gamer friends that would generate that kind of MK time (and the online multi, even with friends, isn't exactly a social experience unless you're using outside chat methods).

That said, maybe he fell asleep while playing. I know I racked up some hours in EQ when I fell asleep waiting for a ferry to appear.

And an other point is with 2.400 hours playtime for one game even if you took the cost for console, controllers, this game and 1,5 years
of internet connection into account this costed him like less then 0,33 cent per hour. (even if he had just all bought for this one game)
so maybe he sees it just as a cheap hobby to kill time. (instead having a huge dvd collection or a big library)
Don't get me wrong, he certainly saved money (unless this was at the expense of a job). I used to have a huge dvd collection (Netflix basically slaughtered most of my collecting drive) and still do have a lot of books, and typically don't begrudge people for buying lots of what they like. Still, I like to think that my movies, books/comics, and other semi-costly pursuits generally at least add to my overall knowledge and experience; can't turn back the clock, after all. The Bubsy 3D comparison is fairly apt.

Think of it this way: if he put down MK for one of those 5 daily hours he would probably now be fairly-to-strongly proficient in a musical instrument of his choosing.

I'm afraid i don't understand your point about developing real-world "skills" with other games instead, could you please explain it ?
SC and TF2 would, if played at a "pro" level, would require developing skills in multitasking, teamwork, multi-stage planning (at least with SC, somewhat similar to skills developed while playing chess), and serious hand-eye coordination. While I'm not saying MK wouldn't develop some of those, the highly chaotic and at times "anti-skill" aspects of MK could work against that development.
just the highlights..

LoZ:TP 92 h 48 min<------ highest game time (funny thing is in retrospect i'm not too crazy about it)
36 times

Galaxy 73 h 10 min <------- 240 stars
41 times

fire emblem: radiant 72h 2 min <-------will be number 1 (still playing, have at least 12 more chapters)
26 times

baroque 35 h 27 min <--------------- highest 3rd party game
11 times

zack and wiki 32 h 15 min <----2nd highest third party
11 times

world of goo 16 h 57 min <--------------- highest wiiware
15 times

endless ocean 16 h 32 min
16 times

super mario 64 13 h 23 min <----------- highest vc game
16 times

house of the dead 2/3 3 h 10 min <------------ lowest retail purchase playtime
5 times

alien soldier 0 hr 9 min <----------- lowest playtime :(
2 times


Neo Member
Metal said:
1.Mario Kart Wii
2,443 hrs 42 min. 379 times

2.Twilight Princess
105 hrs 13min. 16 times

3.FFCC My Life as a King
104 hrs 56 min. 17 time

4.Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
101 hrs 21min 13 min

5.Bully: Scholarship Edition
87 hrs 9 min. 9 times

Aside from the instant wow factor of Mario Kart, I'm also surprised by the average duration of each play session! Each time Bully was played it was for nearly 10 hours?! Similar story with Fire Emblem, and 6 and a half hour play sessions of Zelda...I mean fair enough these two are pretty engrossing but you do have to wonder if there's such a thing as too much! Of course he might just leave on his Wii...

What say you Metal?
The Playtime was shocking. I know I have'nt played my Wii that much lately but...

1st: Internet Channel
1022 ours 21 min 408 times :lol I really do watch alot of youtube videos.

2nd: Zelda Twilight Princess
177 Hours 27 minutes 129 times. My favorite Wii game and my first.

3rd: SSB Brawl
140 hrs 42 min 54 times I'm honesly shocked. Dunno why but I figured I did'nt play this that much.

4th: Mario Kart Wii
55 hrs 50 min 49 times Well...thats quite lower...

5th: Animal Crossing CF
54 hrs 15 min 26 times

6h: Wii Shop Channel
36 hrs 55 min 410 times What the...

7th: Super Paper Mario
37 hours 3 min 38 times

8th: Super Mario Galaxy
32 hrs 2 min 40 times I thought I played it longer :\
tetrisgrammaton said:
Also some demos for Fossil Fighter are out.

I've been wanting to try it out since it's made by Red.
I think those have been up for like a month now. I check the DS download page every week, though I'm not sure why since it's been ages since anything good came up.


1. Internet Channel 3,034 hours
2. Twilight Princess 224 hours-deserves every hour
3. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility- 203 hours 100% completion
4. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn-172 hours
5. AC:CF- 168 hours
6. Rune Factory Frontier- 145 hours-still haven't beat the game:)
7. Brawl- 115 hours
8. Okami- 107 hours
9. Wii Sports- 80 hours
10. Paper Mario 64- 56 hours
Nice to see my 3 favorite gaming series: Zelda, Harvest Moon, and Fire Emblem are 3 highest games played. And yeah- i used the internet channel a lot. Also my brothers/sisters also played hm, tp, fe, okami etc-so its not just me.
nincompoop said:
I think those have been up for like a month now. I check the DS download page every week, though I'm not sure why since it's been ages since anything good came up.

Yeah I gave up checking myself. Guess thats why I haven't seen them.

Anyway one says New but its just DLC for people who already own the game.

The other is a Cooking Mama-esque minigame. Its fun but seems like it would get old really quick over the course of an RPG.
New Nintendo channel is great! Videos load a million times faster now! (No stuttering or buffering even on High Quality :D)

Love the new navigation system too. My only real complaints about the channel are that Nintendo still haven't updated their database of Virtual Console games (Plenty of games still don't appear, including Majora's Mask! You can't even recommend them!) and that you can only rate one DS game at a time (After doing one, you have to shut off the DS and go through the whole download procedure again, its way too tedious)

Also, for those wondering, I tried out some import games on the DS reccommendation software. No dice (Neither EU or JPN games worked) it just sasy that the game isn't listed on the Nintendo Channel.

Can't remember the exact numbers off the top of my head but here's my rough top 5 list.

1: Internet Channel - 3000 odd hours (WTF!?)
2: Zelda TP - 200 hours
3: Smash Bros Brawl - 150 hours
4: Animal Crossing CF - 100 hours
5: Mario Kart Wii - 70 hours

I was surprised to see 20 hours spent on the shop channel though! (I buy Wayyy too many VC and WW games :lol) and I've already clocked in almost 50 hours on Ocarina of Time, despite the fact that I only got the VC version about 5 months back!


The Nintendo Channel is definitely getting better. Just finished watching the week in Nintendo show and while cheesy to a point, it's not half bad. Good show. :D
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