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Nintendo E3 plans detailed


No, it would be terrible because that would add nothing to the libary of the Switch since there's already a great cartoony racer- Mario Kart. The backlash would be greater than DKTF in 2014, that's for sure. Its just not what the Switch needs. And personally, I couldn't care less for DKR, I would gladly take DKTF 2 over this.

Oh, im agreeing with Dampflockfreund. No idea why anyone would want DKR aright after Mario Kart. Maybe in the Switch's last year or something. And please please not by Retro.


El Capitan Todd
Game Freak recruiting only for 3ds
Ancel denying BG&E2 at E3
Capcom strange messages about support

not a great day for my Switch E3 hype :\
I have to be mature in so many aspect of my adult life that videogames are the last part of it where I want to act like a grown man :D

Absolutely understandable! E3 is just 3 weeks away, if things look dire after that (from a Pokemon and third party perspective I mean) I'll join you in worrying.

For now let's just be happy it's selling so well.


El Capitan Todd
Absolutely understandable! E3 is just 3 weeks away, if things look dire after that (from a Pokemon and third party perspective I mean) I'll join you in worrying.

For now let's just be happy it's selling so well.

actually that part is even more infuriating, when "possible" (in terms of: "that would make sense") games announcement skip the Switch


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Absolutely understandable! E3 is just 3 weeks away, if things look dire after that (from a Pokemon and third party perspective I mean) I'll join you in worrying.

For now let's just be happy it's selling so well.

Being worried for third party support after 4 months the console had a successful / very successful launch is not wise. Remember that Switch launched in March, so between launch and E3 it's just 4 months. Bigger corporations can take some time to change plans due to their size and their different branches, while smaller developers have way lessinfrastructure restrictions and remorses (and this is why you see so many indie developers eager to develop for the system / already working on titles). I'm not telling you that you shouldn't expect anything at all from third parties at E3, but don't go in expecting an avalanche of stuff from everywhere. As I've already said, the best time to start judging the console's support in general, if both hardware and software sales keep on being healthy, will be around March-April 2018, one year-ish since its launch.

This is not me trying to find excuses, this is me explaining that things (unfortunately) can't change all of a sudden after what happened with Wii U mainly but also 3DS (mainly speaking of Western third parties here) when big corporations are involved: not everyone will be entirely convinced by first few months' sales, even if great, and they could need further proofs of how the console can be a healthy environment for different experiences (that's why I've stated how IMHO NBA2K18, FIFA and Skyrim can be quite important towards the end of the year, provided their respective publishers don't screw up those releases). We'll have to wait for quite a while and to see some games skipping the platform due to development reaching the end (if release dates are close) or publishers not convinced there's an audience on it (see my earlier point about NBA, FIFA and Skyrim). It's unfortunate, but you should understand how several publishers have been hesitant at the start since they couldn't know how Switch could blow up as it did. Again, hopefully hardware and software numbers stay healthy in the next few months.

P.S. Capcom's statements were absolutely mild and nothing to worry about; further translations of those tidbits confirm how far they are from the disgustingly jump-to-conclusions-esque original thread title.
Yeah I'm not terribly worried and I don't think I will be after E3 either. I sorta cheated in my statement about if it "looks dire" because as the lineup is now I don't think it looks dire at all. So unless they un-announce some games I think I'll be happy.

I really just want Duck Game and Skyrim right now. I don't buy many games a year typically (like 5 usually) and I already have bought 9 this year on Switch alone, so clearly I'm quite happy with the Switch's third party library.
actually that part is even more infuriating, when "possible" (in terms of: "that would make sense") games announcement skip the Switch

The big game announcements of this year or last year would've already been in production and, unless they were talked with Nintendo firsthand, wouldn't have been planned for the Switch in the first place. It's always possible that retroactively they would work on a Switch version of the game at a later date, but it'll make more sense for next year's third party to be more receptive in adding Switch to their normal platforms.


Switch has the potential to become a great system, I think that's one thing most Nintendo fans can agree on at this point. However, it doesn't seem like many publishers and game developers had as much confidence in the system when they were making choices about whether or not to support Switch (or how to support it) as we have right now. Now that Switch is selling well things have obviously changed for some of them.

Developing or even porting games takes time though. What I'm trying to say is: You probably should keep your expectations low regarding announcements at E3, especially from third parties. Some games we expect or hope for may not show up at all or even on systems that aren't Nintendo Switch. I think with the way things are going quite a few people may end up disappointed because of their expectations. Starting 2018 and beyond (with TGS also having some impact) things should look a lot better though.

Edit: It's actually crazy that I felt the need to say something like this, because, in my opinion, the Nintendo Switch lineup right now is simply amazing.
Switch has the potential to become a great system, I think that's one thing most Nintendo fans can agree on at this point. However, it doesn't seem like many publishers and game developers had as much confidence in the system when they were making choices about whether or not to support Switch (or how to support it) as we have right now. Now that Switch is selling well things have obviously changed for some of them.

Developing or even porting games takes time though. What I'm trying to say is: You probably should keep your expectations low regarding announcements at E3, especially from third parties. Some games we expect or hope for may not show up at all or even on systems that aren't Nintendo Switch. I think with the way things are going quite a few people may end up disappointed because of their expectations. Starting 2018 and beyond (with TGS also having some impact) things should look a lot better though.

Edit: It's actually crazy that I felt the need to say something like this, because, in my opinion, the Nintendo Switch lineup right now is simply amazing.
Yeah, 3 months is likely not enough time to change much. Don't expect much from AAA this year but the line up is still pretty fantastic without them so it doesn't matter much
I said earlier you should wait until E3 2018 to see how third party games will shake out. In the meantime we're getting lots of Nintendo first party games and enjoy what may end up being considered the greatest launch year from a first party perspective.

I feel like we'll get more games from a variety of Nintendos franchises in its first year and a half than the Wii U's whole lifetime. We never got a FE game on the Wii U and here we are getting one on Switch.

I would love to know how many Nintendo systems had a better first year than the Switch from first party. This system is amazing when you have their two BIGGEST single player IP's coming in its first year with Botw and Super Mario.

Let's see what we have from Nintendo so far with the Switch
-Zelda Botw
-Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
-Super Mario Odyssey
-Fire Emblem Warriors (their IP being used)
-Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (their IP being used)
-Splatoon 2
-Project Mekuru
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2

This isn't even a full year or all the games announced for a full year. We have rumored Retro's game, Pokemon Stars, Smash 4 Switch, Fire Emblem Switch and Pikmin 4.

I love this. The Wii U didn't get Zelda until 4 years in. It got 3D Mario one year later. It got Mario Kart almost 2 years later. It got Splatoon almost 3 years later. It got Xenoblade 3 years later and Hyrule Warriors 2 years later. This is just the beginning and I'm so happy and optimistic from what I see.


Oh, im agreeing with Dampflockfreund. No idea why anyone would want DKR aright after Mario Kart. Maybe in the Switch's last year or something. And please please not by Retro.

While I agree we don't need another Kart racer right after Mario Kart, Retro's been the best fit for DK since Rare was bought. Retro really just needs to be expanded so we can have multiple games from them.
I feel like the most likely spotlight lineup is just Pikmin 4, Mario x Rabbids and the VC/Online/App walkthrough. Nintendo always announces like half as many titles as people expect them to, so I wouldn't be surprised if they hold off on Pokemon and Smash until a fall direct. Their first party lineup for the 2017 seems pretty packed already by their standards.
Anyone expecting a ton of third parties to come out and pledge support at E3 is setting themselves up for disappointment. Switch is selling well, but I'd wager that most are waiting for the holidays before really gauging things.

We'll get a solid lineup that Nintendo had planned already, and I'm pretty darn happy with that!


Edit: It's actually crazy that I felt the need to say something like this, because, in my opinion, the Nintendo Switch lineup right now is simply amazing.

Then I wonder how you would describe the lineup if it included;

Resident Evil 7, REmake 2, Resident Evil HD versions
Call of Duty WWII
Fallout 4
etc etc

And/Or in short the western 3rd party games currently getting announced for everything but Switch.
Anyone expecting a ton of third parties to come out and pledge support at E3 is setting themselves up for disappointment. Switch is selling well, but I'd wager that most are waiting for the holidays before really gauging things.

We'll get a solid lineup that Nintendo had planned already, and I'm pretty darn happy with that!

Yeah. First of all you should never come into a Nintendo home console expecting lots of third party games. It was said over and over before the NX was revealed. Matt was on here telling people don't expect any changes from the western developers. Reggie said it a few months ago that developers are waiting and seeing. For all you know they want to wait the holidays and then make a firm decision on how they want to support the Switch.


Then I wonder how you would describe the lineup if it included;

Resident Evil 7, REmake 2, Resident Evil HD versions
Call of Duty WWII
Fallout 4
etc etc

And/Or in short the western 3rd party games currently getting announced for everything but Switch.

IF all those games were crammed near launch it will be an another Wii U situation
That's what I'm most excited for more than any other announcement is their game.
Yeah, if their game is there, the show can't be a letdown.
I wish someone would confirm that it will be there.
I don't need to know what it is.
For me, there are two things that will guarantee me being happy with Nintendo's E3.
Retro's game and/or a Switch Animal Crossing being revealed.
The rest is a bonus.
Im simply saying its unfair to the wiiu to say wiiu didnt get a zelda for 5 years but switch got one day one if botw was cleary a port of the wii u version. Thats it. Also as for the list, simply assuming all games on this list are gonna be better then the wiiu games is also unfair against wiiu games before they are even out

im trying to say what i write, you dont need to project something on it

also you are to up at arms about this so im gonna not further discuss

All I had to go off of was what you wrote. I see now that you've explained further what you meant, but that's not what it sounded like from your initial post. You are absolutely correct in saying that any of those games could suck - I doubt they will but they totally could. The comparison of first years would probably be best left until the year has actually come to pass, then, so the quality of the games released can be compared and not just the quantity.

I still don't really see what you're getting at about Zelda, though. It's... it's a fact that it took that long for the Wii U to get a Zelda game. Not a remake, a brand new one. And it released at the exact same time, not later as a remaster or port, on the Switch. So yes, the Wii U had to wait years and years to get a new Zelda game, one that Switch also got the day it came out. As someone else pointed out, the same situation also happened with the Wii, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim Twilight Princess "didn't count" because it was a GameCube cross-gen title. I don't think other console owners think cross-gen titles somehow don't count either.
I'm more excited about the cat.

Lol. 🐱

Yeah, if their game is there, the show can't be a letdown.
I wish someone would confirm that it will be there.
I don't need to know what it is.
For me, there are two things that will guarantee me being happy with Nintendo's E3.
Retro's game and/or a Switch Animal Crossing being revealed.
The rest is a bonus.

Yeah...if anyone from Retro is reading this can you go to your cameras and tell us if your game will be at E3?
Then I wonder how you would describe the lineup if it included;

Resident Evil 7, REmake 2, Resident Evil HD versions
Call of Duty WWII
Fallout 4
etc etc

And/Or in short the western 3rd party games currently getting announced for everything but Switch.

It would be quite awesome. Well, outside of Fallout 4 anyway. What a disappointing game.


Idk it kind of depends on what Retro is making for me.

If it is online heavy or multiplayer heavy, I'm probably not going to be enthused. I don't know people who'd play Kart with me or even Smash these days. I don't particularly like online games.

If it is Donkey Country Returns 3, I'll be happy, modestly so. I'll enjoy the game a lot when I get it, but it won't be a "hype" announcement for me. I like 2D platformers, I'll want the Switch to have good ones some day, but they don't occupy a lot of my mindshare generally and, coming off Wii U, even less these days.

If it is Metroid Prime 4...even in the least "Metroid" days of Prime, there was always a lot of good Metroid moments. Prime 2 and 3 both have structural issues, imo, but they both also have pretty damn good moment-to-moment Metroid gameplay.

If it is the Prime 4 Tanabe has been discussing...I'll probably not like the tone or expanded universe content of the game. It was bad in 3. It was bad in Hunters. And that's what Tanabe seems to be interested in, with respect to Metroid. Way too much sunday morning cartoon, way too little moody science fiction. But if the game looks good, I'll grin and bear it.

If it is a new IP...it is going to matter to me what sort of new IP. Again, I'm wanting some single player content from Retro. I'd like it to be action/adventure. I'd like it to look cool to me. Etc.
Retro presenting Cooking Mama BBQ Tales


Eerie... The stars are aligning for the BBQ game we've always dreamed of.
As long as Retro's game is more serious than Nintendo's regular fare I'll probably be at least a little excited.

Admittedly, I rather they be given free reign on Metroid again, rather than letting Tanabe continue with the franchise. (Other M handled poorly, IMO, and Federation Force was bad decisions all around.)


Switch has the potential to become a great system, I think that's one thing most Nintendo fans can agree on at this point. However, it doesn't seem like many publishers and game developers had as much confidence in the system when they were making choices about whether or not to support Switch (or how to support it) as we have right now. Now that Switch is selling well things have obviously changed for some of them.

Developing or even porting games takes time though. What I'm trying to say is: You probably should keep your expectations low regarding announcements at E3, especially from third parties. Some games we expect or hope for may not show up at all or even on systems that aren't Nintendo Switch. I think with the way things are going quite a few people may end up disappointed because of their expectations. Starting 2018 and beyond (with TGS also having some impact) things should look a lot better though.

Edit: It's actually crazy that I felt the need to say something like this, because, in my opinion, the Nintendo Switch lineup right now is simply amazing.

Switch lineup is amazing. However the lineup from now until Christmas is a little sparse.

However that's because Nintendo are pulling all the weight themselves. As you say I'm sure third parties were apprehensive about Switch at first, but we already know SE are impressed by its sales numbers and are going into overdrive to develop or port games for the system. They won't be alone.

However theyve only had three months to see the launch, be impressed and start developing games. And it's now nearly e3 so of course theyve not announced anything.

I think the rest of this year will be fine/actually amazing, as soon as some more third party support is announced.

EDIT: oops just realised I was not saying the same thing as you at all! I'll keep my expectations for e3 in check, but I actually do expect some pretty cool announcements.


The thing with "it will get better in 2018" is I take that to mean, in context of this discussion, there'll be games on the horizon for 2019-2020, which really, isn't that weird considering how long Japan took to get on board the PS4 more fully (~3 years until this recent batch of big Japanese games).

I just find it incredibly disappointing how much it does seem that Switch caught the Japanese industry flat-footed. It isn't surprising. Nintendo tends to catch the market flat-footed when they do well (and the Japanese industry doesn't seem the best on its feet anyway). It also isn't good for the Switch or us :p. In a day and age of extended development times, lead from the front is increasingly not a viable strategy for a first party. Nintendo made some noise about trying to correct this and they made sure to show off core third party support in January, but that more confirmed than dismissed that this is probably how it is going to be again, with the state of the software they showed.

I don't expect E3 to show me a glorious 2018. Heck, I don't expect it to be surprise heavy. I hope they at least show Retro's game but Nintendo does play things close to the chest so if that isn't holiday 2017-early 2018, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't even see that.

I do want E3 to do that though.


I mean, Nintendo said it was mostly going to be 2017 titles, so getting your hopes up too much for the future of the system is a fast-track to disappointment. October Direct or possibly the VGAs are when we see something interesting for the future.


I have to be mature in so many aspect of my adult life that videogames are the last part of it where I want to act like a grown man :D
I understand that so much, but you should try to forget about it for a couple of weeks and embrace the Spotlight when it comes, with an open heart.
Busy yourself for a while and hope for the best.

I'm personaly just imagining mostly basic stuff, games we're 99%-100% supposed to see, a few almost sure and that's it.
The only game we're absolutely not sure to see I'd like would be the Souls trilogy because I'd like to try them (1/4 for the games 3/4 for Sakuraba : P)
And I don't have so much money right now, so the more I can get from "one" game, the best it is.

And last but not least, anything to play Splatoon 2 Offline as much as possible is also one of the things I'd want the most.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean, Nintendo said it was mostly going to be 2017 titles, so getting your hopes up too much for the future of the system is a fast-track to disappointment. October Direct or possibly the VGAs are when we see something interesting for the future.
Don't forget Tokyo Game Show. I don't think Nintendo will exhibit but maybe they will have a Nintendo Direct broadcast in close connection to that event.
As long as Retro's game is more serious than Nintendo's regular fare I'll probably be at least a little excited.

Admittedly, I rather they be given free reign on Metroid again, rather than letting Tanabe continue with the franchise. (Other M handled poorly, IMO, and Federation Force was bad decisions all around.)

The Metroid franchise is split between two producers: Tanabe oversees the Prime series while Sakamoto is in charge of the main series (Metroid, Super Metroid, Other M, etc.). Not a big fan of either of them. Tanabe has no strong understanding or appreciation of Metroid's dark sci-fi lineage, and Sakamoto has lost his mind from years of handling the Wario ware series.


I mean, Nintendo said it was mostly going to be 2017 titles, so getting your hopes up too much for the future of the system is a fast-track to disappointment. October Direct or possibly the VGAs are when we see something interesting for the future.

My hopes aren't up. I am entirely expecting a rather boring show, with the highlights being games we know and anything new being relatively small or heavily rumored (Smash port/Pokemon Stars). And mostly all 2017.

But...just because my hopes aren't up doesn't mean that sort of show would be a good show in my books.

Retro, Metroid, or FE looking good--and I think the first and the last are more likely ~2018 games we could see--could take my heart though.

SMT Switch showing up again and looking good and 2018 could take my heart.

And so on...

But this is stuff I don't expect to see.

Part of that is E3 just isn't the center of Nintendo's announcement/marketing strategies. Part of that is that I do think Nintendo plays things too closely to the chest. Part of it is I do think Japan is not as on board as would be ideal.

Just acknowledging these factors though, doesn't mean the expected shape of the show becomes good.

The Metroid franchise is split between two producers: Tanabe oversees the Prime series while Sakamoto is in charge of the main series (Metroid, Super Metroid, Other M, etc.). Not a big fan of either of them. Tanabe has no strong understanding or appreciation of Metroid's dark sci-fi lineage, and Sakamoto has lost his mind from years of handling the Wario ware series.

Yep. Tanabe wants it to be a sunday morning super hero cartoon in space. Sakamoto wants it to be an anime melodrama about "girl bounty hunter--how?! where's her daddy?!"
Game Freak recruiting only for 3ds
Ancel denying BG&E2 at E3
Capcom strange messages about support

not a great day for my Switch E3 hype :
Also for the record there is a more likely chance that programmer is being hired for backend support to the existing 3DS RPG titles they got because of Switch development more than anything. If Game Freak already has the staff to make Pokémon games, why would they hire more programmers to make a 3DS Stars.
While Skyrim shows some third party promise, Randy saying Borderlands 3 won't come to switch because "Nintendo stopped talking to them" causes me some concern that Nintendo still isn't reaching out enough to third party developers. At least in the west.

However, if Nintendo shows Animal Crossing I will forgive them. If they show Metroid, I will extra forgive them. If they show the new retro game, which could be anything, I will be pleased, as well.

Also, they could announce nothing. Xenoblade 2 and Mario are enough for the holiday.
While Skyrim shows some third party promise, Randy saying Borderlands 3 won't come to switch because "Nintendo stopped talking to them" causes me some concern that Nintendo still isn't reaching out enough to third party developers. At least in the west.
In all fairness, they probably just didn't want to talk to Randy Pitchford.


While Skyrim shows some third party promise, Randy saying Borderlands 3 won't come to switch because "Nintendo stopped talking to them" causes me some concern that Nintendo still isn't reaching out enough to third party developers. At least in the west.

However, if Nintendo shows Animal Crossing I will forgive them. If they show Metroid, I will extra forgive them. If they show the new retro game, which could be anything, I will be pleased, as well.

Also, they could announce nothing. Xenoblade 2 and Mario are enough for the holiday.

After what happened with Aliens: Colonial Marines for the Wii U, I wouldn't talk to them, either. I remember interviewing him at E3 and he was talking about how awesome the Wii U version was going to be....yeah, we know how that one turned out.
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