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Nintendo Life Rumor: EA and Nintendo to have meetings in March regarding NX.

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But its still just a port at the end of the day = people will have already played it to death on other console by then.

Besides, its just one port. So "some" serious good love is really weird wordings.
Port doesn't have to be a late port. It can be simultaneous.

..Though I have my doubts as to whether it will be. And yes, one port is hardly some serious love. Even a few ports. The problem is that it will just be testing of waters, and if the ports don't succeed well, then there won't be much more of them again.


The Birthday Skeleton
If the game was already in beta there are very big chances to be launched way before NX, thus a late port.

I hope this is not about Lego Star Wars TFA, because Lego games are already guaranteed for Nintendo platforms.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I think he just said that he's trying the closed beta of a game which is on other consoles too. It could perfectly be a game that has yet to be released, like Overwatch, which has a closed beta going on right now IIRC.

Also, for games that have more in common with services, I'd say later ports aren't as dreadful as, well, Arkham City: Armored Edition (it's really a masterclass example of a not bad idea, honestly, with some good improvements, but way too hyped - no need to repeat the infamous sentence from Reggie himself). GTAV the same due to its godly status and its continuous big sales.


What would everyone here hope it is?

I hope its (not counting japanese games) either tomb raider or mass effect Andromeda. I think those would complement whatever nintendo launches with nicely.

Rise of Tomb Raider (even though it will be a year late at least, but that's because I like Tomb Raider), Mass Effect: Andromeda would be nice indeed, or any other NEW un-gimped version of any game coming out from PS4/XB1/PC at the same time, NO 1-2 year late ports tyvm.
Yeah, they can track people down, so I won't go into details.

Just be happy, all Nintendo fans.

I don't see why nintendo fans should be happy, even wii u got descent third party support early on, unless NX is getting most third party games, i don't see any real reason to be happy. let's be honest those big third party western games will have huge chance of bombing just like they did with wiiu, especially now that xbone and especially ps4 are in full gear. then it will be a wiiu situation all over again.


I don't see why nintendo fans should be happy, even wii u got descent third party support early on, unless NX is getting most third party games, i don't see any real reason to be happy. let's be honest those big third party western games will have huge chance of bombing just like they did with wiiu, especially now that xbone and especially ps4 are in full gear. then it will be a wiiu situation all over again.

Decent isn't how I would describe the third party support on Wii U, embarrassing and pathetic would be a better description.

Late, overpriced, no dlc, gimped, no support or marketing (for some games all of the previous mentioned things), left to die editions all around. Only reason one own a third party game on Wii U is because they bombed hard and price dropped through the floor.
Holy shit, all this NDA stuff is making the wait even harder.

Decent isn't how I would describe the third party support on Wii U, embarrassing and pathetic would be a better description.

Late, overpriced, no dlc, gimped, no support or marketing (for some games all of the previous mentioned things), left to die editions all around. Only reason one own a third party game on Wii U is because they bombed hard and price dropped through the floor.

you could the samething for ps4 and xbone launch ports, yet they sold hot cakes, regardless of what you feel, the 2 of the biggest franchises in gaming bombed on a newly launched console, nobody ever saw that coming and it spelled doom for wiiu third party support.
I don't see why nintendo fans should be happy, even wii u got descent third party support early on, unless NX is getting most third party games, i don't see any real reason to be happy. let's be honest those big third party western games will have huge chance of bombing just like they did with wiiu, especially now that xbone and especially ps4 are in full gear. then it will be a wiiu situation all over again.

yeah, pack it up guys, it's over. Kimishima should listen to this guy and use some kind of smoke bomb.
I shouldn't even reply to you, and from now on you'll be in my ignore list but come on. Don't you think that some thrid party games, if advertised well on a console which hasn't a shitty toxic brand image like WiiU had could find a place, especially if the port costs are low? There is a middle ground between WiiU support and PS4 support, don't you think? Ho yes, you're ninjablade.


you could the samething for ps4 and xbone launch ports, yet they sold hot cakes, regardless of what you feel, the 2 of the biggest franchises in gaming bombed on a newly launched console, nobody ever saw that coming and it spelled doom for wiiu third party support.

Well if Xbox and PlayStation owners want to buy "Late, overpriced, no dlc, gimped, no support or marketing (for some games all of the previous mentioned things), left to die editions all around", that's on them, I say demand more/better, I'm not going to lower my demands/expectations/standard.

This means...

I will not pay €60 for Fifa 13, oh I mean Fifa 12 rebranded Fifa 13, when a REAL Fifa 13 is released on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Mass Effect 3 SE on Wii U, when Mass Effect Trilogy reelases 1 week earlier on Xbox/Playstation for €50
I will not pay €60 for Most Wanted U on Wii U, when its 5 month late and no future DLC support, compared to what the game cost/will get on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Splinter Cell Blacklist on Wii U, when its missing features compared to what the game get on Xbox/Playstation.

and so on and so on.


Well if Xbox and PlayStation owners want to buy "Late, overpriced, no dlc, gimped, no support or marketing (for some games all of the previous mentioned things), left to die editions all around", that's on them, I say demand more/better, I'm not going to lower my demands/expectations/standard.

This means...

I will not pay €60 for Fifa 13, oh I mean Fifa 12 rebranded Fifa 13, when a REAL Fifa 13 is released on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Mass Effect 3 SE on Wii U, when Mass Effect Trilogy reelases 1 week earlier on Xbox/Playstation for €50
I will not pay €60 for Most Wanted U on Wii U, when its 5 month late and no future DLC support, compared to what the game cost/will get on Xbox/Playstation.
I will not pay €60 for Splinter Cell Blacklist on Wii U, when its missing features compared to what the game get on Xbox/Playstation.

and so on and so on.

This, twenty times. I remember having a laugh at the supposedly "great" titles coming from the big guns in the the third party arena during Wii U launch. Rehash after rehash.


The Birthday Skeleton
Well, your protest worked, guys, we didn't get those bad ports anymore. Congrats.

NFS and Splinter Cell were actually very decent ports.
This, twenty times. I remember having a laugh at the supposedly "great" titles coming from the big guns in the the third party arena during Wii U launch. Rehash after rehash.

I never understood how people could have called the 3rd party support at launch "great" either.
I mean, there was ZombiU (I love this game so much) and... Ahem.. Rayman legends (lol) but beside those?
Mass effect 3 lol, Batman "not the same game" edition, dark siders 2, COD with ZERO advertising and so on... This is not great support at all. Ubisoft tried, it's really a shame ZombiU bombed. The others didn't try at all. They threw either late or gimped (or both) ports and complained no one bought them.

edit : to be clear, it's mostly Nintendo who is to blame in this fiasco, I am trying to put the blame on third party devs alone.


NFS and Splinter Cell were actually very decent ports.

And that's why I still own them (on Wii U) but I didn't pay €60 a piece for them more like €20 for BOTH.

edit : to be clear, it's mostly Nintendo who is to blame in this fiasco, I am trying to put the blame on third party devs alone.

And that is why third parties will fail because it's ofc not their fault that their poor excuse for a game (the gimped on o so many ways Wii U version) sell bad, its ofc Nintendos fault I mean they secretly broke in to the developers studios and altered the gamecode to make it gimped, RIGHT RIGHT?
And that's why I still own them (on Wii U) but I didn't pay €60 a piece for them more like €20 for BOTH.

And that is why third parties will fail because it's ofc not their fault that their poor excuse for a game (the gimped on o so many ways Wii U version) sell bad, its ofc Nintendos fault I mean they secretly broke in to the developers studios and altered the gamecode to make it gimped, RIGHT RIGHT?

Nope. They release some weird hardware with not enough (no?) support to help port the games. The costs were too high for the risks. Also IMO they should have refuse the late ports, and offer some help (financial compensations) to get the same games at the same date as the others.
Some will say "late ports are better than nothing" but I disagree. Late ports are toxic (especially when the performance is not there for people to perceive the game as running on a new powerful hardware).



Nope. They release some weird hardware with not enough (no?) support to help port the games. The costs were too high for the risks. Also IMO they should have refuse the late ports, and offer some help (financial compensations) to get the same games at the same date as the others.
Some will say "late ports are better than nothing" but I disagree. Late ports are toxic (especially when the performance is not there for people to perceive the game as running on a new powerful hardware).

They should have refused gimped late release that wasn't adapted to what the other platforms versions had and/or were priced at the moment of Wii U version release indeed.
Late ports are toxic indeed on Nintendo platforms.

I paid full price for Splinter Cell and I didn't regret it.

Wanna invite me to play some local multiplayer perhaps?


The Birthday Skeleton
Late ports are OK for launch, the issue is that they should be some incentive to buy them, some improvement over the other versions.

Wii U being what it is didn't allowed significant graphical improvements, except for NFS. Even the ones that got some nice gameplay improvement using the gamepad, like FIFA (yes, that FIFA 12.5 was actually not at all bad) or Batman were overshadowed by the negative press.

And I think Nintendo is to blame because they didn't care about promoting the whole Wii U line-up, as it was, and instead put all the money on Nintendo Land, NSMBU, Pikmin 3 (which was delayed 9 month after launch) and Rayman (delayed 8 months and losing exclusivity). Zombi U was vaguely promoted, LCU was promoted way less than it deserved. And so on.


If (and that's quite a BIG if) Nintendo is aiming for the same target as Sony/MS, they must ask for and obtain from third parties, at the very least, feature and release date parity.
Or even exclusives,
so we can have more Bayonetta2-like walls of shame
, why not?

Frankly speaking, I think this is hardly debatable.
I also think is quite unlikely, but with Nintendo you never know. ^__^

Having said that: it's crystal clear late ports will NOT help, especially if they're subpar efforts and/or are being released full-price when everywhere else they're already reached bargain-bin status.



Nope. They release some weird hardware with not enough (no?) support to help port the games. The costs were too high for the risks. Also IMO they should have refuse the late ports, and offer some help (financial compensations) to get the same games at the same date as the others.
Some will say "late ports are better than nothing" but I disagree. Late ports are toxic (especially when the performance is not there for people to perceive the game as running on a new powerful hardware).

Late ports (as long as they're feature-complete) are fine unless they're "test games" to determine future support. A port that's missing features and is priced at $60 while the game on PS4/XB1 is $20/$30 shouldn't be expected to sell much.


They should have refused gimped late release that wasn't adapted to what the other platforms versions had and/or were priced at the moment of Wii U version release indeed.
Late ports are toxic indeed on Nintendo platforms.

This isn't realistic. People are expecting miracles from Nintendo. Nintendo can't demand this and that from 3rd parties. First party and some Japanese third party games have a recent history of selling well on Nintendo hardware, not western 3rd parties. If Nintendo enter into discussions all loud and demanding they'll probably just say 'ok, no thanks'.

Same if the system is powerful and on par with competitors. That won't change the fact that Nintendo hardware pushes a certain kind of software and 3rd parties have little reason to believe that suddenly changes.

Thus Nintendo's primary concern should be to secure a steady flow of software independent of these western 3rd parties.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Late ports are only useful wgen the ported games are still relevant and are expected to get post launch content updates - Nintendo would wanna have games like GTA V, Destiny, Battlefront, Minecraft, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy 14 etc......

When it comes to EA - i would expect Fifa 17 and Plants vs. Zombies 2 to be very likely for NX around launch. If they really believe in the system they will also announce BF5 and ME Andromeda for NX.


It leaves a bad taste in the fans' mouth when all they get are gimped ports, with features missing, and being a year late.
Still, i own more 3rd party games than Nintendo games on my WiiU, i enjoyed ME3 a lot, both Batman games (even though Origins had serious technical issues), NFS and COD.
I still believe the best way to go for Nintendo is some kind of special collaboration, with Nintendo-themed DLC, like they did on Monster Hunter, Tekken and Bayonetta.


Well, in some way even Wii U get some big games from important developers at launch. I can't see nothing incredible in this vague "leak"


I still believe the best way to go for Nintendo is some kind of special collaboration, with Nintendo-themed DLC, like they did on Monster Hunter, Tekken and Bayonetta.
Gods no. They don't have to whore their IPs or even moneyhat every single game (except maybe a couple key titles at launch) like they do on WiiU.

What I believe is that the recipe should be more virtuous than that:
- provide a convenient environment for developers that allows them to naturally include NX in their product process;
- eventually cut down royalties FFS. 1% of one third party game still make more money than 10% on no games. Withotu this Nintendo profits only rely on 1st party games anyway.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Gods no. They don't have to whore their IPs or even moneyhat every single game (except maybe a couple key titles at launch) like they do on WiiU.

What I believe is that the recipe should be more virtuous than that:
- provide a convenient environment for developers that allows them to naturally include NX in their product process;
- eventually cut down royalties FFS. 1% of one third party game still make more money than 10% on no games. Withotu this Nintendo profits only rely on 1st party games anyway.

None of the examples he mentioned where money hate situation or Nintendo whoring out their IPs. Unless having a costume of a Nintendo character for an exclusive title means whoring out to you.

I agree with your first point but your second point...erm....dropping the royalties is nothing more than moneyhatting every single game produced for the system. Its already tough enough to maintain a console and make money off of it - lower royalties for everyone isnt feasible. Selling the console below manufacturing costs at launch would be more likely and cheaper in the long run - both things that wont happen.


Gods no. They don't have to whore their IPs or even moneyhat every single game (except maybe a couple key titles at launch) like they do on WiiU.

What I believe is that the recipe should be more virtuous than that:
- provide a convenient environment for developers that allows them to naturally include NX in their product process;
- eventually cut down royalties FFS. 1% of one third party game still make more money than 10% on no games. Withotu this Nintendo profits only rely on 1st party games anyway.

I think it can be beneficial, of course not doing in with every game. But the Nintendo crowd is more drawn towards games that have some special features.


This particular leak wasn't on the NDA, but the game is under NDA. Sorry. :)

And Bish checked me out and I'm ok.

So there you go.

Let's recap: one big 3rd party dev is making a port to NX, so Nintendo lovers are getting some seriously good love. :)
Is it a third party franchise that's appeared on the Wii U or Wii before (like CoD or FIFA)?

Sounds like it's a new game releasing this holiday so that would narrow it down to:

Mass Effect Andromeda
Battlefield 5
Visceral Star Wars
Persona 5
Deus Ex (launching in August though)
Titanfall 2


Would love to but I don't have my Wii U in Shanghai right now :/

That's ok, because there is no local multiplayer in the Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklist anyway, Ubisoft didn't add that to the game or they removed it from the game.

It leaves a bad taste in the fans' mouth when all they get are gimped ports, with features missing, and being a year late.
Still, i own more 3rd party games than Nintendo games on my WiiU, i enjoyed ME3 a lot, both Batman games (even though Origins had serious technical issues), NFS and COD.
I still believe the best way to go for Nintendo is some kind of special collaboration, with Nintendo-themed DLC, like they did on Monster Hunter, Tekken and Bayonetta.

So do I, so do I.



I think it can be beneficial, of course not doing in with every game. But the Nintendo crowd is more drawn towards games that have some special features.

Except with amiibo everywhere now, getting Mario and Link costumes or Samus Zero Suit is going to be unsurprising and inefficient very quickly.

Unless having a costume of a Nintendo character for an exclusive title means whoring out to you.
Definitely means this to me, yes :D
People tends to forget what Tekken was about:

Its already tough enough to maintain a console and make money off of it - lower royalties for everyone isnt feasible. Selling the console below manufacturing costs at launch would be more likely and cheaper in the long run - both things that wont happen.

Like I said, without this Nintendo will only rely on their own output, like on WiiU. Every bit of things that ease getting other games can help. Furthermore, it's not about dropping it drastically for everyone forever, everything needs to be balanced.


This particular leak wasn't on the NDA, but the game is under NDA. Sorry. :)

And Bish checked me out and I'm ok.

So there you go.

Let's recap: one big 3rd party dev is making a port to NX, so Nintendo lovers are getting some seriously good love. :)

I think he just said that he's trying the closed beta of a game which is on other consoles too. It could perfectly be a game that has yet to be released, like Overwatch, which has a closed beta going on right now IIRC.

Also, for games that have more in common with services, I'd say later ports aren't as dreadful as, well, Arkham City: Armored Edition (it's really a masterclass example of a not bad idea, honestly, with some good improvements, but way too hyped - no need to repeat the infamous sentence from Reggie himself). GTAV the same due to its godly status and its continuous big sales.
Overwatch doesn't have a beta NDA.

It's worth noting the last two games on that beta service before we locked the thread were Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed, so I'm guessing the game in question is For Honor or Watch Dogs 2 given what Ubisoft has that would be under NDA and ready for testing.


Overwatch doesn't have a beta NDA.

It's worth noting the last two games on that beta service before we locked the thread were Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed, so I'm guessing the game in question is For Honor or Watch Dogs 2 given what Ubisoft has that would be under NDA and ready for testing.

Yeah Watch Dogs 2 is a good choice.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Definitely means this to me, yes :D
People tends to forget what Tekken was about:

Like I said, without this Nintendo will only rely on their own output, like on WiiU. Every bit of things that ease getting other games can help. Furthermore, it's not about dropping it drastically for everyone forever, everything needs to be balanced.

Well i would be offended as well if those were standard costumes...but those are addition extras and just meant as a joke. I also like they costumes in Bayonetta - no harm done, especially if the games are great to begin with. Selling subpar games with forced Nintendo content would be bad.

Also i can guarantee you that the big partners will get enough benefits to make it worth their while. One advantage is the availability of dev-kits as soon as possible as well as getting to know what the USP of the system will be.

You can expect Bamco, Capcom, Level 5 and SE to have been part of the development cycle from quite early on. I mean Bamco is developing Smash for NX right now in addition to a couple of other games.

Nintendo has to rely on their own output in the first place - because that the only thing that is 100% in their responsibility. But if their output is right...and im not talking just software..i mean everything including hardware, marketing, price, launch lineup, online etc. - the system will be a success and 3rd parties will wannt to release their games on considering the hardware should be on the same level as the competition.


Not sure which articles are already shared on this forum.

Some NX news:

BBC Claims That The Nintendo NX Is Expected For Release In June

SuperMetalDave64 Takes Down His ‘Leaked’ Nintendo Info Videos

Former Playstation Executive Has Criticized Moon Studio’s Comments On NX Dev Kits


I feel like WatchDogs 2 would be the best case scenario for this "Big" third party game coming to NX. Its releasing likely late 2016 right? So if NX turns out to be late 2016 as well, then hopefully they'll be close enough together that they won't be viewed as a 'late' port.
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