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Nintendo Q2: Wii U 300k (LTD: 3.91M)

Every console has droughts following launch. It's illogical to assume PS4 and Xbox One will not have one, too.

They seem to be well balanced this time around. There are games coming out in February and March for either of them, Watch Dogs should be out before E3 and so is DriveClub.

Regardless, even if there is a drought in software for a while, you can't directly compare them. The PS4 and Xbox One are not 7 years late in a generation they didn't start.


It will be over 40 million by the end of the Fiscal Year with 2-3 years left in its life. 60-70 million is likely where it will end at.
I wouldn't want my expectations to be fulfilled but I cannot look at these Q2 figures for 3DS without feeling pessimistic. Also, Nintendo hasn't taken in account customer feedback regarding issues about the 3DS and the WiiU. I don't know what Iwata is jerking on but it sure makes him forget to conduct a proper customer satisfaction survey and act in consequence.


14M, this is the second quarter....

i could see 10m being done in the quarter thanks to pokemon/2ds in europe and the us, plus the 3ds is doing better in japan than ever before. 2m for the 4th quarter would get total numbers to 16m for the fiscal year.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Yeah exactly. With two more consoles joining the market things won't get any easier. I'm surprised they haven't reduced the target number...it's going to end up missing it by an embarrassing amount.
Big marketing campaigns for new consoles can have a positive effect for Nintendo. It will foster excitement, send the message to people it's time to upgrade. Wii U will have its big hitters right in time, with an affordable price point. I expect it to confirm its recovery initiated by the WW bundle and new price point. Besides Nintendo obviously always do really well in the 4th quarter.


I'm not sure how exactly it's the particularly important number compared to looking at the last quarter. But if you want to look at that number sure. 3.89M in 6m, meaning 14.11M for the remaining 6m of the FY.

The 3DS needs to sell in the remaining 6 months of the fiscal year more than it has in it's past two full fiscal years to reach the 18M forecast, and I just don't see it happening.

let´s see what will happen in the 3Q, last Year the 3Q was "weak" and the situation changed a little bit.
Holyshyte WiiU

Apr-Sept 13

JP: 230,000
NA: 230,000
Other: 10,000
Total: 460,000

This is really bad. I'm wondering how bad Vita is selling compared to WiiU number.


It's a shame that Nintendo would never receive third party support. Nintendo could bring out a console more powerful than the PS4 and sell it for $200 and third parties would still be reluctant.

Come on now this is just not true. The lack of third party support is Nintendo's fault. It's their duty to create an environment/user base on their systems for the third party software to sell. Especially when those third parties have two-three other viable options in the market.


Only 6 million net income? It's good they're finally making money again but there is no way Iwata is going to make his ridiculous 100 billion yen operating income goal (1.2 billion yen right now, basically 1/100 the way there). There's also no way they'll be selling 8.5 million Wii U's these next 6 months. They really should've downgraded those numbers cause next year I'd imagine stock holders are going to be mega pissed.


It's a shame that Nintendo would never receive third party support. Nintendo could bring out a console more powerful than the PS4 and sell it for $200 and third parties would still be reluctant.
Nope. They always self-sabotage their home console hardware (cartridges in the time of CDs, miniDVDs in the time of DVDs/a squat box in the time of sleek black devices, a peculiar architecture that fits in neither generation plus an expensive subpar pseudo-tablet controller) in a deluded attempt to create a "unique experience". So far it only worked once.

Where the frak are you getting this crap from?
Several UK retailers have already stated they'll stock Nintendo software on a demand basis, but no Nintendo hardware. I can see the Continental arms of their respective chains doing the same.

But come year end isn't when they miss that forecast hugely what's going to happen?
That's six five months away. By then Iwata will have collected $200 and passed 'Go'. I.e. homeboy got paid, so he dun give a shit if they toss his ass on the street. Corporate politics, yo.


It's a shame that Nintendo would never receive third party support. Nintendo could bring out a console more powerful than the PS4 and sell it for $200 and third parties would still be reluctant.

Where the frak are you getting this crap from?

The European shipment numbers. The console is doing the worst in Europe. With new consoles on the arrival there is only so much shelve space That's not forgetting retailers already that have ditched the wii u in the UK and Australia.


Come on now this is just not true. The lack of third party support is Nintendo's fault. It's their duty to create an environment/user base on their systems for the third party software to sell. Especially when those third parties have two-three other viable options in the market.

It really is true. They had the two most popular consoles last gen, and third parties barely touched it.



Wii U:



Holyshyte WiiU

Apr-Sept 13

JP: 230,000
NA: 230,000
Other: 10,000
Total: 460,000

This is really bad. I'm wondering how bad Vita is selling compared to WiiU number.

Yup, these are the numbers I see in the PDF. My GOD that other number. The document says "(1)", so I think it's safe to say that number is even lower than 10k. Unreal.

shocking news: they aren't coming anywhere close to those goals for the end of this fiscal year.
Holyshyte WiiU

Apr-Sept 13

JP: 230,000
NA: 230,000
Other: 10,000
Total: 460,000

This is really bad. I'm wondering how bad Vita is selling compared to WiiU number.

No, not 10,000....NEGATIVE 10,000. Nintendo sold NEGATIVE 10,000 / 20,000 Wii U consoles in Europe / Australia / Other.

Presumably, that in the past 6 months the Wii U has shipped negative 10,000 Wii U's to Europe/Other.

I.e. retailers aren't buying stock, but rather returning it.

That's right...European / Australian / Other retailers are returning or refunding Wii U hardware to Nintendo of Europe / Nintendo of Australia where it will sit in the inventory of consolidated subsidiaries until they can actually convince retailers to ship the product.

Negative shipments is a bad sign for the future of the console in Europe / Australia. Not only does it imply channel stuffing, but it hints at retailer apathy, something that will lead to little demand for future shipments in the territory.

L Thammy

Power isn't the only thing that brings in third parties. Look at what they're doing with indies. They can't redesign the system now, but communicating with third parties and changing policies could put them in a better position for next gen.


Junior Member
Every console has droughts following launch. It's illogical to assume PS4 and Xbox One will not have one, too.
I think the two consoles will have droughts, but I'm not sure if it will be on the scale of the Wii U's. Sony has delayed some titles that should pad out the first few months of 2014 anyway, I haven't been following Microsoft though.

As for Nintendo, I hope their bundles and price drops will help boost the console. Well, I know they will but the question is by how many. I'm hoping Mario 3D World will sell a lot of consoles as well, but I'm not sure how longthat would last and how much impact it would have. I think their console has great games, but I can see the problem. NSMBU looked the same as the Wii version, causing many not to buy it (and it's close placement to 2), Nintendoland isn't a system seller, Wonderful 101 is niche, WWHD is a port, etc.

It will be interesting to see the state of the industry after the holidays and look at each hardware manufacturer to see how well each one does.


Big marketing campaigns for new consoles can have a positive effect for Nintendo. It will foster excitement, send the message to people it's time to upgrade. Wii U will have its big hitters right in time, with an affordable price point. I expect it to confirm its recovery initiated by the WW bundle and new price point. Besides Nintendo obviously always do really well in the 4th quarter.

Setting aside your theory about PS4/Xbone marketing helping the wiiu awareness, what do you mean the big hitters are hitting at the right time? Nintendo needed the big hitters like yesterday! At least 2 or more big hitters in the holiday months Oct-Dec would have done wonders for the system given it's cheaper than PS4/Xbone. But games like MK won't be released any time soon and to be perfectly honest I don't think Mario3D will be enough.

I think next years holiday season should be much better than this years for sure with MK, Smash Bros etc in the market. Until then it's going to be an uphill battle for the wiiu


Come on now this is just not true. The lack of third party support is Nintendo's fault. It's their duty to create an environment/user base on their systems for the third party software to sell. Especially when those third parties have two-three other viable options in the market.

To be fair, when was the last time Nintendo home consoles had decent third party support that wasn't just shovelware?


No, not 10,000....NEGATIVE 10,000. Nintendo sold NEGATIVE 10,000 / 20,000 Wii U consoles in Europe / Australia / Other.

That's right...European / Australian / Other retailers are returning or refunding Wii U hardware to Nintendo of Europe / Nintendo of Australia where it will sit in the inventory of consolidated subsidiaries until they can actually convince retailers to ship the product.

Negative shipments is a bad sign for the future of the console in Europe / Australia. Not only does it imply channel stuffing, but it hints at retailer apathy, something that will lead to little demand for future shipments in the territory.



Has this ever happened before? Let alone in a major consoles FIRST year on the market?

To be fair, when was the last time Nintendo home consoles had decent third party support that wasn't just shovelware?


Nintendo doesn't get third party support because they don't work with the third parties like Sony and Microsoft do. Nintendo comes up with an idea for a console, THEN goes to third parties. With Sony and Microsoft, they go to the third parties when coming up with the idea for the console. Totally different philosophies, and until Nintendo gets with the fucking program (probably gonna need new management for that to happen), they're going to be totally boned when it comes to third parties.


Nintendo didn't meet their fincial forecat last few years yet they keep posting ridiculous forecat. I think they just don't care it anymore.
Power isn't the only thing that brings in third parties. Look at what they're doing with indies. They can't redesign the system now, but communicating with third parties and changing policies could put them in a better position for next gen.

I doubt Iwata has this kind of long term vision. He still thinks a miraculous recovery in hardware sales will draw in the third parties even though they'd already be heavily invested in PS4/X1 by then. They let the Wii die horribly and lose all momentum leading to the WiiU -- that actually seems to be par for course with Nintendo consoles since the N64. Wooing third parties is definitely not a priority for them.
Dont think this Q's games will have much of an impact either, the only real system seller is Mario 3D and I doubt one game is gonna turn Wii Us fortunes around. Stil I expect a lot more consoles to be shipped due to the holiday season, Im gonna be optimistic and say ~1.5M for Q3.
I think the bigger story is the slumping 3DS hardware sales for the summer. They're not gonna meet its lofty goals either. This will be their best 3DS christmas, no doubt. They'll be kinda short on hardware, but probably way behind on software. Software was up for the summer, thanks to New Leaf though.

And that's with all the incredible promotions and great software the 3ds has had this year, what's going to happen when these drop off because they need to focus on boosting the Wii U, are sales going to dip again?


No, not 10,000....NEGATIVE 10,000. Nintendo sold NEGATIVE 10,000 / 20,000 Wii U consoles in Europe / Australia / Other.

That's right...European / Australian / Other retailers are returning or refunding Wii U hardware to Nintendo of Europe / Nintendo of Australia where it will sit in the inventory of consolidated subsidiaries until they can actually convince retailers to ship the product.

Negative shipments is a bad sign for the future of the console in Europe / Australia. Not only does it imply channel stuffing, but it hints at retailer apathy, something that will lead to little demand for future shipments in the territory.

It's done here. Nintendo Internet store is the future.


It's done here. Nintendo Internet store is the future.
They definitely need brandname outlets for people to come in and play their games on their devices in the best possible set-up. Yes, they're expensive, but it's the only way to keep the lights on Nintendo as a brand.

Ironically, I can see Nintendo being the first to switch to full digital, not out of choice or desire, but out of necessity. Unlike Sony or Microsoft, they can't piss off retailers because there's nobody to piss off in the first place.


3rd Party is never coming back to Nintendo unless Nintendo funds the games 100% and staffs the team themselves.. Just get over that fact already.

3rd Party is just as much to blame as Nintendo is. 3rd party perpetuates the cycle of no one will buy our products by typically half assing when they do make a product or not bothering at all because no one will buy it.

You don't build a base of buyers by not delivering products in the first place. As this would take a financial investment in the future that might take time to pay off it wont happen because the here and now is where the investors care so Nintendo will never recover 3rd party support.
Better than last year, but still not good. It's a start though. The Wii U price cut however, only covers one week and only in America. Europe and Japan got it at the start of October so we'll see any results of that in the next financials.

The Wii U has been on fire sale since a few months after launch in the UK. An official price cut isn't going to make any difference in Europe, it's already dead.


It really is true. They had the two most popular consoles last gen, and third parties barely touched it.

DS had some solid third party support. But both the wii and the ds were underpowered systems. Even without the power difference Sony and MS have actively worked to establish a big enough userbase on their consoles for genre like FPS/TPS etc which are the most popular genre when it comes to third party games..especially in the west. The power difference added to the mess because the third parties had the HD twins on one hand which were comparable in power and wii on the other hand.

With the wiiu they went with the same high risk high reward strategy. relatively weak hardware with a focus (gamepad this time around)..it just didn't work out. WiiU basically has almost all the issues the wii had + casual gamers not jumping aboard the system.

To be fair, when was the last time Nintendo home consoles had decent third party support that wasn't just shovelware?

Well when did they actively try to create a userbase for genre like fps/tps etc on their system? Good comparable online? No issues with the media format used comparatively to the competition?

Ninty has a fantastic and successful first party. But they should spend much more effort on the third party front. I mean for example we hear how PS4 had input from various large publishers on the controller, hardware, online etc since the inception of the idea. That's the kind of thing needed

Imo the best time for a comeback for the wiiu is next holiday season.


It's done here. Nintendo Internet store is the future.

No it bloody isn't. Stop it.

The Wii U has been on forsake since a few months after launch in the UK. An official price cut isn't going to make any difference in Europe, it's already dead.

Yeah, let's just dismiss them attempting to turn the Wii U around and just outright say it's dead with no evidence to support it. Yep.

Especially considering all the reports from Europe of the Wii U selling this month due to Zelda. Yep, totally dead....


No, not 10,000....NEGATIVE 10,000. Nintendo sold NEGATIVE 10,000 / 20,000 Wii U consoles in Europe / Australia / Other.

That's right...European / Australian / Other retailers are returning or refunding Wii U hardware to Nintendo of Europe / Nintendo of Australia where it will sit in the inventory of consolidated subsidiaries until they can actually convince retailers to ship the product.

Negative shipments is a bad sign for the future of the console in Europe / Australia. Not only does it imply channel stuffing, but it hints at retailer apathy, something that will lead to little demand for future shipments in the territory.

Welp, that's saddening
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