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Nintendo Revolution real name?






civilstrife said:

Either you have spotted something new about the pointless "Reflection buttons differ to the model buttons! OMG!" chatter from the year 1966 or you have to get with the times boy!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sapienshomo said:
the nintendorks would actually love that. Dont encourage nintendo - they listen to their fanbase's appeasements to a fault - the only exception being Zelda TP - what a fucking anomoly (dont worry, it wont be the true emo zelda all the fans want).

What the hell are you talking about? Who wanted an emo Zelda?


I don't think there is a chance that Nintendo can call their next console "revolution" since there is already the bowflex revolution. My guess would Nintendo RS or maybe Nintendo FS as in Freestyle since that is a name some developers were calling it.


AniHawk said:
Or maybe they could call it Nintendo Infinity or something.

This isn't one of those situations where the guy in the corner of a board meeting says something and no one responds, until some corporate guy in the middle of the table repeats it and everyone starts agreeing with him... is it?


I just read in the today's local newspaper an article about the new Nintendo DS Lite with statements of Nintendo Switzerland (Waldmeier AG).

They also was a part written about the Nintendo Revolution. According to Nintendo Switzerland the final name of the console will be "Nintendo RS". Don't know how credible this statement is because we have no "official" Nintendo in our country; Waldmeier AG is just doing the whole sales stuff here. So take this info with a grain of salt, yum!


I wish they'd just keep the name Revolution. It seems stupid to promote/hype a product under one name for a year or two, only to then change the name to something else just before the product comes out.
Hah, we potentially have news from a sector of Nintendo that could realistically be daft enough to blurt out the real name too early, and everyone just gliiiides over it.

The more I look at it, "RS" works for me. Yeah, we've got England snickering, but they already could care less about Nintendo, and so there probably isn't much to lose there. It still includes the "Revolution" tag it's been shown off with and referenced with for the past year or two. It associates it with the very popular DS (and Nintendo seems keen on doing that, since the DS Lite redesign makes it look a hell of a lot like a more Rev-friendly gadget.) Friendlier things (family titles and such) could refer to the system as "Nintendo RS," and the more mature titles could just say "Now out for the RS" in commercials, while showing the Nintendo RS logo. (Because it is hard to say "Nintendo" and maintain any serious tone. "Revolution" might be too long-winded and not have the same effect as something sharper.) Initials work well internationally, too, and so if they went with an identifiable font (one to match the DS? Similar simplistic emblem?), that might really click with people like the PS2 logo currently does.

That said, Gamecube Turbo does have a benefit. They could release a package with two Revmotes packed in, and call it the Gamecube Turbo Duo. Then they bring back Johnny Turbo to advertise the machine and praise Gates of Thunder, and the sales just roll in.

Team him up with Segata and Reggie, and the marketing would take over the globe.
Does anyone know who did the graphic design for GCN? I like the logo and think it's clever but it was just never cool enough for the mainstream. I wonder if they're doing Revolution logowork too..

Revolution is good but it does sound a bit too long..


Turbo is so '80ies...and it is out of the question the name 'GameCube' will be used again.

I think the name will have something to do with 'Broadway' and 'Hollywood', just like Flipper was related to Dolphin.
Thinking back, i was surprised they went with Gamecube when it has obvious similarities to X-Box....

The thing i'm thinking now is that Revolution also has similarities now with xbox 360. It'd be really hard to differentiate marketing material with such similar names i think.
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