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Nintendo to sell Component cables online AND in select retailers in the US.


Gold Member
Bonk said:
Unfortunatly we have been told that the component cable will only be available through Nintendo.com website and will not be going through regular distrubution.

Customer Service Representative

what the ****, but IGN said they will be available at other online sites?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sigh, I want to be angry but I'm all punched out.

Here is my indifference nintendo, you have earned it:

"meh I buy all my shit online anyway"


whatdidyousay said:
You're being smart, not necessarily cheap. 1080p sets are the way to go if you're waiting, so a year or more from now there'll be some pretty awesome (and cheaper) sets.

It's unfortunate that most, if not all, current technologies have notable drawbacks. Pick your poison. CNT can't arrive soon enough.

Now, back on topic: It's such a stupid decision, it's almost hard to believe.


It was forgivable with the GC because component hadn't quite become a standard connection yet. But it is now, and lots of inexpensive SDTVs have component inputs. I don't see what Nintendo would have to lose by offering these in stores.

It's almost a dealbreaker for me.
I really love Nintendo and I really want to support the Wii, but on general principle this just blows. I sure as heck hope they have them at Nintendo World (where I preordered). At least I can take comfort in the precedent set with the component cable I ordered from Nintendo when the Cube launched (they shipped it overnight for free).


Gold Member
andrewjnyc said:
At least I can take comfort in the precedent set with the component cable I ordered from Nintendo when the Cube launched (they shipped it overnight for free).

I can't. Nintendo online stores ONLY ships to North America. Europeans ****ed again.
I thought this was a stupid decision back in the Gamecube era. Now, with so many Wii games in Widescreen 480p? Ridiculous.

Why is Nintendo so psycho about friggin' peripherals? Why don't they want a VIDEO CABLE to appear as a choice in various gaming shops, along with all of the other options being freely available? Are they working from some psychological aspect? I just don't get it. Or maybe I do, but it was stupid reasoning five years ago, and it's absolutely mind-numbing that they'd still think the same thing now.
perplexcity said:
I really hope this doesn't turn out like Lumines Live where everyone bitches but buys it anyways.

At least we won't have to buy it plug-by-plug.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the main purchase only has the green plug. You'll need to buy the blue and red plugs in seperate packs. Audio, you ask? Well, that's scheduled for approximately Q2 2007."
Zerodoppler said:
Yay, now I'll get to buy one on ebay for double the price.
What? With Nintendo, BestBuy, EB/Gamestop, etc all carrying the cable you think it will be hard to find? If you plan on not buying a Wii at launch, then to make sure you're not getting raped by eBay, you could probably just buy one now. Plus, you have the 3rd party options mentioned earlier.


Gold Member
GoldenEye 007 said:
What? With Nintendo, BestBuy, EB/Gamestop, etc all carrying the cable you think it will be hard to find?

first of all, Nintendo dont ship to europe. 2nd, VGP just said that Nintendo will only carry them. VGP is known as very reliable, if they say so I believe them over IGN.


*drowns in jizz*
Arent like all wii games standard at 480P? So why the hell is Nintendo making it so difficult to play the games at that resolution? Remarkable.
Just buy the cables online.

I'd understand this if they said they weren't releasing them, but Jesus. GAF just bitches about everything.


Is this really a problem for people? I'll just buy some cables online instead of in the store. It doesn't make any difference to me.


0G M3mbeR
These things better be avalible online in like a week or two. I WILL have my cable on launch day.


Gold Member
Hello xxxxx,

We have been told that we will not be getting it. Period. We will probably try and get the Japanese ones in but they will probabaly be very hard to get as well. I know it sucks.

Customer Service Representative

It's official. Europeans wont be able to import the official component cable. I had to settle with pelican.


I hope Nintendo releases the cables in stores in Japan (that's where I got my GC component cables when I left my other set at home). I'm stationed over there :)D).

I really don't get why they aren't selling the cables in stores, it makes no sense.


What's Nintendo problem with audio/video technology? Royalties?

Where is the VGA, DVI, Component, Optical audio, DD, DTS ..why the hate Nintendo??


sasimirobot said:
So I take it ebaying my Cube component cables ASAP is in order.

I cant believe the old cables dont work with Wii. Im very disapointed...

But.... you'll make a profit (sell old for 50, buy new for 30). Not bad! Most saw this coming.. the GC's a/v out situation was odd, and it seemed unlikely they'd replicate it.


Dr_Cogent said:
Haha, **** the Wii then. I won't be buying it most likely now. That is total bullshit.

Hahaha. I love comments like these. I just find them hilarious. In these arguments one of these points were already true:

1. You were never going to buy one to begin with.

2. You've taken your ball and gone home, but will buy one secretly anyway and not tell anyone.

Sure, the whole cable thing is stupid and Nintendo are idiots for doing it. But it's not a deal breaker. A cable you can buy a few days later (in the worst case scenario) is a small problem in the scheme of things.

Also, I live in Australia and I won't have a problem finding the appropriate cables. So chalk one up for the Euro launch I guess ;).


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Every time I see someone use composite, a little bit of me dies on the inside. Do people seriously not see that huge field of noise cycling through the image?


elostyle said:
Every time I see someone use composite, a little bit of me dies on the inside. Do people seriously not see that huge field of noise cycling through the image?

try walking around school seeing $2,000 HD flat panels all over the place.... without hd signals. so annoying
Didn't Nintendo say that PAL Wii's would be able to use component cables? That's gotta mean they're gonna be in stores here, cos NOE has no online shop.


God, how can nintendo be so ****ing clueless? It's 2006 now, RCA cables just don't cut it these days, the fact that they're even still made for sale or included with anything is a crime in and of itself. I mean, seriously in this day and age does anyone that buys games themselves and plays them on their own set NOT have atleast 1 component input on the tv? I'm sure there are some of you out there.

This honestly almost makes me want to pass up this system entirely and I was 90% of the way to buying one upon release not 5 minutes before reading this thread. Oh well , saves me 400 bucks I guess.


WOW so no nintendo component cables at launch in store. There better be some third party solution available INSTORE.. not online i want to go into the store buy all my stuff and be ready to go,

this is honestly an omen that nintendo have not learned from their mistakes
they might as well ship the wii with an rf cable as well instead of stereo leads my not just make mono it must be cheaper...

sorry im just pissed off. As im using a projector no 480p = terrible picture as it does on alot of hd sets.
SantaC said:
first of all, Nintendo dont ship to europe. 2nd, VGP just said that Nintendo will only carry them. VGP is known as very reliable, if they say so I believe them over IGN.
Well, this is referring to the NA launch, not Europe.... Europe doesn't officially get the console until December. So, Nintendo of America not shipping an NA product to Europe is.... tough. I'm sure that if Japan and NA got progressive capable cables, then Europe will follow suit when the official recognized launch rolls around.

The risk of importing. Nothing's guaranteed.
Pachinko said:
God, how can nintendo be so ****ing clueless? It's 2006 now, RCA cables just don't cut it these days, the fact that they're even still made for sale or included with anything is a crime in and of itself. I mean, seriously in this day and age does anyone that buys games themselves and plays them on their own set NOT have atleast 1 component input on the tv? I'm sure there are some of you out there.

This honestly almost makes me want to pass up this system entirely and I was 90% of the way to buying one upon release not 5 minutes before reading this thread. Oh well , saves me 400 bucks I guess.

You're not going to buy a console because you're going to have to either buy a third party cable in store, or order the first party one online?
TheGreatDave said:
You're not going to buy a console because you're going to have to either buy a third party cable in store, or order the first party one online?
Sometimes I wonder why people want to buy the thing in the first place.


TheGreatDave said:
You're not going to buy a console because you're going to have to either buy a third party cable in store, or order the first party one online?

Well , see I have an HDTV for my 360 and possibly next year a PS3 , RCA looks like pooh and I'm not going to taint my experience with the system , so no I won't buy one if I can't find a cord to hook it up properly with.

I mean it's bad enough that the system is 279 canadian when it''s costing 100 dollars on a bad day to build the thing , they can't include a 10 dollar cable that's basically mandatory for hdtv use? Or atleast a combo cord like the 360 has ? I mean you and I both know the nintendo brand component cable is going to cost ATLEAST 40USD and another 15can. to ship to a canadian address , I allready let Nintendo pull that BS with my gamecube 3 years ago, and that cord can't even be reused which is also BS.


Pachinko said:
Well , see I have an HDTV for my 360 and possibly next year a PS3 , RCA looks like pooh and I'm not going to taint my experience with the system , so no I won't buy one if I can't find a cord to hook it up properly with.

I mean it's bad enough that the system is 279 canadian when it''s costing 100 dollars on a bad day to build the thing , they can't include a 10 dollar cable that's basically mandatory for hdtv use? Or atleast a combo cord like the 360 has ? I mean you and I both know the nintendo brand component cable is going to cost ATLEAST 40USD and another 15can. to ship to a canadian address , I allready let Nintendo pull that BS with my gamecube 3 years ago, and that cord can't even be reused which is also BS.
It only cost's Nintendo 100$ to build the Wii?

How long has this been known?
Pachinko said:
Well , see I have an HDTV for my 360 and possibly next year a PS3 , RCA looks like pooh and I'm not going to taint my experience with the system , so no I won't buy one if I can't find a cord to hook it up properly with.

I mean it's bad enough that the system is 279 canadian when it''s costing 100 dollars on a bad day to build the thing , they can't include a 10 dollar cable that's basically mandatory for hdtv use? Or atleast a combo cord like the 360 has ? I mean you and I both know the nintendo brand component cable is going to cost ATLEAST 40USD and another 15can. to ship to a canadian address , I allready let Nintendo pull that BS with my gamecube 3 years ago, and that cord can't even be reused which is also BS.
It's not like the cable isn't being made, you know? Wow, so a 3-4 day wait taints the whole experience and makes the console worthless..... Yeah..... original question remains. Why even buy the thing in the first place?

Oh, and cables are 30 US dollars.


holy ****, this again.

i dont have a 480 capable TV but not selling this in stores, the wi-fi adapter and still use DPLogic II for Wii are all mistakes imo. i love Nintendo but this is just stupid :lol

and then they say that people arent buying component cables so they will change the hardware. shit.
Pachinko said:
Well , see I have an HDTV for my 360 and possibly next year a PS3 , RCA looks like pooh and I'm not going to taint my experience with the system , so no I won't buy one if I can't find a cord to hook it up properly with.

I mean it's bad enough that the system is 279 canadian when it''s costing 100 dollars on a bad day to build the thing , they can't include a 10 dollar cable that's basically mandatory for hdtv use? Or atleast a combo cord like the 360 has ? I mean you and I both know the nintendo brand component cable is going to cost ATLEAST 40USD and another 15can. to ship to a canadian address , I allready let Nintendo pull that BS with my gamecube 3 years ago, and that cord can't even be reused which is also BS.

You really think they can add in a buffed Gamecube, Virtual Console, a hot new input controller(which apparently takes a little chunk to assemble), Wii Channel, Wii Sports, etc. in there for a grand total of $100 without massive losses? If they were able to do that, then we could see a Wii2 at double the technological capablities(approaching 360 levels) for $250. And if that's the case, 360 and PS3 is way overpriced themselves. Nah dude.
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