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No Man's Sky's Sean Murray explains why it's best for Anthem and Fallout 76's developers to stay silent after launch

Speaking during his keynote panel at this year's Develop conference in Brighton, UK, Murray explained how Hello Games turned things around for its seemingly sinking ship, mainly by focusing on post-launch development rather than getting itself into any deeper hot water with more false promises.
"We went about two years without talking to press at all", says Murray. "And we went about three months without saying anything to the community either. That was really hard. I sat down so many times and wrote the perfect blog post that was going to explain everything about the game's development, and the road map going ahead. But I could see that it didn't hold credibility with regards to where we were at."
No Man's Sky was the first of many games in recent years to hit the ground stumbling, as the likes of Fallout 76, Sea of Thieves, and Anthem have struggled to maintain a positive reputation following troubled release periods. With the benefit of hindsight, Murray has some advice for the studios caught in that crossfire; actions speak louder than words.
"There have been a number of games that have since come out, had a polarising launch,and that explosive mix of loads of people playing it but also problems. And I can see EA, Microsoft, or Bethesda try to placate players by just talking to them, but for right or wrong, it just doesn't really work. You see this all the time when a big publisher will talk to the community and try to solve the problem and then get embroiled, taking up more and more of its head space."

Interestingly, Anthem's community has been getting increasingly aggravated with BioWare's lack of communication on the game's future, but Murray's world-weary comments perhaps suggest this is for the best, allowing the studio to get on with the hard work of making the game it was meant to be, without getting distracted with maintaining face. "Talking about features when a game's already out isn't that credible or interesting", he later tells GamesRadar+ in a follow up interview, "Your actions are so much more important than what you say."

The Man, the Myth, the Legend has spoken the truth yet again
He should have stayed silent BEFORE launch.
That's true, but because of the backlash, him and his team not only improved the game but went the extra mile to make it worth every penny that was paid. I respect them for doing that. They could've easily left the industry with a few million dollars in their bank accounts but they put their head down and put in that work.
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Such shit advice. Instead of apologizing you should just run away and hope people will be content later. Top kek. No, Murray fucking lied about a million things to get those preorders and when the game turned out to be shit, he just hid and hoped people would forget after some updates.
I understand where you're coming from, but to dismiss how great the game has become and downplay it to merely "some updates" is a bit too much, don't you think?


I understand where you're coming from, but to dismiss how great the game has become and downplay it to merely "some updates" is a bit too much, don't you think?
It is but still. The amount of PR that guy got and how much BS he fed to people is truly legendary and I still hate him despite the fact that I never even played the game. However, I do know some that got lured in despite the many red flags.

Best not to say your game is multiplayer when it isnt.
And put a sticker on the box over the part where it says that the game is multiplayer.
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Gold Member
I understand where you're coming from, but to dismiss how great the game has become and downplay it to merely "some updates" is a bit too much, don't you think?
He sold a bill of goods during his tour and it was blatantly false. He outright lied during the massive media cycle that led up to the release.

I don't give a flying fuck that some of those promises were kept years after the fact. He should have been forthright and laid out their roadmap if that was the case.

I'm absolutely convinced that he 100% knew that some of the things he was talking about was not going to be available at launch if at all.

That being said, they have been on an exceptional redemption tour with their updates.


Sean Murray redeemed himself (and his team) many times over in my eyes. I'm still not convinced he lied, though I understand why some think that. Developers are always scoping down their plans. We point out graphical downgrades following early release footage, but we don't really consider those fabrications. Did Hello Games have some rudimentary multiplayer working in some unmerged branch of their code? We don't know.

I'm absolutely convinced that he 100% knew that some of the things he was talking about was not going to be available at launch if at all.

This is what it comes down to. What did Sean really know? What did he expect to be possible? He's never explained it and we can't get inside his head.

I favor the charitable interpretation.


Branding him as a liar even when he redeemed himself is a bit too much, don't you think? He's not Peter Monyleux or whatever his name was.

I think people should still give him a second chance even though he's already redeemed himself with some fantastic updates to No Man's Sky.
Him redeeming himself after "lying" doesn't make him not a liar. What the fuck🤣
They faked shit that wasn't there to begin with. What do you call that? Enlighten me please
What a fucking joke....

Give him a second chance or not thats not my business as my post was pretty CLEAR on what I am talking about :)
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Yeah, I don't get the pass Murray's getting. I bought No Man's Sky at launch based on his promises. It was barebones and empty. I'm not going to go back and play it now that it's fixed. That ship has sailed. He doesn't get a pass from me for shipping a third of a game.
I'm amazed he had the balls to show his face again after what happened. We should be commenting on that fact alone.
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I made this post a couple weeks ago about No Man's Sky and feel it still holds some clout.

I'm emotionally confused when it comes to Hello Games, as the entire No Man's Sky debacle has come a long way. The latest update was such an improved cohesive experience over the base game, it seems as though all had been forgiven.

But it came 2 whole years after the fact, that's time consumers shouldn't have shelled out for. I'm happy for those who now enjoy the game, but Sean Murray went down the snake oil salesman path and I'm not fully absolving somebody for making amends later down the line.

Brings up the question, does the end indeed justify the means?
That's true, but because of the backlash, him and his team not only improved the game but went the extra mile to make it worth every penny that was paid. I respect them for doing that. They could've easily left the industry with a few million dollars in their bank accounts but they put their head down and put in that work.
And what, we're supposed to give them a medal for this or something?

The "improved game" is the game it should have been at launch. People don't deserve praise for releasing an incomplete product and finishing it later.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
First of all you have two games cover in controversy (engine failures, expectations) so you have no chance of talking your way out of such repeated mistakes.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Such shit advice. Instead of apologizing you should just run away and hope people will be content later. Top kek. No, Murray fucking lied about a million things to get those preorders and when the game turned out to be shit, he just hid and hoped people would forget after some updates.

Revisionist history... and some updates? You mean years worth of huge updates addressing people issues and much much more?! Oh come on...


Branding him as a liar even when he redeemed himself is a bit too much, don't you think? He's not Peter Monyleux or whatever his name was.

I think people should still give him a second chance even though he's already redeemed himself with some fantastic updates to No Man's Sky.
You can become an un-liar by redeeming yourself?

So if I tell the electric company that I will have their money by the 13th of July but don't deliver until the 21st of August, am I a liar?
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Yeah, I don't get the pass Murray's getting. I bought No Man's Sky at launch based on his promises. It was barebones and empty. I'm not going to go back and play it now that it's fixed. That ship has sailed. He doesn't get a pass from me for shipping a third of a game.
But he "redeemed" himself so that's okay he shouldn't be called on his lies .. Lets lie together and redeem ourselves later on since thats whats up now


GAF's Pleasant Genius
And what, we're supposed to give them a medal for this or something?

The "improved game" is the game it should have been at launch. People don't deserve praise for releasing an incomplete product and finishing it later.

Every game getting DLC is incomplete shite then...

The game was good at launch and went miles above expectations with years worth of free updates. Standards still seem impossibly high for this little indie studio with a flood in the office shortly before launch and that had even mortgaged the house to deliver it.


You can become an un-liar by redeeming yourself?

So if I tell the electric company that I will their money by the 13th of July but don't deliver until the 21st of August, am I a liar?
Yes on the first question and NO on the second. You redeemed yourself on the 21st so thats a free pass for your lie on the 13th



Unconfirmed Member
I don't give a shit about the guy lying but I bought the game for 10 bucks after the "amazing" patch and I was bored after one hour. That being said Fallout 76 is a fucking abomination and Bethesda is irredeemable as a company at this point.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yes on the first question and NO on the second. You redeemed yourself on the 21st so thats a free pass for your lie on the 13th

Serial conmen do not tend to redeem themselves and beyond.
Also you are stating that he was trying to mislead people clearly promising things he had no intent to deliver... a lot of the cloud seemed always based exaggerated hype and claims to shit on a game that I am not sure those people cared much about... outrage culture 101.

No. Not even close. This is an incredibly disingenuous statement.

No, it is just a statement you do not agree with...
No, it is just a statement you do not agree with...
No, it's completely disingenuous, and I think you know it.

"Practically every game" works perfectly fine at launch. "Practically every game" is tested top to bottom before release and never has any major issues. "Practically every game" is a finished product one day one.

The games that are utterly broken or incomplete when they're released are a very small minority of a very big pie.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
No, it's completely disingenuous, and I think you know it.

"Practically every game" works perfectly fine at launch. "Practically every game" is tested top to bottom before release and never has any major issues.

The games that are utterly broken or incomplete when they're released are a very small minority of a very big pie.

NMS was not utterly broken and/or incomplete... at least at launch on this PS4. Tons of games get a lot of post game content, many games ship with plenty of patches for a few weeks if not months.


Gold Member
No Mans Sky's Sean Murray Explains Why It's Best for Devs to Stay Silent After Launch

Gamers, that is his follow up advice. Don't forget to read his next article next week regarding pre-launch advice.........

How to skip features and lie on late night TV to hype your incomplete game


Serial conmen do not tend to redeem themselves and beyond.
Also you are stating that he was trying to mislead people clearly promising things he had no intent to deliver... a lot of the cloud seemed always based exaggerated hype and claims to shit on a game that I am not sure those people cared much about... outrage culture 101.
Stick to the point please and don’t go around drifting it. My point is clear, he lied, he’ll get called out for it. Not allowed to say lier because he “redeemed himself” that’s fucking bollocks. Is my point clear?
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Stick to the point please and don’t go around drifting it. My point is clear, he lied, he’ll get called out for it. Not allowed to say lier because he “redeemed himself” that’s fucking bollocks. Is my point clear?

You are allowed to do whatever you want and forever brand him as a liar.

I do not think he was lying and conning people. Overexcited yes and that led to some overpromising, but benefit of the doubt should be given to him as he did not intend to promise things that he knew were not possible (which is what lying is).

I think people are being overly harsh with Hello Games and NMS in particular.
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Stick to the point please and don’t go around drifting it. My point is clear, he lied, he’ll get called out for it. Not allowed to say lier because he “redeemed himself” that’s fucking bollocks. Is my point clear?

Does Sean Murray have any path back to your good graces? These were his words a year ago:

"We definitely messed up a whole bunch of communication. I’ve never liked talking to the press. I didn’t enjoy it when I had to do it, and when I did it, I was naive and overly excited about my game. There are a lot of things around launch that I regret, or that I would do differently."

Not "mistakes were made," but "we messed up." Maybe he could have added "I'm sorry," but is it maybe enough to admit one's culpability?
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Did the No Man's Sky guy not fix his game? Did he not improve the game? I don't see anything wrong with staying quiet while FIXING your game.

Now if you just keep coming out with excuse after excuse and things don't improve.....then go silent...like Anthem.
That's a different story.


And I still hate him despite the fact that I never even played the game.


I've got a bit more sympathy for people who bought the game at the time having some beef with it (even though personally I had a blast and have revisited it since the 1.5 update and been very impressed with all the new content) but when you're coming into a thread to complain about someone and you don't even have any skin in the game, not so much. Don't try and ride drama you've no actual stake in.

As is, I suggest some people in this thread maybe either get some perspective on matters or perhaps even revist NMS. You might be pleasantly surprised with regards as to what it has evolved into.

I'm not giving Sean Murray a pass, but Hello games put the work in and turned the game around, and that's admirable.
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