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NoA conducted a poll asking where people play Switch the most. 83% said at home

I use my switch in the cinema a bit, before the film starts of course, but otherwise I would use it mostly at home. Having a reasonably big thing like out on the bus or in mcdonalds or whatever is asking for it to be stolen or left behind.
Why would you assume most adults don't have their own TV? lol

I dunno, I live in a city where the vast majority of young adults (people in their mid 20s) have roommates and just have a TV for their apartment. They might have a monitor for their computer, but it's not like everyone has their own TV


I play mine docked 95% of the time. Wanting a Nintendo system without gimmicks in HD is basically all I have wanted for the last decade or so.

I was never a fan of the Wii motion controls and the WiiU poor sales and terrible controller made me decide to wait for the next system.

Anecdotally the only other 2 people I know with a Switch also play their consoles at home mostly.


I play it most at home, but all over the house, and not usually connected to a tv. If the battery life was longer I might take it out and about more, but I just like the fact that it can be played when the tv is otherwise in use, or if I need to be somewhere else in the house.
I play damn near %100 at home. I took it camping once and it was pretty cool playing BotW next to the campfire at night. I also played it on a plane and while I was out of town for the week for a funeral. Other than that I play at home. Of the the times I play at home 90% is docked.


I play my dedicated handhelds at home mostly too and with the way the Switch is still hard to come by I’m kind of cautious in bringing it out in public to play.
I only play it at home. My kids use it when we're out and about, though. My youngest likes to take it to keep busy during my older son's violin lessons.


They should of had a follow up question asking the owner if they play more in handheld or docked mode to see what consumers are doing with the switch I think. But yeah, I'm not surprised by this in the west. A lot of us don't sit around waiting to do stuff outside of home. We are to rural for most of us to take public transportation and stuff where most end up playing their video game while waiting. I can definitely see a difference in answers if this was Japan though.



No lie, this is probably in 2nd for me.


I play Switch mostly on my lunch breaks at work and in my car waiting for my wife to get off work, since we carpool. None of the options they presented fit.


i played my switch entirely in the house. i would dock it when i wanted to lie in bed and play games and when i wanted to play downstairs i'd undock it.

i probably would take it out with me and play it on the train or something but i never did. the hardware crapped out on me before i had the opportunity to take it out with me.


I'd be interested to see a breakdown between "Home (tethered to a TV)" and "Home (as a handheld)"

A poll of where you play the Switch is interesting, but a poll of how you play the Switch would fill in the gaps.


I'm at about 85% at home docked, and 15% on the plane for me. My work is approximately 10-25% travel depending on the year.
That's where I play my 3DS the most too, so I think the better question would've been docked/undocked.

When I finally get a Switch, I'll probably play mostly at home, too, but lying in bed with the comfort that no console could provide me.


I play "mostly" at home, but not "exclusively" at home. I've brought it to a friend's house for multiplayer, and sometimes I take it to work and play on lunch.

I suspect I will do the latter even more when XC2 hits.


50% in the lounge docked (with my wife)
40% in bed (next to my wife whilst she sleeps / watches crap)
10% on the loo (without the wife)


I play it mostly at home, but almost never docked. The portability is still my favorite aspect of the system.

And right now I'm playing it 12 hours away from my house!
I play it mostly at home but instead of being tied down to one room, I can play wherever, which is pretty cool (in bed, on the can, etc...)


A part of me is afraid of taking out solely because as a "home console" I'm afraid of it breaking.

Also I'm typically the driver so I don't really get to play during travel and outside of parties I don't want to bring my Switch when I go out to socialize.
How much is off-TV though?

I never play my 3DS or Vita outside. But I played most of my ton of Wii U games off-TV.

I actually prefer playing Vita ports even if they're really bad. I have home copies of Jak & Daxter Collection and Borderlands 2 but I'll play on Vita for off-TV play.
Sounds about right. Even when portable, I just play at home. This has been the case with me and all portables I've owned. There are exceptions of course (overseas/out of state vacation), but it's mostly used in bed.
I do. I rarely take it out of the house. My kids play it in the car occasionally, but most of our use is at home, either docked or in handheld mode.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
It's not about playing it at home, but rather WHERE in the home I play it. I can play it on my deck, on the toilet, or in bed. That's huge.

I don't take my ipad out of the house often either, but it'd be a worse device if it were tethered to the TV.

That's it for me. Even on the sofa while I use TV for Netflix. Only time I used it on TV was when I first set it up.
I have never run into a person with a 3DS or Switch during my commute 8 years in Houston. The few places I found people playing handheld out side are 2nd hand game shops and conventions. For me personally it just doesn't feel safe playing handheld while commute because I'm supposed to be aware of my surrounding at all time.
Only played it docked 2-3 times. I play Switch as a handheld, watch Netflix on my tablet or laptop, and at one point I didn't use my TV at all for a couple of weeks.

Once I realized this, I sold my TV.


Unconfirmed Member
I play it at home (and occasionally at a friend's home), both docked and in portable mode. I love how I can play Zelda on my TV during the day, go do something else, and then keep playing it in bed at night. The only thing I never do is leave the games open in sleep mode; I'm too used to closing them whenever I stop playing.
Problem is, they haven't been releasing enough titles that would be beneficial to take outside on the go. Something like monster hunter, pokemon, or sports games would be great.

However the one horrible thing that may happen will be that studios will make undocked mode run like crap for sports games and no one will bother taking it on the go.
I had it docked at home for the vast majority of my Breath of the Wild playthrough.

Lately, I've been playing Splatoon 2 at my desk during lunch in table-top mode. This has really been a game-changer. The Switch has really clicked for me since I started viewing it more as a portable console than a handheld when taking it on-the-go.

I suspect that I'll continue to play the long-session games (the Zeldas and Metroids) mostly docked at home, while the shorter-session type games will be for taking it to the office. With something like Mario Odyssey, I could see myself doing a fair bit of both.
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