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NPD Sales Results for December 2007

WinFonda said:
My purpose is to combat stupid press releases, not to combat people defending stupid press releases. Yeah, they can say whatever it is they want. What's your point?

Why bother with press releases? Why not discuss the actual realities of the marketplace?
I really would like to see how much Geometry Wars Galaxies sold.

Oh, and how Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii sold (it's online connections raised quite considerably this month).


Unconfirmed Member
sonycowboy said:
Over 100k

9th best PS3 selling title.

61st best selling title in December

That is not good. Should have been on the 360 for the holiday.


Can we get the numbers (Dec. or LTD) for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and High School Musical on Wii?

Both games sold surprisingly well in November and I want to see if they continued doing so in December, perhaps similar to how Mario and Sonic at the Olympics did.


sonycowboy said:
Over 100k

9th best PS3 selling title.

61st best selling title in December

Not as good as I would like them to be, but at least it sold better than the PC version.

It a shame that such magnificent game came out during the FPS flood of 07, and that Midway practically decided to not advertise the game at all.


WOW. Just spent the better part of 20minutes sifting thru this mountain. Couple things;

DS-Astounding numbers. I honestly cant guess what the DS's lifetime total global sales will end up at It could be 200million.

Wii-It could have broken every industry record had the supply been there. Had 3million in the U.S. market for December, they would have sold them. As it stands, excellent numbers.

PSP-Does it really matter? It sells, but to what consumer? If NPD is going to continue to list the PSP in the videogame hardware charts, they have to start listing other portable media devices that play games. I am not joking.

PS2-The old mule just wont die. Amazing really.

PS3-Ugh. Should have hit 1 million. Not a good sign. If they can keep January numbers up around 250k, it would show signs of improvment. I fear a massive drop for January though. Around 120k.

I think it's about time Nintendo started throwing its weight around. The DS is a goldmine for everyone involved, and the Wii is just slaughtering everything globaly. Combined they are selling more hardware then anyone ever has. Hell, I think the Wii is the fastest selling console in history.

I dont really get why Third-parties havnt picked up the Wii torch yet, but it's time to tell other devs that if they want to keep making games for the DS, they need to step up to the Wii plate, or get off the DS train. Not exclusives, but to start getting games that other consoles are getting. It sounds like strongarm tactics, and thats what it is.

Rolf NB

Leondexter said:
Amazon might be an okay overall barometer, but we've seen "my store sold xxx of this and xxx of that" data in here that came closer to reality. Not only is Amazon a small percentage of total sales, they're an online retailer, which means a very different demographic than the whole as well.
bcn-ron said:
I can help you.

Going by a very crude approximation that is often dismissed by enemies of teh Blu-ray, because they'd never shop online haha, namely the spots taken by Blu-ray movies in amazon.com's movie top 100 of sales-rankiness, there's a 17% share today for Blu-ray among all of their disc-based movie sales, or whatever they count there.
Now let's say it'll drop to half because now is some special period that won't last. Let's also say that for the overall market it is half again, because amazon.com is such a special retailer. If I do that, and I probably even shouldn't, I arrive at a 4.25% marketshare for Blu-ray, which ain't much, but is still a significant amount of cash money, and a good basis for growth.
bcn-ron said:
Nothing of what you say makes them wrong by a big enough ratio. I gave you a 300% margin of error. Your try, it wasn't hard enough.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Why bother with press releases? Why not discuss the actual realities of the marketplace?
Sure thing. Explain the reality of Microsoft being the top software publisher in '08 "without publishing a single game."


besada said:
I've notified bishoptl. Enjoy missing the first three months of 2009.
Oh my, now that is confidence! I agreed to a one month bet, you asked for a one month bet. Play fair or don't play at all.


WinFonda said:
Oh my, now that is confidence! I agreed to a one month bet, you asked for a one month bet. Play fair or don't play at all.

Erm, yes, my mistake. Mental typo. But the confidence bit was spot on.
Raw64life said:
Don't know if sonycowboy or anyone else is still giving out numbers but I'm going to 8th the request for Contra IV numbers.

So, GAF wants to know:

Contra IV (DS)
Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii/DS)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (Wii)

Anything else?

Let's hope we can get numbers on these from someone.


_Alkaline_ said:
So, GAF wants to know:

Contra IV (DS)
Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii/DS)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (Wii)

Anything else?

Let's hope we can get numbers on these from someone.

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii)



* Nintendo accounted for 52 percent of all video game hardware systems sold in 2007 – more than all other manufacturers combined.
* Since their respective launches, Nintendo has sold more than 17.6 million Nintendo DS systems and nearly 7.4 million Wii systems in the United States alone.
* Wii Play™, a collection of nine fun mini-games, finished 2007 with 4.1 million units sold.
* Super Mario Galaxy™ sold through more than 2.5 million copies since it launched on Nov. 12.
* The two games in the Brain Age® series each sold about 1 million copies in 2007.
* Half of the top 30 best-selling games of 2007 were made for Nintendo systems, including Pokemon® Pearl, Pokemon® Diamond, Mario Party® DS, Guitar Hero III™: Legends of Rock and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games™.
* Nintendo continues to dominate the hand-held market: Of the top 30 best-selling portable games sold in 2007, 25 were made for Nintendo DS and another two were made for Game Boy® Advance.
* Sales of Nintendo DS systems grew 60 percent over those from 2006.
* In 2007, the video game industry grew by 43 percent over 2006. Nintendo is responsible for 60 percent of that growth.

I wonder how will '08 will fare for Nintendo in comparison to '07, because that's some impressive shit right there. As a gamer, I couldn't be happier of the year they had, and what's to come in '08.

What really strikes me is the dominance of the DS, and to a lesser extent the GBA in the overall '07 portable software market. I know I've contributed aplenty to that list, but it would be fantastic if said software list could be made available. /wink wink
Contra IV (DS)
Geometry Wars Galaxies (Wii/DS)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (Wii)
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii)

By the way i don't have figures on these, in case anyone thought that. :lol

I'm just hoping sonycowboy or someone else will be able to provide some sales data on these games.


non-sanctioned troll
DiddyBop said:
based on these numbers the ps3 is most likely outselling the 360 WW.

Yes and at the rate it is most likely outselling the 360 ~400k/yr, it will catch up in 2020. Or, if we want to be very generous and say it will average 1M a year over 360, they'll catch up to JUST NA, in 6 years.

Congrats Sony, you've got em right where you want em.


t4ng0 said:
but teh studioz are leaving micro$oft!!! they are doomed!

Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3 sold like ass on the PC, Unreal Tournament 3 sold horribly on the Playstation 3, and their games sure as hell are not going to sell on the Wii :lol Which leaves Microsoft where they had their best selling single video game ever .

I'm willing to bet they focus the remainder of the generation on the Xbox 360.


To date, 33 third party games on Xbox 360 hit the top 10 list across all consoles compared to five third party games on PS3, and four on Wii. These results confirm that third party partners create better games and reap more sales on Xbox 360 than any other platform.

This should be the first post in every "WHY ISNT THIS ON WII" thread.


Comics, serious business!
Nintendo accounted for 52 percent of all video game hardware systems sold in 2007 – more than all other manufacturers combined.

:lol :lol Thanks for pointing that out Nintendo! I had no idea that if you sell 52% of all hardware units in a 3 console race it's a mathematical impossibility for the combined unit sales of the other two participants to exceed 50%!
harSon said:
Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3 sold like ass on the PC, Unreal Tournament 3 sold horribly on the Playstation 3, and their games sure as hell are not going to sell on the Wii :lol Which leaves Microsoft where they had their best selling single video game ever .

I'm willing to bet they focus the remainder of the generation on the Xbox 360.

Red Steel was a terrible game but was well marketed and the novelty of the controls brought many buyers (around 1 million).

I might be alone in thinking this, but i think there is a market for FPS on Wii, as long as it's from an AAA developer (which will help bring the hardcore base) and well marketed (which will help with the casuals).

I think an exclusive FPS from Epic or the like could sell well on Wii - not 360 sales of course, but better than PS3. But that's just me.
thekad said:
When did Call of Duty become so popular? It seems like it has Halo popularity without Halo marketing.
It got a good foundation in at 360 launch when it sold at something like a 70% attach rate with the system the first few months. COD4 is also that damn good.


non-sanctioned troll
Vanish said:
thread too huge; has ps3 ut3 sales been posted yet?

All you need to know is there was ~50 games, ~5 cranium training tools, ~3 accessories with a disc attached, and ~2 barbie titles in front of it.


thekad said:
When did Call of Duty become so popular? It seems like it has Halo popularity without Halo marketing.

People were questioning the move to modern warfare, but it was really E3 2007 that sold Call of Duty 4 to the masses. That demo they did at the Microsoft press conference was stunning, and probably even outshone Killzone 2's presentation (not graphics, presentation). Call of Duty 4 was the talk of the show, and that hype carried through the end of the year.


Year to date, the xbox 360 sold a whopping 80% more than PS3 (us only of course). But if you consider December only, the xbox 360 sold just 58% more. Thats a lot, but not as good that whole year numbers.

Ps3 is actually gaining mommentum.
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