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NPD Sales Results For June 2010

Zizbuka said:
I thought it was confirmed that MS counted replacements in hardware numbers, kinda like the 'shipped' versus 'sold' numbers.

Isn't npd calculated by upc scans at a register of a store during a sale? If so MS couldn't count a replacement console as a sold one.


Snuggler said:
I would put most of the blame on the platform, I would love to play it but I don't have a PSP.
Just out of curiosity, what was the last PSP game to place in the top 10?

dissidia,crisis core,chains of olympus

if ghost of sparta isnt making it in the top 10 sony should bury the psp once and for all
Mrbob said:
I think the big story this month is the apparent bomba of Peace Walker. If Metal Gear can't propel hardware and software sales on a Playstation platform, then it is virtually dead.

Well, isn't the PSP anywhere from $200 to $250 now??? I feel that is overpriced for what you are getting. IMO, PSP should be $100-$150 by now considering the 6 year old hardware is antiquated.
Vizion28 said:
I'm curious to know are the 360 arcade models pretty much all been sold? If so should it be expected for 360 sales numbers to go back to normal?

So what's the price of the cheapest 360 model?

The cheapest price of a 360 currently in production is $299. The cheapest price on a discontinued model waiting to clear stock is $150. The cheaper Arcade S unit has yet to be announced and released.
Mrbob said:
I think the big story this month is the apparent bomba of Peace Walker. If Metal Gear can't propel hardware and software sales on a Playstation platform, then it is virtually dead.

this late in the game no one in their right mind is in the market for a new PSP. the hardware is pretty old, far too expensive for what it does, and a new model out in a year or so is the worst kept secret in videogames.

casual gamers will just get a DS, hardcore gamers will just wait for the next revision.


Jtyettis said:
I thought for sure it would be in there. I mean I do not have a PSP, but if I was an owner it would have been bought.

Yeah I would have bought it too but I don't own a PSP either. I think Jeff said it on the weekend confirmed podcast about too many platforms...I agree. I have a PC, PS3, 360, DS, Itouch..I really don't need another platform to play games on. Sony might be able to entice me with a new system, but at this point the PSP is way overdue for a price drop and I'm sick of playing the waiting game with them on it. Hopefully the PSP2 plays PSP games then I can check out Peace Walker.

I don't think it is port begging to state if Konami put out a quick and dirty hd port on PSN of Peace Walker a ton of people would pick it up.


Vizion28 said:
I'm curious to know are the 360 arcade models pretty much all been sold? If so should it be expected for 360 sales numbers to go back to normal?

So what's the price of the cheapest 360 model?
$150 for the Arcade. There's still piles and piles of these locally. It's the Elite and Slim that are OOS.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, and I mentioned it in the other thread, but if you're looking for a bit of a 'story' here, isn't it that the 360 only clipped the PS3 by 150K despite the price drop and new console?
You sound like Jyettis trying to make a point by encouraging someone to quote you.

August 2009 NPD said:
PlayStation 3 210.0K
Xbox 360 215.4K
September 2009 NPD said:
PlayStation 3 491.8K
Xbox 360 352.6K

And it's not tit for tat either, the 360 had already eclipsed any momentum the slim/drop gave the PS3 last month through normal sellation.


listen to the mad man
Zizbuka said:
Sorry, didn't mean to get everyone's panties in a bunch. It was a serious question. Of course, I don't keep up with memes and the gaf elites.

This really isn't necessary. No one spazzed, they just pointed out that your post was the kind of post that historically distracted from conversation and was viewed as trolling. I explained to you why. No harm, no foul, but now you know.

I thought it was confirmed that MS counted replacements in hardware numbers, kinda like the 'shipped' versus 'sold' numbers.

You're talking about something different now.

MS releases figures that are based on sales to retailers. We call these figures shipments. These figures do not include replacement consoles. They only include the crates shipped to retailers.

NPD releases figures that are based on sales to customers. If someone buys a second 360, a slim, or their 360 dies and they buy a new one instead of getting it repaired, it will show up here. Like I told you before, based on the the tie ratios available, any claim that MS is being disproportionately represented by "double purchases" would result in you also claiming that the 360's software sales are OMG AMAZING UNBELIEVABLE PUT IT IN THE RECORD BOOKS. It's a bit absurd that a console with supposedly poor sales would have such passionate owners (not to mention passionate enough to rebuy at a rate higher than other console owners), so like with the PS3 and the DS, we accept that rebuyers are a part of the process and we don't use it as ammunition to ignore or spin the sales figures.

And I just though a console that's been out for a long time, which had no competition the first year, and people associate high profile games (MW2, Halo, etc.) with would have sold better.

The 360 had an incredibly poor first year. When the Wii launch, it had a 6-ish million unit lead. It now has an 8 million unit lead over the PS3, meaning that the PS3 has not closed the gap whatsoever. On the other hand, compared to the Wii, obviously it is getting spanked.

The GameCube stopped around 12 million, and the OG Xbox around 15 million. Both the 360 and the PS3 still have at least 2 years left in them, so both are well ahead of the consoles whose places they hold from last generation.


Has there been another 3rd party PS360 title that has done as well as Red Dead in its second month? Those are pretty good numbers for what I would have assumed was a front loaded game.

OldJadedGamer said:
The cheapest price of a 360 currently in production is $299. The cheapest price on a discontinued model waiting to clear stock is $150. The cheaper Arcade S unit has yet to be announced and released.
I finally picked up a 360 last month, couldn't pass up a $150 Arcade! :D


listen to the mad man
Flying_Phoenix said:
It seems that with each NPD more and more of the top 2 or 3 games get the lionshare of software sales. Maybe it's my imagination but I don't have a good feeling about this.

Very difficult to say, given that we don't even get a top 10 anymore, let alone any kind of comprehensive annual figures which would allow for legitimate calculations.
Zizbuka said:
Sorry, didn't mean to get everyone's panties in a bunch. It was a serious question. Of course, I don't keep up with memes and the gaf elites.

I thought it was confirmed that MS counted replacements in hardware numbers, kinda like the 'shipped' versus 'sold' numbers.

And I just though a console that's been out for a long time, which had no competition the first year, and people associate high profile games (MW2, Halo, etc.) with would have sold better.

Now relax gaf. :D
You're just digging yourself deeper here, mate.

Anyway, the 360's non-PS2 level numbers can be attributed to the Wii. Contrary to popular belief, most of the people who own Wii consoles this gen also owned a PS2 last gen (I remember a survey coming out a year or two ago where the number was about 70%). Since these people already bought a Wii, they won't buy 360s (multi-console ownership is a tiny minority).

Basically, you can't get PS2-level numbers without getting the PS2 "casuals". The market just isn't that big yet.


Seeing as there were crazy sales on "old" 360's, I'm not surprised too see it be the #1 seller for the month.

Good to see such strong PS3 sales even though it was the only console not offering any sub-$300 options.


Jesus Analysts really are tools aren't they. Only they can somehow turn the fact that Red Dead sold 2.5m+ in 2 months into a bad thing

And some people wonder why it seems you have to shift 3-5m copies to be considered a success


Teriyaki said:
Just Dance is an unstoppable killing machine.

Yeah, if Ubisoft liked money they would go all out with bundling the sequel with a motion tech cam. The cam wouldn't have to be as high tech Kinect to keep the cost low. I can see Just Dance 2 selling even more than the original if they did that.

But we all know how lazy 3rd parties on Wii are. Expect part 2 to be the same thing but with more modes and songs. Nothing significant to compel owners of the 1st one to buy the 2nd.


Zizbuka said:
360's only at 20mil even after the head start. And all the people who bought multiples because of the shitty hardware?

That has to be considered a bit of a failure, right?
Finally, a little action.
A lot of Wii titles in the Top 10.

We hear a lot about how the Wii sells tons of software, though we only see a few instances in the Top 10, usually because of the heavy hitter games dominating the charts.

Since the bar was so low to get into the Top 10 this month, are we seeing perhaps more "normal" sales for Wii titles, where some games (like the LEGO games) are selling in the 80k-100k region for many months?


Rhazer Fusion said:
Well, isn't the PSP anywhere from $200 to $250 now??? I feel that is overpriced for what you are getting. IMO, PSP should be $100-$150 by now considering the 6 year old hardware is antiquated.
A PSP can readily be gotten used for less than $100. Software for PSP can also be gotten on the cheap if purchased used -- and we're talking quality titles. Sure that will not add to the NPD sales but that is not your concern.


listen to the mad man
Rainier said:
Has there been another 3rd party PS360 title that has done as well as Red Dead in its second month? Those are pretty good numbers for what I would have assumed was a front loaded game.

Like, relative to first month, or overall?

Overall, tons. Following figures are 360/PS3, in millions: GTA4 did 1.85/1.00 month 1, 0.87/0.44 month 2. CoD4 did 1.57/0.44 month 1, 1.47/~0.50 month 2. WaW did 1.41/0.59 month 1, 1.33/0.53 month 2. MW2 4.20/1.87 month 1, 1.63/1.12 month 2. All the CoD games were November releases though, so the huge month 2s were buoying by Christmas.

Relative to first month, I'm not sure we have a comprehensive list, since a game that does 200k month 1 and 150k month 2 demonstrated great hold but probably wouldn't make the top 10, so it's hard to say. MW2 is still absolutely the golden standard, though.

That being said, RDR is really phenomenal because it wasn't a remarkable franchise in terms of reviews or sales last generation--I mean, it did well in both, but not OMG AAA MUST HAVE. This generation, it's got a 95 Metacritic and spectacular sales. Excellent job by R* SD.
MGS PW isnt too big of a surprise. There are just too many things working against it for it to chart. PSN downloads, piracy, hardware bundles, and just being on the PSP. I hope it has legs and does well in the long run. Its an amazing game.


KittyKittyBangBang said:
good to see toy story and lego harry potter up there and holy crap at 360 number

Got Toy Story on the 360 as well. It is a good game folks. The kids will love it. Would like to seen more SKUs up there with it.
Archie said:
I wonder how much of the TW drop can be attributed to his sex scandal.
I'd be more concerned with how much the drop is due to franchise annualization fatigue during what is going to be a long generation.

Not to say Tiger's sluttin' around isn't a factor, but Tiger 10 was fantastic - how many consumers need an improvement?


Stumpokapow said:
Very difficult to say, given that we don't even get a top 10 anymore, let alone any kind of comprehensive annual figures which would allow for legitimate calculations.
Though on a positive note Nintendo gave out numbers for three of the bottom five this month.

MattyGrovesOrMe said:
I'd be more concerned with how much the drop is due to franchise annualization fatigue during what is going to be a long generation.
That we should find out with NCAA's sales next month, since it's apparently much improved and thus should at least stay the same.
Peace Walker is a great game. I've been playing it every day since I bought it last week. That said, I only bought it because I am a HUGE fan of MGS, a collector, as a matter of fact, and I wanted the MGS PSP bundle in my collection. My sale, then wouldn't have been counted, but even had it been, I can't imagine there are that many more people as into the series as I am.

The PSP is just about flatlined in the US. For NA/EU, the decision to keep the game PSP exclusive was leaving money on the table. It should be a marquee PSN download, playable on PS3s.
Stumpokapow said:
Very difficult to say, given that we don't even get a top 10 anymore, let alone any kind of comprehensive annual figures which would allow for legitimate calculations.

Well the drop off from the first 3 games is pretty big. But I agree that I'm jumping the gun. Just something I'm worried about.


peacewalker is perfectly suited to handhelds. it's biggest problem was the lack of online

developers seem loathe to put online in PSP games for some reason and in those rare cases they do it's terribly implemented. if they weren't willing to put online in they should have waited for a handheld that would allow for it


markatisu said:
Jesus Analysts really are tools aren't they. Only they can somehow turn the fact that Red Dead sold 2.5m+ in 2 months into a bad thing

And some people wonder why it seems you have to shift 3-5m copies to be considered a success

I mean with 2.5 in the US in the first two months it has got to be 4 million plus WW one would think.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
a Master Ninja said:
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker didn't do so well, did it? I mean, I knew it wouldn't be the blockbuster that MGS4 was, but isn't this well below expectations?

-Piracy on the PSP. PSP games are a sinking ship if they think they're getting good sales.
-NPD doesn't track PSN sales, which is where some Peace Walker sells happened.

But yeah, disappointing all the same. Doesn't help that Square Triangle said someone on Facebook asked which version of PW people were getting (DD/UMD) and most went with "the pirated version."


MattyGrovesOrMe said:
I'd be more concerned with how much the drop is due to franchise annualization fatigue during what is going to be a long generation.

Not to say Tiger's sluttin' around isn't a factor, but Tiger 10 was fantastic - how many consumers need an improvement?
That's definitely a big factor as well.
Just look Madden.
V_Ben said:
I'm sure Tiger's heard that one before.



Stumpokapow said:
Like, relative to first month, or overall?


That being said, RDR is really phenomenal because it wasn't a remarkable franchise in terms of reviews or sales last generation--I mean, it did well in both, but not OMG AAA MUST HAVE. This generation, it's got a 95 Metacritic and spectacular sales. Excellent job by R* SD.
Thanks for the numbers, I meant relative to first month. For me that title came out of nowhere, and it's probably my GOTY.
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