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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Have we discussed the HDMI cable?

Could it be connected to the controller? What does the string on the connector say?
Is this some Asian charset?

We did, and it's probably more likely for his rMBP there to connect to the infamous tree reflecting monitor.
And the Wii-mote is where now? It was a novel device for its time, but it failed as a new standard or even worthwhile secondary device in Nintendo's own followup system. Even on the Wii there's only a handful of games at best that really shine with the device, virtually every other game suffered for it or was at best passable with that control scheme.

Try again. The remote / split controller configuration is used in most motion controls now

Vive Controller:

Move controller (used in PSVR):

Occulus Rift controller:

Not to mention all systems and handhelds still include motion controls, which wasn't necessarily only or even solely because of Nintendo (smartphones were a big push), but they're not gone. People always like to downplay the significance of Nintendo weird/crazy controller ideas, but we always see bits and pieces of them adapted by others.
When Apple and Microsoft introduced a new variant of the tablet, what did they include back again? A keyboard.

Not the same thing.

The primary input device on the iPad Pro is still the touchscreen, indeed the keyboard is not used as an interface paradigm. Heck, the iPad Pro's keyboard add-on does not include a trackpad (or pointing device) for that very reason. It's an add-on for typing and keyboard shortcuts that power users would appreciate, but all interface navigation has remained touch-first so developers continue making new types of applications, not ones dependent on pixel-perfect mouse cursors.

Also worth noting that the Surface Type Cover is almost unmissable because of how Windows and old Windows software is dependent on the keyboard and mouse. You could easily get by using an iPad Pro without the Smart Keyboard, keyboards have existed for iPads for years as an optional accessory - not a must-have.

Better example would be how Nintendo included the Classic Controller as an accessory for the Wii to ease people in who might not have wanted to use the Wii Remote/Nunchuk for everything, or how the NES Advantage offered an Atari-style joystick experience for those not used used to the NES controller.
You really want to go to the menu and manually select every item in 2016? It's one of the aspects that's aged poorly in Zelda games that's been fixed in re-releases. A more detailed map to help with navigating is pretty useful as well.
And with the gamepad you could do both.

When's the last time a Zelda game has made you open a separate menu? Since TP (on the Wii) it's been replaced by a radial menu on consoles. I actually vastly prefer an on-screen radial menu to a touch screen as it lets me keep my eyes on the screen and feels very natural

I think this is a good microcosm for the types of arguments we can expect now and later if Nintendo is doubling down on touch. There really is no such thing as a control scheme that is objectively better in touch vs. physical buttons.

Said a different way, think of touch as a different flavor of ice cream rather than a new dessert entirely.


I made this post for another thread but it was OT so I'll just stick it here... (sorry I said these things in this thread already)

I believe it is [a merge of handheld and console gaming]. It will be a "mobile console", basically.

- Controller streams wireless video from console like the WiiU controller
- Console will have a battery for on-the-go gaming
- Connect to TV via HDMI for TV play

Nintendo basically wants to take this experience and make it practical:



Figured this would be a good exercise. Made a quick UI animation concept:


  • Contextual actions/buttons
  • Click down on left analog stick for weapon wheel
Hear it with sound for that extra OOMPH.

It is also easy to imagine the Mobile games that Nintendo likely has in the works playing effortlessly on this thing as well... flip it on its side for vertical mobile touch games.


I feel sorry for anyone that desperate.

You weren't around for Smash and the fake leaks I suppose? That Rayman leak was hardcore for a fake leak. The guy went into intricate detail to fake it.

With how great people can mod stuff, I wouldn't even doubt this is a modded PS Vita or phone that someone figured out how to do. What's interesting is you've got sources on both sides saying different things- some saying it works with what they've heard, others straight calling it a fake.

I'm beginning to think the NX is simply a box that can work with multiple input devices as controllers, instead of multiple boxes in different forms.
Not the same thing.

The primary input device on the iPad Pro is still the touchscreen, indeed the keyboard is not used as an interface paradigm. Heck, the iPad Pro's keyboard add-on does not include a trackpad (or pointing device) for that very reason. It's an add-on for typing and keyboard shortcuts that power users would appreciate, but all interface navigation has remained touch-first so developers continue making new types of applications, not ones dependent on pixel-perfect mouse cursors.

Also worth noting that the Surface Type Cover is almost unmissable because of how Windows and old Windows software is dependent on the keyboard and mouse. You could easily get by using an iPad Pro without the Smart Keyboard, keyboards have existed for iPads for years as an optional accessory - not a must-have.

Better example would be how Nintendo included the Classic Controller as an accessory for the Wii to ease people in who might not have wanted to use the Wii Remote/Nunchuk for everything, or how the NES Advantage offered an Atari-style joystick experience for those not used used to the NES controller.

I think the reason this is a hard conversation to have is that we're all right

There are absolutely people who are fine never using a keyboard. There are absolutely people who simply require it

Different use cases, different preferences, different design principals.


Steering wheels in cars are so ass-backwards.

Not innovative AT ALL!

Will it really need Nintendo to introduce the first car that drives with touch controls?

It´s 2016 damnit!


Try again. The remote / split controller configuration is used in most motion controls now

Vive Controller:

Move controller (used in PSVR):

Occulus Rift controller:

Not to mention all systems and handhelds still include motion controls, which wasn't necessarily only or even solely because of Nintendo (smartphones were a big push), but they're not gone. People always like to downplay the significance of Nintendo weird/crazy controller ideas, but we always see bits and pieces of them adapted by others.

Pretty sure those types of controllers were always around for vr. They just made them wireless



No bald cap? Lies!
Try again. The remote / split controller configuration is used in most motion controls now

Vive Controller:

Move controller (used in PSVR):

Occulus Rift controller:

People always like to downplay the significance of Nintendo crazy ideas.

That's all for VR. Motion controls of some kind has always been the assumed mode of input for decades. Did the Wii help influence that, sure that's almost without question. But I will say it still remains to be seen how well these devices work or if developers and consumers will support them in the long run.

But in terms of tradition gaming, sitting in from of a TV motion controls are dead. Outside of a few novel games, that were a ton of fun admittedly, most games did not benefit at all from that control scheme.
Steering wheels in cars are so ass-backwards.

Not innovative AT ALL!

Will it really need Nintendo to introduce the first car that drives with touch controls?

It´s 2016 damnit!
You are aware of the concept cars, that the big car-makers present from time to time? Many of those don't have a steering wheel, or something that only slightly resembles one. Also, as posted above, self-driving cars. :]

And again, i'm not trying to defend the leaked thing, i don't think it's real.
You weren't around for Smash and the fake leaks I suppose? That Rayman leak was hardcore for a fake leak. The guy went into intricate detail to fake it.

With how great people can mod stuff, I wouldn't even doubt this is a modded PS Vita or phone that someone figured out how to do. What's interesting is you've got sources on both sides saying different things- some saying it works with what they've heard, others straight calling it a fake.

I'm beginning to think the NX is simply a box that can work with multiple input devices as controllers, instead of multiple boxes in different forms.

Just to correct this a little bit, there has actually only been a single source that has said it's a fake, and that's that Liam guy who has been widely discredited. Worse, he's not even the source, but rather some guy in NoE. It's the equivalent of "my uncle works at Nintendo and said ___________" in terms of validity

I think this is an important point to make because this is clearly a gigantic, internet-spanning discussion, and yet we've heard no credible debunking.

What we do see are legitimate pictures, we see actual game developers and insiders being coy, and we see a lot of dots being connected

This isn't as wishy-washy as you'd think


Batteries the CRISIS!

Never played Privateer 2: The Darkening?

Christopher Walken: "Never know who to trust in this business, Arris. It's a dirty war. They got moles inside the CIS, we got agents in their organization. We give them the mushroom treatment."
Clive Owen: "The mushroom treatment?"
Christopher Walken: "Feed 'em shit, keep them in the dark."
Does this confirm that the console will be weak sauce? Less powerful than xbox one?

Doesn't confirm it, but I've been of the opinion that this will be the case from day one. No one be surprised when it ends up being true. Especially if the controller has all of this tech in it and they want to sell the SKU for a reasonable price.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
but nintendo is not winning like usual... the only spike in sales they've had in a while on the console front was with the wiiU. Its clearly been on the decline on the other ones. Their only strong market has been the portable with the GBA, DS and hopefully the 3DS stands.


Courtesy of my data man ZhugeEX.

I had no idea that Nintendo console sales have been falling since the NES. WOW!
I think the reason this is a hard conversation to have is that we're all right

There are absolutely people who are fine never using a keyboard. There are absolutely people who simply require it

Different use cases, different preferences, different design principals.

Agreed. The point I was trying to make is Microsoft always wanted Windows to be a "one platform for everything" system, whereas Apple clearly made iOS touch-first, so the keyboard analogy with the iPad Pro isn't really the same thing.

But yes, everyone has preferences, but I'm sure Nintendo will prioritise a standard control scheme so developers absolutely target it, much like Wiimote and Nunchuk. Optional add-ons, however, like a classic control scheme, will be positioned such that they don't dictate the direction of the platform as a whole (i.e. iPad Pro keyboard isn't suddenly going to make iOS keyboard-driven or mouse driven, but it will complement the current usage patterns)
Steering wheels in cars are so ass-backwards.

Not innovative AT ALL!

Will it really need Nintendo to introduce the first car that drives with touch controls?

It´s 2016 damnit!

That's a pretty weak simile, but if you want to go through with it, constantly thinking that a car needs a steering wheel is a poor way to think about future steering designs. As stated, self driving cars can operate without a wheel, and there could always be a new, unrealized steering method that could change the way we manually operated vehicles forever. Problem is... We won't ever know what it is if nobody tries something new.
I had no idea that Nintendo console sales have been falling since the NES. WOW!

Yeah, this is one point I hope we can start talking about in the next few years. I think it's important to remember that the GCN was considered a fairly big failure back in its day.

We all remember the incredible games, but it was beaten to a pulp by the PS2 and was seen as inferior (tech-wise) to the Xbox

I think it's fair to actually blame the GCN's failures as being the sole reason Nintendo completely abandoned 'traditional' consoles and devices. The GCN was probably the most powerful console of the three and had a clearly gamer-first controller and games, and yet it was - at the time - one of the worst sold home console devices


Gold Member
You know why it's that weird ellipse? It's because all you fuckers were crying that people confuse Wii and Wii U, no way confusing an ellipse, hope you're happy now :p


I made this post for another thread but it was OT so I'll just stick it here... (sorry I said these things in this thread already)

I believe it is [a merge of handheld and console gaming]. It will be a "mobile console", basically.

- Controller streams wireless video from console like the WiiU controller
- Console will have a battery for on-the-go gaming
- Connect to TV via HDMI for TV play

Nintendo basically wants to take this experience and make it practical:


It is also easy to imagine the Mobile games that Nintendo likely has in the works playing effortlessly on this thing as well... flip it on its side for vertical mobile touch games.

Fake. No real airline offers that much leg room or seats that recline that far. Obviously they were 3d printed in 9th grade shop class.
Does this confirm that the console will be weak sauce? Less powerful than xbox one?

Of course not. It's a still image of what is purported to be a controller. When you look at your DS4 or Xbox controller, do you get a sense of how powerful the system is?

If this is the console controller, I wouldn't expect a powerhouse indeed.
Unless there are multiple form factors

How could you possibly reach this conclusion?


Just to correct this a little bit, there has actually only been a single source that has said it's a fake, and that's that Liam guy who has been widely discredited. Worse, he's not even the source, but rather some guy in NoE. It's the equivalent of "my uncle works at Nintendo and said ___________" in terms of validity

I think this is an important point to make because this is clearly a gigantic, internet-spanning discussion, and yet we've heard no credible debunking.

What we do see are legitimate pictures, we see actual game developers and insiders being coy, and we see a lot of dots being connected

This isn't as wishy-washy as you'd think

Nintendo World Report, whose creator now works at NOA Treehouse, is also saying they have sources at NOA confirming the pics as fake: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/feature/42335/rumor-cats-nx-controller-edition


I had no idea that Nintendo console sales have been falling since the NES. WOW!

Competition has gotten tougher and Nintendo refused to compete. They found a new audience with the Wii but then lost them to the iPhone competitor.

The reality is that all the rhetoric about them not wanting to compete hasn't actually helped them save for one (significant blip).

Can a business really survive whose philosophy is that they move to a different market every time a competitor enters?
That's been an assumption for VR since the 80s, the Wii didn't introduce that idea at all. Motion controls outside of VR is still a dead avenue, especially for Nintendo.

Motion control games were actually still selling well into the end of Wii's life.

What ended up killing Wii was that it stopped getting support from Nintendo, and most of the late-in-life flagship motion control games just weren't considered to be good (Other M, Skyward Sword). There were still some decent successes in the latter part of the system's life, including Just Dance, Skylanders, etc., but there were very few developers pushing new experiences like those by that point.

I don't think you need much explanation for why these kinds of games wouldn't succeed on Wii U, PS3, or Xbox 360.


Steering wheels in cars are so ass-backwards.

Not innovative AT ALL!

Will it really need Nintendo to introduce the first car that drives with touch controls?

It´s 2016 damnit!

Saab has you covered! From 1992.. Wonder why this didn't take off? It's so innovative, and forward thinking. (and solves a problem nobody had)


Saab, the Nintendo of car makers.
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