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Official Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - A New Era of Multiplayer


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

Yeah, it was. To be fair, I don't remember a great deal of that. Played it in one sitting and never touched it again.

Have you played the Black Ops 2 campaign?

For me MW = BO2 > the rest


Have you played the Black Ops 2 campaign?

For me MW = BO2 > the rest

I didn't get past the first 5 minutes of the first level. The opening reminded me of that awful Vietnam level from World at War where billions of soldiers are just running at you with no apparent game design anywhere. I just played multi after that.


The disc install time on Xbox One is absolutely insane. It's been installing for 30 minutes already and it's only at 56%. It says ready to start but I can't start until I've downloaded the 250MB patch and if you do that before the installation things get messed up...at least for me it did.

Final install time was 48 Minutes.
I'm closing in on the end of the campaign now. Easily my favourite since MW2, in that it's actually ok. Though it should be noted, I'm not typically a fan of COD campaigns.

Really good to hear that they got the single player back on track after Ghosts. I kinda expected that to happen since it's being lead by people that are primarily responsible for making very solid single player focused games (Dead Space and Everything or Nothing).


IQ is fucking pristine on PS4, really really clean, i love it. This is the first CoD i've played that looks new if you know what i mean.

I think it's a little soft, I guess they're using FXAA? But then, if that's what it takes to get to 60fps, so be it. It does look amazing sometimes when the right amount of depth of field is applied. Then again, sometimes there's shimmering all of the place. I can't complain overall though.

Dead Man

I didn't get past the first 5 minutes of the first level. The opening reminded me of that awful Vietnam level from World at War where billions of soldiers are just running at you with no apparent game design anywhere. I just played multi after that.

What? You mean Vietnam in BO or the Pacific in WAW?


If this game wasn't out a week before Halo I'd probably be all over it. Looks like a lot of new and interesting stuff this year.


Okay, since the main game and the MP are separate installs, does it really require an EXTRA 40GBs for the MP over the SP?

I pre-loaded the singleplayer first it's at 40.1gb and then I pre-loaded the mulitplayer which was only about 6gb. I think it just reuses the files from which ever one you pre-load first.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I didn't get past the first 5 minutes of the first level. The opening reminded me of that awful Vietnam level from World at War where billions of soldiers are just running at you with no apparent game design anywhere. I just played multi after that.

You should have kept going. BO2 imo has the best story in the series.

The game also has several different endings.


Hi guys, I have a little question. How can I download the "cross buy" COD on my PS3? my friend bought it on his PS4 and I can download the PS3 version on my PS3, right?


Watching the stream and those wrist rockets look annoying as hell. Just flying all over the place. Even the kid in the stream started complaining about shit grenades being all around him. Looks like the new grenade launcher.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've spent most of the day on this and have finished the campaign, played some exo survival and some multiplayer. Obviously it's early days on the multiplayer front but it's a huuuuuuuuuge improvement over Ghosts, honestly don't worry about that. The biggest improvement is the multiplayer (I liked Ghosts campaign and loved Extinction) but I enjoyed the campaign a lot more than Ghosts as well. I thought Sledgehammer Games did a pretty damned decent job with the campaign within the COD framework. That sounds like 'damning with faint praise' but it really isn't. They know how to pace the campaign, constantly change things up and give the player variety and even subvert the players expectations as well at times throughout the campaign. It won't change your mind if you don't like the COD gameplay but there's a good number of excellent setpieces which I really enjoyed. Personally I still think Black Ops 2 was a 'braver' game in that I admire Treyarch for trying to do a branching story and it's (admittedly not great) RTS style sections but it's obvious the guys and gals at SG's know how to put together a good, well polished campaign with great setpieces and tbh if I get that from a COD campaign I'm pretty happy.

The big thing of course is the Exosuit and what it brings to the gameplay which is quite a bit, especially campaign wise. I'm really interested to see how the ol COD faithful handle the verticality. Straight away I was double jumping, boosting, sliding etc (and still not getting many kills in multi ) But I saw a lot of people still running about not doing much of that and you could tell it would be frustrating for them. The TTK seems to be between Ghosts and Black Ops 2. If you're caught out and the player has bad aim then there's a chance you can boost out of sight but if they've got you firmly in their sights you get nailed. Hopefully people will learn to adapt but there is a classic playlist without Exo movement for those that want it, it does make me wonder how folks would handle that as the maps seem pretty much designed for the exo movement. I've only played multiplayer for an hour or two so it's just far too early to tell until everything is unlocked how much the exosuit can do in multi. I look forward to finding out though and it's obvious the Exosuit is adding a pretty new (and cool IMO) dynamic to the battlefield.

I only tried a little bit of Exosuit survival and it seems decent enough. You have three tiers of maps 1, 2 and 3 and you have to complete a number of rounds on each set of tier maps to progress to the next tier set of maps. It's the mode I spent the least time with so I don't have much to say about it at the minute tbh.
Weird... I don't have the pre order dlc downloaded either. I know some other people here were having similar issues.

ah i remember, i did check my library and selected all the dlc. you know were you tick or untick the pre-download option. now i remember that some stuff wasnt selected to pre-download maybe thats the problem.


Anyone wanna add me to PSN for MP/Exo Survival?

Let's make a list for ya'll Xbone/PSN/Steam.


Nokterian EU

Xbox One :

Steam :


Yes there will be bots.

This went from a "meh another CoD" to me wanting a new shooter (just got my ps4 a few months ago, and didn't feel like getting into BF4 so late) to me buying this one, the last one I played a ton was MW2, but I played a bit of Blops2

I can't wait....to get killed a 100 times a game :/

But seriously this looks so good and I am ready!
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