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Official Halo 2 Thread


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
SickBoy said:
Funny, I thought:

the ark was Earth, as in a biblical reference to Noah's Ark. That when the forerunners were wiped out, they re-seeded their versions of life on Earth

May or may not be accurate -- I'm not a huge Halo story buff, but that's what I presumed.

Anyhow, finished it yesterday or the day before. A little nonplussed by the ending, but it was a lot of fun. Think I might pick up Halo for a while and see if I can do them back to back at some point...

Earth is the Ark hence why Regret showed up at Earth in the beginning without knowing that it was the Human homeworld. He got the info from Forerunner records and went there to begin "the great journey".


Schafer said:
Earth is the Ark hence why Regret showed up at Earth in the beginning without knowing that it was the Human homeworld. He got the info from Forerunner records and went there to begin "the great journey".

Sorry but I can't remember who
was. Can you please explain? Thanks... The story is very intriguing but a lot of it is missed thanks to that I can't hear everything they say and some of it is a bit hard to understand.


Shompola said:
Is that the
prophet you kill and who is the one infested by the flood, and who are the two managing to escape with that brute leader?

There were three - one you kill, the other gets the Flood Spoor in the neck. The other escapes.


Was going to post a new topic on this, but I figured I'll just post it here to appease the mods... plus I'm probably the last one to see this (as usual)

Learning to Fly

Cool fan video. Apparantly someone found some weird glitch in the game where you can launch yourself from a warthog... it's explained well in the video. Needed - Sword, Warthog, and drop point from covenant drop ship.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Shompola said:
Is that the
prophet you kill and who is the one infested by the flood, and who are the two managing to escape with that brute leader?

Regret is the prophet you kill in his little pope moblie by punching the crap out of him.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sai said:
:O~... 4... Hunters?...

Or did another Elite just join in?

Either way, I'm going to test it out right now.

well, i had the hunters join me in the room to rescue the other hunters :)

and ratmjoe and some other dude were scaling walls where one dude just had a sword. It was pretty messed up... by walls i meant mountains
jedimike said:
Was going to post a new topic on this, but I figured I'll just post it here to appease the mods... plus I'm probably the last one to see this (as usual)

Learning to Fly

Cool fan video. Apparantly someone found some weird glitch in the game where you can launch yourself from a warthog... it's explained well in the video. Needed - Sword, Warthog, and drop point from covenant drop ship.


After I finish the game on legendary (got 3 or so more levels to go), I have to try that!

The best part of the video: in the credits, the author admits to using WIndows Movie Maker 2! :lol
Few things I wanted to pipe in on:

I didn't realize that the Incubus song was the one played during the Arbiter banshee chase. That song is fuckin awesome! I played that part just this morning cuz I wanted to relive that whole scene. I never listened to the clip before and just assumed I'd easily pick out the "imported" songs while playing the game. Until today, I just assumed all the imported songs were kept out of the game with the exception of Steve Vai. I'm glad they were left in because every bit of music in there was fantastic.

Motion tracker is great for Xbox LIVE play. My clan and I were doing a minor clan match on Zanzibar 1 Flag CTF. We were holding down the base and some of the most intense moments of the game were when you'd see 4 red blobs on your radar as you wondered which floor they were coming in through. It was kinda like Aliens. Love it.

Anyone out there who wants to see how Im doing can look us up. We're "Team Nova". We're holding it down fairly well I'd say. We wanna get a lot better than we are though.


not an idiot
Got some friends coming over tonight and we will be playing on XBL (4 players on my one Xbox). Hope to see some of you online. Hoping we can create another GAF party and show my friends a good time.

I can't fiucking stop playing this game! I am in love with an object, an inanimate non living thing... GOTY hands down. If this game doesn't win GOTY then someonthing is just fucking wrong with the gaming world. I think I would literally get sick to my stomach to see such a travesty occur. But of course, that's not gonna happen. Halo 2 will walk away with it I think. :)


I hate to be negative about a game I love, but here's my rant on the Legenary AI:

One of the things that made Halo great, IMHO, was the fact that the AI didn't cheat. Enemies could be outsmarted, they made mistakes. On Legendary, they were tougher, but not impossible. I never felt that they cheated.

In Halo 2, they cheat, plain and simple.

What's cheating? Playing in ways that violate common sense. When I approach a corner and see Marines dodging sniper fire, with shots landing on either side of them and occasionally missing I know that if I poke my head around the same corner I will die, plain and simple, in half a second. Snipers never miss when firing at the MC, even when driving in a warthog 100 yards away while doing massive jumps and slides. One shot, dead. The Marines not only dodge fire, but take multiple shots to kill. It's not fun, not fun at all.

I've seen similar behavior in vehicles, Elites and bosses. It's the equivilant of the 'rubber band' AI in racing games: You get so far ahead and the guys behind you suddenly catch up. It's lazy programming - and it takes you right out of the game.

I love Halo dearly, more than any other game I've ever played, but Halo 2 is making it harder and harder to love. With nearly every other aspect of the game superior to Halo, it just plain hurts to have this impact the fun so much - but it does.


Shogmaster said:
I see that someone else is getting owned by the snipers in legendary. :lol

Just got to the tank section on Delta Halo, and that's what really set me off. I ranted about the snipers, but it's the banshees that are pissing me off. Three direct hits from a 66-ton tank, and they're still going. The same banshees that take about two seconds of plasma fire to shred, or a single fuel-rod shot.

If there was some consistancy, I wouldn't mind. If snipers never missed Marines and dropped them in one shot, then fair is fair. But how can marines take four direct shots from a sniper, while the MC in his energy-shielded Mark VI armor dies in one shot - and snipers never, ever miss when firing at him.

Again, it's not consistant and gives the impression that things are unfairly stacked against the player. Throw tons of enemies at me, make them smart as hell, but at least play fair. The game does not, not in the way Halo did. It breaks Legendary, entirely. It's hard for the wrong reasons.
GhaleonEB said:
Just got to the tank section on Delta Halo, and that's what really set me off. I ranted about the snipers, but it's the banshees that are pissing me off. Three direct hits from a 66-ton tank, and they're still going. The same banshees that take about two seconds of plasma fire to shred, or a single fuel-rod shot.

At the very most, Banshees take 2 shots of the Scorpion's rounds to drop. I've never seen it take 3 shots from scorpion to drop a Banshee. The Banshee are more fragile than the Ghost for cryin' out loud.


Shogmaster said:
At the very most, Banshees take 2 shots of the Scorpion's rounds to drop. I've never seen it take 3 shots from scorpion to drop a Banshee. The Banshee are more fragile than the Ghost for cryin' out loud.

Just plugged one three times while it came in on my tank (again) and it was still going. Some of it has to do with how they are armored - the wraiths, banshees and ghosts are all armored very heavily on the front and hardly at all on the sides and rear. One shot from the side toasts a banshee, but with two coming in at me at once I can't seem to drop them. I've done this one check point where I try to kill the four banshees right after the two wraiths go down over 20 times now and can't kill them before my tank blows.
GhaleonEB said:
Just plugged one three times while it came in on my tank (again) and it was still going. Some of it has to do with how they are armored - the wraiths, banshees and ghosts are all armored very heavily on the front and hardly at all on the sides and rear. One shot from the side toasts a banshee, but with two coming in at me at once I can't seem to drop them. I've done this one check point where I try to kill the four banshees right after the two wraiths go down over 20 times now and can't kill them before my tank blows.

I hid like a pussy even with the scorpion in legendary.


Shogmaster said:
I hid like a pussy even with the scorpion in legendary.

Just got through the Delta Halo mission, and that's just what I did. :(

Still blew up a few dozen ghosts though - love that when they give you big firepower, the really let you use it.


not an idiot
hmmm... that does suck. sounds like they should have had 4 levels then, made a legendary like the one in halo 1 and then the current legendary a special extra mode that only opens up after legendary and it would just be for the hardcore or whatever.

i know what you mean about that though, i hate it when games cheat to add difficulty or length or depth. sucks that bungie resorted to it. :(


I said the same thing in another post... things like the sniper stuff just makes Legendary not the least bit fair. I'm all for strategy but this makes it WAY too much trial and error which sucks all the fun out of the game. But I disagree about them not missing... they miss a good 20-30% (wow I know) of the time as long as the conditions are right... distance, cover movement etc.

The vehicles on the other hand is all about exploiting the weak spots:
-Ghost = fuel tank on left side (1 sniper hit = death)
-Banshee = rudders on the rear section
-Scorpion = treads and possibly the rear section under the turret
-Wraith = rear section

On a side note I wouldn't mind if the first set of dl content is player skins cause I really wanna use a ODST (helljumper). :D

Deku Tree

I was going to try out SP on legendary one of these days. But I'm losing interest now. The snipers bothered me on Heroic with their two shot kills, one drops MC's shield and the next kills him. But if they just do one hit kills on Legendary that might actually kill it for me. Heroic was awesome though.


Deku Tree said:
I was going to try out SP on legendary one of these days. But I'm losing interest now. The snipers bothered me on Heroic with their two shot kills, one drops MC's shield and the next kills him. But if they just do one hit kills on Legendary that might actually kill it for me. Heroic was awesome though.

Heroic in Halo 2 is just a notch down from Legendary in Halo - I thought it was 'just right'. I'll finish Legendary, but I don't see myself playing through it again like I did with Halo, over and over. It's a challenge - but the wrong kind.

Heroic was awesome, though.


not an idiot
i'm going through on heroic now and it is absolutely perfect. the challenge is difficult with minimal cheating. i wouldn't change a thing about heroic.

it's a shame they screwed up legendary, because that's where co-op comes in, in halo legendary was really hard but with 2 players it was perfect... really damn hard but never impossible and no cheating.

i'm hoping bungie releases a fix for legendary or adds another difficulty between heroic and legendary that is as hard as legendary is now minus the bullshit sniper cheating and also minus the thing where if one person dies in co-op both get reset. what i think they should do is allow the one person left alive to try and advance to the next checkpoint in order to revive the other person... but not allowed to revive the other person by going back to a previous checkpoint. i think that's more fair and at the same time raises the stakes for the last person alive to try and advance. that would be intense.


GhaleonEB said:
Snipers never miss when firing at the MC, even when driving in a warthog 100 yards away while doing massive jumps and slides. One shot, dead. The Marines not only dodge fire, but take multiple shots to kill. It's not fun, not fun at all.
Uhhhh, of course the Marines can take more damage than Master Chief. They have to have it that way or the whole squad gets wiped out way too quickly. If you peek your head out from around a corner that a sniper has just seen you go behind then yes, you will get shot immediately. If you come into their field of vision from an unexpected area, then you usually get a warning shot.


So what? If the marines all died after getting shot a couple times then there would be no point in even including them (much less record thousands of lines of marine dialogue if they all get mowed down in the first firefight). Bungie gives them a ton of energy/life because it keeps the gameplay fun and lets them throw in a lot of great one-liners.


border said:
So what? If the marines all died after getting shot a couple times then there would be no point in even including them (much less record thousands of lines of marine dialogue if they all get mowed down in the first firefight). Bungie gives them a ton of energy/life because it keeps the gameplay fun and lets them throw in a lot of great one-liners.

I'm talking about Legendary, man. If you're gonna make it hard, the game should play fair. That's my point. On Legendary.


Ramirez said:
I loved the ending personally,gives me something to look forward to :p

Here's a 24-minute interview (audio only) with Frankie - he all but confirms Halo 3 (as if the endings didn't).

1) Bungie has begun work on their next 'major project'
2) Bungie definately has 'more Halo stories to tell'
3) 1+2=3


GhaleonEB said:
I'm talking about Legendary, man. If you're gonna make it hard, the game should play fair. That's my point. On Legendary.
So if every single marine got killed at the first sign of an Elite or sniper, you think that Legendary would suddenly become fun?

I think most people would prefer to have them around, since they distract enemy fire. It's not like they really stand up to the competition that well anyhow.


border said:
So if every single marine got killed at the first sign of an Elite or sniper, you think that Legendary would suddenly become fun?

I think most people would prefer to have them around, since they distract enemy fire. It's not like they really stand up to the competition that well anyhow.

I'm sorry, but you are missing my point. If Legendary is going to be brutally hard, that's fine. But the game should play fair about it. The snipers, and the way they a) Hit the MC much more accurately than marines and b) kill him faster just does not make sense.

In answer to your question above: Yes. If the game set the player on the same level as the Marines, then I would be less grouchy. But the Master Chief is a fucking badass in a cyber suit, and I don't expect him to get blown over like a leaf while grunt marines charge ahead into withering fire. It takes me right out of the game, and is inconsistant with the rules that the universe and the game establish.

It's bullshit, in other words.

My overall rating of Halo 2 is a 10/10 - but this issue is a chink in the armor.


If the game set the player on the same level as the Marines, then I would be less grouchy.
No, that's the opposite of what I asked.....well, kinda =) I'm not talking about making Master Chief as strong as the Marines, I'm talking about making the Marines as weak as Master Chief.

It seems like your complaint is really about the difficulty presented, and has little to do with the completely irrelevant issue of "fairness". If the marines were getting immediately 1-hit-killed by snipers, I seriously doubt that you would suddenly love Legendary. It would be just as hard, and probably harder since you wouldn't have anyone fighting by your side.

I can see the inconsistency that you point out, but I don't think it really should have any bearing on someone's enjoyment of Legendary. The fact that snipers get a one-hit-kill on the player is a much more pivotal and debatable issue than whether or not NPCs get one-hit-killed as well. So what if they die more slowly?
Sorry to distract you two from the debate, but I just got done beating the game in legendary, but didn't see the "Febuary 9th" or whatever bit in the ending. When does that show up? Before or after the credits?
Shogmaster said:
Sorry to distract you two from the debate, but I just got done beating the game in legendary, but didn't see the "Febuary 9th" or whatever bit in the ending. When does that show up? Before or after the credits?

It doesn't. Bungie came right out and said this was fake and that it was a shame some of the bigger sites were picking up on it.

Also, like was said earlier, the ending credits are all in a bink file on the disk. Nothing much is gonna change there. I guess there could have been something all the way at the end after the last little bit.. but.. nope.

Red Mercury said:
It doesn't. Bungie came right out and said this was fake and that it was a shame some of the bigger sites were picking up on it.

Also, like was said earlier, the ending credits are all in a bink file on the disk. Nothing much is gonna change there. I guess there could have been something all the way at the end after the last little bit.. but.. nope.


I'VE BEEN HAD!!! *snaps controller S in two*
Red Mercury said:
Well.. you beat the game on Legendary.. that's something to be happy about.

If you want a secret, go looking for the skulls.

Oh teh nos. I thought I was done with single player..... Now you got me interested in the whole skulls nonesense....

BTW, is the
gravemind and cortana
scene a BINK video file as well? I thought that was real time.
Shogmaster said:
Oh teh nos. I thought I was done with single player..... Now you got me interested in the whole skulls nonesense....

BTW, is the
gravemind and cortana scene
a BINK video file as well? I thought that was real time.

Probably want to edit in the spoilers like I did. Just to be safe. :)

But to answer your question, no. That scene is back in-engine, just like all of the actual cinematics. The only binks, IIRC, are the opening MS/Bungie one, the attract video, and the credits.

As for the skulls.. this link I got from the HBO forums..

I've held off looking for them since I suck at legendary.


border said:
No, that's the opposite of what I asked.....well, kinda =) I'm not talking about making Master Chief as strong as the Marines, I'm talking about making the Marines as weak as Master Chief.

It seems like your complaint is really about the difficulty presented, and has little to do with the completely irrelevant issue of "fairness". If the marines were getting immediately 1-hit-killed by snipers, I seriously doubt that you would suddenly love Legendary. It would be just as hard, and probably harder since you wouldn't have anyone fighting by your side.

I can see the inconsistency that you point out, but I don't think it really should have any bearing on someone's enjoyment of Legendary. The fact that snipers get a one-hit-kill on the player is a much more pivotal and debatable issue than whether or not NPCs get one-hit-killed as well. So what if they die more slowly?

What I meant is that the Marines should die in one shot, if the MC does.

All I'm asking is that the game be consistant. Essentially, I'm bitching about two issues:

1) The Marines are tougher than the MC
2) The snipers kill the MC in one shot

Would I be thrilled that the MC and the marines died in one shot on Legendary? No, it would be hard as hell - but my first complaint would be addressed. The game would be consistant. That I can deal with.

I just don't like the idea of some grunt taking four shots in the head and then my heavily armored-ass dropping from one shot. No matter which way you slice it, that just makes no sense.
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