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Official: Trump to revoke transgender bathroom guidance

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States rights as a shield to hate is BS. Remember when states fought for the right to own slaves?

We're never going to learn as a nation. We'll just keep finding new groups to hate.

That isn't even what they were doing. The Federal government wasn't really doing anything to prevent people from owning slaves. The northern states that had outlawed slavery were refusing to send escaped people back to the south, and the south insisted that northern states should be forced to comply with the beliefs and laws of southern states.

The civil war was about southern states disliking the decisions of northern states and fighting to make a new government where all the states agreed.

Conservatives have never actually believed in differing states rights that don't align with their own opinion.
True. While everybody is going to put their sights on Trump, we can not forget this wouldn't have gone through without DeVos' approval.
Trump would've replaced her. His administration requires they fall in line with their guidelines and policies, per the reports on the security advisor requirements.

This blatant LIE has probably gotten him a lot of votes. A lot.


Just got an update on my phone (CNN & USA Today). "DOJ withdraws federal protections on transgender bathrooms in schools."

EDIT: Might be Trump's greatest and most egregious lie yet. It is a complete reversal of what he said during the campaign.


ACLU made a series of tweets that this does not change Federal law that protects transgender students including use of bathrooms.
ACLU made a series of tweets that this does not change Federal law that protects transgender students including use of bathrooms.

Yeah here's that series:

ACLU said:
BREAKING: Trump administration rescinds guidance addressing how Title IX education law protects transgender students. #StandWithGavin

The Trump administration does not have the authority to undo legal protections for transgender students. #StandWithGavin

President Trump's revocation of the guidance, however, does NOT undo legal protections for transgender students. #StandWithGavin

Transgender students are protected by the Constitution & Title IX. Including in bathrooms. #StandWithGavin

Federal law has not changed and schools that have protected the rights of transgender students should continue to do so. #StandWithGavin

Trump's action sends a terrible message to transgender students. But these students should know the law is on their side. #StandWithGavin

#SCOTUS's decision in Gavin Grimm’s case is more important than ever to make clear that trans youth are protected. #StandWithGavin

And in case anyone is wondering what all this #StandWithGavin stuff is about: LINK


That isn't even what they were doing.

Georgia's secession notice opens with slavery as why they're going to war:

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

Mississippi opens with slavery as well, and even adds in that "only black people can work in the sun"

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.

South Carolina opens with slavery

The people of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, on the 26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared that the frequent violations of the Constitution of the United States, by the Federal Government, and its encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States, fully justified this State in then withdrawing from the Federal Union; but in deference to the opinions and wishes of the other slaveholding States, she forbore at that time to exercise this right. Since that time, these encroachments have continued to increase, and further forbearance ceases to be a virtue.

Texas takes a bit to get there, but not only states slavery, but that black service to whites should exist for all eternity

She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.

So uh yeah

the Civil War?

Kind of specifically over slavery and the corrupt view that whites are supreme


Georgia's secession notice opens with slavery as why they're going to war:

Mississippi opens with slavery as well, and even adds in that "only black people can work in the sun"

South Carolina opens with slavery

Texas takes a bit to get there, but not only states slavery, but that black service to whites should exist for all eternity

So uh yeah

the Civil War?

Kind of specifically over slavery and the corrupt view that whites are supreme

I said goddamn


Hopefully the states do the right thing, but unfortunately I know many won't.

DeVos's stance on this was a surprise. Won't mean anything in the long run as long as Trump, Bannon, and Sessions are there though. From the WaPo:
DeVos’s friends say she personally supports those rights.


Hopefully the states do the right thing, but unfortunately I know many won't.

DeVos's stance on this was a surprise. Won't mean anything in the long run as long as Trump, Bannon, and Sessions are there though. From the WaPo:

I'm sure.

Too bad she didn't support them as much as what she paid to be SecEd.
"We remain committed to protecting LGBTQ persons from discrimination, but we're demanding they pee in certain places." ...Checks out.

Hopefully there's a public reaction, and it will be interesting to follow. Instead of just weird federal directives and orders that take us into unknown territory, taking actual rights away from people that had obtained them is a totally different thing to try to justify. Consider this a twisted beta test for DACA deportations or health insurance.


DeVos's stance on this was a surprise. Won't mean anything in the long run as long as Trump, Bannon, and Sessions are there though. From the WaPo:

She should fucking resign then. Then I would have a modicum of respect for her. Not like a replacement could be any worse.


God this is so dumb. Trans kids have it hard enough. Letting them pee in the right place is the least you can do for them.


Was it really that big of a deal to even go through the trouble of revoking that? Like, who gets up in the morning with the intention of revoking this particular thing, with all the other issues going on?


Was it really that big of a deal to even go through the trouble of revoking that? Like, who gets up in the morning with the intention of revoking this particular thing, with all the other issues going on?

Trump already said he will erase every Obama legacy, this is just one of them, that bad dude really hates President Obama


its funny that shit like this isnt ever on r/the donald/ at all. Anytime their "god emperor" does something legit wrong they ignore it.

This is the darkest time in awhile for America.
I've lived next to Provincetown or San Francisco for most of my life, places with large transgender communities, and I've never once heard a story of somebody's kid getting abducted in a bathroom or whatever creepo fantasy the Republicans have running through their sick heads. People actually get killed in mass shootings in the US. People actually get killed by cops. People actually kill themselves because their lives are unbearable. Nobody is battling for their lives against a transgender person in a bathroom. It's such a fucking ludicrous thing to be worried about and I'm done entertaining it. When someone tries to sound concerned about this issue it sounds like they're getting hysterical about a possible Godzilla attack.


So uh yeah

the Civil War?

Kind of specifically over slavery and the corrupt view that whites are supreme
Both you and he are saying the State's Rights issue is bullshit and thatt he Civil War was about slavery but the nuance is slightly different. The South wasn't fighting to get the North to allow slavery, the South was fighting to get the North to enforce slavery within it's own State's borders. Sort of, since once they left the Union that issue was off the table, they probably just wanted to be able to say "there's nowhere safe in this country for you so don't bother running" but the North wanted to preserve the Union and pursued war after being attacked. It was never about State's Rights, hell, once they formed the Confederacy you HAD to be a slave state to join, so much for State's Rights.


Both you and he are saying the State's Rights issue is bullshit and thatt he Civil War was about slavery but the nuance is slightly different. The South wasn't fighting to get the North to allow slavery, the South was fighting to get the North to enforce slavery within it's own State's borders. Sort of, since once they left the Union that issue was off the table, they probably just wanted to be able to say "there's nowhere safe in this country for you so don't bother running" but the North wanted to preserve the Union and pursued war after being attacked. It was never about State's Rights, hell, once they formed the Confederacy you HAD to be a slave state to join, so much for State's Rights.

To further the point:


Their Constitution barely touched federal power and mostly focused on specifically naming that you could only own black slaves, and in fact expanded federal power in a few cases.


This isn't true, there are many conservatives that despise Trump and what he is doing. If you support the current administration, I agree you are the enemy. This is vile, putrid and disgusting. Fuck anyone who was part of these guys running America.
While, I'm sure there are conservatives who don't "support" this administration. I know some. I don't doubt that in some sense, there are "many". But fact is that more conservatives came out to vote this guy into office than have come out in any election in the last decade. The vast vast vast majority of the voting block picked him. I'm sick of watching them try to get away with playing both sides of the fence. "I don't support him (but I'm going to enable everything he's doing)." I put it right up there with the "I'm not racist (but I'm perfectly fine enabling people who treat black people like shit)".


Georgia's secession notice opens with slavery as why they're going to war:

Mississippi opens with slavery as well, and even adds in that "only black people can work in the sun"

South Carolina opens with slavery

Texas takes a bit to get there, but not only states slavery, but that black service to whites should exist for all eternity

So uh yeah

the Civil War?

Kind of specifically over slavery and the corrupt view that whites are supreme

Hey that was just their opinion man.


Georgia's secession notice opens with slavery as why they're going to war:

Mississippi opens with slavery as well, and even adds in that "only black people can work in the sun"

South Carolina opens with slavery

Texas takes a bit to get there, but not only states slavery, but that black service to whites should exist for all eternity

So uh yeah

the Civil War?

Kind of specifically over slavery and the corrupt view that whites are supreme

I believe Stupei was saying it was about slavery. It's just that it wasn't about states rights, at all. The Southern states wanted to seceed because the Northern states wouldn't return their escaped slaves. They were upset they couldn't control other states.

Tldr; Civil war was entirely about slavery, but not because the Federal government was going to ban it (because they weren't), but because they weren't forcing northern states to return slaves back to the slave states.


Question. How does this guidance work? Doesn't it basically just mean all bathrooms are genderless? There's no registry of what gender someone 'feels' they are, so the rule applies to everyone.

Pretty much yeah, they really should have just worded it that way and it'd likely not get pulled.


Stuff like this just feels spiteful for no reason. These protections hurt nobody. All they do is create a more welcoming environment for people who often don't feel welcomed.
I hope that Republicans enjoy all of the time that they have right now. The Democrats are about to take it all back.
Don't rest on your laurels, if people think it's a shoo-in then they're less likely to vote.

Stuff like this just feels spiteful for no reason. These protections hurt nobody. All they do is create a more welcoming environment for people who often don't feel welcomed.
That's the point, they want to make a more dangerous and less welcoming environment for transpeople. Republicans are scum
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