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(OH SHIZNITS) Devil May Cry 4 confirmed multiplatform PS3/360/PC


Tiduz said:
yeah im a HUGE dmc fan, ill probably still get it on ps3, hope it has more bonus content because of bluray :p
Differences will probably be that the PS3 version will get high definition movies of the making of the game or the history of the series while the 360 version gets slightly sharper graphics.


not an idiot
bishoptl said:
I'm coming back, y'know
hmm... my spidey sense is tingling again

I'm just happy to be here with all of you for this monumental thread.
Someone get me a glass of water...I'm too close to the fire!

In all seriousness, though, I'm interested to see if anyone will be able to lock down 3rd party exclusives this generation.
RumpledForeskin said:
You would think this announcement was for MGS4 the way some are getting on. Is this DMC4 news really worth 26 pages? And is it even that shocking? Hell I kind of even expected it.

It used to be a very significant reason to get a PS3, one of the biggest exclusives the system had. Now even I am going to wait before taking the plunge, if MGS4 and FFXIII are announced for the 360, I'm simply not getting a PS3.
Kolgar said:
So who here still thinks Microsoft squandered their one-year head start?

I been thinking that for the past month or so....Luke needs to bring this back up on 1UP. MS was brilliant bringing it out 1 yr early. The lead and software sales show this. I dont really think MS would be too upset with nintendo wii being tops. They just want to beat sony.....for now
Well, I'm just saying:

Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4.

And no, sorry -- the possibility of NG2 appearing on PS3 is not the same as DMC4 going to 360 (before today).

NG: sigma will likely pull off weaker numbers than Virtua Fighter 5.
Defuser said:
Bill must be happy.


I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. Microsoft really is beating the shit out of Sony right now. Better tools, better price and a bigger library is really paying off against an arrogantly stupid Sony.


LuCkymoON said:
I'm betting the PS3 will follow the same path as PSP; games will tank while blu-ray movie sales sky rocket.

How does movie sales sky rocketing make it similar to the psp?
RumpledForeskin said:
You would think this announcement was for MGS4 the way some are getting on. Is this DMC4 news really worth 26 pages? And is it even that shocking? Hell I kind of even expected it.

The very fact that a great selling (multi world appeal) JPN 3rd party series leaves a Sony - cock suck fest for 5 years of loyalty with 7,000,000 unit sales from the franchise to all of a sudden jumping on the 360 bandwagon is more telling than 99% of any one game itself.


Man, if MGS4 goes to 360, I have no reason to buy a PS3 until FFXIII hits (which will be what, probably summer/fall 2008 in the US?), and that's assuming THAT doesn't get ported either. Although I'm probably in the minority thinking that FFXIII will stay PS3 exclusive.

Big-E said:
Out of curiosity, how many units in NA did DMC 3 and all of its iterations sell?

DMC 3 + the SE? Something like 800k or so? I vaguely recall DMC3 on release doing like 250k or 350k it's first month but then dropping like a ****ing rock, so maybe 500k there, and I think SE has been pretty consistent, so I'd say 300k or so on that. Maybe sonycowboy or someone else has a rough figure.


LuCkymoON said:
I'm betting the PS3 will follow the same path as PSP; games will tank while blu-ray movie sales sky rocket.

kinda like how hot UMD movies are.. wait they got pulled from most major retailers..


vasuba said:
Im confused myself. Hate sony but dont want them going too far down the shitterand microsoft is bad for any industry it can get control of.

Sony will be fine, they'll have Europe and parts of the U.S./Japan. They just won't be king anymore. And after months of Xbox 1.5 and "next-gen starts when we say so", seeing them in trouble brings a smile to my face, what can i say? Having more once PS3 exclusives shift to 360, a system I already own, is a nice incentive to wait a little longer on buying a PS3 until the price drops.


C- Warrior said:
Well, I'm just saying:

Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4.

And no, sorry -- the possibility of NG2 appearing on PS3 is not the same as DMC4 going to 360 (before today).

NG: sigma will likely pull off weaker numbers than Virtua Fighter 5.

if anything, I'd argue Ninja Gaiden Sigma's very existence means NG2's coming to PS3, at some point.
xaosslug said:
if anything, I'd argue Ninja Gaiden Sigma's very existence means NG2's coming to PS3, at some point.

Not unless NG Sigma tanks on PS3. A polished port of a game that really actually didn't sell all that super-well in the first place (on xbox) has a poor chance of doing anything worthwhile on the ps3 with it's current install base. Keep in mind NG isn't the most casual of casual games either.


xaosslug said:
if anything, I'd argue Ninja Gaiden Sigma's very existence means NG2's coming to PS3, at some point.

I think its the litmus test. If it sells well then I think you will see it on the PS3, but not at the same time. If it bombs then I don't think it will.


Damn. You guys really did a number on the servers here. All I gotta say is if MGS4 goes multiplatform before release or less than 6 months after, it's pretty much over for Sony as far as this year goes. Hell, that could've been said when GTA went multi. I mean ONE major 3rd party exclusive? It really makes me wonder if anyone is even running that company anymore.

Duke Togo

Logan Cano said:
I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. Microsoft really is beating the shit out of Sony right now. Better tools, better price and a bigger library is really paying off against an arrogantly stupid Sony.
Its posts like this that feed my need for amusement.


Post Count: 9999
C- Warrior said:
Well, I'm just saying:

Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4.

Okay ... so is Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4 + God of War 3 + Heavenly Sword?

And no, sorry -- the possibility of NG2 appearing on PS3 is not the same as DMC4 going to 360 (before today).

I'd say Sigma's existence makes NG2 a decent bet.

C- Warrior said:
Not unless NG Sigma tanks on PS3. A polished port of a game that really actually didn't sell all that super-well in the first place (on xbox)

Your second sentence contradicts your first. Team Ninja has always stated they like to make games on strong hardware, and don't really care about sales.

Obviously there's a limit to what Temco will accept ... but still, Team Ninja is not Capcom.


LuCkymoON said:
I'm betting the PS3 will follow the same path as PSP; games will tank while blu-ray movie sales sky rocket.

what ever anyone thinks of PS3 at this moment in time, honestly, once Gran Turismo 5 becomes a reality... :lol


good... no one misses out.

now bring on the new media!


since the ps always had the series... and the pc always saw ports... it would be cool if capcom released a DMC triple pack... 720p/1080p versions of DMC 1, 2, and 3 for the 360.


not an idiot
xaosslug said:
it's pretty hilarious how the news broke on GAF before all the major gaming sites... :lol
actually, a lot of them sites hang out on gaf for up to the minute gaming news. i know of two bigtime sites who do gaming news who check here all the time.


xaosslug said:
it's pretty hilarious how the news broke on GAF before all the major gaming sites... :lol

When it comes to new like this, especially on the Japanese front, it tends to be par for the course. :lol

1Up Yours should be great this week, I wonder if this was known and confirmed to them for quite a while now or whether this is as much out of the blue for them outside of random speculation.


C- Warrior said:
Well, I'm just saying:

Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4.
Im saying Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4 + Heavenly Sword>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4.

Anyone disagree? :)

edit beaten to the punch by Onix but you didnt have to add GOW3 thats overkill :lol
shpankey said:
actually, a lot of them sites hang out on gaf for up to the minute gaming news. i know of two bigtime sites who do gaming news who check here all the time.
And thats when the odd mistake happens :lol


Onix said:
Okay ... so is Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4 + God of War 3 + Heavenly Sword?

You might as well throw an inevitable Onimusha game in there. Games without jump buttons are apples and oranges to Ninja May Cry games.


Professional Schmuck
I think the good (bad) parts of this thread are done now. Now it will just turn into predictable stuff. Let me know if we get more .gifs or if somebody has a meltdown! I love that shit.
Onix said:
Okay ... so is Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4 >>>>> Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4 + God of War 3 + Heavenly Sword?

I'd say Sigma's existence makes NG2 a decent bet.

I'll give you God of War 3, but right now Heavenly Sword doesn't mean shit to me. Milkman over at 1up and a few of our TGS going GAFFers didn't have the best of things to say for HS, and their last game was Kung Fu Chaos. And no, button-pressing shenmue-like minigames and footage from Hereos isn't going to make me blow a nut.

So, that leaves Too Human as "the wild card."

Now, if HS turns out amazing -- then thumbs up. But people assume HS will be spectacular just because it shares similiarites with God of War, which is an unfounded belief.


Hagi23 said:
Im saying Ninja Gaiden Sigma + Devil May Cry 4 +Heavenly Sword>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Gaiden 2 + Devil May Cry 4.

Anyone disagree? :)
Anyone who cared about action games would've played Ninja Gaiden two years ago.


While i think most of you are over exagerating the importance of DMC considering other than the first one, none sold over a million and the franchise has been in a downward spiral in terms of sale. This is still extremely bad new for the PS3. NOt becuase losing DMC as a exclusive makes a big difference but because of the trend the PS3 has been going. Losing exculsives after exclusives.

Losing GTA was freakin huge as was losing the security blanket of DQIX might show up the on the PS3, then little blows like ace combat, assasin creed, DMC, ect. They really need to stop the bleeding ASAP.

I don't even think losing MSG4 will be huge hit since Europe is its best market and GT alone will sell many PS3s in Europe. It'll be major but nothing devestating.

FFXIII though is another story. Losing FFXIII would pretty much guarantee last place for the PS3. One of the few franchise thats a system seller for all 3 major regions. One of the defining game that will alone sell millions of PS3. Lose that and the PS3 is dead. Sony better start buying some huge somberros and start filling them of with money.

Seeing the meltdown like this on GAF for decent sized franchise like DMC makes me wonder what would happen if they annouced FFXIII for the 360. The site would explode.


mylilbuddy said:
I been thinking that for the past month or so....Luke needs to bring this back up on 1UP. MS was brilliant bringing it out 1 yr early. The lead and software sales show this. I dont really think MS would be too upset with nintendo wii being tops. They just want to beat sony.....for now
The wii doesn't matter in this debate as the Wii simply doesn't have the power that some devs want. The Wii may sell Like crazy but there are a lot of devs that want to make graphically amazing games. If the Wii comes out first the second position player will be just as important.


Post Count: 9999
C- Warrior said:
But people assume HS will be spectacular just because it shares similiarites with God of War, which is an unfounded belief.

HS is assumed to be spectacular because GAF is filled with graphics-whores :lol


Goreomedy said:
That's why this forum is the only video game related link in my favorites list.

funny that you say that because, personally, I only ever visit gaming sites though GAF forum links. :lol
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