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Ok honestly speaking, would you approach a landed UFO?



Although i don't think that UFOs really exist as in that it's piloted by aliens. Probably it's some secret test plane from goverments. Have you ever thought why there are about a million reports about UFOs but not one, not a single clear photo ever released or taken by a random person? Yeah...


Nope. I'd take pictures from afar, but I've read about enough encounters to think- even if they aren't true- they may be right enough to not approach. There's been a few weird cases where the people got radiation poisoning from (supposedly) approaching or being too close to a UFO.

So that there's a chance I could also be hit with that, I'm good.


Fuck no. I see a crashed UFO, I do what any other human being that values their own life and/or sentience, walk the fuck away, as far and quietly as possible.

I am as open minded as anyone, even curious, but I'll embrace the unknown from a distance.

"I have so many questions. Want to go get a beer?"

Wouldn't even hesitate. Just getting perspective from people in other areas of the same country can be stimulating and enlightening. The opportunity to descant about everything is impossible to pass up. The only question is what to talk about first.

Would not bother recording the whole thing. Believe more or don't. Not my problem.

You are assuming that you would be able to even communicate. But let's say they are just like you and are just as interested in learning about you, but their speech causes you to have an aneurysm and die. That's why I am more than happy to let curious folk like yourself take the lead on first contact. I know one thing, that I know nothing.


I would probably assume its just a secrect military craft and think "cool" and then forget about it immediately. If I saw it actually coming down from space and landing on the ground near by, I might take some pictures.

If I saw actual aliens, Id record video for a mintue and be really thankful that FTL travel or intergalactic travel actually, really are possible and exist.


I would. If they're malicious, shit will turn out badly for me anyway. If they're not, it's a good chance to try to establish contact. I'm certainly far from being earth's best representative, but there could be a lot worse.

Although i don't think that UFOs really exist as in that it's piloted by aliens. Probably it's some secret test plane from goverments. Have you ever thought why there are about a million reports about UFOs but not one, not a single clear photo ever released or taken by a random person? Yeah...
*Tinfoil Hat intensifies*


Definitely would. Hopefully they aren't sadists.

It's hard to imagine a manned UFO though, I feel they would most likely be a drone and most likely they wouldn't land (assuming they would ever send anything into our atmosphere).

If they were manned, either they're exiling a convict or they want to meet and greet.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Yup, immediately. If they didn't attack the planet before landing I'd assume they're coming in peace. Maybe they'd take me with and show me space.


I feel like it would actually be terrifying for a UFO to land in front of me.

Very curious in the abstract, but I feel like in actuality I would take some photos/video and get out of there. Even if it's not aliens, I don't want to get suicided because of some black ops government shit I wasn't supposed to see.


If I'm close enough to the UFO to where "Should I approach?" is even a question, then I have to assume who or what is flying that thing already knows I'm there. I may even be the thing they landed for. Running away or retreating is simply off the table already.

Might as well approach it, then. Running is out. Hiding is very unlikely. If it wanted to hurt me, it already would be doing so. So hopefully it came in peace.


Hell no

And if I saw a cryptid, I would just go "Well that's weird" and continue on my way instead of trying to chase it down or document it

My casual curiosity is not worth risking my safety. That's why I don't go on holiday in warzones or go go try to wingsuit downa mountain.


How to break it down:
Search for intake and exhaust.
If intake not present judge potential fuel supply.
Is it a capsule?

Lot's of easy questions to be answered before calling something a genuine UFO/ULO.
I am as open minded as anyone, even curious, but I'll embrace the unknown from a distance.
If someone or thing can cross time and space or dimensions then the idea of distance becomes a placebo.
You are assuming that you would be able to even communicate. But let's say they are just like you and are just as interested in learning about you, but their speech causes you to have an aneurysm and die. That's why I am more than happy to let curious folk like yourself take the lead on first contact. I know one thing, that I know nothing.
There are worst ways to die.
I wouldn't trust my current government to make first contact in an optimally beneficial fashion.
id watch it from a distance. im not getting closer until i see what monster rolls off of there but im also not leaving. who in the world would LEAVE?
As an American, I would feel a responsibility to contextualize the situation if they requested, "take me to your leader." So, sure.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Absolutely would.
I'd also willingly go into space with them despite having seen To Serve Man.
No, but me and three to five other friends (none of which have ever shot a gun!) would happily attempt to breach and clear the UFO. We'll run up to the aliens and find a way to miss shots with our guns standing right next to them.

I mean that's how it's done right?


Probably not. I don't want the attention from the world if me and this alien become BFFs, or worst case I don't want to be killed or captured.

I'd only regret it if like...alien was friendly, got captured, covered up, and nobody believed me.
Yes and No.

Yes because I would love to meet an alien. Also wouldnt mind some alien love. :) Have you seen some of those Star Trek female aliens. Oh yeah I would.

No because I dont want to be considered hostile and then get zapped into dust.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I would see if there were aliens and if the aliens had butts and if I could touch their butts
Hell fucking yeah I would!

Imagine if I got on their good side. I'll be able to explore the stars! With their tech I'll probably be able to take advantage their medical advancements and live longer to explore more.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤

Although i don't think that UFOs really exist as in that it's piloted by aliens. Probably it's some secret test plane from goverments. Have you ever thought why there are about a million reports about UFOs but not one, not a single clear photo ever released or taken by a random person? Yeah...





If someone or thing can cross time and space or dimensions then the idea of distance becomes a placebo.

Not really. I have to consider the threats that I can comprehend, I am a terrestrial human after all. Radiation, unknown substances, and microscopic life, are the only things I can consider and all are best left at a distance.

Fact is, in either case, being far away from something not from this world presents the least negative outcomes.


I would probably try to document it from a safe distance. Wouldn't go up close both because you don't know what's in there, and also the chance of radiation poisoning.
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