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Old computer games you're pretty sure no one but you ever played.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!

This thread reminded me a lot. I had totally forgotten about Shogo, and the two playthroughs I did with ZERO textures anywhere, something I didn't notice until upgrading my PC. I just thought it was some sort of neo-mimimalist artistic type thing going on lol


I have played so many games I don't know how to find since they were just stored on a copied floppy and labeled "bomb" or something like that.

I played lots of games but they aren't obscure, buuuut I feel like sharing the ones that mean the most to me.

First of all, I saw this posted a couple of days ago on NeoGAF.
Time Commando

Just look at the graphics, I was blown away.

Then there's Gobliiins, or Goblins 3.

I still have the 5 floppy discs somewhere, but I never managed to finish the game. I think it was badly translated, I might get it from gog.com and give it a try.
Also, it creeped me out as a kid, some things were twisted.
EDIT: I just noticed the yellow sticker, it is the same I have on my box since it had an Italian translation. Ha.

Terminator 2

Not obscure obviously, but how the fuck is a 3 years old supposed to beat such an unfair game? Come on dad, look what you did to me.

Jill of the Jungle

I still don't know what I'm looking at. Turtle? What does that mean? And where the fuck am I supposed to go?

Other games go from Indianapolis 500 to Ghostbusters 2 to some crappy Mickey Mouse shapes and colours game to Ice & Fire, 688 Sub-Attack and such.

Worthy mention: I neve got to play Blade Runner. My cousin had it, but when he passed away my uncle didn't want to give me his PC games (like 10 games, not much) because he wanted me to buy 'em. Then he just left. Sadly that game has some value so I couldn't afford it.. I'll get one someday


This entire thread is complete nostalgia overload, I love it. Me and my brothers were big into obscure shareware DOS games back in the very early 90s, some of which have already been mentioned such as Alley Cat and ZZT, and some that haven't such as:


Crystal Caves




Round 42

There were plenty of other games that I think other people will have heard of, such as Major Stryker, Jill of the Jungle, and Xenon-2 (which had such a totally awesome soundtrack, even if it was basically one song).

Crystal Caves was the first videogame I remember playing other than Tetris and Pokemon.


at last, for christ's sake
this thread! so many old people on Gaf, we should gather into a pub where we wear our best dentures and relive ancient moments

anyway, some memory flood started leaking bad from my head


Jack the nipper! game had a killer soundtrack and some damn labyrinthine maps, I lost myself all the time, and got stuck in some cave with a black graffiti of Jack. Never knew how to go on after that


The Hunchback was one hella difficult game in the later levels. The whole thing was made to be played and finished in a couple hours, since the white crusader chap who's climbing the wall was meant to be a timer


The Untouchables. Never understood how to play it, lol
I need to go through this thread but there's a game I believe I played on a Mac sometime in the 90's that probably was an educational game. All I really remember is there was a stork (or some kind of white bird) that I think had a xylophone you could play.

And I'm not even sure this was the same game but there was a room with a bunch of shelves on a wall with a bunch of furball creatures on the shelves. Yet to find this game (games?) again.
I have no idea what it was called, but there was this game about dinosaurs. You could choose your dinosaur, then you'd move around on a grid and eat smaller dinosaurs, or plants if you chose an herbivore.

Also, I played this RPG. It was my first RPG, but it was shareware so I only finished that part of it. It was pretty generic stuff. You woke up at the top of the mountain with amnesia, then gave your guy a name, then wandered around and had turn-based battles. I just wish I could remember what it was called.
EDIT: yeah yeah, I know that these are not obscure (pretty sure everyone with a Windows PC in the early 90's had these games) but fuck it, the nostalgia is still there:

Chip's Challenge:

Rodent's Revenge:

You're right, not really obscure, but I can't believe I completely forgot about these two! Talk about nostalgia. These are right up there with SkiFree for me.


Weirdest Bomberman I've ever played... Probably also my favorite.

Yes! Atomic Bomberman was super solid. The art design was great too, I really enjoyed Bomberman's new aesthetics.

Some more from me...




Liero (it was like a much bloodier, real-time version of Worms - only 1 worm - with online multiplayer. So awesome. My first online game, I think.)


Arcade America
Oh yeah... also, Stay Tooned!


I don't remember progressing much in this game. Just a bunch of messing around and watching all the different cut scenes and whatnot. This is the source of the hilarious Whinefeld, Seinfeld parody, though that most of you are likely familiar with.

If not, then please.... ENJOY. I still find it hilarious to this day.


I want to say Pizza Tycoon just so some people can say they've played that amazing game. But I'm going to bring it back even further with two others:

Crime Fighter
Crime Fighter! A game where you can not only abduct children from playgrounds, but be ambushed by grannies, children with machine guns, and/or Rambo in the process. I want to say I also remember recruiting Pee Wee Herman (or someone with a very similar name) to my gang.


Neo Member
Not *super* obscure but most people probably haven't played this one:


Urban Assault, a game from 1998 that was part real time strategy and part first person shooter. You control the big base on the box art and use it to create & command ground vehicles and aircraft. You can assume direct command of one unit at a time with and control it from the first person pov. It was somewhat similar to Battlezone, which came out in 1998 as well.

Gameplay video:

Came to post this. Really a creative and interesting game, and I was always confused why so few permutations on this design have been made.

I think it would've been a hit if it had had a better name. Urban Assault, seriously?


Surprised no one said this:

Wasn't a great game but for me... next to Leisure Suit Larry, this was all we owned for "games." Damn. It wasn't even that good!


Junior Member

My man. Still got it and the sequel.

Didn't see it, so I know I had to post it.


It was baldur's gate before there was a baldur's gate.

Played the hell out of this as a kid. It was set in medieval Germany and instead of magic, they had alchemy.





That's actually available on GOG. Plus, there's a new game being made called Kingdom Come on PC, PS4, and Xbox One that's basically the same concept but with CryEngine graphics.

Super Solvers Spellbound


Was this game commonly installed on school computers in the early 90's? Because that's where I played it.
Browser-based MMO "Well of Souls". You could also play it offline, as well as build your own maps and quests. Host a game and run around with your friends. It was ugly as sin but I had a lot of fun with it when I was 11/12. You could customize your avatar in MS Paint, along with a few animation slides. I think of revisiting it sometimes.

A few awesome Origin games nobody seems to have heard of:

Knights of Legend

Bad Blood

And better known but criminally overlooked:
Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams

This game was perfect!


Alright, here's one:

It's a point and click game that came with some Shareware collection CD-Rom...

It was set in an 80's vision of the future. Tall, shiny buildings, flying cars... all-pre rendered, cartoon-like '3D' animation sequences.

Anyway, you were this dude (detective, police officer?) with a dog and by interacting with people and objects you would make your way into the city.

At some point, you would enter a big company skyscraper. There were police robots, a machine that would 'generate' hamburgers and something to do with special pills?

I could never get past a certain security checkpoint because it required a keycard or something that was supposed to be on a different floor.

Anyone? Would love to finish the game someday.

I'm now on a mission to try and help you. Had no idea what game, but started looking for it just on the odd premise alone.

Is it one of these weird Victor Vector and Yondo games?

if it is, these games look amazingly weird.
On Commodore 64 I played a bunch of Bruce Lee. This game had you play as Bruce Lee or a blue sumo (it had co-op) running around doing platforming and breaking lanterns.

Weird game.

Also played a lot of Karate Champ rip-offs on the C64. They all had different names, but they were basically one-on-one karate games.


Respawn Entertainment
So many amazing memories. Anyone else here blasting other mechs online in Avara on the Mac back in '96?




I remember playing a DOS based Street Fighter II that was HEAVILY modded and myself and a friend would often burst out laughing of it.

Everyone was on steroids and the thing had tons of hilarious bugs. Chun Li would send out copies of herself during Lightning Kicks (lol) or shoot stars while doing normals/punches.

Anyone know what was it?
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