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Once-hyped games that are now completely forgotten


Junior Member
A full scale dragon ball z game. What could go wrong.




I remember some pretty big hype, at least after it was first revealed. Having 256 player online, especially on a console, seemed insane at the time. Sadly I never did get to play it, and with the servers shut down, I never will.

Socom confrontation could also be here. Was broken as hell so deservedly forgotten but it was so smooth when it worked.... So sad



Remember the hype for Breed very well. Mags wrote it would be the "final Halo Killer". Than it came out and was buggy as hell and was not bad .... but pretty medicore.

The scream of 256 players fighting at once. It was a complete load of baloney. the most you will ever see is 64 because of how massively divided the players are on the map. I literally tried to run to another section with other people. After 5+ minutes of straight running, I got sniped out in the open when I was almost there and sent all the way back to my starting base.


Actually for a lot of people I think that was one of the defining games of the PS3. Your post is somewhat ironic because there was nothing on consoles that came close to some of the epic battles in MAG and I remember when it was announced people were saying it was impossible to do 256 players on a map at the same time. Some OICs managed to get all 128 players on their team in the same building.
Just like with Crytek now, the devs learned that graphics don't make a game good. Neither does hiring law suit happy popular actresses..
You couldn't be more wrong. First, Page never sued anybody or threatened to do so. It was speculation by a random dude on the internet posting on Examiner which got debunked relatively quickly. Second, Ellen is probably the reason they managed to move almost 2 million copies. So hiring her was just the best move they could have done.



After playing demo: "This is going to be an amazing 3rd person action game!"
After finishing the first level of the finished game and moving on to the next: "WTF?"

Oh god I did the exact same thing. Thankfully I didn't buy it, a friend did. I must have played the demo 20 times. A 3rd person beat em up set in a heavy metal fantasy world sounded so amazing.

"It's actually an RTS game."

Actually for a lot of people I think that was one of the defining games of the PS3. Your post is somewhat ironic because there was nothing on consoles that came close to some of the epic battles in MAG and I remember when it was announced people were saying it was impossible to do 256 players on a map at the same time. Some OICs managed to get all 128 players on their team in the same building.

i'm one of those people... MAG was an experience that wasn't done before and still isn't.
It certainly won't be forgotten unless someone does better.
Best answer I can think of:


Ion Storm's first game, produced at the height of their hubris. Dominion was a partially finished game Ion Storm bought solely to burn off part of their contractual obligations with Eidos, which is something you normally hear about happening at the END of a contract, not the beginning. Then they brought in an expensive team to produce the shit out of it because one person at Ion Storm thought it could sell half a million copies; meanwhile the rest of Ion Storm, when they managed to pay attention to Dominion at all, are basically saying "dude, we just need to make sure it costs less than $3 million to make and we'll turn a profit, don't be an idiot."

Long story short, the game got a few splashy pieces in the gaming magazines of the day (including at least one cover story, I think), but Dominion died on release and it wasn't very good. Nowadays it doesn't even get remembered as one of Ion Storm's big failures because it turned out that Daikatana was even worse (and Anachronox didn't do so hot either). Really, if not for Ion Storm Austin (makers of Deus Ex and Thief), the Ion Storm name would be in the dictionary beside "schadenfreude."

This 1999 Dallas Observer article about Ion Storm is great reading, by the way, if you're curious about this period of history.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
TitanFall. So much hype


You know, that game that got a shitload of hype and then vanished without a trace almost immediately after release. The game that no one talks about for any reason other than to make you go, "oh yeah, that game." The game that got all those magazine cover stories that seem like they could have gone to a more worthwhile game, in retrospect. I have possibly made Titanfall: The Thread here (this is me pre-empting the inevitable "one and done" post), but the game I had more in mind was this:

Brute Force was a case of being in the right place at the right tine, I think. I have no other explanation for why this game was so hotly anticipated. I guess the Xbox had had a slow year up to then, so Microsoft's marketing dollars had to go somewhere, but the amount of "Halo killer" hyperbole around it was absolutely ridiculous. When it came out, most people found it to be a competent but unremarkable shooter, its longevity strangled by its lack of Xbox Live support. As such, the game's hype deflated about 5 minutes after its release. Believe it or not, it was (very) briefly the fastest-selling Xbox game of all time upon release. Now the only place you're likely to see it mentioned, anywhere, is in a thread like this. It has become almost the stock example of a flash-in-the-pan game. Ironically, this means that, like Millard Fillmore, it may actually be remembered for being forgotten.

What are some other examples?

Came here to post this. Should have known it would be used as the example.


Really? I remember seeing the first one advertised a lot and previews everywhere, I didn't even know it had 2 more sequels. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places but I totally thought this genre fell off.

The second one had pretty good reviews and was really fun. The third was released only a year later and had a few issues, I never bothered with it.

Before release: OHMYGOD this looks so good, and dark, and it's the sequel to the best game ever!

During release: Eh... It's alright, I guess. Pretty good game.

After release: OHMYGOD Bloodborne looks so good, and dark, and it's the spiritual sequel to the best game ever!

The worst part was that the hype was natural, so it hurt so many people, so hard.

Before release: OHMYGOD this looks so good, and dark, and it's the sequel to the best game ever!

During release: Eh... It's alright, I guess. Pretty good game.

After release: OHMYGOD Bloodborne looks so good, and dark, and it's the spiritual sequel to the best game ever!

The worst part was that the hype was natural, so it hurt so many people, so hard.

always easy to spot the people that didn't play Demon's Souls in these threads.



Before release: OHMYGOD this looks so good, and dark, and it's the sequel to the best game ever!

During release: Eh... It's alright, I guess. Pretty good game.

After release: OHMYGOD Bloodborne looks so good, and dark, and it's the spiritual sequel to the best game ever!

The worst part was that the hype was natural, so it hurt so many people, so hard.
Oh give over. DS2 is still great, it's just not as good as its predecessor. And how many sequels manage to live up to the original, eh? Especially when they're developed by a different team due to the OG director not wanting to work on sequels? Plus, the DLCs own your face for free $20. Hard.



Was going to be a colourful, cartoony shooter with tons of humour, but then EA had to come along and brown 'n' bloom everything. Deservedly fell off the face of the earth when it released. It's a good thing that Insomniac went on to actually make the game FUSE should have been in Sunset Overdrive, and I'm hoping that the lesson that "EA are scum" has been thoroughly learned.

Also, this.


I honestly can't remember if it was hyped (though it logically should have been), but all I remember of its reception upon launch was a huge cloud of meh. I haven't seen nor heard anything about it since. Quake Wars, on the other hand...

I honestly can't remember if it was hyped (though it logically should have been), but all I remember of its reception upon launch was a huge cloud of meh. I haven't seen nor heard anything about it since. Quake Wars, on the other hand...

There was zero hype for Q4. In fact I remember being shocked to see it on sale, thinking "wait, what, quake 4 is out? And more to the point, quake 4 is a game?"
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