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OS X Yosemite [OT]



Another day, another instance of accountsd shitting itself and email not working. Getting really tired of this shit.


My aunt gave my mom her old late 2010 Macbook Air (4GB RAM, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo, 128GB SSD) and Yosemite performs pretty well on it, at least for web surfing and other non-intensive tasks. No real lag or hiccups.


Shit. ClamXav isn't free anymore!

Are there any good alternatives?

Wait what? On the AppStore?

And in regards to accountsd... Last night it hit 60% cou usage and stayed like that for hours until I restarted. It appeared to be constantly accessing old x509 anchors too which clogged up my log files lol.


10.10.4 is out:


I'd download it if the MAS wasn't a broken piece of shit.
For some context, here's my previous post about the MAS.

So, after opening the MAS, the 10.10.4 update showed up. I clicked "Update", and then this happened:


The Update button was greyed out for three seconds and then returned back to normal, and the Xcode update appeared suddenly. Same thing happens when I click Update again. Does it download the update? Well I don't know.

Why does the button for Xcode say "Open"? Has the update already been downloaded? I verified that. Yes, my version is indeed 6.3.2. So why is Xcode in the "Available Updates" section instead of "Updates Installed in the last 30 days"? Do I have to restart the MAS to update the view? I did so. No, it still shows up as a new update.



So now it's Xcode 6.4? Whatever. I clicked Update, but nothing happens. However, unlike earlier with 10.10.4, the Update button stays disabled.

The OS X update actually finished downloading. So I clicked Restart, but, well.. nothing happens. It's searching for updates. And it keeps searching. And searching. And searching.

Figured I'd just restart this mess of an app:


Yep, it's dead.



Ooh, something's happening! The question is: Is it installing the update or is it stuck in an infinite loop?

edit 2: Half an hour later, the MAS window is still empty and the update process is still using 100% CPU. Yeah, infinite loop. Of course!


So, as the MAS didn't seem to do anything, I restarted my Mac. A black screen with nothing else but the beachball appeared. Great. Had to force-restart it.

Again, I clicked the Restart button next to the update in the MAS. After restarting, I got an error message saying that the update was damaged and couldn't be verified. The only option in the dialog was to restart again. When I did so, the OS X installer appeared and seemed to actually install the update. Halfway through, the login screen appeared, and after logging in I got a "Update failed" notification.

And now it's downloading the whole thing again.

edit: The exact same thing happened again. Screw this update, I don't have time for this shit.
This is a killer update - discoveryd was total shit. network stuff is so much better and it doesn't take ages to get a network connection after sleep. Way more stable.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Btw, Flashlight has stopped working on 10.10.4. It's already being reported on the github page. Hopefully it won't take long for a fix, I keep opening spotlight for shortcuts that aren't there anymore. :(


Is there still an option to change the size of album art in the Album view for iTunes? It doesn't seem to be in the same spot it was before, and since updating all my album art is much larger than I used to have it set.


Apple Music is proof that iTunes needs to be scrapped entirely and something new built in its place (preferably two or more apps focused on specific things). The interface is godawful and is holding the service back.
Apple Music is proof that iTunes needs to be scrapped entirely and something new built in its place (preferably two or more apps focused on specific things). The interface is godawful and is holding the service back.


Hopefully the finally scrap WebObjects as well while they're at it.
Apple Music is proof that iTunes needs to be scrapped entirely and something new built in its place (preferably two or more apps focused on specific things). The interface is godawful and is holding the service back.

Yeah, I was never really in that "break apart iTunes" camp before, but with Apple ditching the iTunes branding for Apple Music and seeing what a mess iTunes is now, it needs to be done. Hopefully, we'll see it 10.12



Hopefully the finally scrap WebObjects as well while they're at it.

What's the deal with that anyway? Why are they using something that hasn't been updated in 7 years?

Yeah, I was never really in that "break apart iTunes" camp before, but with Apple ditching the iTunes branding for Apple Music and seeing what a mess iTunes is now, it needs to be done. Hopefully, we'll see it 10.12

Hopefully much sooner.

I know I am a broken record but the built-in apps on OS X haven't been improved on in any meaningful way since 10.6. It's shameful how stagnant and mediocre they've become and nothing exemplifies this better than iTunes. The launch of Apple Music was the perfect time to make a dedicated music and podcast app instead they just bolted it onto iTunes hamstringing it in the process.

Then again given the horrible UI of the iOS app maybe iTunes was the lesser of two evils!


For heavens sake, they update iTunes again and yet again fuck something else up. Now I have no idea what is ticked and what isn't from the album or artist screens, if it wasn't "ticked" it would be dim the name, now every song for every album is white, makes viewing my collection like this completely pointless.


...hate me...
Does anyone else's mouse cursor now turns into a question mark here on GAF when over a spoiler?

example spoiler

Weird, started doing this recently (maybe the 10.10.4 update?). But it works fine. On Safari btw.

The Real Abed

Does anyone else's mouse cursor now turns into a question mark here on GAF when over a spoiler?

example spoiler

Weird, started doing this recently (maybe the 10.10.4 update?). But it works fine. On Safari btw.
Pretty sure they did this on purpose. (NeoGAF)


Accidental Tech Podcast has a good discussion regarding Apple Music. Good to have a more Mac-centric perspective and without the fawning that a lot of Apple podcasts have devolved into. The comparison with the recent photos overhaul is a very good one.
Accidental Tech Podcast has a good discussion regarding Apple Music. Good to have a more Mac-centric perspective and without the fawning that a lot of Apple podcasts have devolved into. The comparison with the recent photos overhaul is a very good one.

I have such a love-hate relationship with that podcast. I love hearing Siracusa talk about anything, and both Marco and Casey are knowledgable enough... but they last two are so insufferable sometimes, I just can't stand them.
Do I really have to download Avast from CNET's Download.com? I thought CNET was notorious for bundling adware with its downloads?

The main site takes me there.


Do I really have to download Avast from CNET's Download.com? I thought CNET was notorious for bundling adware with its downloads?

The main site takes me there.

Yeah, it really comes from there but worry not, it's safe. Nothing extra bundled, they just make you register for a free Avast account within 30 days after you install it.
The program does appear effective since it caught a dmg file harboring spyware when I tried installing it.

Ninja Dom

Does anybody know how you can just put the Display to sleep on an iMac without putting the computer to sleep? Just the display?

On my iMac before Apple Music and Beats 1 I used to have the Display set to sleep after 10 minutes and the Computer set to never sleep in Energy Preferences.

But now listening to Beats 1 seems to disable the Display sleep. Is this the same for anybody else?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Does anybody know how you can just put the Display to sleep on an iMac without putting the computer to sleep? Just the display?

On my iMac before Apple Music and Beats 1 I used to have the Display set to sleep after 10 minutes and the Computer set to never sleep in Energy Preferences.

But now listening to Beats 1 seems to disable the Display sleep. Is this the same for anybody else?
You can use a hot corner. Under “Mission Control” on System Preferences click on “Hot Corners", then set one of the corners to “Put Display to Sleep”

The Real Abed

Alternatively just hit the lower brightness key until the monitor is off.
Doesn't work.

iMacs only go as low as 1 brightness unlike MacBooks which go to 0. So the best you can do using the keys is really really dim so it's dim enough to not wake you up in the middle of the night when something causes the computer to wake up. I have this problem too. I don't understand why you can't go down to 0 on an iMac. At least then it wouldn't turn the display on suddenly anymore because a process kicked in or something.

I put my iMac down to lowest brightness every night because it has a tendency to wake itself up a lot for no reason. It needs to run at all times since it's a server. But since it's in my bedroom if I forget to lower the brightness, it ends up lighting the room up like a Christmas tree in the middle of the night. There's no way to set it to 0 and actually turn it off completely so it can't turn on. And I don't know why it wakes up at all.


I have such a love-hate relationship with that podcast. I love hearing Siracusa talk about anything, and both Marco and Casey are knowledgable enough... but they last two are so insufferable sometimes, I just can't stand them.

What about them wound you up? Whenever they go off on something I don't care about like toasters I just skip ahead.

Does anybody know how you can just put the Display to sleep on an iMac without putting the computer to sleep? Just the display?

On my iMac before Apple Music and Beats 1 I used to have the Display set to sleep after 10 minutes and the Computer set to never sleep in Energy Preferences.

But now listening to Beats 1 seems to disable the Display sleep. Is this the same for anybody else?


Same command since forever in OS X. I'm surprised some of you don't know this one!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Btw, it's ctrl + shift + power on the MacBook Air (which doesn't have an eject key).

I still prefer the hot corner though. :p Super fast to activate on a trackpad.

The Real Abed

Btw, it's ctrl + shift + power on the MacBook Air (which doesn't have an eject key).

I still prefer the hot corner though. :p Super fast to activate on a trackpad.
Ditto. I already use a hot corner. But it still stands that my iMac will still turn its screen back on seemingly at random during the night and I don't know why. Probably one of the numerous server apps I have running. So I still have to lower it manually to 1 since I can't go to 0 like my MacBook.
What about them wound you up? Whenever they go off on something I don't care about like toasters I just skip ahead.

You know, I can't really think of any specific situations right now. It's mostly Marco that can come of as such an ass sometimes. I still listen to the podcast every week (I don't think I've missed an episode since they started), but if John were to ever leave I'm not sure If they could keep me listening.


I have such a love-hate relationship with that podcast. I love hearing Siracusa talk about anything, and both Marco and Casey are knowledgable enough... but they last two are so insufferable sometimes, I just can't stand them.

I think my issues with it recently have mostly revolved around their wishy-washy attempts to broaden their audience. Whether they want to do that is their prerogative, but it definitely has made the show worse in my mind, if for no other reason then they spend their time arguing about it on the show rather than just doing something and being done with it. Casey is also way too prone to get into a weird self-loathing "maybe I'm an idiot!" death spiral on the show sometimes.

Luckily the show has good notes so it's easy to see if I'm going to be interested in listening to it or not.
For some reason, Firefox hangs on occasion. It just becomes inactive for about 20 seconds, then fixes itself. It happens on GAF a lot, and also on other sites.

I'm not doing anything intensive when this is happening, nor am I downloading anything.
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