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OS X Yosemite [OT]


For some reason, Firefox hangs on occasion. It just becomes inactive for about 20 seconds, then fixes itself. It happens on GAF a lot, and also on other sites.

I'm not doing anything intensive when this is happening, nor am I downloading anything.

Same thing here, just with Safari.


What are y'alls system specs?

My Macs are very recent and Safari still chokes on GAF.

I found my Snow Leopard CD, currently making a virtual machine so I can finally play Warcraft 3 again! Just need to port the files over once the game is patched.


I have no problems running GAF, multiple tabs for multiple threads, GIF heavy etc.

I'm using Safari.

12 Gigs of RAM, 2.8GHz i7, iMac 27" late 2009.

Everything is smooth as. Latest Yosemite too.

I assume it's not really the horsepower of your machine necessarily but some other factor. For instance my 3.33GHz Mac Pro with 24GB of memory chugs on certain text input boxes on occasion (like GAF) under Yosemite for some stupid reason that has to do with the Radeon 7950 I've got in it.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Maybe it has to do with CSS, but I don't know what about GAF's textboxes would cause it.

If you go to the developer tools, you can remove any effects that it may have.


I have been looking online but didn't find anything useful. I downloaded two programs (function flip and karabiner) however neither worked.

So I just got a new bluetooth keyboard and I want to completely change around the function keys on it - is there any way to do this? I want to add like spot light search, show desktop, display brightness etc. It's not an apple keyboard so I am not sure I can.

Ninja Dom

I assume it's not really the horsepower of your machine necessarily but some other factor. For instance my 3.33GHz Mac Pro with 24GB of memory chugs on certain text input boxes on occasion (like GAF) under Yosemite for some stupid reason that has to do with the Radeon 7950 I've got in it.

Oh and I do not have Flash installed at all.


I'm seeing a lot of buzz about this Samsung SSD, the 850 EVO. It's 500 GB for $160. Wanna pull the trigger on it, but my Macbook is older. In system profiler it says I have SATA and SATA Extreme, this drive is SATA III, will it still work? I'm presuming just not at SATA III speeds, which lets face it, I'm not expecting to cream any benchmarks with this thing.


Is the iTunes sync for podcasts messed up for you guys too?
I'm ending up with wrong timestamps, multiple versions of the same episode plus some other random stuff.


I'm seeing a lot of buzz about this Samsung SSD, the 850 EVO. It's 500 GB for $160. Wanna pull the trigger on it, but my Macbook is older. In system profiler it says I have SATA and SATA Extreme, this drive is SATA III, will it still work? I'm presuming just not at SATA III speeds, which lets face it, I'm not expecting to cream any benchmarks with this thing.

What's your Macbook model? (Under "model identifier" it'll say Macbook 3,2 or some set of numbers.)

Is the iTunes sync for podcasts messed up for you guys too?
I'm ending up with wrong timestamps, multiple versions of the same episode plus some other random stuff.

It's occasionally inconsistent syncing between my work and home computers. In the past if things just weren't working I nuked my subs and started over and that solved the problem for at least a year or two.


What's your Macbook model? (Under "model identifier" it'll say Macbook 3,2 or some set of numbers.)

It's occasionally inconsistent syncing between my work and home computers. In the past if things just weren't working I nuked my subs and started over and that solved the problem for at least a year or two.


Its the mid 2009 13.1" with a core 2 duo at 2.13 ghz.
Obviously, once I get that I have to decide whether or not to enable trim on it.



Its the mid 2009 13.1" with a core 2 duo at 2.13 ghz.
Obviously, once I get that I have to decide whether or not to enable trim on it.

You've got a 3GBps SATA link. Your performance will be constrained compared to a SATAIII interface, but then again modern SSDs are constrained to SATAIII and mSATA speeds on everything except Apple products, basically.

Any SSD is going to be better than any spinning hard drive out there. I've got an 840 in my Mac Pro and it's certainly a boost over my old stock drive. You might want to look into cheaper last-gen SSDs since you won't be getting the full benefit of the 850, although $160 for a 500GB SKU is a pretty good deal.

As for TRIM, I had it on my SSD I've been using since 2013 for only a few months (I only started using TrimEnabler a few months before I upgraded to Yosemite.) I haven't noticed any major slowdowns, and for Samsung SSDs I've seen reports that enabling TRIM might lead to more issues under 10.10.4. To me data integrity is more important than drive longevity, especially as SSDs just get cheaper and cheaper. My 256GB 840 cost $120 more when I bought it than you can get it for now at normal retail.

Deku Tree

May I ask why? Most of what I've heard from the last few developer betas is that El Capitan is really stable.

Fuchsdh wont even install El Capitan until its on the .1 or .2 revision in 2016.

But yeah it's a stability OSX update year so... the big updates come in even years.

The Real Abed

I'm installing El Camino on my iMac to start and see what apps don't work right now and what ones do. Once I am okay with whatever's broken, Yosemite is gone from my MacBook.

Gosh, it's taking so darn long. This is the longest 30 minutes ever.


Fuchsdh wont even install El Capitan until its on the .1 or .2 revision in 2016.

But yeah it's a stability OSX update year so... the big updates come in even years.

You're not far off from the truth, really. :) But I guess my OS will be more stable and bug-free when I do upgrade thanks to you so go wild I guess.

Deku Tree

You're not far off from the truth, really. :) But I guess my OS will be more stable and bug-free when I do upgrade thanks to you so go wild I guess.

Wait.. How do I reinstall Yosemite from a backup? Box Sync doesn't work and I can't live without it.

EDIT: NVM I'm just going to switch to Google Drive. Just noticed my free Business account has unlimited storage and it works with El Capitan. I'm tired of all of Box's silly syncing rules anyway. And with Google I use two factor which Box doesn't offer.
Another thing:

Firefox keeps giving me a prompt saying "Something has blocked Firefox from updating. Go to Mozilla.com to update." But it's fully updated.


Well, after countless more instances of making myself comfortable on the couch, turning on the TV and choosing a nice movie only to be greeted with a "path not found" message because fucking automount doesn't work, I finally gave up on it. Great job, Apple. (They broke it with Lion.)

Instead, I planned to use a cronjob to keep my NAS connected. That's crude as hell, but what can I do?
However, several sourced recommend to use launchd instead, and so I did. At least for my use case, it's pretty much the same. I wrote a small shell script to mount my NAS, and also a launchd job definition, which is just a .plist file containing the schedule of the job and the path of the script to execute. I saved the job in ~/Library/LaunchAgents, so OS X loads it when the user logs in. I've configured it to mount my NAS hourly (if it isn't already mounted), and also immediately after logging in. Works great.

In case anyone is interested in launchd, launchd.info is an excellent resource.


Uh, so what are you actually supposed to do when the OS freezes on you?
Luckily it isn't happening to often and most of the time it just takes a second to get back caught up. But what if it stays for quite some seconds.


What were those?

It would misinterpret clicks in some apps including Finder so when I would try to open an installer or dmg it would try to open/mount two of them. Other apps single clicks would be interpreted as double clicks so it was like toggling things on and off really quickly. None of these problems happened with the mouse, just the trackpad.

A lot of the time when I would click on a window that wasn't in focus it would not switch focus to that window.
Uh, so what are you actually supposed to do when the OS freezes on you?
Luckily it isn't happening to often and most of the time it just takes a second to get back caught up. But what if it stays for quite some seconds.

You check out what the Console app and see what was spewing it full of messages and use Google to chase each down a rabbit hole until you find out you should have installed that bit of software and more importantly its kernel extension four OSes ago.

At least, that's my experience.


You check out what the Console app and see what was spewing it full of messages and use Google to chase each down a rabbit hole until you find out you should have installed that bit of software and more importantly its kernel extension four OSes ago.

At least, that's my experience.
I actually meant if there is a button combination you should use, like control alt delete on Windows?


Can someone please help me. Since updating to 10.10.4 my wifi connection is screwed. It was taking 30+ seconds to connect to my wifi so I deleted my connection and went to re-add it to see if that would resolve it...it's made it worse. Now I just get "connection timeout" when trying to connect to any wifi! Any suggestions welcome.

edit: reboot after deleting some how seems to have fixed it. sorry to waste your time :)


Just installed Yosemite on my PC, wondering if anyone knows of good playback software that can run video at native 24fps. I'm currently using VLC. I use MPC-HC + madVR on Windows, to set my refresh rate to 24hz when a film is playing. Any equivalent on OS X?

Also, do Finder, Safari, and other baked in apps have dark themes, or is that exclusive to the dock and menu bar?


Just installed Yosemite on my PC, wondering if anyone knows of good playback software that can run video at native 24fps. I'm currently using VLC. I use MPC-HC + madVR on Windows, to set my refresh rate to 24hz when a film is playing. Any equivalent on OS X?

You can change the refresh rate using something like SwitchResX, but why would you want to do that? Your display is refreshing at 60Hz but it's not like it's interpolating or anything for your 24fps source material. It'll play back your media at the frame rate specified without any hacks.

Also, do Finder, Safari, and other baked in apps have dark themes, or is that exclusive to the dock and menu bar?

Exclusive at this point to the dock and menu.


You can change the refresh rate using something like SwitchResX, but why would you want to do that? Your display is refreshing at 60Hz but it's not like it's interpolating or anything for your 24fps source material. It'll play back your media at the frame rate specified without any hacks.
3:2 pull down. Would rather have the TV refresh at the content's native frame rate. I'll look into SwitchResX. Thanks for the reply.
Just installed Yosemite on my PC, wondering if anyone knows of good playback software that can run video at native 24fps. I'm currently using VLC. I use MPC-HC + madVR on Windows, to set my refresh rate to 24hz when a film is playing. Any equivalent on OS X?

Also, do Finder, Safari, and other baked in apps have dark themes, or is that exclusive to the dock and menu bar?

Try Kodi.
I actually meant if there is a button combination you should use, like control alt delete on Windows?

Not sure how I missed this, but here's a reply a month late:

In my experience, things that seemingly lock the whole computer up for several infuriating seconds aren't things cmd-option-escape will fix. You can try rebooting the whole computer, but typically it's a systemic problem (there's something wrong with the software or hardware) and not a random bit flip that's solved by rebooting. As I said, it's console squinting and Googling. And swearing. Lots of swearing.


How does the new OS run on 4 GB?

Should be no worse than Yosemite, might be better actually. Apple still sells a lot of Macs with just 4GB RAM, and there are lots of Macbook Airs probably still in use with 2GB, so they have to optimize for that.
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