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Overwatch Beta Thread: Cheers Love, The Beta's Here!

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What is this game? I've never heard of it before. Is this the Gearbox one?

Overwatch is Blizzard's new online competitive 6v6 FPS for PC and eventually probably consoles. We don't officially know the business model yet. It's most similar to Team Fortress 2, but the characters are set up with ability sets more like a MOBA.

How do I get in the beta?

It's an open beta starting May 3rd for people who pre-ordered, and on May 5th for everyone else.

See this timer for exact time:


What does the game play like?

Watch these gameplay videos, especially Tracer's: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAYFVhxsaqDvbsKX5TJd869r64aFQ4N52

Do we have a GAF Discord channel?

Apparently yes: https://discord.gg/0zS6rDjznAycGB24


  • Payload: An extremely original mode in which you escort a minecart or related similar object to an objective. The minecart moves when the attackers are near it and the defenders aren't. If you've played Team Fortress 2, this is the same Payload mode.
  • Point Capture: The attackers need to stand in a capture zone while the defenders try to keep them out. The longer the attackers are in the zone, the more a bar fills up until the point is capture.
  • Mixed Mode: This is a mode where the first half is Payload or Point Capture, and the second half is the other mode.
  • Control: Control a point King of the Hill style, best of three wins.




asked in the old thread before it was locked
is there any gamemodes where the amount of players go beyond 6v6?


Subbed! Fingers crossed for fellow gaffers in future beta waves.

Played at PAX East this year with friends and I'm so ready for more Zenyatta action. Most fun I've ever had as a support character/class.


Got the invite! Looks neat. I'll give it a shot.

Upon opening the game initially, the video quality was absolute shit lmao. I'm updating drivers and will try again. I run all other games just fine. I have a pretty beasty laptop so this concerns me.
Blizzard deciding to send Blizzcon virtual ticket emails today has to be the ultimate troll. :/

Hope I get in eventually. Looks like a blast.
This game looks awesome, would love to try the beta, if I get in. Does anyone know the minimum requirements necessary to run it? I don't think I'd be able to anyways, but just curious.
I have 2 questions for anyone who's been playing the beta.

1. How's the balance? Is it like TF2's (I know there's going to be a shit-ton of comparisons to it, so might as well acknowledge it) class style where each class has another class as its critical weakness (i.e. Scout & Heavy, Pyro & Spy)?

2. Is it fun? I've heard that it isn't as fun to play as it looks, but to be fair it was on a fairly hardcore TF2 server so grain of salt.

EDIT: Remembered my last one.

3. How does the engine scale? Is it something like Source where it still looks decent/good while maintaining a decent 60 FPS? OR will I need an actual up-to-spec computer to play this?


Blizzard deciding to send Blizzcon virtual ticket emails today has to be the ultimate troll. :/

Hope I get in eventually. Looks like a blast.
I got disappointed by that twice since I never clicked the the email the first time, so it showed up as new when I checked later. lol
This game looks awesome, would love to try the beta, if I get in. Does anyone know the minimum requirements necessary to run it? I don't think I'd be able to anyways, but just curious.

Minimum (targeting 30fps):
Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 865
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460, ATI Radeon HD 4850, or Intel HD Graphics 4400
Memory: 768 MB VRAM, 4 GB System RAM
Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space

Recommended (targeting 60fps on Medium settings):
Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3, 2.8 GHz
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7950
Memory: 2 GB VRAM, 6 GB System RAM
Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space
from http://www.pcgamer.com/overwatch-system-requirements-revealed/


Watched about a hour and a half of play on twitch from random people... this doesn't really make me hype for it. I'm going to blizzcon this eat (i got roped into it)so ill have a chance to play but over all it looks ok to me. Nothing that's blowing me away so far, maybe I haven't found a character i really like yet though.


I didn't get in, but I did get an email from Blizzard Entertainment informing me that I could get some nice in-game goodies if I purchased a Blizzcon virtual ticket. So that's pretty decent.


Blizzard deciding to send Blizzcon virtual ticket emails today has to be the ultimate troll. :/

Hope I get in eventually. Looks like a blast.
Sorta wonder if it's a hint they might be giving BlizzCon attendees and virtual ticket holders priority access soon, like they did with Legacy of the Void beta. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking. ;-;

Anyway, I think the game looks crazy fun. One complaint I have just from watching today is it seems like sometimes it can take a while to run back to where the fight is. But the actual combat, man, looks like a blast.
I have 2 questions for anyone who's been playing the beta.

1. How's the balance? Is it like TF2's (I know there's going to be a shit-ton of comparisons to it, so might as well acknowledge it) class style where each class has another class as its critical weakness (i.e. Scout & Heavy, Pyro & Spy)?

It doesn't seem like there are hard counters. Heroes are sorted into the categories Damage, Tank, Support, and Defense. These are more indicators of what the heroes intended role is. Since there are far more characters and abilities, it really isn't comparable in my opinion. This might change over time, but it's much less like TF2 than I expected.

2. Is it fun? I've heard that it isn't as fun to play as it looks, but to be fair it was on a fairly hardcore TF2 server so grain of salt.

It's not TF2, since the focus is on the individual heroes and their abilities much more than the more limited set in TF2. So being on a hardcore TF2 server, I can see why they would say it wasn't fun if they were trying to compare it.

3. How does the engine scale? Is it something like Source where it still looks decent/good while maintaining a decent 60 FPS? OR will I need an actual up-to-spec computer to play this?

Ran and looked fine at 2560x1600 on a 760. That's about all I can offer here.

Overall, I think that once more people start playing, and the more people get familiar with it, the comparisons to TF2 will lessen. Yes, there are characters that are similar to those from TF2, but there is more variety here, especially with the addition of the specials and ultimate abilities. This is all based on very limited playtime, though, so I could be completely wrong and I'll update as I play more.


Okay I got knocked off the map and the game crashed so I can see why they feel it isn't 100% ready for everyone to come in yet.

Feels quite solid otherwise.

Nerf Roadhog.


played a bunch today, was expecting not to really like or care about it, but it's really quite fun. I keep calling it team fortress 3 because that's what it feels like to me - an extension of what valve made years ago but with many more options and classes. it's like a moba+tf hybrid. I'll play more fo sho.


....STILL no ninja character ?

Why put the ninja on every group artwork so far if you are not going to introduce the damn NINJA before the beta ?

....STILL no ninja character ?

Why put the ninja on every group artwork so far if you are not going to introduce the damn NINJA before the beta ?

We will probably see him and the hazmat suit dude at Blizzcon.

Still no beta for me but I won't give up hope. Hopefully I get the chance before it ends by the end of the year.


We will probably see him and the hazmat suit dude at Blizzcon.

Still no beta for me but I won't give up hope. Hopefully I get the chance before it ends by the end of the year.

... And as a new Heroes of the Storm hero.

Just kidding... But I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple Overwatch folks cross into HotS action.


I hope this game costs like 50 bucks. F2P games tend to... have kinda not great communities, and they end up with weird micro-transaction stuff.


I hope this game costs like 50 bucks. F2P games tend to... have kinda not great communities, and they end up with weird micro-transaction stuff.

and full priced multiplayer only games tend to not have big communities on PC...


and full priced multiplayer only games tend to not have big communities on PC...

I think Blizzard is the exception. People pay full price for Diablo and Warcraft.

There's a sense that they look after their fanbases for years.


I think Blizzard is the exception. People pay full price for Diablo and Warcraft.

There's a sense that they look after their fanbases for years.

Either way most full priced games end up with micro transactions anyways nowadays


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I guess this thread will explode when Blizzard finally decides to release bigger waves of invites.

Can't wait...


I hope this game costs like 50 bucks. F2P games tend to... have kinda not great communities, and they end up with weird micro-transaction stuff.

Because blizzard communities are shinning beacons of light? Also, weird micro transactilon stuff pretty is what WoW is all about these days.
For MP games i always hope it's F2P. They all have Microtransactions anyway I just want the largest healthiest community possible.

This game seems like a highly polished, streamlined TF2 based shooter. Only thing I worry about is it's depth and how long it will remain fun for.
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