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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Widowmaker is on our radar. We are discussing her. We have some internal experiments going to see if we can keep her viable while lowering the frustration threshold a little bit. Right now, this is just exploration. If something more comes of it, we'll let you know.
From http://www.overpwn.com/ (quoting jeff kaplan http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20745185102#post-2)

So during CBT I expressed my thoughts on balance. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=203993464&postcount=21103

Yup, if anyone is OP it's widowmaker and mccree. Widowmaker could use a longer charge time or less damage per charge at lower/middle charges or something to reduce the ROF.

And McCree's right click is the real cheese in the game. Basically makes mccree burst better than reaper, with shift being an auto-reload. It's also a bit RNG heavy. I'm sorta okay with flashbang, but not when the right click is that powerful.

Also lucio is a distant third I would say. Mainly because I think he just outclasses other support classes in healing and for the most part mobility too. He even has the best survivability toolkit in the form of his knock back which has an incredibly short cooldown of like 4 seconds. And he can pretty much wall run indefinitely if you're good enough with him. I would only make him slow down if shot while wall running, or something. He can be a real degenerate in the right hands...

So essentially I called out these nerfs way way long ago.

Note: I wasn't really suggesting Lucio needs a nerf, just that if there was a third character in line for a nerf, I thought Lucio would be it.


the holder of the trombone
Lucio could definitely use a nerf, or preferably have the other supports buffed to his level. Right now I don't think it's possible to win KotH without lucio.


Just went up against a team with 3 Tracers. What is the best character to counter that? We ended up winning but it was like trying to swap flies.

i was successful with Pharah. they can't reach you in the air and you can dump rockets on them. i also recommend Genji using his deflect and he's fast enough to deal with her.


Just went up against a team with 3 Tracers. What is the best character to counter that? We ended up winning but it was like trying to swap flies.

McCree. Stun grenade and right click will down them before they get a chance to blink away or reverse time heal.


I think Lucio is good as is and makes the battles more fun when there's a good Lucio. I think the other support characters should actually just get beefed up


How does the explosions of Junkrat and D.Va ultimate work? I don't get their radii and the conditions to be considered shielded, I hide behind a wall and I die, and I see people behind a small object and they survive, what am I doing wrong?


I don't know how you buff Symmetra or Zenyatta without breaking them. They're definitely weaker than Lucio/Mercy right now but they've both got strengths.


I don't know how you buff Symmetra or Zenyatta without breaking them. They're definitely weaker than Lucio/Mercy right now but they've both got strengths.

Something I've thought with a friend of mine: Give Zenyatta 6 orbs that you can pass around as buff or debuff orbs and you can stack them or spread them as you want with increasing effect per stack.

Gimme that micro, yo. All about the skill ceiling.
I don't know how you buff Symmetra or Zenyatta without breaking them. They're definitely weaker than Lucio/Mercy right now but they've both got strengths.
I don't think you do. You either completely rework them or you accept that they're mostly going to be situational picks and/or just pub picks.


Just went up against a team with 3 Tracers. What is the best character to counter that? We ended up winning but it was like trying to swap flies.

McCree easily. A flashbang is guaranteed death. Only other character that scares me more as tracer is Roadhog. Both flashbang/hook put a stop to her shenanigans.


Also, my group couldn't deal with a Tracer and i decided to go Tracer vs Tracer. ended up killing her a few times. so do mirror match if you can play Tracer. it'll fuck up other Tracers. BLINKING BATTLES
I think Lucio is good as is and makes the battles more fun when there's a good Lucio. I think the other support characters should actually just get beefed up

I honestly think Mercy is in great shape. Healing is fine, ult charge rate is fine because it depends on team smarts. If the team is too stupid to fall back when wounded and dies, Mercy get no charge. Damage boost is fine because as it is there are times where using the blaster is better, but it carries more risk.


I don't know how you buff Symmetra or Zenyatta without breaking them. They're definitely weaker than Lucio/Mercy right now but they've both got strengths.
in what ways would you honestly need to buff them? Maybe Symmetra's shields have a bit more? Zen doesn't need a buff, once he lands a discord orb it's over even for everyone's favorite robot


Something I've thought with a friend of mine: Give Zenyatta 6 orbs that you can pass around as buff or debuff orbs and you can stack them or spread them as you want with increasing effect per stack.

Gimme that micro, yo. All about the skill ceiling.

That's a really fucking cool idea. Do they last as long as he keeps LoS or are they timed? I think that bit might be hard to balance but yeah, I really dig that idea. You'd probably have to nerf the damage bonus of discord because 30% is a lot and it would be insane if you could put it on multiple people.

Nori Chan

Back to back loot boxes with epics o:

Lone wolf hanzo even Valkyrie mercy

This after having only two legendaries in the first 44 levels lol


I don't know how you buff Symmetra or Zenyatta without breaking them. They're definitely weaker than Lucio/Mercy right now but they've both got strengths.

Give him a shade more health but even in his current state he's a strong hero if you have a good position.


That's a really fucking cool idea. Do they last as long as he keeps LoS or are they timed? I think that bit might be hard to balance but yeah, I really dig that idea. You'd probably have to nerf the damage bonus of discord because 30% is a lot and it would be insane if you could put it on multiple people.

Yah LoS rules will have to change and of course the #s on the orbs would change but we were mostly throwing around ideas to make more skill intensive heroes which we think Overwatch could use more of.
in what ways would you honestly need to buff them? Maybe Symmetra's shields have a bit more? Zen doesn't need a buff, once he lands a discord orb it's over even for everyone's favorite robot

Zen's alt fire need to be changed to something useful. Sym should have an alternate ult for when the teleporter is up similar to how D.Va has mech summon and self destruct, maybe something similar to Lucio's sound barrier. She has a dance emote, let's make use of it


Lucio nerf? Sigh. Yeah, let's nerf what many people actually don't mind switching to when no one else is doing support.

I really want an EMP hero now for Turrets to make life easier especially if it is also a support hero.


Lucio nerf? Sigh. Yeah, let's nerf what many people actually don't mind switching to when no one else is doing support.

I really want an EMP hero now for Turrets to make life easier especially if it is also a support hero.

I don't think Lucio needs a nerf at all. One big reason he's as strong as he is is the fact that he has the ability to heal himself. No other support can do that.
I don't think Lucio needs a nerf at all. One big reason he's as strong as he is is the fact that he has the ability to heal himself. No other support can do that.

Huh? They all have passive healing, Mercy's health goes up faster if she's healing someone else.
I don't think Lucio needs a nerf at all. One big reason he's as strong as he is is the fact that he has the ability to heal himself. No other support can do that.

Mercy regens health. I was complaining earlier today I dont actually know where any health is on the maps because I'm always self healing.


the holder of the trombone
Lucio nerf? Sigh. Yeah, let's nerf what many people actually don't mind switching to when no one else is doing support.

I really want an EMP hero now for Turrets to make life easier especially if it is also a support hero.

Nah, my preference would be to make the other supports on his level. Mercy is great with her rez but if you can only have one healer I don't really see any reason to pick anyone but lucio.


in what ways would you honestly need to buff them? Maybe Symmetra's shields have a bit more? Zen doesn't need a buff, once he lands a discord orb it's over even for everyone's favorite robot

Symmetra's shields need to be removed or totally reworked. Even if the skill itself was good, it's a really really boring that doesn't ask much from the player. Torbjorn's is fine because you have the scrap mechanic, also armor goes away after it's shredded so you're constantly finding scrap and throwing out more armor. Symmetra just has to lay a single shield on someone after they respawn and that's it. Boring Boring.


Huh? They all have passive healing, Mercy's health goes up faster if she's healing someone else.

Mercy regens health. I was complaining earlier today I dont actually know where any health is on the maps because I'm always self healing.

Well yeah but if Lucio takes damage he amps his healing aura and his health is full in seconds, its a good out when you're being focused. Mercy passively regenerates but its slow, it won't save you from attacks.


I don't think Lucio needs a nerf at all. One big reason he's as strong as he is is the fact that he has the ability to heal himself. No other support can do that.

Sym has a huge shield that regenerates and Mercy's HP also regenerates I thought.

He isn't hard to kill eitheras he just has good mobility instead of defense/HP. I think if he does get nerfed, it will probably feel misplaced and they will readjust him again.
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