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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


Eh, situationally she's decent but there is always a better option. She's one of the weakest characters atm. Has a very strong kit but the fact she's kinda useless in a team fight unless ult is up is a p big dealbreaker.

Her gun needs a right click badly imo.
Yeah, after the break people played some more, with more mixed results. Maybe 1-2

Pretty sure nd was trying to turn us into personas.

I felt like today's games were kinda bad, even if we ended up winning basically half of them. Don't know why but I wasn't having as much fun as I usually do.

And nothing like ending the night with a game where I play Lucio for the whole round on Dorado defense, switch to a Hog on attack and end the game with 4 golds when there was a random playing soldier for the whole match.

Just no. Should've have stopped like I intended to and go find more personas.

6-stack all the way.

I thought you did pretty good

I think so too, at least he was appearing on the kill-feed very frequently. And he got 73 kills in one of the matches.

He also managed to get pinned by Rein a lot. That takes skill as Tracer, you have to blink exactly to the right spot.


Competitive Widowmaker refuses to switch no matter how bad we were losing tells me that. I try not to be toxic, but eventually I flat out ask him how many kills he's gotten as Widowmaker. 14. The same number I've gotten as Reinhardt. He tells me that's sad and I should have gotten way more.



5 straight games of Widow destroying entire teams. Even if you reach her with a Winston or Dva you just get erased by discord
5-stack, ilios, random sombra with 7k average damage... lost

5-stack, gibraltar, random soldier that seemed good. win

4-stack, dorado, randoms instalock dps on defense, went badly.


I dunno. I don't think we have had great gains as a 6 stack. Most nights have been mixed bags.
Why are people trying so hard to make Orisa work? She's terrible. She can't provide cover on the move like Rein or Dva and her gun is straight garbo

She has the kit to be a monster on Defense. I think someone will figure her out pretty soon, and she'll see more play at the sub-Masters levels.


the stacking SR avg could be a problem too. maybe our SR is too much around the high plat that we tend to fight people that are once diamond or diamond grouped with another plat etc.


I just don't know what to do with this game anymore.

Playing with gaffers is still fun, but I shouldn't NEED other gaffers to enjoy it.

Is it some kind of phenomenon of people getting worse as they play? I don't mean over the course of a single game, I mean in life long play. Usually it's the other way around, but with me, I must be a worse player now than I was before.

Because I can't understand what's happening to my games anymore. Either I paradoxically suck the more I play the game and I was just a way better player in the first 2 seasons or somehow the game just conspires against me. But the latter is conspiratorial and impossible, so I have no idea what the fuck this is supposed to be.

I've never hated playing a game I find so enjoyable so much.
I just don't know what to do with this game anymore.

Playing with gaffers is still fun, but I shouldn't NEED other gaffers to enjoy it.

Is it some kind of phenomenon of people getting worse as they play? I don't mean over the course of a single game, I mean in life long play. Usually it's the other way around, but with me, I must be a worse player now than I was before.

Because I can't understand what's happening to my games anymore. Either I paradoxically suck the more I play the game and I was just a way better player in the first 2 seasons or somehow the game just conspires against me. But the latter is conspiratorial and impossible, so I have no idea what the fuck this is supposed to be.

I've never hated playing a game I find so enjoyable so much.

You're tilting. Take a break.

Best thing to do is find your main and from there find how it works into a group you play with or randoms. Watch videos, find strategy... join the discord for GAFWatch where you can discuss strategy.

Reflect on your play throughs... I know you have PS4... Save your videos from playing and review them to see what you could have done different in situations.

I do this all the time as a Mercy main.

It's an ever evolving game and what worked 6 months ago no longer works now.


I think a system to kind of balance out how many players of what role will end up in a game would help improve game quality, but I can't think of a good way to make that work with how dynamic roles are in the game.
While playing Winston I just learned that he is pretty damn good at taking down Pharah. I never knew this before and it changes everything. :-O I killed the enemy Pharah 3 times.

I haven't gotten anything good in this event. No legendaries. :(


Dear diary,

Today was yet another day of lots of Overwatch, I lost and I won games.

I also gained new levels, which earned me lootboxes. But you know what dear diary. These lootboxes are fucking SHIT. Because I've opened 25 now. And still I've not gotten a single legendary skin from this godawful event.

Seriously, fuck this event. At this point I don't have any expectations. Whenever I open a lootbox, I honestly expect there to be one blue that is a duplicate of a non event item

I think a system to kind of balance out how many players of what role will end up in a game would help improve game quality, but I can't think of a good way to make that work with how dynamic roles are in the game.
what if u had to pick a category to play inbefore it queues you

I feel like it would ensure people make good picks but it would also make things feel a lot more stale... essentially having the game decide your team comp for you


what if u had to pick a category to play inbefore it queues you

I feel like it would ensure people make good picks but it would also make things feel a lot more stale... essentially having the game decide your team comp for you

I mean the issue is there isn't like a "set" number of roles. Sometimes having 3-4 tanks or DPS is correct. I think starting with making sure 2 supports make it into a game would be a start.


Almost done with Persona 5. I'll jump back into OW over the weekend probably. Still wanna grind for some boxes before I use my coins.


You're tilting. Take a break.

Fuck yeah I'm tilting. And I just finished off the game with the most tilt inducing game I've probably ever had. And I thought I was going to end on a good note. But nope.

We held them at Numbani on defense, but we still lost because we couldn't capture 0.1 of a point.

A tenth of a point! AGH! Hooooooooooooww??!!!?!

I don't know if I have the time to pay that much attention to how I play, with your suggestion of rewatching and everything. But at best, I should be average. I do know this game. And this is.....fuck, I don't know what this is. Especially since it's not like this down streak started at some kind of patch change. I don't know what caused this, but atleast 50% of these games feel like guarenteed losses.

Like I said, it's much better with you and other gaffers, but I used to be able top solo q this game. Now, it's just impossible. Something, somewhere, somehow goes wrong, always.


Does anyone else like how easily genjis abilities go from auto-deflect to a guarnteed hit? I never know how to approach that particular encounter. If I shoot I get one in the face, and if I wait it out I get hit anyway.

It's a difficult counter unless I'm using a Tank.
Shoot right above their head to bait them into a deflect.
2 - 1 with Buttchin just now. Had a loss at the end that was suspect. We had a gold weapon D.Va that I don't think know hows to play D.Va. They did swallow a Gravitron tho, so that kinda made up for their other short comings... but not really.


Dear diary,

Today was yet another day of lots of Overwatch, I lost and I won games.

I also gained new levels, which earned me lootboxes. But you know what dear diary. These lootboxes are fucking SHIT. Because I've opened 25 now. And still I've not gotten a single legendary skin from this godawful event.

Seriously, fuck this event. At this point I don't have any expectations. Whenever I open a lootbox, I honestly expect there to be one blue that is a duplicate of a non event item


I know that feel.

15 boxes in and nothing but blues and whites...

On another note, I'm making it my lifes goal to become some godly console Widow so I won't ever have to deal with shit ones again. Mark my words. I'm going to practice the shit out of it playing against AI first because no teammate in QP deserves that at my skill with her right now.
I think a system to kind of balance out how many players of what role will end up in a game would help improve game quality, but I can't think of a good way to make that work with how dynamic roles are in the game.
Yeah, that enforces too much of a certain role bottleneck, if they wanted to do that they could pretty much lock off categories once the game registers there are enough in one.

But I'd just prefer it if the game wasn't so strict in what it demanded out of composition, mostly support-wise.


It becomes discouraging when you play a support character, while everyone’s trying to be as egotistical as possible (& sacrificing their team comp) thinking our failure to defend/push is because we need more damage and switch off of some other critical role. If anything, I’ve noticed a subtle shift where players seem more likely to throw their support under the team bus in the event of a loss. :(


Officially dipped below 2000 SR now because, for the SECOND TIME TONIGHT, my stupid fucking asshole team decided to let an easy win go.

We held the point on Defense. They got 16% on it. Yet somehow, we were unable to grab that. Mostly because my team though "Hey, easy win" and changed team comp to be stupid. Never occured to them to change it back.

What the fuck. What the actual fuck.

I'm actually thinking of quitting. Not just quitting, but flat out snapping the disk in two, not out of frustration per se, but more so from the perspective that this game is just straight up poison to my soul now and maybe it's time that I remove the temptation to play it ever again. It's gone way beyond "not fun". Yeah, I'm tllting and all that. But *holds up hands*...I got nothing. All I can say is that this was one of the greatest games I've ever played until it turned against me. And now, I can't remember a single other game for which I've had this strong a sense of bitterness and hostility.

I'll play with Neogaf tonight. I really hope that will improve my mood, because this game is really all about the people you play with. But after that, I honestly don't know.
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