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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

You know what I would like to see? The positioning of each hero in each map. As in, where a specific hero spends his time on average in a map. For example, Soldier 69 would spend a lot of time in high ground in Dorado IF the average was taken from players above platinum for example.

I wonder if Blizzard has such statistic. There might be parts of certain maps that players rarely take, or parts that are too common to be used; implying that they are very good or too good in some instances.


Lucio was never staying that close to the front line previously.

There's no reason not to in a deathball. Snipers can't shoot you, Roadhog can't hook you. As long as your shield stays up your safe. If Lucio is positioned far away from his team, on a map like say Anubis first, you'd probably get insta-gibbed by a Widow. In high level play anyways.


You know what I would like to see? The positioning of each hero in each map. As in, where a specific hero spends his time on average in a map. For example, Soldier 69 would spend a lot of time in high ground in Dorado IF the average was taken from players above platinum for example.

I wonder if Blizzard has such statistic. There might be parts of certain maps that players rarely take, or parts that are too common to be used; implying that they are very good or too good in some instances.
Pretty sure they can do heat maps for this, yeah.
He'll always annoy me because he has no counters. You can't do anything to stop a Roadhog that's hard carrying their team. You just kinda have to accept it lol.
There are so many heroes that make Roadhog's life difficult. Sometimes I feel like I don't even exist if the other team has a great Zarya.


Every time i ask noob Widow that keeps dying and dying and dying... and dying. Why are they picking Widow, and what's the point. I get "It's QP" answer...


I wish i could delete Widow, Hanzo, Genji, McCree and Soldier from the game.


Every time i ask noob Widow that keeps dying and dying and dying... and dying. Why are they picking Widow, and what's the point. I get "It's QP" answer...

On the flipside, I had someone get really mad that I was on Widow in QP....on Illios-Ruins.


I seem to get lucky and never get complaints about me playing Genji. But tbf, I think I do alright on him and do a good job of finishing kills.
Every time i ask noob Widow that keeps dying and dying and dying... and dying. Why are they picking Widow, and what's the point. I get "It's QP" answer...


I wish i could delete Widow, Hanzo, Genji, McCree and Soldier from the game.

Exactly. This is what I hate about quick play. People just pick random heroes and shoot with disregarding to everything that makes Overwatch a great competitive TEAM game. Every time I try to improve with a hero or fix something, I get into dumb teams or someone insta-locks some heroes; worse cases involve no healers/no tanks or four DPS heroes on your team. Seriously, how can you master a hero beyond getting familiar with mechanics in training, vs AI and custom games?

You will just end up developing bad habits and learn nothing about synergy when you run bad team comps in quick play.

Here is what one Widow "main" said in quick play chat: "I play Widow because she can one shot heroes. I don't play Tanks or support".

Also, 'there is a Junkrat behind every great sniper'. So, pick Junkrat when you have Widow or Hanzo (preferably both). You know what cracks me up? When new players pick Torb or Sym just because they can't deal with those heroes, which makes them think they are good heroes and insta wins.
Huge Lucio nerf wtf

KOTH just got much less interesting...

I blame vault for getting his golden gun.
He's worse but he looks more fun actually. If we could get a damage increase on his gun I feel like he could be a legitimately great harasser character (even better than he was before). With the way I play him I don't think the nerfs will be SO bad. But I'll love the buffs.


All these "Lucio won't see any changes in play pattern" posts are bizarre to me- he got his AoE healing area cut down to 11% of what it was. (Even less if you consider vertical space.) It's a massive, massive change in how he works as a healer that completely negates his turtly backline style of play.

It sounds way worse than it is when people refer to the area, and not the radius. Area is kind of irrelevant in this context. Its how far he has to be from his team mates that mathers.


It is not worse than standing in front of Mercy--who is shooting her gun--while you spam need healing with 5 HP left. That Mercy felt bad and started healing me when I came back from spawn though LOL. It was too late by then.

They were a high diamond Ana main this season and couldn't heal more than 2k that game. Enemy Lucio healed 9k by existing.
At least they nano'd me I guess.
I just had a game where a Roadhog would consistently run up to us 1v6, kill someone, and then casually walk away. Maybe they didn't notice him, who knows lol. At that point, it's not even a positioning issue, just questionable teammates.

Some players have no awareness except what is directly on their screen.

Heard a Junkrat trying to flank as Mercy, manage to single handedly stuff his ultimate and kill him, my team had no clue as it was all behind them. Coulda wiped us as all behind Rein shield.


It sounds way worse than it is when people refer to the area, and not the radius. Area is kind of irrelevant in this context. Its how far he has to be from his team mates that mathers.
Kinda, the thing about the 30-yd radius is that he could be all the way in eco-point Antarctica and still be healing you.


Kinda, the thing about the 30-yd radius is that he could be all the way in eco-point Antarctica and still be healing you.

yeah, i agree that it is a big change, and will change his play style. But its 1/3 of what it was. refering to area and volume makes it sound way more ;)


Been thinking about this idea, a hero that throws healthpacks just like how Torb throws armor packs.

Too OP? Probably lol.


ppl salty and leave qp matches as soon as the match is over. This puts me in a never ending cycle of matches getting cancelled because of "waiting for players" at the end, backfilled in matches that are only 4 seconds from ending, and waiting for players during the beginning. This also resets the random stage generator giving me the same maps over and over. ugh where is everyone?
Today I missed up against Ana that I thought the team killed her below me with Pharah. Somehow she survives and goes back; I hit her a couple of times but I was afraid of getting three-shot killed LOL. I kept her in the back for a bit and pretended that I left her. I knew she was going to circle back to her team in Dorado behind the bridge, so I see her again and kill her LOL.

I don't know how to assess what I did there. First I should gotten the job done (could have been confirmed via comm), but I am not sure if stalling and making her suppressed back without healing her team was the best option I had. Verdict: I am afraid of Ana as Pharah LOL. They didn't have their Ana on their team for like a whole minute, and then she ends up dead on top of making me hit her a couple of times to build ult.
It's ridiculous how a Roadhog can be so out of position all game yet kill so many people. No other hero tilts me more than this guy does.

The ones on my team just feed... :\

Don't think I've had a game in a while without a Genji on my team....

Had to stop playing in the morning because of this, 3 games in a row with instalock genjis on my team with terrible stats and winrate. A lot of kids in the voice-chat too, guess it's related...

Gonna play at 2-3am where I live, hopefully I don't get kids at that hour. They are like the most annoying thing ever.

He's worse but he looks more fun actually. If we could get a damage increase on his gun I feel like he could be a legitimately great harasser character (even better than he was before). With the way I play him I don't think the nerfs will be SO bad. But I'll love the buffs.

Yeah the fact that the healing is stronger will make him harder to kill by flankers and you can get a bit more cocky. Hopefully the projectile speed increase is noticable, I also wish the damage were higher.


It's a good season to be Mercy. There's a level 1500 gold border Mercy main named Skye that made GM this season after being Diamond last.

Is it purely the rez buff that's done this or is it because people are more accepting of mercy and don't throw as much?


Is it purely the rez buff that's done this or is it because people are more accepting of mercy and don't throw as much?
A bit of both. The Rez buff is super strong for sure, but people really are just more accepting of her than from a few months ago.

I think the "I'd rather have a bad Ana than a good Mercy" sentiment that was so prevalent last season is pretty much gone now.

I played Lucio/Ana last season, because people wouldn't even give me a chance to play Mercy. I still had >60% win rate on her last season the few times I got to play her, though.
Whole Hog is a good nano boost target, too. Just no real reason to run Reaper, I don't even see him in QP anymore.
I wouldn't boost Hog unless I had too - he's too easy to crowd control when he's out in the open. I usually get slept right after someone Nanos me. :-(


Been thinking about this idea, a hero that throws healthpacks just like how Torb throws armor packs.

Too OP? Probably lol.

I think that'd be a cool idea, and one of the last healer archetypes still missing from the game. Someone who does some pretty high burst healing, but can only do that by collecting resources from dead enemies (and potentially health packs), like a vampire of sorts. It'd have to be a DPS-healer hybrid, which would hopefully encourage more people to actually play them

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Zen skin pls
My Winston is improving. I went 19-2 in Eichenwalde ATTACK! People actually "dived" and helped pushing. I knocked 40 players somehow lol and I almost knocked a Genji with ult into the valley but he was lucky he had dash with him. Team comps and matchmaking have been shit so far (weekend) save for the last match. The previous ones were with very low level players and the usual three defense never switch meta.

I think that'd be a cool idea, and one of the last healer archetypes still missing from the game. Someone who does some pretty high burst healing, but can only do that by collecting resources from dead enemies (and potentially health packs), like a vampire of sorts. It'd have to be a DPS-healer hybrid, which would hopefully encourage more people to actually play them

And only play them as DPS heroes because they were forced to fill the healer/support role, just like DPS/Sniper Ana players. It is a good concept though.
Torbjorn already works like that with his armor packs , you recollect your resources from dead enemies and they already work as extra hp when deployed on allies, so it wouldn't be a new concept at all.

Make reaper a semi support by giving hm the ability of releasing your collected souls to heal allied teammates, same concept but at least it makes him more attractive to play.
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