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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


That's been a main part of why tanks have become DPS. With Ana behind you, you don't even need to use Rein shield and can play pure agro mode.

That Rein is actually doing his job as designed. Just extremely ineptly. If anything, the defending Rein is the one that fucked up by not punishing the fuck out of that crazy over-extension.

Pinning the opposing Rein/Tank after your team is positioned behind your shield is a great initiator on attack. Especially if you have a Zarya and/or an Ana.


Complaints about rez charge rate? Come on. Hasn't it been nerfed twice? Launch Mercy charged ult too fast. It was at the level that seeing multiple resurrections from each side in a single fight wasn't uncommon. Now? As a Mercy player and killer, if you're losing, blame your damage. You have plenty of time to sniff her out in those initial engages.


Wish I could practice in QP, but I keep getting matched with 1,000 SR players so it's a cakewalk for me.

Good or bad players, I'm just focusing on my own aim and Ults usage. I don't really care about winning or losing unless we're playing against a stack.


@Anne: why wasn't Bastion in your list at all? I find that most teams don't have the necessary coordination to handle him.

Bastion doesn't work as a carry hero. He's just too situational. And if someone on your team has to play Bastion on attack, at least it isn't on throwing levels like it was before the buffs. But he's definitely not someone you'd recommend as a carry hero.


Sometimes it seems that some people still can't understand that they should die after losing the battle/point so they can respawn with the rest of the team. Staying alive in that position doesn't help the team in any way.

Yeah this shit throws me off so much.
Yeah dunno how high diamond doesn't understand the need to reset.
how do you wall off a rein with a roadhog, rein and mei right there and not get the kill
Bad coms. If you are gonna mei wall you need to push up more. I think they were still on the point. The lack of rein charge I dunno.


That Rein is actually doing his job as designed. Just extremely ineptly. If anything, the defending Rein is the one that fucked up by not punishing the fuck out of that crazy over-extension.

Pinning the opposing Rein/Tank after your team is positioned behind your shield is a great initiator on attack. Especially if you have a Zarya and/or an Ana.

Right but that level of aggressiveness wasn't really possible before Ana. Mercy would have to get into the mix and be vulnerable. Rein trains a path through enemies which simultaneously opens a sight line for Ana healing shots into his back.


Had a rein yesterday that was being backed up my an ana and me a mercy going against a single rein. And i kept telling him to swing at the rein, your being backed up by 2 healers. He just continued to hold up his shield while the enemy rein swung and killed the ana behind him

Same game same rein goes into a room full of turrets with a symdtra melting him. He continues to hold his shield up in the corner while im stream healing him but ultimately dies cause 3 turrets and a sym and u cant heal through that. I said wtf are you doing, and he says theres too much stuff atking me i had to. I stopped bothering at that point. This is in gold ranking btw.



People complaining about Mercy res, eh? It seems we've come full circle since launch.

She's fine. She was too weak before. Now you have to learn to deal with her instead of ignoring her.
it's always been weird to me that ppl complain about having to prioritise healers like

that makes sense doesn't it?

get the healer -> goodbye other team


People complaining about Mercy res, eh? It seems we've come full circle since launch.

She's fine. She was too weak before. Now you have to learn to deal with her instead of ignoring her.
I've been saying this for a while, but I think they could take a look at nerfing her ult charge and buffing her in another area. Rez does charge maybe a bit too quickly, but if they just nerf that, she will go back to being a trash-tier pick like she was last season.

A rez charge nerf and a beam buff would be perfectly fine with me, as it would benefit the "play with the team as often as possible" playstyle that I already have with her.


it's always been weird to me that ppl complain about having to prioritise healers like

that makes sense doesn't it?

get the healer -> goodbye other team

I think it becomes more apparent once you play healer, or at least the assassin that kills the healer. When you're a solo Mercy and you die, you can always safely assume that most if not all of your team will be dead by the time you get back.

When they aren't it's like "omg wtf you guys are insane."


People complaining about Mercy res, eh? It seems we've come full circle since launch.

She's fine. She was too weak before. Now you have to learn to deal with her instead of ignoring her.

Hmm. I agree that she was too weak, but I think Blizzard took the wrong approach to buffing her. Now she is super annoying to play against in an unorganized context.

I've been saying this for a while, but I think they could take a look at nerfing her ult charge and buffing her in another area. Rez does charge maybe a bit too quickly, but if they just nerf that, she will go back to being a trash-tier pick like she was last season.


Personally, I think Mercy needs more ways to actively engage in the fight. A non-heal utility E would be perfect.


Hmm. I agree that she was too weak, but I think Blizzard took the wrong approach to buffing her. Now she is super annoying to play against in an unorganized context.


Personally, I think Mercy needs more ways to actively engage in the fight. A non-heal utility E would be perfect.

Besides that split second of invulnerability during a res how is she buffed? It changes nothing


Besides that split second of invulnerability during a res how is she buffed? It changes nothing
It was not an insignificant buff. It doesn't make bad Mercies into good Mercies, but it makes good Mercies into amazing Mercies.

It did actually increase her skill ceiling. Like, there's finesse to using the invulnerability effectively.


Gets destroyed by dive/pharah. It only works if the other team is legit brain dead.

I wish there were brain dead teams at my level in Hanamura. Point B is near impossible with a good Mei walling off people and using her Ult on the point.


It was not an insignificant buff. It doesn't make bad Mercies into good Mercies, but it makes good Mercies into amazing Mercies.

It did actually increase her skill ceiling. Like, there's finesse to using the invulnerability effectively.

I know ive used the res to sVe myself before


Gets destroyed by dive/pharah. It only works if the other team is legit brain dead.

At Diamond+. Not lower.

But not always (Pharah, Bastion, Lucio).

Pharah has a higher skill floor.

Lucio is easy to play. That is true, but he does not have high impact in a disorganized team usually. Especially at lower levels.

Bastion is a better example of your argument. As are Torb and Sym at lower levels.


I've been saying this for a while, but I think they could take a look at nerfing her ult charge and buffing her in another area. Rez does charge maybe a bit too quickly, but if they just nerf that, she will go back to being a trash-tier pick like she was last season.

A rez charge nerf and a beam buff would be perfectly fine with me, as it would benefit the "play with the team as often as possible" playstyle that I already have with her.
I don't know what they could do to the beam. It's already very poweful. I think the change would have to be mechanical, like giving her more brevity to play without LoS. But I can't think of anything that wouldn't be extremely overpowered.

Mercy has been retooled a bunch of times. She has never been the most picked healer and was only very briefly in the pro meta before S4 and yet she garners a lot of calls for nerfs. It's like people complaining about Junkrat.

Hmm. I agree that she was too weak, but I think Blizzard took the wrong approach to buffing her. Now she is super annoying to play against in an unorganized context.
Most solo queue elo climbers are good because they exploit uncoordinated teams. It is the nature of the game. Balancing the game around solo queue is a very poor idea.

Besides, most Mercy players you're going to find in comp are going to have very exploitable game plans. Mercy is often described as being very easy to play but it's simply not true; she depends on, perhaps more than any other character, a strong understanding of positioning and the enemy team's tempo to play well. When she dies, the team dies, and that's a lot of pressure.

Case in point: The guys who hide so they can res the team after they wipe. This is a terrible strategy most of the time: rather than try to win the fight, Mercy players with this mindset engage on a 6v5, practically ensuring their defeat and relying on the prospect of getting a shorthanded pick (not to mention ideal res positioning) in order to end up on the advantage after the res. Mercy is quite ignorable in these situations, especially if you're on defense and fighting against this strategy. You can simply hang back and conservatively use ults while the enemy team flounders due to a lack of healing. If she gets a big res and you've still got an ult advantage, you have a good chane of wiping them again.

Many, if not most, Mercy players in comp believe that hiding for a big res is a good strategy. I say this both as someone with a lot of Mercy playtime and a player at 35xx SR.


I know ive used the res to sVe myself before

It changes the entire decision making process behind using Rez. In practice, it's been a more significant buff and change to the character than I anticipated from merely reading it on paper.

I don't know what they could do to the beam. It's already very poweful. I think the change would have to be mechanical, like giving her more brevity to play without LoS. But I can't think of anything that wouldn't be extremely overpowered.

Mercy has been retooled a bunch of times. She has never been the most picked healer and was only very briefly in the pro meta before S4 and yet she garners a lot of calls for nerfs. It's like people complaining about Junkrat.

Ya, I don't think they need to buff the rate of healing or damage boosting (those are fine), but maybe take a look at something like slightly increasing the range of the beam, or making it stay attached for an extra second after you lose LoS with your target, something like that.


I don't know what they could do to the beam. It's already very poweful. I think the change would have to be mechanical, like giving her more brevity to play without LoS. But I can't think of anything that wouldn't be extremely overpowered.

Mercy has been retooled a bunch of times. She has never been the most picked healer and was only very briefly in the pro meta before S4 and yet she garners a lot of calls for nerfs. It's like people complaining about Junkrat.

Most solo queue elo climbers are good because they exploit uncoordinated teams. It is the nature of the game. Balancing the game around solo queue is a very poor idea.

Besides, most Mercy players you're going to find in comp are going to have very exploitable game plans. Mercy is often described as being very easy to play but it's simply not true; she depends on, perhaps more than any other character, a strong understanding of positioning and the enemy team's tempo to play well. When she dies, the team dies, and that's a lot of pressure.

Case in point: The guys who hide so they can res the team after they wipe. This is a terrible strategy most of the time: rather than try to win the fight, Mercy players with this mindset engage on a 6v5, practically ensuring their defeat and relying on the prospect of getting a shorthanded pick (not to mention ideal res positioning) in order to end up on the advantage after the res. Mercy is quite ignorable in these situations, especially if you're on defense and fighting against this strategy. You can simply hang back and conservatively use ults while the enemy team flounders due to a lack of healing. If she gets a big res and you've still got an ult advantage, you have a good chane of wiping them again.

Many, if not most, Mercy players in comp believe that hiding for a big res is a good strategy. I say this both as someone with a lot of Mercy playtime and a player at 35xx SR.
Very true about positioning

Also ever since i started maining her ive been doing all the callouts whereas i use to be very auiet in matches


I wish there were brain dead teams at my level in Hanamura. Point B is near impossible with a good Mei walling off people and using her Ult on the point.

Not saying she never works on Hanamura B, but I don't see it as a great pick anymore. If they are running anything but 3 tanks she is gonna get brute forced.

maybe at your level which is much higher than most :p

Come on the discord!


Mei is great; she's just very situational. I use her to turn losses into draws.

At Diamond+. Not lower.
I'm in Master and I think Mei does just fine against dive comps on Hanamura A. You use her to separate the less mobile characrers from the rest of your team and to redouble defenses on the choke. She's fairly useless against Pharah but she can give the rest of your team space to focus on her.

I usually switch off of her on B, though.


Many, if not most, Mercy players in comp believe that hiding for a big res is a good strategy. I say this both as someone with a lot of Mercy playtime and a player at 35xx SR.
Because hiding for rez was the best way to play Mercy, at one point in the game.
But that point hasn't been for a fucking loooooooooong time and people haven't relearned how to play her.

Hiding for rez is some Season 1 shit. We're on Season 4. People need to wake up.


Thos PotGs where you see a Mercy just hiding in a corner waiting to do rez.
My experience this season has been that if both teams have a Mercy, the one that gets POTG is usually on the losing team.

Not always, but usually.

And it's a vicious cycle, because that Mercy feels vindicated by getting her POTG and then blames the loss on her team, instead of self-examining her own hide-happy playstyle.

Like yeah, hide if you know the enemy team is coming back from spawn with a Graviton, but don't make every team fight in the entire match 5v6.


Mei is great; she's just very situational. I use her to turn losses into draws.

I'm in Master and I think Mei does just fine against dive comps on Hanamura A. You use her to separate the less mobile characrers from the rest of your team and to redouble defenses on the choke. She's fairly useless against Pharah but she can give the rest of your team space to focus on her.

I usually switch off of her on B, though.

Yeah, that is what I thought as well, but I have not played her in quite some time.


Because hiding for rez was the best way to play Mercy, at one point in the game.
But that point hasn't been for a fucking loooooooooong time and people haven't relearned how to play her.

Hiding for rez is some Season 1 shit. We're on Season 4. People need to wake up.

Thank you.

Thos PotGs where you see a Mercy just hiding in a corner waiting to do rez.

Well, c'mon, if I don't get sucked into that Zarya ult and I hear Soldier goin' tac visor, I'm stayin' behind this wall for the moment, thank you very much.

That's just prudence.

Not joining a teamfight just because your ult is up is another story.


Because hiding for rez was the best way to play Mercy, at one point in the game.
But that point hasn't been for a fucking loooooooooong time and people haven't relearned how to play her.

Hiding for rez is some Season 1 shit. We're on Season 4. People need to wake up.
I thought it was a dumb strategy then, too. Before if you did it you'd almost certainly end up dead after the res so your team would have to have a two-man advantage before the res to end up ahead after the res. Expecting them to make two kills in a 6v5 with probably only a Lucio to heal is just not realistic.

The better way to play Mercy has always been to be a cautious participant in the fight. Mercy has a ton of mobility; there's no reason you can't be vigilant for gravs or nano visor, especially since you're not shooting. Her presence also places an added pressure on the attackers since they have to be sure to actually get Mercy with whatever they're doing.



Besides, most Mercy players you're going to find in comp are going to have very exploitable game plans. Mercy is often described as being very easy to play but it's simply not true; she depends on, perhaps more than any other character, a strong understanding of positioning and the enemy team's tempo to play well. When she dies, the team dies, and that's a lot of pressure.


That describes all the main healers though.

Besides, I am not arguing that she should be balanced for lower levels, just that I disliked the buff Blizzard went with. Improving her Rez or heal I think is the wrong approach. Mercy needs more utility.
That describes all main/single healers though.

Probably just Ana.

I play zen secondary but I don't always have to know where everyone is aside from the enemy to throw discords.

Symm you don't need to know where anyone is.

Lucio you don't before the Nerf because he has such a wide range of speed boost and healing.
Because hiding for rez was the best way to play Mercy, at one point in the game.
But that point hasn't been for a fucking loooooooooong time and people haven't relearned how to play her.

Hiding for rez is some Season 1 shit. We're on Season 4. People need to wake up.

I would say it's not that way anymore and agree with you but hiding for Rez does still happen based on a situation Al basis.

Most of the time its hiding from us but everyone does that and if I get a Rez out of it great. Typically tho I'm there with the rest a few ferry back in the trenches.

I know ive used the res to sVe myself before

Baited a riptire yesterday and did a two man Rez right when they exploded it.

God to hear that Junkrat rage would have been glorious.


That describes all the main healers though.

Besides, I am not arguing that she should be balanced for lower levels, just that I disliked the buff Blizzard went with. Improving her Rez or heal I think is the wrong approach. Mercy needs more utility.

I agree that more utility would be good and make her more fun and interesting to play as, with and against, but the fact that Res 1.0 was almost-always-but-not-quite-always a death sentence was a big problem that I'm glad is fixed.
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