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PA Report - The Xbox One will kill used games, that's good


Santa May Claus
You guys can live on in righteous anger all you want. I feel that there is no problem with anything that I am hearing....SO FAR. If that changes, sure I may rant and rave about it. The problem we have here is that no one really knows the whole story, MS should have been more prepared, and are already decrying this as the coming of Satan himself. I just believe that people should be paid for their work. That is not anti-consumer in my book. Thats the way it should always be. IMHO at least.

People should fucking complain so that the message is crystal clear to Microsoft, whether they decide to shift their policy or not. Living in uncertainty doesn't mean we should just wait for the shitty announcement that's coming. I think pre-emptively voicing concerns is a good thing.
Yep. Get back to me.

Preposterous analogy. A more accurate one would be: I purchase an art print from an artist. I've paid them for the work that they performed and the copy that is in my possession. If others want to enjoy it, they'll have to pay the artist to view it. Fuck that.

Also a preposterous analogy, your example is akin to charging for someone coming over to your house and watching you play the game, or even playing it at your house.

Killing used games isn't good, not for consumers and not for the companies in the long run who depend on consumers having the money/credit to buy their expensive products. What a stupid article. I expected more from the Kooch.

Consumer has 'x' amount of money to spend on games, with the used game example some amount 'y' goes to Gamestop instead of the game makers. There's no way to make the math of that good for the game makers, I can see an argument for it being good for consumers, but not game makers.


You guys can live on in righteous anger all you want. I feel that there is no problem with anything that I am hearing....SO FAR. If that changes, sure I may rant and rave about it. The problem we have here is that no one really knows the whole story, MS should have been more prepared, and are already decrying this as the coming of Satan himself. I just believe that people should be paid for their work. That is not anti-consumer in my book. Thats the way it should always be. IMHO at least.

So you've never borrowed a DVD off of someone? You've never gone to someone else's house and watched Netflix?

Your argument makes no fucking sense.
You know, I was going to type out an entire post debunking that ludicrous article, but to hell with it. The author clearly has no grasp of how economics work.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
The current economics of the industry are a creation of the industry. You can't just run your business into the ground and then claim that the only solution is to take away consumer rights. It's insane.

I really hope more people can understand this. The big game publishers created a completely unsustainable business model, and now the customers are going to pay for it.


bish gets all the credit :)
Since we seem to have to go over this in every used game thread,



Santa May Claus
Also a preposterous analogy, your example is akin to charging for someone coming over to your house and watching you play the game, or even playing it at your house.

Yeah, looking back on it, it's not great. It's still better than his. *shrugs* There are plenty of other examples in the thread, though.


The same argument can be made for use games which enable people to buy more games.

This was my PS2 library, more or less, especially back during the days when Atlus did not do reprints as often as they do now, driving up the prices for new copies to obscene levels. Finding that one used copy of SMT:N when I did was a miracle. Got me into buying more games new from them, even if it was to prevent that situation from happening again.
You guys can live on in righteous anger all you want. I feel that there is no problem with anything that I am hearing....SO FAR. If that changes, sure I may rant and rave about it. The problem we have here is that no one really knows the whole story, MS should have been more prepared, and are already decrying this as the coming of Satan himself. I just believe that people should be paid for their work. That is not anti-consumer in my book. Thats the way it should always be. IMHO at least.

Read this thread for a full explanation why you're wrong.
Interesting perspective, but I'm not ok with ms being the market intermediary. GameStop faces competition which keeps their prices honest. Having Microsoft in charge of setting prices is a little unnerving.

Agreed. Anyone who thinks Microsoft's pricing of a game exchange would be fair is delusional.
Games are cheaper now then they have ever been in the history of games. If you're 30+, you'd remember a time when $80+ games weren't uncommon. Now you have $5, $1, free games all over the place, and games are going on sale constantly. Add in that a $60 game today is cheaper because of inflation than a $60 game of even 3 years ago.

NOW... take away market pressure factors and close the system and you'll see that vertical pricing is terrible for consumers.

Now a $60 game has little outside pressure to drop - it will drop, if people don't buy, but that won't be quickly. They'll drop it to $55 and you'll think you're getting a steal, so there will be a spike in sales, then maybe a couple more months down the road it will go to $50 and people will jump on again - you sustain higher levels of revenue - and the consumer ends up spending more in the end.

Anyone that thinks they are getting cheaper games out of this obviously doesn't remember the In-game advertising bullshit promises of the 1990s. Magazines and game makers kept saying "In game advertising will make games cheaper!" That shit was a straight up LIE.

I agree with your first paragraph. I'm 31 and paid the Square Tax.

Not seeing your points on the rest though. Why are you taking out market pressure factors? There's a PS4, Steam, other PC DD sites, and Wii U. Microsoft can't close their system to the market. If Microsoft sells games digitally for $60 and never drops the price, I won't buy my games there.

My point is that if this works - and I think it could - I am on board. If it doesn't work and Microsoft's prices are higher than they are anywhere else, Microsoft is going to have a lot of trouble selling games.


This GAF trend of "opinion I disagree with is the result of a bribe" thing is getting silly.

its not a bribe, its simply aligning yourself with the people who pay the money, in this case game company market depts. It happens in all advertising based media btw. You don't piss off major advertisers, period.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
You know, I was going to type out an entire post debunking that ludicrous article, but to hell with it. The author clearly has no grasp of how economics work.

Remember his name, it's Ben Kuchera - don't let him off easily.

I happen to think he's a dope, for far more than this article. Grandstanding writer who fashions himself as a bastion of journalism. His writing is loaded with righteous indignation and proclamations.
They already are paid for their work. As much as every other industry in the entire world. Games are not special.

It's funny how some anti-used games defenders call other people entitled, when pretty much every other single product that humans create works exactly just like games. You buy something, you own it, and you can borrow it or sell it.
I guess somehow games really are special.


They couldn't have contributed to it?

You don't know and you're claiming it could be a possibility. In order for you to claim this, you must provide evidence of such a claim. All I've heard from you is conjecture and speculation, hardly grounds to make excuses.


I don't think used games had much of an effect on why giving massively larger budgets to sequels for games that saw solid success like de Blob, uDraw, and Darksiders led to their downfall; giving massively larger budgets to sequels for games that saw solid successes that are now being expected to sell much more than they possibly are able to is what killed them.

Contributed; not outright. Do you think that publishers have no right to protect their IP? I think, with the way things are done currently, that they sell a game and others profit off of it. Maybe that is why the price is high for games? If they commit to lowering it wouldn't more people be on board?


The other reason to be concerned about this is you can bet your ass the credit you get for "trading in" your licenses is almost assuredly going to be just that -- credit for future digital purchases. At least with Gamestop, Ebay or Craigslist, the seller has the option to get back some cash if they're in a pinch.

There is no scenario at all where this is good for consumers and it isn't going to help publishers. People will just play fewer games.


So much this. You will be torn apart, as will I, but I personally want devs and pubs to thrive so they make more and better games and prices come down.

everybody does. this issue isn't about that. It is about losing consumer rights to fatten the bottom line of corporations like EA and Microsoft.


You guys can live on in righteous anger all you want. I feel that there is no problem with anything that I am hearing....SO FAR. If that changes, sure I may rant and rave about it. The problem we have here is that no one really knows the whole story, MS should have been more prepared, and are already decrying this as the coming of Satan himself. I just believe that people should be paid for their work. That is not anti-consumer in my book. Thats the way it should always be. IMHO at least.

Because we can always trust the big corporations in the help of consumer rights and such?



Thank you.

Ben is living in fucking Candyland if he believes any if that shit. So just because they're forcing the issue to block games, that all if the sudden means cheaper games and more sales similar to Steam? What?! That completely defeats the purpose TO MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY.

There are full games available right now for download on XBL & PSN. Why haven't they debuted with competitive prices or gone on sale like their pc counterparts?

Article is maddening and makes him look dense at best. And I really like him as a writer. He's wrong here though on all fronts - even piracy.


You don't know and you're claiming it could be a possibility.

That happens all the time; I never claimed it DID contribute.

Dragon said:
In order for you to claim this, you must provide evidence of such a claim. All I've heard from you is conjecture and speculation, hardly grounds to make excuses.

No, not how it works for thinking something could possibly have happened.
They couldn't have contributed to it?

Perhaps, but this is what really killed them

"Revenues were lower by about $100 million," admitted Pucino.

"Where that $100m comes from is we have about 1.4 million units still in inventory that we haven't sold that we planned on selling. If you think about an average price of about $56 or so, that accounted for a shortfall of about $80 million.

"Then the million or so units that we did sell-in we had to sell at a lower price. That, coupled with software sales that are associated with uDraw being lower as well, totals about $100 million.


Publishers want to continue blaming used games instead of looking at their own screwups.


Contributed; not outright. Do you think that publishers have no right to protect their IP? I think, with the way things are done currently, that they sell a game and others profit off of it. Maybe that is why the price is high for games? If they commit to lowering it wouldn't more people be on board?

I never said it was outright; I'm suggesting that used games played a rather tiny role in THQ's death, or the death of any publisher/developer this gen. Budgets that required sales that weren't possible without full media saturation (which, in turn, digs an even bigger hole to climb out of) are what killed them.

Used games are an easy scapegoat for publishers to latch onto since they can rightfully claim that they had no hand in them.
But you still have your rights to play the game the YOU bought. Everyone else has to buy their own copy. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Actually, under the currently understood Xbox One system, you only have those rights as long as your Xbox can phone home. The day that Microsoft pulls the plug on those servers all you games evaporate.

Plenty of other industries play nice with The First Sale Doctrine, don't see how it's impossible for Video Games to.


everybody does. this issue isn't about that. It is about losing consumer rights to fatten the bottom line of corporations like EA and Microsoft.

If they lower prices on games, stop nickel and diming to make a buck and bring out more games is that so bad? Nobody knows, but if they did these things I would support it. If they dicked us over and just kept raking profits then yeah, fuck them.


Activision makes really fucking innovative shit with all the billions of dollars they make don't they bro?

I'm getting a headache from reading these comments.

1) Payment structures affect developers getting fucked, which are set by publishers.
2) Terrible digital distribution by MS and Sony already shows that they have no interest in giving you a discount if you buy directly from them.
3) Indies are thriving on PC, as I've already said, and boy I wonder why that is: No imbecile publisher oversight that ruins everything.

xbone: no indies, all games require publishers.


There are full games available right now for download on XBL & PSN. Why haven't they debuted with competitive prices or gone on sale like their pc counterparts?

Huh? Alan Wake is 5 bucks on XBL right now. How is that not a competitive price?
If they lower prices on games, stop nickel and diming to make a buck and bring out more games is that so bad? Nobody knows, but if they did these things I would support it. If they dicked us over and just kept raking profits then yeah, fuck them.
What could possibly make you think there is any hope whatsoever of them halting those business practices next gen?


gaf is always a tear fest with candlelight vigils everytime a studio is closed yet a system that helps the industry stay alive and profitable is being demonized.

Right on the nose.

Go back and look up all the articles written over the last 5 years about how Steam almost single handedly saved PC gaming. While it's not as easy to pirate on the consoles as it is on PC, it is really just a speed bump. And once you have a doctored console, why spend any money on legit games at all?

Anyway, it is too bad it came to this, but it was only a matter of time. People will cry, but the market pricing will correct itself to reflect the inability of people to steal games.

This proposed solution to the illness (piracy) is going to end up killing the host (video games).

Again, look at PC gaming, which is currently the healthiest it has been in DECADES. The Steam model works, which is why we're getting it on consoles. If Microsoft/Sony give us the ability to resell our game licenses, all the better.


bish gets all the credit :)
If they lower prices on games, stop nickel and diming to make a buck and bring out more games is that so bad? Nobody knows, but if they did these things I would support it. If they dicked us over and just kept raking profits then yeah, fuck them.

Less competition doesn't lead to lower prices.


If they lower prices on games, stop nickel and diming to make a buck and bring out more games is that so bad? Nobody knows, but if they did these things I would support it. If they dicked us over and just kept raking profits then yeah, fuck them.

Bend over, you're about to get XBONED.
But you still have your rights to play the game the YOU bought. Everyone else has to buy their own copy. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Yay! You mean they'll still let me play the game I bought! Nothing to see here folks...

Except for the loss of the ability to sell, trade, and lend the game I bought to other people. You know, the way it works with every other physical media known to man.


I love how media outlets still equate used games to just being "$5 cheaper at GameStop." Talk about out of touch.


This is in no way a good thing for consumers. Options are more limited and publishers have greater control over pricing now. This is good for producers, not consumers. That's it. End of story.
So if I lend you my car, you should have to repurchase it?

The difference, in my eyes anyway, is that if you lend your car to your buddy and he really wants after giving it back it then he has to buy one.

On the other hand, you lend a game to a friend say for a week, and he beats it, he has no incentive to go and purchase the game for himself. He has already enjoyed the benefits of the game for free, why would he then go out and buy it. Some will, but most will not.

In the end, you believe one way, I believe another. I don't hate on you or anyone else for seeing it that way. If you feel that strongly about it, nothing I say is going to convince you, and vice versa. I enjoy discussion with or without changing someone's opinion. :)


The difference, in my eyes anyway, is that if you lend your car to your buddy and he really wants after giving it back it then he has to buy one.

On the other hand, you lend a game to a friend say for a week, and he beats it, he has no incentive to go and purchase the game for himself. He has already enjoyed the benefits of the game for free, why would he then go out and buy it. Some will, but most will not.

In the end, you believe one way, I believe another. I don't hate on you or anyone else for seeing it that way. If you feel that strongly about it, nothing I say is going to convince you, and vice versa. I enjoy discussion with or without changing someone's opinion. :)

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