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Palmer Luckey issue statement on actions on Nimble America


we have that screen capped in this thread I hope

it did claim him as a co-founder? lol

The other thread has screen caps, I believe.

They don't list him under the name Palmer Luckey, instead they list their VP as literally "NimbleRichMan." But he has a small bio and they describe him as a secret tech guru billionaire lol.


I hope VR dies quicker than originally predicted. I don't care who is directly or indirectly affected. Fuck them all. Fuck ND.

This is absurd. I feel like this is a bizzaro world that we are living in.

ND? Naughty Dog? Nah, Jason Rubin WORKS at Oculus now. That's why his "I wanted to give @PalmerLuckey a chance to respond before I posted…" and his VR marketing spiel rings so hollow.



Look at me, Jason. You fucked up. I can believe I'm saying this but I fucking hate Jason/ND right now.

I need a list of developers who are defending Palmer, and are pro-racism and pro-bigotry. I need to know who doesn't need my money or my support because of their racist views.

Jason Rubin isn't at Naughty Dog anymore. He left ND to go lead Oculus' game division. He's head of their first party.

I hope VR dies quicker than originally predicted. I don't care who is directly or indirectly affected. Fuck them all. Fuck ND.

This is absurd. I feel like this is a bizzaro world that we are living in.

That's a pretty knee jerk reaction. Seems to me that outside of a few assholes, the near-universal reaction from the VR industry has been shock and outrage, except from Oculus themselves.

I hope this becomes a South Park episode


Douchebag. Yes, me.
we have that screen capped in this thread I hope

it did claim him as a co-founder? lol

I just checked the original Daily Beast article, and the part about NimbleRichMan being listed as VP on the Nimble America site is no longer there.

So yeah, it was either removed because it turned out to be false or the journalist took it out when Nimble America removed the reference and he hadn't taken a screenshot of it.

I definitely remember reading it in the article, but when I went to the Nimble America site to check I didn't see NimbleRichMan listed as VP.

EDIT: HAHA Amazing! ^^^ Someone did screen grab it!


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I hope VR dies quicker than originally predicted. I don't care who is directly or indirectly affected. Fuck them all. Fuck ND.

This is absurd. I feel like this is a bizzaro world that we are living in.

Gaming industry sympathizing with white supremacist. Holy fucking shit, those chainmail bikinis are finally paying off opening their bigot minds.

What the fuck? You hope VR dies because one of the VR companies was unfortunately founded by a racist bigot?

Why the hell would you throw Valve, HTC, Magic Leap, and all VR under the bus when they did absolutely nothing wrong?

Get out of here with that shit.
What the fuck? You hope VR dies because one of the VR companies was unfortunately founded by a racist bigot?

Why the hell would you throw Valve, HTC, Magic Leap, and all VR under the bus when they did absolutely nothing wrong?

Get out of here with that shit.
Unfortunately, Oculus occupies a disproportionate amount of mindshare at this stage of VRs existence. So it's not surprising that their being synonymous with VR in general would result in posts like that.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Unfortunately, Oculus occupies a disproportionate amount of mindshare at this stage of VRs existence. So it's not surprising that their being synonymous with VR in general would result in posts like that.

This makes my absolute disgust towards Palmer Luckey exponentially larger.

But I don't think if it turned out Nintendo was run by a bigot racist people would be coming into the thread saying "FUCK SONY AND MICROSOFT I HOPE ALL VIDEO GAMES DIE" even though Nintendo occupies a disproportionate amount of mindshare when it comes to video games.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ugh just saw the quote from Palmer where he describes founding/donating to a hate organization as a "jolly good time"

What a fucking sociopath.
I... missed that news somehow. Wow!!!

It all makes sense. Oculus Rift is a house of racists! Die, Oculus.

(Sorry, ND. You are now forever co-created by an asshole).

You're over a decade late to that news, dude. Did you think he was still working at Naughty Dog when he was running things at THQ?

But yes, his response is fucked up. I've lost all the respect I had for him.


He was more concerned with the backlash on the_donald towards him and Nimble America than he was over how this would look outside that particular echo chamber.

Not really, he basically outlines what the fallout would be like if this got out. He was just an incredible moron.
this is just gonna get swept under the rug huh...

Not necessarily. The video game news cycle is dominated by podcasts. Many of them will weigh in on this and probably keep it going for a while. If it isn't dealt with by the Oculus conference next month, it's going to be really hard to run away from.
Makes Oculus a non-starter in my household. He's free to hold whatever opinions he like. I am just as free to not support him or them.

Oculus and Facebook made the wrong choice.


...what a fucking weird dude.


I can only answer your question with a question: Where are all the wealthy, powerful, and publicly identifiable Trump supports?
Answer: We dare not say a word. It would destroy us. I would never dream of blacklisting a business for the political views of the men who work there, but the same cannot be said for many HRC supporters.

I have provided your leaders with that information. I am up there. Unfortunately, I have to be careful with any information that could let people figure out my exact identity. Our adversaries have enormous power, and the best way I can continue to fight the good fight is to keep doing well in business and funding good causes with the proceeeds.

The American Revolution was funded by wealthy individuals. The same has been true of many movements for freedom in history. You can't fight the American elite without serious firepower. They will outspend you and destroy you by any and all means. The Bernie Sanders campaign is a good example of what happens when the middle class tries to pull back the curtain on their own.

I imagine Luckey was clad in leather and spikes, sitting on a throne shaped like a skull, and petting a bald cat while making those posts.

EDIT: I also like how he spells out that he's scared of people boycotting his shit and people ask why bother boycotting.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I imagine Luckey was clad in leather and spikes, sitting on a throne shaped like a skull, and petting a bald cat while making those posts.

EDIT: I also like how he spells out that he's scared of people boycotting his shit and people ask why bother boycotting.

More like tightie whities eating a hot pocket.
I have no idea why Facebook and Oculus are holding on to Palmer. The man is a racist fascist funding racist fascists, and a completely irresponsible moron - he's damaged his company for the lulz and his misguided, ignorant, hateful, selfish views, and exposed himself by being just plain stupid and prideful. Yet he's still employed there, and he's being defended. Why?
Only thing I can think of is that he has a crazy contract in place where they just can't get rid of him.
I wonder if Facebook and Oculus worry that if they fire Luckey then the ZeniMax case will look stronger - ie. They didn't need the moron now, and they didn't need him before.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
So the dream of VR succeeds the rights of minorities. Good to know. Hope they enjoy their holodecks.

Funny you should mention that:

Shortly after Facebook announced the acquisition of the virtual reality company Oculus VR for 2 billion dollars, the firm’s very young founder appeared onstage at a Silicon Valley VR conference. Someone in the audience asked Palmer Luckey a rather odd but revealing question: Why did he and his chief technology officer, video game pioneer John Carmack, often speak of a “moral imperative” to bring virtual reality to the masses?

"This is one of those crazy man topics," Luckey answered, “but it comes down to this: Everyone wants to have a happy life, but it's going to be impossible to give everyone everything they want." Instead, he went on, developers can now create virtual versions of real experiences that are only enjoyed by the planet’s privileged few, which they can then bestow to the destitute of the world.

“It's easy for us to say, living in the great state of California, that VR is not as good as the real world,” Luckey went on, “but a lot of people in the world don't have as good an experience in real life as we do here.”

In fact, as Luckey suggests to me in a follow-up conversation, it may be people from developing nations who’ll be among the first to embrace virtual reality. While the technology must become extremely compelling to attract well-off Californians away from their enviable real lives, he argues, “f you’re talking about Chinese workers or people who are living in Africa, I think the threshold is a lot lower… it could be a lot of the early adopters are the people who have a greater incentive to escape the real world.”

Maybe his long game was to make the world a utopia for white straight men by reducing minorities to living in squalor as their worker bees... and using VR to suppress revolt.
It was disturbing when I first read it a couple years ago.

In light of this news about him, it's downright nightmarish.

It's terrifying that his vision for VR is an escape from the nightmare of being an indentured worker slave, rather than dreaming of, you know, a world where we had more equality and didn't rely on exploiting the lower classes in poor countries. Really enlightening view into this guy's thought processes. This completely makes sense with regard to his political views.

Lady Gaia

There is absolutely no evidence that Luckey has had any negative effect on the work environment at Oculus at all.

If he hadn't before, he certainly has now. Facebook HR should be cringing about how many employees can legitimately express concerns about bias in the workplace.


Funny you should mention that:

Maybe his long game was to make the world a utopia for white straight men by reducing minorities to living in squalor as their worker bees... and using VR to suppress revolt.

Wow, bonkers but legitimate hypothesis.
NimbleRichMan said:
Our adversaries have enormous power, and the best way I can continue to fight the good fight is to keep doing well in business and funding good causes with the proceeeds.

So... what he's saying is that if I give my money to Oculus I'm essentially funding this shit?
I still can't believe Jason Rubin's garbage response. Insulting, and condescending, and with that bit about making the world a better place, finally, completely repulsive.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So this is about the guys personal political opinion or did he scam someone?
Even notwithstanding that he funded a hate group... Are political opinions suddenly protected or something?

Saying that Jews are subhuman scum is a "political opinion". Saying that LGBT folks are abominations is a "political opinion". Saying "feminism is a cancer" is a political opinion. But if someone says things like that, we don't go "oh, that's just their political opinion, everyone's entitled to them", now do we?

It's not like someone is getting demonized because of their tax policies, christ...


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Another aspect about this debacle is how GamerGate/Alt-Right goes into extreme hero worship mode for companies that tolerate racisim/sexism.

If FB doesn't get rid of Luckey, there are going to be many "delicious memes" made to celebrate their victory going around the internet featuring the Oculus Rift with white power slogans photoshopped onto them.

"Why do I keep seeing photoshop memes of the Rift headset with quotes from Goebbels plastered onto it?"

"It's because the founder of Oculus is a racist bigot and Facebook didn't fire him so white supremacists love the Oculus Rift"

"Huh... really... that's kinda fucked up"

Not very good for PR.
Sketchy. This goes against what we've already heard.

The media has little to gain from lying and much to lose. The opposite is true of him, at this stage.
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