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Paris Hilton out of jai.. wait, back in for the full 45 now. "Noo Nooo Nooo!"

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Luken said:
Why put her on a jail? She should be doing some community services to contribute to society.

The entertainment value her jail sentence brings society is a greater service than any possible amount of community service
Luken said:
Is there no bail for this kind of crime?
Was this crime that severe?
Wasn't she only driving for work?
Was she drunk while driving?

Is because she is a celebrity that she going to jail. Put yourselves in her shoes for a second, do you seriously think what is going on to her is fair?

Why put her on a jail? She should be doing some community services to contribute to society.

Everyone is sick of this shit, shut the **** up.


Gabriel Knight
joedan said:
The Sheriff was on headline News a while ago and was making perfect sense and being rational. It may be cool to hate on Paris Hilton right now and she seems to have run over GAF's collective dog, but if it were anyone else they would have served the same or less time than Paris Hilton.

Yes DUI is a serous issue but i can guarantee you that 95% of GAF's desire to see her serve her time has very little to do with that, but with her being famous for no deserving reason. GAF calls her 'whore' with no evidence at all of the millionaire heiress having sex for money. GAF calls her 'slut' while bragging about the women that they have slept with.

GAF hates the fact she is famous for no apparent reason but then the question needs to be asked..."what is a reason to be famous". Why does someone who throws a ball through a hoop and hits a ball with a piece of wood deserve to be famous and make 30 million dollars a year? Why does someone who sings deserving of celebrity?

Everyone will respond "well they have talent" to which I'll respond "well it takes a talent to be famous while not having any talent". If you say that she's not any kind of mastermind behind engineering her fame, ...then YOU ARE! You are the ones who watch The Simple Life. You are the ones who buy and download her sex tapes. You are the ones posting in the Paris Hilton thread. You are the ones watching the stories on Paris Hilton on CNN, Fox. You are the ones laughing at the Paris Hilton Jokes on Jay Leno. You are the ones visiting TMZ, watching Extra, Showbiz tonight and reading the tabloid stories. Face it, you created Paris Hilton.
She has no talent. She is stupid. She was given a second chance and was too stupid to take advantage of it.

No one here watches the Simple Life. No one here has her album. No one here has downloaded her sex video.

We are all watching stoires of her humiliation..not her. You, being a Paris fan, are obviously too stupid to realize that.


aoi tsuki said:
Twenty ****ing pages? Some of you seriously lost some e-cred with me for even debating over Paris, but i can't be bothered to go through all twenty pages to find out who. i'll probably take a nap or have a whiskey.

Who cares about e-cred? I know I don't. I ain't got nothin to prove to the likes of GAF.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
This thread was so much more enjoyable earlier in the day before the whiny bitchy apologists joined in.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Stoney Mason said:
He acted perfectly in my opinion. It's a freakshow revolving around a freak. He was about the only one who seemed to understand it.

I agree. He didn't treat it like a serious news story because, well, it isn't one. If she wanted this whole process to be taken seriously, then SHE should have taken it seriously. Gone to her alcohol awareness classes. Not driven on a suspended license. But she decided not to, and now she has to face up to ALL of the repercussions of her actions.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ManaByte said:
Maybe they should join Paris in her cell?

Damn good idea, they could redirect their energy to keeping her spirits up, instead of attempting to convince GAF why they shouldn't be making fun of this situation.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Stoney Mason said:
He acted perfectly in my opinion. It's a freakshow revolving around a freak. He was about the only one who seemed to understand it.

Doesnt really bother me how he acted I just said that because I know some people who dont see him regularly are going to say "How can he have a job acting like that?".


You know what could make this even better?

Her being sent home and brought back over the whole 45 days. In 3-4 day increments. Only home for about 1/2 to 3/4 of a day max. The drama!

That would be even worse for her then just spending the whole time contiguous in the slammer.


X26 said:
The entertainment value her jail sentence brings society is a greater service than any possible amount of community service

Yes, you are right. I’m having fun. I loved this Fox news video, when the cars escorting Paris Hilton are passing by the circus, hahahaha.
http://homepage.mac.com/mkoldys/iblog/C168863457/E20070608173046/ :lol

Propagandhim said:
Everyone is sick of this shit, shut the **** up.

Sorry! I’m trying to understand why she has to go to jail. :)





poor CNN, oh guys, people hate you so much right now.

when i turned on my TV today and saw CNN reporting about this i got a little sick, thought "huh, slow news day".


I'm tired of Paris Hilton. I wish she would hurry and overdose on drugs and die. A rich, spoiled whore like her has nothing to contribute to society.
Luken said:
Is there no bail for this kind of crime?
Was this crime that severe?
Wasn't she only driving for work?
Was she drunk while driving?

Is because she is a celebrity that she going to jail. Put yourselves in her shoes for a second, do you seriously think what is going on to her is fair?

Why put her on a jail? She should be doing some community services to contribute to society.

Bail gets you out of jail when you're being tried, not out of jail after conviction :lol :lol

AS PART OF HER PROBATION AGREEMENT, SHE WAS TO SIGN UP FOR ALOCHOL COUNSELING. She didn't. They gave her 3 months, and she didn't. Then she got busted twice, driving recklessly, with no license, in violation of her probation AGAIN.

She was under probation to AVOID JAIL TIME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It would behoove you to look up the following words:


AdmiralViscen said:
Bail gets you out of jail when you're being tried, not out of jail after conviction :lol :lol

AS PART OF HER PROBATION AGREEMENT, SHE WAS TO SIGN UP FOR ALOCHOL COUNSELING. She didn't. They gave her 3 months, and she didn't. Then she got busted twice, driving recklessly, with no license, in violation of her probation AGAIN.

She was under probation to AVOID JAIL TIME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It would behoove you to look up the following words:

^Thank you.

I guess Paris Hilton deserves to go to jail.
Keith Olbermann told Shapiro that his day was fine until covering this, something he swore on his radio show that he would not do. I'm thinking MSNBC forced him, which is really sad since he has the best news show on cable.


There's a special right now on MSNBC about her.

Guy from In Touch Weekly: "She lives right up the street from the clubs that she makes appearances at, so she's right within staggering distance."



Ante Up
It was funny at first (real funny), but now all this hate is starting to look increasingly more senseless and, frankly, pathetic.

Kusagari posted this before; why no one paid attention to it I have no clue (or maybe I do):


Article from May 2006 said:
Mario Moreno should still have been behind bars the night he climbed into the passenger seat of a stolen car with two fellow gang members.

He was carrying a rifle, some cartridges and, in his jacket pocket, a bag of marijuana. "Let's go do this," the car's driver recalled Moreno saying as they headed into the turf of a rival black gang.

They drove by a liquor store at 89th Street and Central Avenue in South Los Angeles. Two older black men were standing outside.

Moreno, 18, aimed his weapon out the driver's-side window and fired. One bullet killed Darrell Dennard, 53, a grandfather who slept in an alley behind a nearby fish market and got by doing odd jobs. He had just bought a lottery ticket. It was about 9 p.m. on Oct. 11, 2004.

If not for a chronic shortage of jail beds in Los Angeles County, Dennard's killer would have been in jail four more months. Moreno had been convicted of possessing a sawed-off shotgun — a felony. A probation officer called him a "danger to the community," and a judge sentenced him to a year in jail, the county maximum. Six days later he was released into a work program. Since his arrest, he had served a total of 53 days.

Moreno joined more than 150,000 county inmates who have been released during the last four years after serving fractions of their sentences. Thousands, like Moreno, committed violent crimes when they would otherwise have been locked up, even with time off for good behavior.

The large-scale releases started in mid-2002, when Sheriff Lee Baca had to make major budget cuts. Unwilling to lay off patrol officers, he chose to close jails.

As a result, nearly everyone now sentenced to 90 days or less is let go immediately. Many others leave after serving no more than 10% of their time, making Los Angeles County Jail sentences among the weakest in the nation.

A Los Angeles Times investigation of early releases since Baca's jail closures began found:

• Nearly 16,000 inmates — more than 10% of those released early — were rearrested and charged with new crimes while they were supposed to be incarcerated.

• Nearly 2,000 of those rearrested were released early a second time, only to be arrested again while they should have been behind bars. Hundreds of those people cycled through jail three or more times. One example of the revolving door: A 55-year-old woman was released early in 2002 on an assault charge, only to be rearrested three days later on suspicion of another assault. Over the next three years, she was released early 15 times and rearrested 19 times when she was supposed to be locked up.

• Sixteen men, including Moreno, were charged with murders committed while they should have been in jail. Nine are awaiting trial; seven have been convicted in the homicides.

• More than a fourth of those rearrested were charged with violent or life-endangering crimes, including 518 robberies, 215 sex offenses, 641 weapons violations, 635 drunk-driving incidents, 1,443 assaults and 20 kidnappings.

Many of these inmates probably would have committed new offenses even if they had served full sentences. But the early releases have given career criminals more time on the streets to commit additional crimes, endangering the public.

Juvenal Valencia, 21, was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon, released early and then cycled in and out of jail twice more after early releases. Prosecutors have now charged him with first-degree murder in a drive-by shooting that left one man dead and five others wounded. He has pleaded not guilty. At the time of the killing, Valencia had two months left to serve for a probation violation.

In recent years, sheriff's clerks have routinely disregarded sentences handed down by judges. In some cases, inmates are freed despite instructions from a judge that they must serve their full sentences.

"That puts us all in peril," said Los Angeles City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo. "I think criminals have learned from this that there is a way to beat the system…. For many, a few days in jail has become just a cost of doing business."

Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton, who led the Boston and New York police departments before taking over in Los Angeles in late 2002, said the situation has frustrated officers on the street and made policing harder.

"It's an amazing system. I've never seen anything like it," he said. "The police, prosecutors and judges — sometimes even a jury — have made decisions, and you have the ability to arbitrarily undo all of that."

In recent interviews, Baca defended his decision to release inmates early as a "last resort," saying he had little choice but to shut down jail facilities when he had to cut millions of dollars from his budget.

None of those guys sound rich or spoiled to me. Looks like she was serving her time like "everyone else." I'm betting Juvenal Valencia, the murderer, didn't even have to come up with a bullsh!t excuse to be let out...


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
mashoutposse said:
It was funny at first (real funny), but now all this hate is starting to look increasingly more senseless and, frankly, pathetic.

Kusagari posted this before; why no one paid attention to it I have no clue (or maybe I do):

None of those guys sound rich or spoiled to me. Looks like she was serving her time like "everyone else." I'm betting Juvenal Valencia, the murderer, didn't even have to come up with a bullsh!t excuse to be let out...

See the thing is, the Sheriff didn't use the excuse of budget cuts, space issues, or a myriad of other legitimate problems that I'm sure his prison system is currently facing. He went the route of "she's sick and needs to be released for her own health."

Also, while other inmates may have been released against a Judge's orders, none of them were in the public's eye like this one. Here you have a Judge whose orders are disregarded and it's national news. So when you combine a pissed off and embarassed Judge, a flimsy excuse for releasing her, and the fact that she has not appeared contrite in the least for her DUI (reckless driving, whatever), I think it's easy to see a) why she's heading back to prison, and b) why not very many people feel sorry for her.


Schattenjagger said:
She has no talent. She is stupid. She was given a second chance and was too stupid to take advantage of it.

No one here watches the Simple Life. No one here has her album. No one here has downloaded her sex video.

We are all watching stoires of her humiliation..not her. You, being a Paris fan, are obviously too stupid to realize that.

Firstly I'm not a Paris Hilton fan or hater. I'm somewhat indifferent. That was until today when it seemed like all the channels on television were showing 24hr coverage of Ms Hilton. It really irritated me. So I had to ask myself why is this woman so popular but GAF with it's 20 page thread answered that pretty quickly.

How are you so sure that Paris Hilton has no talent?

I doubt many [if any at all] people have her album here on GAF but I'm sure quite a few watch The Simple Life and I'll wager at least 95% have watched her sex tape.

If no one here has been watching stories of her, how come everyone here is so familiar with her. Did they just learn about her today. Maybe they only heard of her from previous humiliating stories like the sex tape but then again as you say, nobody watches those.
joedan said:
(Snip beginning bullshit) How are you so sure that Paris Hilton has no talent? (Snip end bullshit)

Why do you care what other people think of her talent if you are not a fan or indifferent as you put it?


I for one have not watched her sex tape.

She's not popular, she's infamous and that means people will watch her if it means she's doing something really ****ing retarded as they get satisfaction/gratification out of it.
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