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Paris Hilton out of jai.. wait, back in for the full 45 now. "Noo Nooo Nooo!"

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White Man said:
Did anyone state what the medical problem was? I'm willing to bet she was going through some sort of withdrawl or another.

Sheriff said they could handle withdrawal on-site, but they can't handle serious psychological problems.

Sounded like bleedin'-heart happy horseshit to my ears. She can f-ing deal.


It's interesting because many see it as a karma bomb, Paris obviously has wealth undeserved of her character, so naturally the less fortunate hate her out of spite. I mean, it feels good to me too. Still the whole thing is really stupid and some people are really taking this too seriously.


Wow... How can they just change a judgement just because people didnt like the outcome without a revision of a higher court..?


of course the outcome (not the procedure) is awesome :lol :lol :lol :lol


Rage Bait Youtuber
White Man said:
Did anyone state what the medical problem was? I'm willing to bet she was going through some sort of withdrawl or another.

I think Shepard Smith confirmed it to be Extreme Spoiled Brattitus.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
The poor thing is going through such pain now. How can she be expected to bear it?



I think that if Paris did her time and actually had a turnaround (i.e. not ALWAYS on TV all the damn time and actually did more things WORTHWHILE with her fame and fortune) that people wouldn't despise her. I know I wouldn't.

I don't want to hate her, but the way she lives her life with an apparent disconnection to the "real" world is absolutely sickening. The fact that she wanted to "phone" into court was essentially strike #17. You'd think she'd have enough common sense (or better PR people) to realize that that's an incredibly stupid decision in the eyes of this society.

Or maybe she WANTS people to hate her...or just doesn't care.


Yoboman said:

ROFL, can't help myself stop laughing, she deserves it, not because of her being a celebrity, because of being such a spoiled brat who wastes money in unnecessarily things while there's other people can't even afford living. I truly hate her character, and people who think like her ..

Hunter D

robertsan21 said:
good looking people, fashionable people etc gets their sentences shorten it seems...

so does this mean I also would get my sentenced shortened if I ever where to go to jail?
I doubt that. Your cellmate would like you though.:D

MC Safety

MIMIC said:
I think that if Paris did her time and actually had a turnaround (i.e. not ALWAYS on TV all the damn time and actually did more things WORTHWHILE with her fame and fortune) that people wouldn't despise her. I know I wouldn't.

I don't want to hate her, but the way she lives her life with an apparent disconnection to the "real" world is absolutely sickening. The fact that she wanted to "phone" into court was essentially strike #17. You'd think she'd have enough common sense (or better PR people) to realize that that's an incredibly stupid decision in the eyes of this society.

Or maybe she WANTS people to hate her...or just doesn't care.

She seems like an idiot manchild. Or the female equivalent of such.

Whether this is just because she's been sheltered, or because she is developmentally retarded is wholly beyond me.


MC Safety said:
She seems like an idiot manchild. Or the female equivalent of such.

Whether this is just because she's been sheltered, or because she is developmentally retarded is wholly beyond me.

I think it's because throughout her entire life, no one's dared to say "No" to her.


Speaking only for myself, it offends me that this coked up whore permeates our culture and is on the cover of magazines and discussed non-ironically as a role model. I was already sick of hearing about her...

... and then she broke the law, a law I take very seriously, drinking-and-driving, getting a wristslap for it (godssakes, I'm fine with you taking cocaine, as long as you don't make a public menace out of yourself by getting behind the wheel!). And then she broke the law again, THEN expected daddykins to take care of it for her so she'd never have to spend anytime in a real jail.

I'm pro-business, pro-free market, anti-inheritance tax, etc. but I'll be damned if airheads like this bitch don't test the limits of that philosophy. I just have to hope for every Paris there's a philanthropic, non-waste-of-oxygen version. Or at least that our culture is capable of waking up enough to stop rewarding this dumb bitch's behavior. She's stupid, she's ugly, she lacks any modicum of talent, and she's not worthy of one iota of attention. And yet, she's omnipresent. UGH.
I just heard the "NOO!" clip - haha ... Kimmel gets +10000 bonus points for pulling that stunt. Like a guy on Fox Sports Radio jsut said, the funniest part was after the other reporters were like "SHUT UP SHUT UP" I think one said "shut up asshole". :lol :lol :lol WE HAVE THIS SUPER SERIOUS NEWS TO COVER JERK, SHUT UP, STOP RUINING THIS FOR EVERYONE. What douchebags. :lol
JayDubya said:
I'm pro-business, pro-free market, anti-inheritance tax, etc. but I'll be damned if airheads like this bitch don't test the limits of that philosophy. I just have to hope for every Paris there's a philanthropic, non-waste-of-oxygen version.
There isn't, sadly.
I do not get the fascination with her. Going by the polls, she really isn't viewed as a sympathetic or inspirational character so I doubt that she is having the impact on young girls that many feel she does. Her presence is almost inexplicable. Maybe she is really just society's clown and the 'she influences young girls' line brought out purely so that people can pretend that they are doing something more meaningful than laughing at a freak?


"[I have many cranky feeling towards those] who wastes money in unnecessarily things while there's other people can't even afford living. I truly hate her character, and people who think like her ..[all-inclusive sic]" - Kuro-11, 2007 - found on the internet, on a video game-related message board. Quote is largely blamed for the 'Great Irony Detector Breakage' of '07.


Apparently the medical condition is some kind of rash.

Also, in the courtroom Paris turned to her mom and yelled "it's not right" while weeping as the judge announced her return to jail.

Is this bitch cereal?


PS360 said:
Apparently the medical condition is some kind of rash.

Also, in the courtroom Paris turned to her mom and yelled "it's not right" while weeping as the judge announced her return to jail.

Is this bitch cereal?

She is super cereal.



Why are some people confused as to why Paris is so hated? For me personally it has nothing to do with money. If you knew a girl who lived in her own little world, belittled everyone who wasn't a millionaire and/or famous and relied on other people to do everything for her and would do ANYTHING to get in the media... I doubt your feelings towards her would be too warm (excludes people who solely want to screw her).
Sandman7 said:
Why are some people confused as to why Paris is so hated? For me personally it has nothing to do with money. If you knew a girl who lived in her own little world, belittled everyone who wasn't a millionaire and/or famous and relied on other people to do everything for her and would do ANYTHING to get in the media... I doubt your feelings towards her would be too warm (excludes people who solely want to screw her).

It's just GAF being GAF. A few contrarions always standing up for people who don't remotely deserve their time or sympathy. If Hitler was around you'd still have a few people on GAF going, why do you hate him? He's just doing his job...


Ante Up
mre said:
See the thing is, the Sheriff didn't use the excuse of budget cuts, space issues, or a myriad of other legitimate problems that I'm sure his prison system is currently facing. He went the route of "she's sick and needs to be released for her own health."

Also, while other inmates may have been released against a Judge's orders, none of them were in the public's eye like this one. Here you have a Judge whose orders are disregarded and it's national news. So when you combine a pissed off and embarassed Judge, a flimsy excuse for releasing her, and the fact that she has not appeared contrite in the least for her DUI (reckless driving, whatever), I think it's easy to see a) why she's heading back to prison, and b) why not very many people feel sorry for her.

Might've been a bad excuse, but the point is that the practice is far from uncommon -- in fact, it is common enough that an article was written about the practice (one year ago, well outside the window of 'damage control').

The situation is the exact opposite of what the cynics would have expected. Her fame and fortune is actually keeping her in jail. People wanted her to be treated like "everyone else;" well, "everyone else" gets shortened sentences in similar cases. I guess it's no longer about getting the same treatment as "everyone else" anymore.


JayDubya said:
Speaking only for myself, it offends me that this coked up whore permeates our culture and is on the cover of magazines and discussed non-ironically as a role model. I was already sick of hearing about her...

... and then she broke the law, a law I take very seriously, drinking-and-driving, getting a wristslap for it (godssakes, I'm fine with you taking cocaine, as long as you don't make a public menace out of yourself by getting behind the wheel!). And then she broke the law again, THEN expected daddykins to take care of it for her so she'd never have to spend anytime in a real jail.

I'm pro-business, pro-free market, anti-inheritance tax, etc. but I'll be damned if airheads like this bitch don't test the limits of that philosophy. I just have to hope for every Paris there's a philanthropic, non-waste-of-oxygen version. Or at least that our culture is capable of waking up enough to stop rewarding this dumb bitch's behavior. She's stupid, she's ugly, she lacks any modicum of talent, and she's not worthy of one iota of attention. And yet, she's omnipresent. UGH.
A few times a year, JayDub, you make me smile. :) On the money. PEACE.


I don't understand our culture sometimes, I just don't. This woman seems universally reviled, and the majority of people claim repeatedly to be sick of her.

I guess ratings and Google hits and clicks on CNN tell another story. Well, shame on us all. I believe I'm going to stage a one-man boycott of this bitch from now until the end of time. Ashamed I even went hunting for videos of her crying in the police cab or Shep making fun of her, because that helps perpetuate the idea that people want to hear about this woman and how she's doing. She's just not that important.


JayDubya said:
I don't understand our culture sometimes, I just don't. This woman seems universally reviled, and the majority of people claim repeatedly to be sick of her.

I guess ratings and Google hits and clicks on CNN tell another story. Well, shame on us all. I believe I'm going to stage a one-man boycott of this bitch from now until the end of time. Ashamed I even went hunting for videos of her crying in the police cab or Shep making fun of her, because that helps perpetuate the idea that people want to hear about this woman and how she's doing. She's just not that important.

amen to that
What was the Stinkles image? Was it blocked or just viewed too many times? If the latter is the case, can we get a rehost? I didn't get a lot of GAF time in yesterday.
Maybe they should do just that every two days during the 40+ days left. Taking out of and back to jail, I mean. Then GAF could place bets on the day she loses her mind. Closest guess gets a tag.


Tralfamadore64 said:
What was the Stinkles image? Was it blocked or just viewed too many times? If the latter is the case, can we get a rehost? I didn't get a lot of GAF time in yesterday.

It was the bucket walrus with a blonde mane. Something like, "I iz out of jail" "Oh noes I iz going back to jail"


I have absolutely no respect for her...how could I for someone who is so detached from reality. And please stop with the "Y'all just hatin' cuz she's rich" crap. Oh really? Her sister Nicky for all intents and purposes is just about as rich as she is, yet she gets no hate. Why? Because while Paris was busy being a tabloid slut, Nicky ducked out of the limelight to focus on going to fashion school and actually work at being good at something besides saying "That's Hot". IT'S NOT ABOUT MONEY! There's a difference between Paris and Oprah....hell there's a difference between Paris and the Olsen Twins..they are rich beyond rich and still opted to go to NYU to further their education(last I heard at least). And on that note, I think proper upbringing is vital...the Olsen Twins were multi-millionaires by age 8, yet only had a $5 or $10 a week allowence, which was dependent on doing their chores...no chores=no allowence.

I don't like Paris because she has absolutely no admirable qualities...she self-absorbed and as i said, detached from reality. I don't care about the money she has, she's not alone in that regard. Plenty of people either rise to wealth(Oprah, Bill Gates, etc), or are born into it, but have a social consciousness about them.


Jeez. Did anyone see that interview she gave with Matt Lauer on the Today Show a while back? They've been airing it a few times on MSNBC.

Talk about coming off as a total ditz. "I like to, um like, live my life and stuff and it's like totally cool and stuff."

I don't think I've ever seen her in an interview before.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nah, I'm pretty sure at least one Olsen twin is out of NYU. And also they're both coked up whores too.

But Paris is the ultimate breed.


Tralfamadore64 said:
Sadly, describing it just isn't the same as seeing it. :\

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Paris Bucket Walrus is. You have to see it for yourself.

Also, I thought of another saving grace of old money retards like Paris. They have no education and no idea of how to handle their money and they do stupid things and eventually manage to somehow squander everything.

New money retards do the same thing, like M.C. Hammer and whatnot. I think it's just a feature of retards. The only difference is old money retards have a longer time limit to achieve the same result.
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