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Parks and Recreation S7 |OT| Farewell Season

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I wonder if they didn't have time to add it to all versions of the show, maybe the edit only made it to broadcast.

That's likely the case, it was only added to the broadcast in the last week obviously so it probably wasn't able to be put in every version. It may not have even been a part of the actual episode itself, but an added slate after the episode proper had ended.


The Harris card was mostly likely filled in ad time, not the show itself, due to having submitted the final cut of the show already. Just a hunch.


Great ending! Going to miss it terribly. I still think Garry's wife is a robot. Or alien. Why is she so hot and so good looking at 90?!?!

Also, who is the"
"? I like how you really don't know for sure.
Great ending! Going to miss it terribly. I still think Garry's wife is a robot. Or alien. Why is she so hot and so good looking at 90?!?!

Also, who is the"
"? I like how you really don't know for sure.

I'm glad that Leslie is implied, but not directly stated, to have become the POTUS.


I really liked it. Parks and Rec's thing was always being this weirdly Sweet and optimistic sitcom in a sea of harsher humor--a really weird thing for a show whose origin was as a potential Office spinoff--and the finale fit that pretty well. The whole season was great.

I was even relieved that Jean-Ralphio wasn't dead. The gag was good, but just killing him off because wouldn't have fit the show's vibe. Very few shows can pull off endings where everyone gets everything they want, but I'm glad this one did.
I really liked it. Parks and Rec's thing was always being this weirdly Sweet and optimistic sitcom in a sea of harsher humor--a really weird thing for a show whose origin was as a potential Office spinoff--and the finale fit that pretty well. The whole season was great.

I was even relieved that Jean-Ralphio wasn't dead. The gag was good, but just killing him off because wouldn't have fit the show's vibe. Very few shows can pull off endings where everyone gets everything they want, but I'm glad this one did.

I laughed out loud when it cut to his tombstone. I would have been fine with that lol it's a miracle someone as dumb as him made it that long

big ander

Great ending! Going to miss it terribly. I still think Garry's wife is a robot. Or alien. Why is she so hot and so good looking at 90?!?!

Also, who is the"
"? I like how you really don't know for sure.

check further up in the topic for the interview but schur's talked about how it was intentionally ambiguous. Ben or Leslie could be president-- or they could be some other position with security.
I laughed out loud when it cut to his tombstone. I would have been fine with that lol it's a miracle someone as dumb as him made it that long
heh yup I think the cut to his grave was my biggest laugh of the episode.


I think it would be such a drag if someone as ambitious as Leslie just stuck to Pawnee. I mean, she single-handedly does the work of six people.

But she didn't. She worked at Pawnee for the federal government. And I had no issue with her spreading her wings or Ben running for Congress, because it was actually part of the ongoing plot rather than a quick and condensed rundown 'hey look where Leslie\Ben are now' - it felt little more than academic and doing it because they had or wanted to go big on the finale.

Another point is that these flashforwards work best when you really like and care about the characters. The series' later half actually made you dislike characters. April, Andy, Tom were on continuous decline on that front and became annoying more than anything else. (not to mention's all the character's attitude towards Garry - for a show all about heart that's the most perplexing creative direction in whole of it).
This season even made them more irritating to me.

So i'm not going to go out of my mind when the finale tries to play on emotional strings with overdone flashforwards that are asking an impossible ask out of the viewer to be really into to them or cherish them when you can barely keep up with the time jumps and info dumps.

I mean, look at what people are discussing here: whether or not Leslie is the president of the USA, dissection the ep to try and find clues for the answer. Showrunners talking about a 'Sopranos' moment how they are leaving that bit of information vague in purpose. Is this really how you want to treat the final episode of Parks and Rec? Is this the final thing you want to remember about it -- an open-ended question about a far-flung future part of a flashforward? This couldn't be any farther of what i enjoyed and loved about the show on its prime.

Also, Ann and Chris' return was disappointment to me and they played too little a part in it in my taste. The problem is that the 'comeback' was part of flashforward rather than in the current time. It defused a large part of their return. At the very least they should bucked the trend and showed a flashback of Ann and Chris' life since the point they left Pawnee up to 2017.


Unconfirmed Member
Just watched the Parks cast on Seth Myers. Their wasn't enough time, and these shows are never good for big groups as it's hard to play off one another when you're all spread out and have to take turns speaking.

Amy is a goddess.
Just watched the Parks cast on Seth Myers. Their wasn't enough time, and these shows are never good for big groups as it's hard to play off one another when you're all spread out and have to take turns speaking.

Amy is a goddess.

yah they needed to cut that monologue and the horrible "burn" thing and done the whole hour with them


Unconfirmed Member
yah they needed to cut that monologue and the horrible "burn" thing and done the whole hour with them

Yeah, even ignoring how awful they were, they should have just made it a full on special episode. Film some pre-taped stuff with them beforehand, etc.

I'd subscribe to a podcast with the entire cast, they're so likeable and have such great chemistry.


Yeah, even ignoring how awful they were, they should have just made it a full on special episode. Film some pre-taped stuff with them beforehand, etc.

I'd subscribe to a podcast with the entire cast, they're so likeable and have such great chemistry.

You should definitely watch the Paleyfest videos if you haven't already.
Totally didn't get emotional. Nope didn't happen.

Great finale season, great finale, what a tremendous send off for an amazing show and great cast of characters.

Had this Ron Swanson style dinner to say good bye and commemorate the occasion.

Being so far into the future was weird at some points but it always kind of seemed necessary to me given all that Leslie wanted to accomplish.

Even for Parks, this was really overly-happy. I can't really see this show going out on a dark note though. This last season felt like one big send-off for the show and I think it was handled well for the most part.


This season while funny just doesn't work.

When for six entire seasons your show deals with the day to day of a specific city at a specific time, you just cant skip two years into the future, move everyone around, and find bullshit ways of bringing them together, then even skipping forty years into the future and having all your characters be successful at something. It felt like a different show using the same characters we know and love.
By the way, Hulu has up the producer cut for the final episode.

Expands on some things, like Tom's future and gives some future for some other characters. Still pretty great.
This season while funny just doesn't work.

When for six entire seasons your show deals with the day to day of a specific city at a specific time, you just cant skip two years into the future, move everyone around, and find bullshit ways of bringing them together, then even skipping forty years into the future and having all your characters be successful at something. It felt like a different show using the same characters we know and love.

But that was the entire point, it’s a completely different show with characters in a completely different stage of life. The focal point of the season has been each of them realizing that, wondering what comes next, putting it together, and in the finale we find that each of them becomes successful in the next stage of their lives due to the love and support that carried over. Pawnee was never the driving point of their lives, their relationships with one another were. And those relationships survived the end of their time in Pawnee, because they were what’s really important.

This season has been an extremely, extremely perceptive take on transitioning into the next phase of your adult life.


Marathoned the final season last night on Hulu. Really great season and the finale was just about perfect. The series as a whole, I really don't know how they could have done it any better. Through cast changes and expanding the show beyond Pawnee, the show never lost it's voice or vision. Just a really impressive job from the cast and crew from top to bottom.

One thing I didn't quite get in the finale, why was Leslie upset that IU named the library after her? Seemed out of character for her, I thought she'd have been really flattered.
Edit: Okay I went back a few pages and see someone mentioning that it's just the long running joke of the parks department vs the library/tammy.

Another thought, I was sort of lukewarm on the flash forward conceit of the finale initially, but watching the producer's cut on Hulu with the extra 10 minutes let them flesh out everyone's story enough that it didn't feel rushed like it might have in a 42min standard broadcast.
checked out the extended cut on demand last night. some of the extra stuff was good. they cut a lot of tom stuff from his story.

i also noticed when april is with donna she was pregnant


Totally didn't get emotional. Nope didn't happen.

Great finale season, great finale, what a tremendous send off for an amazing show and great cast of characters.

Had this Ron Swanson style dinner to say good bye and commemorate the occasion.

The only thing that photo is missing is a handgun.


NBC doesn't have the extended cut? Only hulu? :(

I saw a clip with a crying shauna malwae-tweep in a wedding dress
what's going on there?


Distinguished Air Superiority
I'm ready for the Parks and Rec spinoff show starring Mark Brendanawicz and Ron Swanson with their competing businesses.
I saw a clip with a crying shauna malwae-tweep in a wedding dress
what's going on there?

That's from her future, they didn't show in the TV version.

Spoilers for those who didn't see it yet:
She was left at the altar crying on a bench, where Bobby Newport encounters her, gives her some gum and they get married like 5 hours later.


was so glad to see brandi maxxxx achieving her goal
she was always a big supporter of leslie

That's from her future, they didn't show in the TV version.

Spoilers for those who didn't see it yet:
She was left at the altar crying on a bench, where Bobby Newport encounters her, gives her some gum and they get married like 5 hours later.
nice to see her finally find some one


Fantastic finale. Fantastic season (aside from the Andy episode).

So many callbacks. Really emotional. Just so good.

EDIT: I fucking love Brandi Maxx. Such a good joke.


I knew this was the last season, but didn't realize the last episode was here. I thought it would go to late spring.

I became sad.

Then I watched the last episode. I was still sad.

I didn't watch the show religiously but I really liked it, and now it's gone.

So I've been re-watching the show. You remember Will Arnett's character, Chris? After Leslie's MRI, he tells her she "could go triplets right off the bat" in reference to the size of her uterus.

Goddamn this show.

big ander

The final Sepinwall-Schur post-parks-season Q&A is here. Genial look into the show as always.

my favorite bits:
How long did you know Amy could do that Megan Mullally impression, and how much patience did it require to wait until "Ron & Jammy" to deploy it? As I recall, she also imitated Aziz and Rashida at different points of the show; did she have versions of every co-star you could have used if you felt like it?

Mike Schur: None of us knew. She busted it out at the table read and blew everyone's doors off. We had no idea at all. Amy, as I have said before, has exactly one flaw in her armor, which is: accurate celebrity impressions. That's the only thing she can't ace, across the entire range of acting. Then she pulled that Mullally out of nowhere, so maybe like the Borg she has adapted and improved. (Still no Emmy for her, by the way. Just a friendly reminder, to anyone reading this who has an Emmy vote.)

Is there an episode or even a joke that Harris (Wittels) wrote that you feel best captures his comic voice?

Mike Schur: There were many. I always think of the joke he wrote in “Model U.N.,” when Andy brings a squabbling Ben and Leslie together and says that he hopes this will be like their own Camp David. Then he explains, in a talking head, that when he was in high school his buddy David used to have people over and they would talk and chill out and just open up to each other, and they called it Camp David. Then it cuts back to Ben, who says, very surprised, "How do you know about Camp David?" And an equally confused Andy says, "How do you know about Camp David?" That was the essence of Harris -- a long, rambling joke with a silly premise that ends with a huge laugh.

Keg Jeggings may be a top 5 "Parks and Rec" name.

Mike Schur: Matt Murray designed it to flip all of the n's and g's so it was Keg Jeggigns (JEG-ines). But no joke, I said that was "too crazy." Somehow that crossed a line, to me. No idea why.
just finished the last season. My goat comedy series. so many good laughs and such a great storyline each season. I think I'm gonna pick up the box release in june, but I am sad there are no bluray releases of the seasons. I really love in the donna wedding episode, when april is in the kitchen, the shots are compiled with her having tongs one take and another without. Don't know if it was intended or not. Damn, so sad this show ended.

Mista Koo

Binge watched the entire season (aside from the double episode premiere) last weekend and it was awesome. That finale was perfect, just beautiful. I wasn't sure they would be able to top last season's finale but they killed it with a fantastic send off.


I'm going to bump this thread because I just finished this show and have to say how much I love and how much I'll miss it. I've never been so impressed with characters like in this show, so different, so bizarre, so exaggerated. It's brilliant because it works very naturally.
Also, besides the main characters you have a group of amazing secondary ones, John Ralphio and his family, Tammy 2, Jamm, Sewage Joe, Joan, Perd and so on...
Also, Ron and Andy are on a league of their own. Incredible.
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