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Paul Gale Network Bullshit: "Star Fox Metroid: Fusion Saga" isn't real (no shit!)

boiled goose

good with gravy
If true nintendo is really confused about what its fanbase and other gamers want haha.
crossing my fingers that this is false.

Paul Gale


And he had details like this from back in Nov 2011...


Not saying that this crazy Staroid story is true, but he has gotten some things right.

Can't wait for E3 either way.

To you for linking back to my articles that proved that everything I said about PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (Title Fight) was correct far before April, 2011's video reveal, thank you. For the first person that said I conveniently posted stuff after it happened, that's incorrect. My information was out 6 months before anyone else's.

This time I'm telling you from the get-go: rumor, that's all. Some are already saying it's a cool idea that they'd play, some (most it seems) think it's horrible. Nintendo does so much R&D that I highly doubt they'd do something that not the majority of their company wasn't in favor of.

If this is real, it's for a reason: Nintendo and Retro Studios found the perfect formula for making such a crazy idea work. If it's fake, then when the idea was presented, Nintendo said, "mmm, interesting thought but just not the right fit for what we're trying to achieve as Retro's next big game". 'Nuff said.



Now you have to tell me why.

First-Person vision was NOT typical Nintendo.

Sci-Fi environment was NOT typical Nintendo.

Shooter part was NOT at all typical Nintendo

The Nintendo footprint if you ask me was just the great, easy to play gameplay. The quality of the artistic details were typical Nintendo, but they never used them for a mature sci-fi title before.

Metroid Prime is Essentially a translation of the Super Metroid Formula into 3D. It has just as much Sci-fi as previous games in the series. It's just as much of a shooter as previous game in the series. The one "risk" was making the game take place from a first person perspective instead of a Third person one.
Radical changes is what make Retro great IMO. Look at Metroid Prime. I prefer to keep my mind open and be surprised, though I'm skeptical.

Yeah, same here.

If this is real, its a Retro Studios game and I'm therefore probably going to buy it. I doubt it is real though, but its certainly piqued my curiousity. The concern is that, while being absorbed into a deep dark world in the forgotten part of the universe, Samus' progression is interrupted with a cheery chirpy Starfox level. The clash of styles and vulgar jump from one set of mechanics to the other, could test my patience in unfortunate ways.

If they could approach such a concept with the ambition and meticulousness of Metroid Prime/DKC Returns, it could be some mad mad genius that I can't even fathom.

Bring on E3.

boiled goose

good with gravy

Now you have to tell me why.

First-Person vision was NOT typical Nintendo.

Sci-Fi environment was NOT typical Nintendo.

Shooter part was NOT at all typical Nintendo

The Nintendo footprint if you ask me was just the great, easy to play gameplay. The quality of the artistic details were typical Nintendo, but they never used them for a mature sci-fi title before.

Nintendo popularized FPS on consoles with goldeneye
Metroid has always been Sci Fi
Metroid prime has as much shooting as any other metroid

This post doesnt make any sense...



There's just something really amusing with Fox talking with Samus about the threat Metroids. Does that mean Mother Brain and Andross will work together?

No way it's happening, but I'm having fun entertaining the idea.

Does that mean Mother Brain and Andross will work together?

Mother Brain and Andross will work together?


I doubt this is true though. Even so, it's being made by fucking retro. All the hate from people is ridiculous.


What if, rather than making fox's world all freaky and realistic, they made Samus' world more cartoony and vibrant. Metroid fusion was crazy bright and colorful, so I'd be interested to see how Retro could create a cohesive art style.

...toon metroid, anyone? ;)


This time I'm telling you from the get-go: rumor, that's all. Some are already saying it's a cool idea that they'd play, some (most it seems) think it's horrible. Nintendo does so much R&D that I highly doubt they'd do something that not the majority of their company wasn't in favor of.

If this is real, it's for a reason: Nintendo and Retro Studios found the perfect formula for making such a crazy idea work. If it's fake, then when the idea was presented, Nintendo said, "mmm, interesting thought but just not the right fit for what we're tying to achieve as Retro's next big game". 'Nuff said.

You don't sound very confident in the rumor yourself though:

Before I go deeper into the story, please only read into this as being a rumor for the next 17 days. Even take it with a grain of salt. To ease your mind further, go ahead and pretend the idea was conjured up by a kid on the playground that’s your younger brother’s friend. The last thing I want to do is get people’s hopes up.



Now you have to tell me why.

First-Person vision was NOT typical Nintendo.

Sci-Fi environment was NOT typical Nintendo.

Shooter part was NOT at all typical Nintendo

The Nintendo footprint if you ask me was just the great, easy to play gameplay. The quality of the artistic details were typical Nintendo, but they never used them for a mature sci-fi title before.

Metroid Prime was just Super Metroid in 3D. Super Metroid was both Sci-Fi and an adventure game with Shooter elements just like MP. The First Person view was Miyamoto's idea. Miyamoto loves first person view, he originally wanted OoT to be first person. If anyone defines typical Nintendo, it's Miyamoto.

Metroid Prime was a game that reeked of Nintendo sensibility.

Anyway, definitive proof this won't happen. Whilst Discussing Metroid Prime 3:

Mark Pacini: You actually won't be able to fly the ship itself. You'll be able to use the ship to transport to other planets. But we're also using the ship as a tool - kind of like your Power Beam - so that with a visor you can call y our ship in and do certain things in a level, like blow stuff up, or lift huge obstacles, or use it as a platform. It's a natural extension of Samus' abilities.

Bryan Walker: We felt it was important to integrate the ship without making it feel like a watered-down Wing Commander. So the ship is there in a context that's faithful to the Prime experience.

I can be read quite plainly here, Retro Studio perfectly understands that unnaturally mixing together two genres together in a disjointed way is not a good idea. This rumour is a direct contradiction of that attitude.


This could be the first of many...

Mario x Zelda: Fusion Saga
Pokemon x F-Zero: Fusion Saga
Fire Emblem x Donkey Kong: Fusion Saga
Mother x Kirby: Fusion Saga

I'll buy them all.

Hmmmm Fusion Saga as a new, massive IP of what if situations?

I...I think i want this lol. If they nail the balance between cheese/funny and high profile adventure (see Kid Icarus Uprising), this could be awesome. Or terrible...i dunno

boiled goose

good with gravy
I doubt this is true though. Even so, it's being made by fucking retro. All the hate from people is ridiculous.

as EC pointed out, the reason why ppl are defensive is because it is a strange crossover given the very different tone and universes of the series. star fox is extremely cartoony and cheesy and has humanoid foxes and frogs and that is why it is great. metroid has a more serious and realistic feel to it.

While this game could be fun, it will not be the metroid fans have been waiting for.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I doubt this is true though. Even so, it's being made by fucking retro. All the hate from people is ridiculous.

The hate stems from this being a dumb fuck fifth grader level of fan fiction stupid that molests two fanbases with seemingly no good intentions at all. Everything you could do with what is being described here could be done with either franchise individually, or with something entirely new.

The only reason this would exist is to take a big, steaming wet shit on both Star Fox and Metroid fans, and show Nintendo has completely lost the plot with their own franchises.

If this were true, may god have mercy on their souls, because nobody else will.


What if, rather than making fox's world all freaky and realistic, they made Samus' world more cartoony and vibrant. Metroid fusion was crazy bright and colorful, so I'd be interested to see how Retro could create a cohesive art style.

...toon metroid, anyone? ;)

I don't care for either approach.


Should've tossed F-Zero in there. Oh well, gotta save something for the sequel.

I kinda hope this isn't true, just because I wanted to be totally surprised by what Retro's working on at E3. And also because while I love Metroid, I've never really been a fan of Star Fox.

But if Retro's working on it, I'm sure it'll be great.
What if, rather than making fox's world all freaky and realistic, they made Samus' world more cartoony and vibrant. Metroid fusion was crazy bright and colorful, so I'd be interested to see how Retro could create a cohesive art style.

...toon metroid, anyone? ;)

Ha, those abandoned Nintendo Toon Metroid concept pieces may get dusted off!





(still don't believe the rumour, but I'm not hostile to it either)

boiled goose

good with gravy
The hate stems from this being a dumb fuck fifth grader level of fan fiction stupid that molests two fanbases with seemingly no good intentions at all. Everything you could do with what is being described here could be done with either franchise individually, or with something entirely new.

The only reason this would exist is to take a big, steaming wet shit on both Star Fox and Metroid fans, and show Nintendo has completely lost the plot with their own franchises.

If this were true, may god have mercy on their souls, because nobody else will.

Anyway, definitive proof this won't happen. Whilst Discussing Metroid Prime 3:

I can be read quite plainly here, Retro Studio perfectly understands that unnaturally mixing together two genres together in a disjointed way is not a good idea. This rumour is a direct contradiction of that attitude.

In fairness, if that quote is for MP3 it's what, 3 years old at this point at least? Stuff changes. R&D happens. Ideas happen. Maybe somebody, y'know, figured it out? I can go back and find quotes from 5 years ago that say online gaming is a fad, or that mobile gaming will never be big, or further, quotes that controlling a character in 3D space will never be intuitive. I can find quotes from Sony and MS that motion controls are useless and pointless. I can find quotes from Bioware that say multiplayer isn't a fit for Mass Effect... shit happens and things change.

Further you really have to put that quote through PR filter, too. As much as game design philosophy that also sounds like pre-emptive way of shutting down people who were complaining for ship combat in Metroid (who did exist.)


2 franchises Nintendo no longer gives a fuck about since they aren't big sellers, what to do with them? Just dump them together in one game irregardless if it makes sense or not.
Anyway calling bullshit on this, retro making a starfox game yeah for sure but this sounds like a load of crap.


Nintendo? The game was made by Rare and since it wasn't a NIntendo IP in the first place I don't see why Nintendo should be acknowledged for a game they didn't develop.

Rare was a wholly owned subsidiary of Nintendo at the time. You're just grasping for straws here.
Huh?! That could be interesting I guess. To me though the Metroid series isn't the one that needs re-inventing. Just give me another Prime type game for the Wii U and a Super/Fusion type game for the 3DS.


Time Traveler
This is absolutely stupid...

The rumor basically says that there are two game being made bundled in one; which is illogical.

I mean, it's just easier to release both games and make one true ending, besides the ending both games have, so you can see the ending completing both games, like Zelda OOS/OOA (which were awesome btw).

Also, we have seen Fox doing solo missions, and Samus could perfectly have air missions, so there is really no point mixing both characters.

In the end, it's just a rumor, and a shitty one...

Rare was a wholly owned subsidiary of Nintendo at the time. You're just grasping for straws here.
No it wasn't.


the piano man
You don't sound very confident in the rumor yourself though:

While I thank the guy for always stating that it's a rumor, I have to wonder: why even announce it (the rumor) and make a splash about it if it really is just one of those R&D ideas that nintendo plays and teases with and never releases. I know there are far worse gaming rumors that are taken more seriously on the strength of not being as honest as this but... don't know. let's see what E3 brings.

2) the source at hand gave me reason to believe that this was at the very least, a concept being pitched around between Nintendo and Retro Studios.


boiled goose

good with gravy
Nintendo? The game was made by Rare and since it wasn't a NIntendo IP in the first place I don't see why Nintendo should be acknowledged for a game they didn't develop.

Rare was as much Nintendo as Retro was Nintendo when MP was developed.
sorry buddy. time to surrender your point.
Nintendo? The game was made by Rare and since it wasn't a NIntendo IP in the first place I don't see why Nintendo should be acknowledged for a game they didn't develop.
NOA Treehouse Staff Ken Lobb, Richard S. Richardson, Henry C. Sterchi, Erich Waas, Armond Williams Jr.
NOA Testing Michael Kelbaugh, Tim Bechtel, David C. Bridgham, Kirk Buchanan, Kyle Carlson, Chris Dolan, Melvin Forrest, Thomas Hertzog, Sam Hosier III, Robert Johnson, Arnold Myers II, Chris Needham, Sara Osborne, Christian Phillips, Edward A. Ridgeway, Benjamin Smith, Sharon Evans, William Giese, Sam Kujath, Jim Holdeman, David Hunziker, The Q Branch XVI
NCL Staff Keisuke Terasaki, Eiji Onozuka, Masashi Goto
Special Thanks Minoru Arakawa, Howard Lincoln, Mike Fukuda, Joel Hochberg, Tim Stamper, Chris Stamper, NCL Super Mario Club
Nintendo Producer Kenji Miki
Executive Producer Hiroshi Yamauchi

Rare was a wholly owned subsidiary of Nintendo at the time. You're just grasping for straws here.

Nintendo owned 51%, so they had a controlling stake but never really outright controlled the studio. They could go elsewhere, like when Nintendo didn't want to publish Conker's Bad Fur Day THQ picked it up and Nintendo still got a cut thanks to owning 51% of the studio.

While Nintendo reps undoubtedly had roles, the lion's share of Goldeneye's concepts and ideas was likely Rare's doing. I think you can attribute the level of quality and polish to Nintendo, though, as they really pushed that in Rare which is why Rare developed games with a depth and quality that was rarely (HA HA) seen in Western studios at the time.

Same for Donkey Kong Country; we've all seen the quotes about how Miyamoto hated those games and thought they were shit/dumb/bad compared to Mario World.

I suppose the question is the difference between publisher and developer. How much of Mass Effect 2/3 do you attribute to EA versus Bioware? How much of Halo do you attribute to Microsoft versus Bungie? Microsoft and EA undoubtedly had a profound effect on those games/franchises, but the actual core of the projects clearly came from the studios. I'd argue the same of Metroid Prime; Retro took the concepts from the old Metroid games and rebuilt them with a Western sensibility. Quotes from Retro and things point to Nintendo's main influence being on the quality of the experience rather than the core design - Miyamoto coming in and telling them to tweak this, that, the other rather than day-to-day involvement.


Metroid Prime was just Super Metroid in 3D. Super Metroid was both Sci-Fi and an adventure game with Shooter elements just like MP. The First Person view was Miyamoto's idea. Miyamoto loves first person view, he originally wanted OoT to be first person. If anyone defines typical Nintendo, it's Miyamoto.

Metroid Prime was a game that reeked of Nintendo sensibility.

Yes, someone else who gets it.


Time Traveler
Nintendo owned 51%, so they had a controlling stake but never really outright controlled the studio. They could go elsewhere, like when Nintendo didn't want to publish Conker's Bad Fur Day THQ picked it up and Nintendo still got a cut thanks to owning 51% of the studio.

While Nintendo reps undoubtedly had roles, Goldeneye was clearly Rare's doing.

Same for Donkey Kong Country; we've all seen the quotes about how Miyamoto hated those games and thought they were shit/dumb/bad compared to Mario World.
Nintendo owned 49%...
Nintendo? The game was made by Rare and since it wasn't a NIntendo IP in the first place I don't see why Nintendo should be acknowledged for a game they didn't develop.
The Bond IP was licensed to Nintendo at the time...


In fairness, if that quote is for MP3 it's what, 3 years old at this point at least? Stuff changes. R&D happens. Ideas happen. Maybe somebody, y'know, figured it out? I can go back and find quotes from 5 years ago that say online gaming is a fad, or that mobile gaming will never be big, or further, quotes that controlling a character in 3D space will never be intuitive... shit happens and things change.

Further you really have to put that quote through PR filter, too. As much as game design philosophy that also sounds like pre-emptive way of shutting down people who were complaining for ship combat in Metroid (who did exist.)

Intelligence doesn't just disintegrate into thin air. Retro knew back then that pointlessly tacking on ship combat into a Metroid prime game was a bad idea since the incoherent gameplay philosophies would detract from each other. One or both gameplay types would have suffered to realise that concept, since that's essentially building two different games into one.

Given that Retro already knows this, why would they go ahead with this retarded fanfic idea that is even more disjointed and unnatural than the above example? This litterally would be making two games in one for absolutely no logical reason.


The hate stems from this being a dumb fuck fifth grader level of fan fiction stupid that molests two fanbases with seemingly no good intentions at all. Everything you could do with what is being described here could be done with either franchise individually, or with something entirely new.

The only reason this would exist is to take a big, steaming wet shit on both Star Fox and Metroid fans, and show Nintendo has completely lost the plot with their own franchises.

If this were true, may god have mercy on their souls, because nobody else will.

Going to quote movie bob here, There are no bad ideas for a movie, just bad execution of the idea for a movie. Same can be said about video games. If anyone can take this idea and make it seem good it's Retro. Now, I still don't think it's true, but if it is, I'm not jumping to any conclusions on it being dumb or not. I mean, Other M happened.
Intelligence doesn't just disintegrate into thin air. Retro knew back then that pointlessly tacking on ship combat into a Metroid prime game was a bad idea since the incoherent gameplay philosophies would detract from each other. One or both gameplay types would have suffered to realise that concept, since that's essentially building two different games into one.

Given that Retro already knows this, why would they go ahead with this retarded fanfic idea that is even more disjointed and unnatural than the above example? This litterally would be making two games in one for absolutely no logical reason.

I maintain that things can change. They may think they have the best solution and idea of all time to that problem. They might be right, they might be wrong.

Alternatively: Nintendo told them to make it work. Nintendo said, please make these franchises gel together into one title. Go. Nintendo can do that.

I mean, that's ultimately a PR quote. Their job is to sell the game. Metroid Prime 3 had no ship combat, so they have to make that sound like the best decision they could've made. That's PR - if they're told to sell Apples they'll sell apples. If in the next game they have to sell oranges they'll go out and tell everyone the apples are shit and oranges are THE shit. That's the job, right?

Nintendo owned 49%...

Drat. Close. So the Stampers owned 51%; so Nintendo didn't even have a controlling stake, then. Point stands.

Paul Gale

Well, fuck. Sorry Paul. I'm still skeptical as fuck on this fusion saga rumour.

No problem, dude. :) And if this thing is true, perhaps it should be called "Fusion: Star Fox - Metroid" and if it does well, Nintendo could do other Fusion titles like "Fusion: Mario - Donkey Kong" and "Fusion: Pokemon - Fire Emblem".

Hah, that'd be quite the change for the company and pretty unnecessary, but it'd help make for a little more sense to this story. Can't believe that E3 is so soon. Then there won't be any rumors to put up, plain and simple.
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