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People who eat pizza with their hands are savages

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benevolent sexism
Here's something OP probably holds with his hands every day



get the fuck out of here. it drive me up the wall when we're out eating pizza then my wife asks me to get a fucking knife and fork.


My favorite pizzas are those with an egg on them... would be hard to eat without a fork and knife. Hands are for take-away pizza only.


The whole point of pizza is to eat it by hand. If you're going to be using fork and knife you should eat something different.


Were you aware that proper etiquette at fancy dinner parties is to eat asparagus with your fingers, instead of utensils. Some other foods, as well. If this is acceptable in those social scenarios, it's most definitely acceptable at other times. GTFO of here with that fork/knife pizza shit.


Don't like getting my hands dirty with all the oil and shit from the pizza, so I started using a knife and fork after a while. Much better.


Randy, I get the feeling you are not from NA. Is that fair? If that's the case, I think we can collectively forgive you on that basis.
Weeeeell fuuuuuuuck you!

No, but seriously, You eat how you want just DON'T TELL ME I CAN'T CARRY GOODS WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!

Savages. Pssssh.


Biting into a slice of pizza is part of the Pizza Experience. Can't agree with you there, dear OP.


What's next, eating a candy bar with a fork and a knife?

OP, just fold the pizza. It helps a lot.

Edit: I'm glad someone referenced the candy bar. :)
Pizza? Not unless it's cooked/made/overloaded in a way that makes it impossible to eat without shit falling off of it.

Ribs, though? I eat them shits like a gentleman. Like I cover every puddle in a city at the same time with a single coat kinda gentleman. Like I hold the door for people regardless of whether they want me to or not type of gentleman. Like I'll challenge you to a fucking duel of death for insulting my distant cousin's mother-in-law gentleman. With a knife and motherfucking fork.


I don't mind endulging the pizza snobs by eating with a knife and fork when I travel to Europe or go to some kind of really fancy pizza place here in the US, but anywhere else and I use my hands like a man. Eating pizza with utensils in most places is the epitome of trying too hard to be civilized.

Sometimes I don't even eat the crust. I just cut it away

You are a god damn heathen.


My fiance and his famjam eat it with a knife and fork & I felt like such a savage eating with my hands so I had to use a knife and fork & I judged them all silently. Weirdos.
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