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Persona 4 is just so good


I know this must be thread number 1000 on P4 over the years, so forgive me the indulgence. But I broke my Vita out of its dusty storage intending to explore the library before Sony actually does shut down the store someday, and I ended up just firing up P4 Golden again.

Everything about the experience is so....comfy cozy. The game is like a warm blanket by the fire during christmastime. The characters, the dialogue, the gameplay, the social aspects, the battling, the music (my god, the music), the freedom to do whatever you want to do and still make progress...it's just one of those rare perfect games. It's funny, when people talk about your favorite game of all time, I normally say Elder Scrolls, either oblivion or skyrim, but in reality it's probably Persona 4.

I liked P5 a whole lot too, but it couldn't ever quite match the magic of 4.

If you never tried it, I very much urge you to do so unless you know for sure that it's never going to be your thing.


I prefer 3 but yeah, P4 it's really cool too.
3,4, and 5 are all top tier. It's really impressive that they've been able to keep the bar so high.

I've never played 1 or 2 because frankly I don't want to ever not enjoy a persona game and I feel like they can't live up to the more recent titles given their age, bit maybe I'll try them someday


I dont like 5 , granted I only played the first few hours and drop it , the story made me feel so angry . P3 p4 feel pretty chill and relax , i dont like story that manipulation my emotions .
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3,4, and 5 are all top tier. It's really impressive that they've been able to keep the bar so high.

I've never played 1 or 2 because frankly I don't want to ever not enjoy a persona game and I feel like they can't live up to the more recent titles given their age, bit maybe I'll try them someday
1, 2 and the other 2 are very different games, the template used now it's basically P3's one.


The nicest person on this forum
Persona is great but I want Atlus give some love to their actual flagship title like Shin Megami Tensei series, I'm still waiting for proper gameplay showcase for SMTV.

Thankfully we are going to get Nocturne HD remaster later this month, this will hold me until we get some news for SMTV.

If enjoyed Persona's press turn combat then I highly recommend giving Nocturne a try.
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I know this must be thread number 1000 on P4 over the years, so forgive me the indulgence. But I broke my Vita out of its dusty storage intending to explore the library before Sony actually does shut down the store someday, and I ended up just firing up P4 Golden again.

Everything about the experience is so....comfy cozy. The game is like a warm blanket by the fire during christmastime. The characters, the dialogue, the gameplay, the social aspects, the battling, the music (my god, the music), the freedom to do whatever you want to do and still make progress...it's just one of those rare perfect games. It's funny, when people talk about your favorite game of all time, I normally say Elder Scrolls, either oblivion or skyrim, but in reality it's probably Persona 4.

I liked P5 a whole lot too, but it couldn't ever quite match the magic of 4.

If you never tried it, I very much urge you to do so unless you know for sure that it's never going to be your thing.
It's my favorite game of all time (specifically Golden because it's just a better and easier to play version).
I don't think anything will top Persona 4/4G for me. I loved 5 and it's objectively better in the gameplay department but everything else is better in 4.

In reality I don't really see any of my top 3 being toppled (P4, Steins;gate, Catherine).
I love P4, it was a magical ride the first time I played it. I haven't played Golden though, I heard it has a lot of improvements. I have to get it on Steam.




That is certainly a gross take, damn...


The Persona 2 duology is the best in the series IMO but Persona 4 is right behind it. Persona 4 is a huge step up from Persona 3.
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Its that Vita experience why I never bought P5. Im waiting for the Switch version...if it ever comes out. To me, Persona is that chill experience in your bed 2 hours before you go to sleep. I cant imagine playing P5 on my 60" sitting down and...playing basketball or flirting with other girls. Completely different experience.


I really liked it. Wish it toned down some of the anime tropes though. The whole costume themed days before December was easily the worst part of the game for me.
If you really like Press turn combat system, without the doubt SMT is better game, better dungeon designs and better boss battles.....at least for me.
At least Persona will have handmade dungeons going forward, and the battle system will at least have a few other dynamic options besides just 1 More.

But yeah, Press Turn is better. Hopefully SMTV will come out this year.


It's a great game but it's even better on pc with qol mods.

I'd like a remake of 1 and 2 but change the battle system. I tried playing the handheld ports and just couldn't get into them because of it.


P4 is pretty awesome. The golden edition is pretty much why I got a pstv. Overall, I'm more of a fan of 5, but Its close.


I stopped playing P4G at
. A lot of things didn't clicked with me and i just didn't have fun.

I have P5 but after my experience with P4G i'm still a bit apprehensive to try it tbh.


bought it on steam the day it came out but haven't played it yet. i'm still waiting to get into the right mood for it. do i need to know anything before starting? should i use a guide or something? i probably won't have time to paly through a 100+ hours rpg multiple times to see everything

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
Does anyone else feel like combat in this game just sucks? I loved this game, its story, its characters. But I couldn't get behind combat system and dungeons themselves.

At first I thought it was kind of nice, but with each dungeon it just kept getting dumber and dumber. It's very much a combat system based on extremes. Much like in Pokémon's, you counter certain monsters with certain elements. But unlike in Pokémon you never know what element to use. I love this game's monster design, I think it's unique and fantastic. But at the same time there are only so many of them and they're not specific to each dungeon which ultimately makes all dungeons feel the same.
And I get that JRPGs do that, they reuse enemies' models and just paint them differently. And I think it's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. But in this case it makes it that much annoying when you think you remember what spell to use to counter this enemy, but no. It's not the same anymore, instead of ice you have to use fire.

Assuming you even remember which enemy is weak to which spell. Well, at least I couldn't, I had to click analyze every time I tried to remember. Which in the end also gets annoying, especially with supporting characters constantly yelling at you!

And don't even get me started on how spells are named. I never figured it out. There's some pattern to it, but I don't know. I think I'm slow. And even then they don't follow through with it to the end, because spell that deals severe fire damage was just called Ragnarok, thus making the entire spell naming convention endeavor pointless. And I understand that Final Fantasy series started doing that too, but there I can at least understand and remember what I'm about to use without having to check spells' tool-tips constantly (And I still hate it anyway. It's a fire spell, just call it fire :c)

And then the dungeons themselves. Again, I love how they look, how they're designed with specific characters thoughts and concerns in mind. But they all feel the same. Just flat labyrinth full of shadows and chests with shadows in them. And they're so damn long. I guess they want me to run through a couple of floors, leave, get rest, come back the next day or two days later. But I never did that because that means I'll waste my precious time that I'd rather be spending on maximizing my social links, getting to know people, doing the in game stuff that is actually pleasant and interesting!

Going back to combat (yes, this is a rant, I'm just jumping back and forth, I apologize to whoever might still be reading this), I have some other major issues with it. Shadow and light spells in particular. They have the ability to one-shot kill monsters. Which is fine, I understand that spells like these are popular in JRPGs (at least they were present in the ones I've played, I don't claim to be some kind of JRPG expert here). But man, in this game success rate on these things is insane! Which I can't complain when it comes to me using them, with combat system like this I was glad to have some way of cheesing through some of the dungeons. But once the enemies started using it...
It basically forces you to have some kind of defense against these in your Persona. If you don't you're risking dying and, depending on your difficulty, starting all over again. Which is BS, because if your protagonist dies it's game over. When one of your team member dies it's fine, they get to be resurrected. But for whatever reason, you have to keep your character alive, there are no second chances.

I had at least a couple more points to raise against this atrocious combat system, but it's late and it's already a wall of page so I'll just end it now.

The thing I hate the most about this game though is that when you're fusing Personas Igor can just randomly screw up and MESS UP YOUR FUSION AND GIVE YOU SOME OTHER RANDOM PERSONA AND IT'S JUST SO ANNOYING!
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I enjoyed it at first, but I eventually got really bored of the poor dungeon design, and the brainless battles where you simply spam enemy weaknesses to launch the group attack. Hopefully, OP won't get bored with time (as I get you haven't finished it yet).


I bought a Vita just to play Persona 4, it was my introduction into the franchise, so it holds a special place in my heart. Once I finished the game, I felt a wave of sadness as I said good bye to the friends I had made. I mean, how many games can do this? to an adult? it's very special. The cast is great, funny, different, something for everyone to like.

The seriousness of Persona 3, really makes 4 stand out even more so. Persona 5 is good too, if not a bit too long. Also a bit to much story telling for the audience and not from the characters point of view. I used remote play on my Vita, which helped me enjoy 5 a bit more, but it still wasn't the same.

Persona 3 and 4 casts, joining together in Persona Q (1 and 2) was also an amazing experience. The teams are so different, just pure fan service. I had never played that style of game before.

I definitely liked the ending of 4 much more than 3. But 3 also got an emotional response out of me, for different reasons.

3-4-5 could be one of the great unofficial trilogies of all time in video games. I wonder if 6 will continue the trend or change up everything entirely.

Would love a college setting for the next one, maybe even base it in the 80's.


I'm a massive fan of 5, so hopefully 4 comes out on a relevant console at some point, so I can give it ago. The OST is so good.


Linux User
Persona 4 had something special. The characters feel like close friends- something P5 never managed.
Also must protect Nanako chan!
I enjoyed P4 a lot, used to play it as a jobless bum. I gave up against the mini-boss in last dungeon, some sort of baby iirc. Never understood why I was doing so little damage despite playing on easy mode.

Yukiko best girl btw.


bought it on steam the day it came out but haven't played it yet. i'm still waiting to get into the right mood for it. do i need to know anything before starting? should i use a guide or something? i probably won't have time to paly through a 100+ hours rpg multiple times to see everything
Just dive in, game is super approachable. Golden added a polling system where you can see what other players chose for activities on any given day, so you can always use that as a guidepost. But it's not a difficult game by any means


liked the game but it was so repetitive, always going to town checking all places, talking all people rinse and repeat for a year (80+hrs ) its ok on a portable, but thats the reason i haven't even started P5


liked the game but it was so repetitive, always going to town checking all places, talking all people rinse and repeat for a year (80+hrs ) its ok on a portable, but thats the reason i haven't even started P5
That's why I like the polling system in Golden, tbh.

I don't use it to tell me what I should do, but I use it to tell me what I could do. Once I know the options any given day I can just pick something and move on, instead of having to go talk to everyone. But I do a once over in all the areas anyway in case there are any sidequests opening up.


That's why I like the polling system in Golden, tbh.

I don't use it to tell me what I should do, but I use it to tell me what I could do. Once I know the options any given day I can just pick something and move on, instead of having to go talk to everyone. But I do a once over in all the areas anyway in case there are any sidequests opening up.
hmm i cant remember that polling system what do you mean by it?


in the vita version there's an on-screen button you can tap whenever you have free time, and it'll tell you what other players chose to do during that segment so you can get a pretty comprehensive list of your options
wtf i didn't see that, and played it on vita, maybe was an online feature


Discovered this gem through the GameBomb playthrough. Then bought it myself for PlayStation 4, and later P4G was the main reason for me to get a PSVita. Such a lovely game.

And Rise is bestgirl of course.
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