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Persona 5 Famitsu details

I LOVE the Persona concepts this time around. Pretty interesting that -spoilers-
Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke's personas all ended up being killed for their crimes or in Carmen's case, killed by a jilted lover. Wonder if that means anything.
Unlike Persona 3 and Persona 4, Persona 5‘s story is designed to be like an “omnibus,” with no one specific enemy or criminal that the team chases after. Like a serial drama TV show, the Phantom Thieves change the targets they chase regularly.

A fundamental part of the story is the mystery behind a phone application called “Isekainabi” (“Otherworldnavi” or “Parallel World Navigation”). Using this app, the main characters discover the location of their targets and are able to infiltrate the other world known as “Palace” to steal the hearts of “rotten people.”
I have to erase my backlog until Persona 5 comes out. At least, that'll give me something to do...


It sounds like they're just using a structure common to anime and manga. Where there is a main plot, but it's seperated and built up by relatively independent arcs

Yes, and that structure has lent it self to many awfully paced series because the first half is a bunch of boring bullshit. It doesn't sound too hot for a lengthy rpg.


Guys just because MGSV's story telling sucks, doesn't mean Persona 5 will do the same thing. Chances are this isn't 15-30 minute of unrelated missions throughout a game. Chances are each month will have a set dungeon and main conflict that builds into the whole of the story. Persona 4 was kind of like that except it's main conflict was catching the criminal.

Also I'm gonna make a list of all confirmed-dungeons + months related to them.


Social Links via SMS? I can dig it. I wonder if they will confirm social links or not before the game releases. Might be interesting if they keep it a secret or not.
They should take as much time as they need. P5 is one of the games that I've been waiting for over half a decade now, so I can wait more =P


Breaking it down into arcs does sound weird for an RPG, especially for a social sim game like Persona. Will be interesting to see how this turns out.


Well, it seems like they do have a single objective of sorts--they want to "reform society"--but that's a vague idea, not a concrete thing like "catch the murderer," so the actual physical goals will be several smaller ones (presumably stealing hearts).
Yeah. This is how I take it to mean. They have a central goal but unlike Persona 3 and 4 (spoilers)

Persona 3 the entire goal of SEES was the put an end to the Dark Hour/Defeat the the Shadows that popped up during a full moon. Then Nyx makes itself known as the one 'one behind it all' in the last month of the game. In Persona 4 the goal was to solve the murders that occurred/prevent more from occurring and then on the final day Izanami is introduced as the one the one behind it all.

Persona 5 seems lacks the immediate enemy/threat to society those games had. But that doesn't mean there isn't a larger force/narrative at play that actually connects all their targets/goals together.
Honestly think Soejima's work here is the best he's done yet. Great designs and art direction. Absolutely love that they're implementing systems from Catherine. This game is going to be a masterpiece, I can feel it.
Yes, and that structure has lent it self to many awfully paced series because the first half is a bunch of boring bullshit. It doesn't sound too hot for a lengthy rpg.
I don't know that I can agree. It can be done poorly, but I'd argue a lengthy rpg is one of the better suited genres, since it allows time to fully explore and work with smaller arcs, and allows more time to give clues and hints towards end game


Unlike Persona 3 and Persona 4, Persona 5‘s story is designed to be like an “omnibus,” with no one specific enemy or criminal that the team chases after. Like a serial drama TV show, the Phantom Thieves change the targets they chase regularly.

And hopefully a climax going against Nyarlathotep.

A man can dream
And hopefully a climax going against Nyarlathotep.

A man can dream

Honestly, with all of the other P2 elements in there already, I wouldn't rule it out. It looks like the characters in the Velvet Room will tie more into the main plot this time around...
Man, I'm really surprised by the Yosuke hate here. I really enjoyed him as a character. Thought he was believable as an average teenage boy, and exemplified the big city/ small town dilemma quite well.


Honestly, with all of the other P2 elements in there already, I wouldn't rule it out. It looks like the characters in the Velvet Room will tie more into the main plot this time around...
I didn't get the serious P2 vibes until the TGS trailer. But man I hope Philemon and Nyarlathotep make a return.


Social Links via SMS? I can dig it. I wonder if they will confirm social links or not before the game releases. Might be interesting if they keep it a secret or not.

I don't see why they would remove that feature, its been in the last 2 games.
Man, I'm really surprised by the Yosuke hate here. I really enjoyed him as a character. Thought he was believable as an average teenage boy, and exemplified the big city/ small town dilemma quite well.

The whole "partner" thing was creepy and when he asks you to punch him for doubting your coolness I was just cringing. Kid had no backbone and it was pathetic. I much preferred Junpei going from hostile to friendly than Yosuke going from friendly to obsessed.


It looks great, It will be my first Persona (maybe I should play the others first...). But the plot looks interesting and I got hooked at the TGS trailer. Can't wait.
It looks great, It will be my first Persona (maybe I should play the others first...). But the plot looks interesting and I got hooked at the TGS trailer. Can't wait.

They're basically stand alone (some nonessential references), so you can certainly start with 5.

But you should give P4 or P4 Golden a try anyway.


Social Links via SMS? I can dig it. I wonder if they will confirm social links or not before the game releases. Might be interesting if they keep it a secret or not.

Oh, P5 will have a S.Links like feature, that was confirmed more than half a year ago.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I also wonder how they will incorporate them, like To Be Continued style at the end of each "case" or what....hope not.

IMO, it'll be cut-ups interspersed with a police task force chasing after the thieves and trying to figure out what they're doing, especially as it seems the thieves start gaining notoriety, either through broadcasting intentionally, or just word getting out in a manner akin to the Midnight Channel after the thieves' actions become realized.


Not excited for an omnibus story format. Never really played a game where I enjoyed that style. But I'll wait till it's out before judging.
I'm going to add that persona 4 was already a largely arc based story. I mean, most of the story doesn't actually progress the investigation much, it's small hints that occur while you get individual arcs focused on the character you're saving this time.

The difference here is that rather than all of those events happening as a string of related incidents with a single true culprit behind them, they're going to be more isolated (though like interconnected in some ways) incidents for each arc that build up the mystery of this app and some bigger thing happening in the background. And the goal only shifts to the bigger issue during the end game when all the pieces come into place, rather than having at least some idea of what the end game goal is from the very start
The whole "partner" thing was creepy and when he asks you to punch him for doubting your coolness I was just cringing. Kid had no backbone and it was pathetic. I much preferred Junpei going from hostile to friendly than Yosuke going from friendly to obsessed.

Mmm, perhaps. I guess there are some 'cringe-worthy' moments in regards to the main character, but honestly every character in P4 has a few of those, the entire group is basically instantly in love with the MC, lol. I agree with you, I really liked Junpei, he's probably my favorite character from P3, but I also really liked Yosuke and don't find them to be all that different. I saw it more as Yosuke sees the MC first as just a buddy to joke around with, but over time comes to respect him and see him as someone he can open up to, since Yosuke spends most of his time being the class clown type and not deeply connecting with anyone. Yosuke is probably the most immature character, but I found value in that representation as it's very common for teenage boys to act as he does


I don't know that I can agree. It can be done poorly, but I'd argue a lengthy rpg is one of the better suited genres, since it allows time to fully explore and work with smaller arcs, and allows more time to give clues and hints towards end game

Raidou 1 and 2 are structured like this. They aren't long games, but they are slow burners. Raidou 1 doesn't kick it self into high gear until the half way point, which I imagine a lot of people quit before that point.
A multi-arc structure really isn't all that different from that already used in P4, if you consider each new missing character as an arc. Each time you ended up with some sort of revelation that guided the team going into the next arc.


Current Dungeon List + corresponding month

Art Museum
Desert Town/ Pyramid
Future-ish Looking area
December: ?

Some of these may obviously bleed into other months. And also quite spoilerish and I don't have official names.


I would like the next party member to be a female Teacher
voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki
! Would love it if we have an adult party member.
Raidou 1 and 2 are structured like this. They aren't long games, but they are slow burners. Raidou 1 doesn't kick it self into high gear until the half way point, which I imagine a lot of people quit before that point.

As I just said, I'd argue that in terms of pacing, Persona 4 is already arc based. So the only difference is that the arcs are all following the same goal in Persona 4, whereas they'd be more loosely connected in P5 and probably the connections would tie to a very specific end game thing


This game keeps shaping up just great. I hope the scope is as big as they claim it to be, I want the delays to feel justified when I play the game.


Very cautious/unsure about the episodic structure. Well, I trust the team. Surprise me !
I mean, if you think about it, Persona 3 and 4 (more so 4) were very arc-like. There are very clear points in that game where you could, potentially, say "Oh yes, this is the Kanji episode" or "This is the Rise episode." Persona 5 could work out like that. They would have a specific target they are going after, do their related-dungeon, have some downtime after completing that, then move onto the next target.


I didn't get the serious P2 vibes until the TGS trailer. But man I hope Philemon and Nyarlathotep make a return.

While we are at it, bring Belladonna and Nameless back into the Velvet room. I know they are there performing Aria of the Soul, no need to hide them!

You see multiple arcs in a lot of other JRPGs. In a sense, instead of "solve this mystery" or "stop the dark hour", you still have a goal of stealing hearts. It's really not all that different.
A multi-arc structure really isn't all that different from that already used in P4, if you consider each new missing character as an arc. Each time you ended up with some sort of revelation that guided the team going into the next arc.

exactly. It's just the arcs are a bit more independent now, rather than all tying back to one goal with one villain


The whole "partner" thing was creepy and when he asks you to punch him for doubting your coolness I was just cringing. Kid had no backbone and it was pathetic. I much preferred Junpei going from hostile to friendly than Yosuke going from friendly to obsessed.

I don't think he was obsessed really.

I think his arc of coping with Saki's death one of the most touching in the game. I mean, he and Dojima were basically the only ones that had some deep awful regrets that could never be corrected. I give him some slack in the socially awkward department.
I mean, if you think about it, Persona 3 and 4 (more so 4) were very arc-like. There are very clear points in that game where you could, potentially, say "Oh yes, this is the Kanji episode" or "This is the Rise episode." Persona 5 could work out like that. They would have a specific target they are going after, do their related-dungeon, have some downtime after completing that, then move onto the next target.

Persona 3 wasn't really arc based at all, but it accomplished that by making most of the main dungeon crawling stuff occur in one main dungeon (tarturus) that was largely story free until the very end, and had the actual story happening during the full moon events
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