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Persona 5 Famitsu details


And hopefully a climax going against Nyarlathotep.

A man can dream

Nyarly really has been dormant for way too long. Philemon too. Atlus pls.

It doesn't even matter if people are familiar with their previous appearances or not. Those characters would work amazingly in any Persona game as far as I'm concerned, it's time to bring them back.

in my dreams... :(


Persona 3 wasn't really arc based at all, but it accomplished that by making most of the main dungeon crawling stuff occur in one main dungeon (tarturus) that was largely story free until the very end, and had the actual story happening during the full moon events
Yeah you're right. Persona 3 isn't so much arc-based as there was just one central story going throughout the whole thing. There were just some very clear, I suppose you can say, defined segments in the game because, as you said, it was the full moon events where the major story bits took place. Which was where I was kinda drawing the comparison.
I'm not worried about the whole omnibus thing. I think the story of them
stealing hearts of villains
really lends to a more episodic structure anyways. From the trailers, it does seem like the scope of this game is much bigger (the rally, the main character being on a giant screen, the huge police presence, etc) so the small episodes will probably snowball into a big confrontation at the end. This game might just be the greatest JRPG ever.
All sounds really great. Just hope there are more than 5 playable characters, as I don't generally find that enough for a 60-100 hour rpg.
Rough translations on the scans say Ann is a loner and has 1 "treasured friend".


S. Link's have to be in again. Not just through text, but what's the point of having all of these things to do if you don't get to do them with your friends? They might not be called Social Link's but I guarantee you a very similar system will be in.

Words can't describe how much I'm looking forward to this game, I hope the next year goes quick. I'm looking forward to seeing some new characters still!


Unconfirmed Member
The whole "partner" thing was creepy and when he asks you to punch him for doubting your coolness I was just cringing. Kid had no backbone and it was pathetic. I much preferred Junpei going from hostile to friendly than Yosuke going from friendly to obsessed.

Oh boy doesn't even touch the creepiness that is Junpei with a FeMC.

To be fair though both are teenagers so the awkwardness feels authentic in some way.
Yeah you're right. Persona 3 isn't so much arc-based as there was just one central story going throughout the whole thing. There were just some very clear, I suppose you can say, defined segments of the game because, as you said, it was the full moon events where the major story bits took place.

I mean, there were specific "episodes" that occured largely around each full moon, but there weren't really discrete arcs like persona 4. None on the "episodes" of 3 really concluded things or ended one story to begin another. In 4, each dungeon serves as the focal point of an arc focused on the character you're saving. There's a distinct beginning of each arc where you see the victim on the midnight channel, and a distinct and clear end where you've saved them and they join the group. Persona 3 didn't really have that with it's "episodes" which all just went from one to the next building up to the final conclusion, with no real smaller conclusions in between
Who is FeMC? I only care about canon Persona characters like Labrys, Sho, Rei and Zen
Hope the game isn't broken up completely into episodic components otherwise the conclusion might feel weak.

I mean, it's pretty clear with the statement about the app being one of the central mysteries that these smaller stories are all building to something bigger.

Basically, the difference between this and 4 is that 4's arcs were essentially links in a chain, where each arc went directly to the next in a sequential order, whereas 5 will have a more web based structure, where individual events aren't all explicitly related, but they all lead back to some point if you follow the trail.


Yes, and that structure has lent it self to many awfully paced series because the first half is a bunch of boring bullshit. It doesn't sound too hot for a lengthy rpg.
I mean, that basically describes Persona 3 after the opening month, and that wasn't deliberately episodic. I think they've learned the value of not meandering too much since then.

I LOVE the Persona concepts this time around. Pretty interesting that -spoilers-
Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke's personas all ended up being killed for their crimes or in Carmen's case, killed by a jilted lover. Wonder if that means anything.
I wonder if that'll feed into the implied stalker.

I would like the next party member to be a female Teacher
voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki
! Would love it if we have an adult party member.
You're basically asking for Elizabeth to become a teacher, which I am 100% on-board with.


I LOVE the Persona concepts this time around. Pretty interesting that -spoilers-
Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke's personas all ended up being killed for their crimes or in Carmen's case, killed by a jilted lover. Wonder if that means anything.

I believe FluxWaveZ interpreted that as
all of those being people that died for what they believed in. And I think that makes sense as a theme for the game, combined with other things they said. "Live free or die."

The Palace kinda sounds like the Ballagio.

Breaking it down into arcs does sound weird for an RPG, especially for a social sim game like Persona. Will be interesting to see how this turns out.

On the contrary, I think the genre should've adopted this structure a decade ago. RPGs are made for it, but Persona in particular should mold to it much easier relative to really any other game because of how long it is.

P4 splits pretty neatly into two arcs, I've always thought.


I mean, there were specific "episodes" that occured largely around each full moon, but there weren't really discrete arcs like persona 4. None on the "episodes" of 3 really concluded things or ended one story to begin another. In 4, each dungeon serves as the focal point of an arc focused on the character you're saving. There's a distinct beginning of each arc where you see the victim on the midnight channel, and a distinct and clear end where you've saved them and they join the group. Persona 3 didn't really have that with it's "episodes" which all just went from one to the next building up to the final conclusion, with no real smaller conclusions in between
Agreed. Was just making the comparison that P3 was segmented into very distinct chunks as well (Obviously how the story is handled in those chunks don't really apply here). But P4 is definitely the best comparison to how an arc-like story could be handled in P5 given the information we know currently.


P4 was pretty much split up into arcs, so I don't see how this is all that much different, other than there isn't necessarily one connecting thread of "find the killer" like there was in P4.

There's going to have to be some kind of connecting thread though, so I don't see this being all that different. I think it's a good thing that they're emphasizing the arc nature though, sometimes the pacing was odd in P4, and this might address that.


Like I said in the other thread, somebody better be gay/bi/Imsoconfused!

Maybe Jun-kun there....hmmmm

I just don't understand JP developers. They sometimes put a lot of LGBT-related subtexts into the game but still won't officially recognize any of their characters as LGBT or put any actual LGBT romances into the game.

When I play Persona 4 Golden and Fire Emblem Awakening, there are a handful of moments when the LGBT subtexts are so obvious that even my five-year-old nephew could identify that something is going on there. Yet in the end nothing happens. Maybe it's just localization problems? I am confused.
OmnibusGAF assemble

This game sounds great. Soejima's designs are fantastic so far too. Jun's persona is my favorite design that he has ever done.


Since this won't come out on PC, this might just make me buy a PS4 and I have never played a Persona game or like jRPG's
I'm going to add that persona 4 was already a largely arc based story. I mean, most of the story doesn't actually progress the investigation much, it's small hints that occur while you get individual arcs focused on the character you're saving this time.

The difference here is that rather than all of those events happening as a string of related incidents with a single true culprit behind them, they're going to be more isolated (though like interconnected in some ways) incidents for each arc that build up the mystery of this app and some bigger thing happening in the background. And the goal only shifts to the bigger issue during the end game when all the pieces come into place, rather than having at least some idea of what the end game goal is from the very start

A multi-arc structure really isn't all that different from that already used in P4, if you consider each new missing character as an arc. Each time you ended up with some sort of revelation that guided the team going into the next arc.

This is basically what's happening. It's not an uncommon delivery of a story, no need to freak out guys.
Nyarly really has been dormant for way too long. Philemon too. Atlus pls.

It doesn't even matter if people are familiar with their previous appearances or not. Those characters would work amazingly in any Persona game as far as I'm concerned, it's time to bring them back.

in my dreams... :(

I'm still super pissed at Arena about this by the way, to the point of making my own headcanon.


P4 was pretty much split up into arcs, so I don't see how this is all that much different, other than there isn't necessarily one connecting thread of "find the killer" like there was in P4.

There's going to have to be some kind of connecting thread though, so I don't see this being all that different. I think it's a good thing that they're emphasizing the arc nature though, sometimes the pacing was odd in P4, and this might address that.

Should definitely be tighter. Actually acknowledging the structure rather than just vaguely fitting into it is honestly pretty innovative. Persona's long. This can only play to its strengths.

I believe the through line is going to be phone app. This is the first time they've mentioned that, too.

OmnibusGAF assemble

This game sounds great. Soejima's designs are fantastic so far too. Jun's persona is my favorite design that he has ever done.

They saw your P2 thread and looked at your post history, breh.


Junior Member
Betting money some of the next Personas are Robin Hood (although Goemon had an equal role) and Bonnie&Clyde.
I really hope that we get Bonnie & Clyde as Personas.
.....& Billy the Kidd.
.....& John Stamos.
......& Star-Lord.


I just don't understand JP developers. They sometimes put a lot of LGBT-related subtexts into the game but still won't officially recognize any of their characters as LGBT or put any actual LGBT romances into the game.

When I play Persona 4 Golden and Fire Emblem Awakening, there are a handful of moments when the LGBT subtexts are so obvious that even my five-year-old nephew could identify that something is going on there. Yet in the end nothing happens. Maybe it's just localization problems? I am confused.
I can't remember of any openly gay character in any japanese game, manga or anime, except when is used for comedy or fan-service
It's probably a cultural thing
I think this might be my favourite Persona cast yet. There are also a few parallel's to the Persona 2 cast as well which is interesting (along with 'Red' being the colour theme).

I just really like how 'edgy' and mischievous the party seems to look and behave. It seems really fun and exciting. Compared to the teenage brooding from the P3 cast, or the happy go lucky Scooby Doo Crew from P4.

The development scale of the game definitely sounds large from the current details. Instead of smaller cities/towns it takes place in the Greater Tokyo Area. The Tokyo Greater Metro Area is fucking HUGE so I wonder how they'll pick and choose areas to explore/ feature in the game. It really is dialing back to its SMT roots. Gotta have that cool urban setting somehow.

I wonder what the protagonists 'problem' is though. I hope by them mentioning that, that it's indicator that the protagonist will have an actually backstory and more 'character' behind him
there's gonna be one major baddie in the end. I can smell it.

Totally. Back before Persona 4 was released, they were saying how the story was smaller in scope and wouldn't have an end-of-the-world plot. And it totally did.

Don't get fooled, people. This is still going to be a JRPG-ass JRPG. And that's okay.


So,2 or 3 more party members to be revealed right? I need more waifus.

There was an extra character in the previous trailer with the pyramid where you can slightly see a brown haired girl who's voice actor has a single line at the beginning.
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