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Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)


Fondest high school memory: making a fake candidate for the junior class election for our senior prank. We went to the school at night and put gigantic Vote For posters everywhere. Everyone ended up voting for the fake candidate, fucking up the whole election for the juniors. Their leadership group was so mad at us and we had to apologize to all of them. Of course when they redid the elections we hung up the posters again and got suspended :lol

Also accidentally cut my hand open in science class and bled all over the classroom while my teacher passed out from seeing all the blood.


Oh, I get that. But I guess I don't act my age (on the internet at least) is what I'm saying.

Yes. I agree with what the others said about you. :)

Things Scrafty did in high school:

1. Championed the trivia team, leading them to 2 gold medals and one silver as well as earning the title of "Quiz King Scrafty"
2. Championed the debate team, leading them to one gold medal and one special accommodation
3. Championed the yearbook team, causing that semester's yearbook to sell better than the previous two combined
4. Starred in a production of Noises Off and successfully managed to out-Michael Caine Michael Caine
5. Acted like a general dork whom no one liked

Would've been BFFs.

Also, PGAF- I'm (probably) starting Soul Hackers in a sec. What should I expect?

Sexy ghost waifu.

PK Gaming

Fondest high school memory: making a fake candidate for the junior class election for our senior prank. We went to the school at night and put gigantic Vote For posters everywhere. Everyone ended up voting for the fake candidate, fucking up the whole election for the juniors. Their leadership group was so mad at us and we had to apologize to all of them. Of course when they redid the elections we hung up the posters again and got suspended :lol

Also accidentally cut my hand open in science class and bled all over the classroom while my teacher passed out from seeing all the blood.

That prank sounded legendary. Totally worth the suspension, haha.

Also, PGAF- I'm (probably) starting Soul Hackers in a sec. What should I expect?

An super duper rad awesome gaming experience.

Be sure to check out these hints & tips I came up with.


Things Scrafty did in high school:

1. Championed the trivia team, leading them to 2 gold medals and one silver as well as earning the title of "Quiz King Scrafty"
2. Championed the debate team, leading them to one gold medal and one special accommodation
3. Championed the yearbook team, causing that semester's yearbook to sell better than the previous two combined
4. Starred in a production of Noises Off and successfully managed to out-Michael Caine Michael Caine
5. Acted like a general dork whom no one liked

CorvoSol decided to audition for a play and landed the leading villain role, dropped the play one day into practice because it cut too much into his band time, then stopped marching in the marching band so that he could be the mascot.

I like to think there was a kid who hated me for dropping that leading role after landing it with such ease.


That prank sounded legendary. Totally worth the suspension, haha.
My parents sure as hell didn't think so :lol we wouldn't have done it if the official senor prank wasn't so fucking lame. All they did was flood the quad with like four inches of water. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Edit: wait Corvo did you go to Disneyland with the marching band? I did that shit too!

Guess Who

Persona 4 Golden spoilers:
Is there a single video anywhere on the internet of the scene you get if you don't max Marie's social link?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Annnnd, S. Links maxed in fresh/first playthrough. Cutting it a bit close with the new
Persona evolutions
with Yosuke being last but whew. Leaves a few things to do and the month of March and HOORAH, finished.

Then I can start grinding cash for the compendium. D:


My parents sure as hell didn't think so :lol we wouldn't have done it if the official senor prank wasn't so fucking lame. All they did was flood the quad with like four inches of water. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Edit: wait Corvo did you go to Disneyland with the marching band? I did that shit too!

Hell yeah I did! Played us a show for people in Disneyland and everything. Great way to end Senior year, I think.
CorvoSol decided to audition for a play and landed the leading villain role, dropped the play one day into practice because it cut too much into his band time, then stopped marching in the marching band so that he could be the mascot.

I like to think there was a kid who hated me for dropping that leading role after landing it with such ease.

Which play was it? I've played a few villains in my time and they're super fun, yo. Awesome to hear that you landed the role so effortlessly!
Memories from secondary school;

Banned from art class ( had to redo my GCSE at college)
Getting poisoned while playing a dare game
Played scabby queen to the point that the deck was dripping in blood
Girls volleyball

I loved school. Some of the best days of my life.
All these Danganronpa avatars confuse me :/

Things Daria did in High School
-Participating in pokemon tournaments with some friends and losing all them (I still suspect some of them cheated)
-Never did homework, only video games.
-Talking about video games with my friends, all the time.
-Made some level 10 social links with people.
-Got rid of the fog in my hometown

I still hate myself for never doing my homework or listening in class, I really got into trouble in my first year at university because I had to 'learn' how to study. So my advice is, do at least some homework so you don't ruin your chances at college.


Which play was it? I've played a few villains in my time and they're super fun, yo. Awesome to hear that you landed the role so effortlessly!

Arabian Nights.

All these Danganronpa avatars confuse me :/

Things Daria did in High School
-Participating in pokemon tournaments with some friends and losing all them (I still suspect some of them cheated)
-Never did homework, only video games.
-Talking about video games with my friends, all the time.
-Made some level 10 social links with people.
-Got rid of the fog in my hometown

I still hate myself for never doing my homework or listening in class, I really got into trouble in my first year at university because I had to 'learn' how to study. So my advice is, do at least some homework so you don't ruin your chances at college.

We all know what you did in high school Daria. They made like, five seasons about it on MTV.

PK Gaming

All these Danganronpa avatars confuse me :/

Things Daria did in High School
-Participating in pokemon tournaments with some friends and losing all them (I still suspect some of them cheated)
-Never did homework, only video games.
-Talking about video games with my friends, all the time.
-Made some level 10 social links with people.
-Got rid of the fog in my hometown

I still hate myself for never doing my homework or listening in class, I really got into trouble in my first year at university because I had to 'learn' how to study. So my advice is, do at least some homework so you don't ruin your chances at college.


Daria didn't do any of those things. Who are you?!?


All these Danganronpa avatars confuse me :/

Things Daria did in High School
-Participating in pokemon tournaments with some friends and losing all them (I still suspect some of them cheated)
-Never did homework, only video games.
-Talking about video games with my friends, all the time.
-Made some level 10 social links with people.
-Got rid of the fog in my hometown

I still hate myself for never doing my homework or listening in class, I really got into trouble in my first year at university because I had to 'learn' how to study. So my advice is, do at least some homework so you don't ruin your chances at college.

I'm still hoping Aubrey Plaza plays you in a live-action adaption.



Daria didn't do any of those things. Who are you?!?

Things I did in High School

-Was on Knowledge Bowl Team for most of high school
-Was nominated for Homecoming Court, didn't wiin, but hey still nominated
-Made a girl faint after cutting my hand in art class
-Went to State Twice for Bowling, along with winning a couple trophies for teams and doubles at a City Tournament
-Had my first crush on a girl (Never asked her out though)

I guess the most interesting thing to happen in High School was I had my music teacher end up on TLC's What Not To Wear, lol
No you'll mostly just be asked if you wanna smoke weed
And then it will be...
High School huh? I definitely didn't get a persona so I was pretty bummed out about that, but a small sampling of things I did:
1. watched Jeopardy with the janitor on Tuesdays
2. Left school with friends occasionally to go bowling
3. Singlehandedly caused my school to lose a State baseball tourney.
4. Was the Junpei of my grade.
I'll be starting my second year of college next week, and I can say it is was better than HS.
I do like that Persona takes place in HS over college though. To me it is the perfect setting for Persona.
Time to give the final boss of Persona 3 another shot. I've been grinding all day and have a level 91 Chi You with resistance against pretty much everything. I'm going to be disappointed in myself if I still have trouble.

I beat him with the MC at level 75 yesterday (playing the game for the first time), I have to re-fight him at least 5 times because the stupid A.I , your partners do the most stupid mistakes over and over, is so annoying.

I will start to day with "The Answer", looking forward to it.


When I think back to High School jesus christ was I a fucking creepy loner jackass for the first three or so years (Middle School?). Thankfully I wised up by year 10/11/12. (High School?). Those were good years.

The year two years above us were way cooler though. They stole the school sign and renamed the school "China Boys Penetentiary" for the day, distributed a hilariously offensive fake news bulletin, made the year's best comedian the MC for their graduation ceremony and basically turned it into one of the funniest roasts I've ever seen and were basically all around great.

We had our awesome Vice Principal retire in our Year 10. He was an old guy but he was totally cool. We told him we were going to jig school to go get party supplies and he replied that he'd never seen us that day and to gtfo. He got replaced by some jackass christian fundamentalist who tried to treat us as if we were grade schoolers


I'll be starting my second year of college next week, and I can say it is was better than HS.

Me too, for both statements. HS sucked big time for me and so far college is much better than HS. I made a lot of acquaintances and only 2 best friends in HS. Even then, we don't really hang out outside of school. I was that kid that no one notices or cares about *shrug*

One memorable thing I remember from HS is that our senior trip was canceled because only 30 out of 600+ students in our grade actually paid for the trip (The trip wasn't worth the money tbh). It was the first time since a long time for a senior trip to be canceled like that.
1. Antics in the monitors room and prefects room ;)
2. Girls volleyball
3. Our year used to have a paintball tourney like twice a year. Started with like 100 people and ended with 30 but damn was it fun. My team never won (its all your fault johnny and jess)
4. Doing Duke of Edinburgh with one of my best friends and 4 other girls. We let some horses out and spent the rest of the day chasing after them so we didn't get brutally murdered by the farmer. We found them in the end and the farmer was somewhat understanding but after looking on the map we had realised we had essentially gone all the way back to the camp at Day 1 -___-. Somehow, I don;t even know how, we managed to do two days worth of trekking in one day and got to the last camp just at the end of the day.
5. Ms. Meedan (hottest teacher ever)

I really miss my school days.


Turned 34 in February.

Only thing of note I did in High School was our school's band would travel to other places and play in malls and the like(and competitions once in awhile). Went to Boston, Philadelphia, Niagra, and D.C. for like a week during the school year(each city being a different year).

Other than that, my senior year I could have only gone half a day for the entire year but decided to do a local law enforcement program another school offered(high school had transportation to and from). Not having a car in high school sucked. :p
Oh, high school shenanigans!
I got some crazy ones, like there was once in high schoool when we were at the lunch break standing there doing nothing (the boys from class A and class B from that year, maybe year 11 if IIRC), so the guys from class A (I was class B, the ones from class A were the troublemakers) decided to trick the fool boy from their class to put a gardening hose through the kitchens extractor fan (the playground was build on 2 heights, below was the football (soccer) pitch with the dining rooms, kitchen and bathrooms, while the top had a big ass terrace with the extractor and the lockers, and then a basket pitch and some more gardeny places). Yeah I know, crazy playground, but that was because our old high schoool was build on an old ass mansion that didnt look like a school in the slightlest. So the fool boy was putting the hose in and out during all the break time, and people laughing and people telling him he didnt have balls to put it in and switch on the water. So then came the last class of the day and nothing was done. After that we got all to the bus and off home (our school was in an urbanization while all the kids where from the city 15 kilometers from it).
The next day we returned to school, we saw a bunch of people infront of the dining hall that morning before class started. Kids, some teachers, the cooks... they were looking through the glass doors how the dining room and kitchen was all flooded! They opened the doors and a bunch of water came outside, it was pretty crazy.

So the viceprincipal (who was also the history teacher) and a bunch of other teachers gathered us all, class A and class B to ask us who was the one who did it or we would be all in deep trouble. Why only year 11 class A and B you ask? Because we were the ones that usually caused trouble on the school (as I said, A were the real troublemakers, but B, even that we were much better than them, were no saints either). So no one told who was, or anyone knew who was. No names were given and we were all punished in various ways (detentions, cleaning jobs...), the harsher ones where given to the worst kids from each class, the ones that always caused huge troubles, as they were expelled forever from the school. Let me say, this was a private school, and no one ever had been expelled forever. I think it was like 4 or 5 kids expelled total (the fool boy included). This kids where obviously not the culprits.

A week after the incident, a kid from a year less told the teachers that he knew who was the culprit. A good friend from my class that was like the most innocent boy ever lol Seems that when we where all going to the buses, he got the hose and rapidly tugged it into the extractor fan and switched on the water, leaving it in, without really thinking.
You know what? He was only expelled 2 days as the teachers said they were very surprised it was him as he never did anyhting bad.
We all knew the teachers and school principal were not that mad at him because they finally could have a good excuse to expell in one go the worst troublemakers in the school. And it seemed it worked lol

Theres a bunch more of this (mostly before this incedent), but they are long stories. It was a really fun time. When we go to old school gatherings we still talk about this stories and how much fun we had in high school. Theres a saying in this gatherings that goes "Kids in other schools sid in the morning that they didnt want to go to school, kids in our school waked up and said: Let's see what happens today!"

turned 23 a week ago or so

Near mine then, even if its overdue, happy birthday Jintor!
How old is everyone here? It's been said before but I forget


Just turned 19 in June.

Me too, for both statements. HS sucked big time for me and so far college is much better than HS. I made a lot of acquaintances and only 2 best friends in HS. Even then, we don't really hang out outside of school. I was that kid that no one notices or cares about *shrug*

One memorable thing I remember from HS is that our senior trip was canceled because only 30 out of 600+ students in our grade actually paid for the trip (The trip wasn't worth the money tbh). It was the first time since a long time for a senior trip to be canceled like that.
That's the weird thing for me. Everyone who had good experiences in HS say they miss it. I had a good amount of friends and experiences in HS, but I just never had fun and I don't miss it. At the end of my junior year when everyone was sad it was our last year, I just didn't care. I just drifted through and wanted it to end. I can safely say I had more fun in Yasogami High than my own school :p I guess I think it's weird that HS is the most memorable time for many Japanese people, but I can understand with their work life. Looking back all did was live and breathe baseball though lol
Eh high school uh. I had some fun days, kind of miss them kind of don't lol. Lots of fucking around, never studied too much but still managed to get great grades. It's a shame that I don't communicate with the majority of the people that I went to school with, many went astray, others were just friends of occasion, I guess you could call them that.

And me, I'm 20 ^
How old is everyone here? It's been said before but I forget

I'll turn 21 on the 24th of this month.

BTW, I was wondering what everybody's favourite themes from the persona series are, mine is Aria of the Soul, I just love how it is in all the games so for me it is the theme that makes Persona Persona. My second favourite is Your Affection because it's just so damn catchy.
BTW, I was wondering what everybody's favourite themes from the persona series are, mine is Aria of the Soul, I just love how it is in all the games so for me it is the theme that makes Persona Persona. My second favourite is Your Affection because it's just so damn catchy.

Shadow World, Like a Dragon (girl pop mix) and Skys the limit.

I'm pretty fickle with my song choice, but Shadow World will always be #1

There's some good songs on that Batsu Punitive Dance album, just can't remember the name.
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