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Phil Spencer expect PS4 price cut this holiday in US



Can he change it though?

Well this is the best thing I've seen all day,


GAF has been quite bitter towards XBO in the past few days. Don't know why. Maybe FM6 + dashboard has something to do with it.

If this was anyone else, I would have expected an /s at the end of the comment in spoiler tags.

Not etta, though.


You think answering this simple question with an educated guess is a sign of a lack of confidence? You think it shows he's preoccupied with Sony?

A guy can do an entire interview about Xbox, and answer 2 questions about a competitor... And the entire world will focus on those two answers AND deduce that he's preoccupied

Man, people here sure like to stretch... Such an in depth psychological evaluation over a truly benign comment

Agreed. I think these appearances are more extended conversations where he can just shoot the shit with Ryan and say things executives might not ordinarily opine about in your regular interview. Frankly, I appreciate that he can share some candid musings, I don't think anyone can read into it as some kind of insecurity.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I still think and believe that Sony keeps PS4 at $400 until E3 2016. With Uncharted 4 coming out March 18th, 2016, a 1TB bundle for $400 would easily sell a lot of consoles. Quite simply, there's no reason for Sony to lower the price until then. Not only that but I personally wouldn't even bother with the $350 price point. I would just wait until E3 2016 and drop the console to $300 bypassing the $350 price point completely.

As for Spencer, I like the guy but even the "greatest lineup in Xbox history" isn't saving Xbox One from being outsold this holiday season. Also, Microsoft should stop using that slogan because if anything, next year's actually looks better on paper and using that slogan now means that there's no reason to buy the console in the future since all future holiday lineups would be inferior.


If I were Sony I'd have the regular 500GB PS4 priced at $299.99 and have the PS4 1TB sku with bundled games priced at $399.99.
Sigh, so much Phil hate all for nothing. What next? Will people complain about him if he doesn't use head and shoulders?

Nope, but everytime he babbles out some stupid comments and blatant lies, he's gonna feel the heat. Just like Shu or Reggie would get it if they'd make some stupid statements. That's how it works when you speak nonsense. It's internet life!
Nope, but everytime he babbles out some stupid comments and blatant lies, he's gonna feel the heat. Just like Shu or Reggie would get it if they'd make some stupid statements. That's how it works when you speak nonsense. It's internet life!

That would be fine but... he didnt make a stupid comment? He answered a question and was honest...
Sigh, so much Phil hate all for nothing. What next? Will people complain about him if he doesn't use head and shoulders?

Phil's statements as of late have been very questionable, especially when he made two in less than a 24-hour timespan. Nintendo and Sony would also get criticized if they say something iffy. It's just that Phil has been talking the most in comparison to Shu, Adam (Boyes), Reggie, or Miyamoto and well, the more you talk, the greater the chance you slip up.
Sigh, so much Phil hate all for nothing. What next? Will people complain about him if he doesn't use head and shoulders?

Not so much hate, as confusion over his hard-right divergence from normal PR strategy.

The standard is to act slightly offended when anyone asks you about the competitor and give a non-answer. This is because the vast majority of advertising is about awareness: awareness that the product exists, awareness of how, where, and when it can be obtained, etc. You don't want to raise consumer awareness about a rival product because you don't want to give that product free advertising.

This is the actual reason advertisements generally don't say things like "XB1 now at $349... compare to the PS4 at $50 more!" even though it seems like it would be the way to do it: because some percentage of your prospective buyers will compare where they wouldn't have before, and decide that the other product is actually worth it. You're almost always better off not mentioning rival products at all, at least by name, and certainly not giving consumers information that's likely to drive purchases to those consoles.

I mean, how many people are going to see this and say, "Oh hey, I was going to buy an XB1, but if PS4s are going to be in my price range soon, I'd rather have one of those anyway. Thanks, Phil!"? I don't hate him for doing his job, I just think he's been doing a suspiciously poor job of it the last couple of days.


I think some posters are confusing Phil "hate" with mockery of threads with random Phil quotes. Naturally, Phil ends up being the punching bag.


Junior Member
...What if Sony cut the price this October and they win the NPD? o_O


though i doubt will happen, even with a pricedrop i still see XB1 wins thanks Halo 5

Sony does great, even without a price cut. If they had a exclusive line-up worth mentioning, they'd decimate without a price drop. With a price drop, I don't think it's a farfetched idea that they could take it home for NPD. People love the positivity of the PS brand I guess, it sells like hotcakes no matter what.
Sigh, so much Phil hate all for nothing. What next? Will people complain about him if he doesn't use head and shoulders?

Hate is such a strong word for something people are just pointing out as "Captain Obvious"....But Phil Hated? Lol those two don't even go together. This thread is kind of non news worthy anyways.

Nope, but everytime he babbles out some stupid comments and blatant lies, he's gonna feel the heat. Just like Shu or Reggie would get it if they'd make some stupid statements. That's how it works when you speak nonsense. It's internet life!

What lie? What stupid comment? He was asked something that he answered and someone decided to make a thread about it.

1, We already know some sort of price drop is inevitable by Sony... That's not a lie

2. We know that he probably has something to counter that because this is a business full of competition and the holiday season is Microsoft biggest opportunity to sell since they take it more seriously than all of their competition.....So there's nothing stupid in him wanting to capitalizing in the season of the year which they always do well in.
PS4 is already selling really well. Do they need a price drop?

Holidays coming up, Xbone has Halo 5 and no doubt big deals coming out once again to compete. Think they are just trying to step up and make sure to stay ahead since MS is going to push hard once again. They have been already running ads for Halo 5 for months now on TV and going to ramp up heavily, and seeing last years deals, they are likely going to really throw stuff at you this holiday.
Holidays coming up, Xbone has Halo 5 and no doubt big deals coming out once again to compete. Think they are just trying to step up and make sure to stay ahead since MS is going to push hard once again. They have been already running ads for Halo 5 for months now on TV and going to ramp up heavily, and seeing last years deals, they are likely going to really throw stuff at you this holiday.

Interesting tidbit

By the time Halo 5 launches in October Halo's tv marketing campaign here in the UK would have been running for 7 months.


PS4 is already selling really well. Do they need a price drop?

They really don't need to do a price drop if they don't want. The system has been selling very good even against an aggressive MS and great line-up of games for the Xbox One. Sony right now is more about making a profit and making money, not shrinking profit margins in order to gain for users. With that said, being that it is going to be 2 years without a price drop, they are probably thinking they will make a little less per unit, but make up for that with PSN accounts, more royalties from software sales etc.

It is really a great position Sony is in. Even with super aggressive MS last holiday, they still did great, even though they were outsold during those months, the year end numbers were still heavily favored for Sony. Sony is in a leadership position and can do whatever they want.

Phil making that comment is what any person in his position would make in an interview if asked. It has happened before with other executives. I am not sure why people are losing their shit because Phil said this, it common sense, but yet people want to use him as a punching bag for saying it. It is common sense being that it is year 2 and they have not had a price drop.

MS is/has most likely been planning for this for a while because it makes sense that Sony will do something. What MS does is anyone's guess. Sony is in the drivers seat right now and all MS can do is hope they are right with their plans.
By the way, I won't take seriously anyone who confuses preference with bias.

Bias is basically prejudice.

Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Preference: a greater liking for one alternative over another or others.

Well, unless you're talking about Gowachin law.
You don't exactly see Sony speaking about the Xbone like Phil speaks on PS4 all the time

Of course not. It's not quite the thing for a market leader to discuss matters of its competition. That's something only the followers do. For example, you can see a lot of comparative advertisement by Burger King, but you wont see McDonalds doing that. That would actually be some kind of weakness. I have no doubt it could be the other way around if MS had outsold Sony.


299$ for 500GB Xbone? Huge money loss! I don't expect MS will do that. They lost bunch of money last Holiday with 350$.


my hard graphic balls
299$ for 500GB Xbone? Huge money loss! I don't expect MS will do that. They lost bunch of money last Holiday with 350$.
I could see them taking a loss in order to build market share, which will help them next generation. They've already written off $1 billion during the 360 era, and I don't think these losses would amount to nearly that much (if they were going to make them).
Another thing I noticed is how many controllers they are pumping out. All these new models, and apparently a lot of people are excited for them. There's also chat pads and wireless USB for the PC. Accessories have a huge profit margin, so I could see this as a way, albeit smaller way, to get some of those losses back. There's that new official hard drive, too.

Bias is basically prejudice.

Check your PM, please.

Again, everybody, I apologize for the comments earlier. It was stupid to say them. I'm sorry for derailing the thread. Kralamoonard and I finished the discussion over PM.
...What if Sony cut the price this October and they win the NPD? o_O


though i doubt will happen, even with a pricedrop i still see XB1 wins thanks Halo 5
I'm 99% certain that X1 will win in October and they have a good shot of winning November as well NPD wise, but December I think will go to Sony. I expect MS to drop the price for 50$ as well.
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