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Pillars of Eternity Beta - Torment: Tides of the Beetles

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I think divinity has a much more mass appealing look, thats one of the reasons I think pillars will not reach divinity sales. others would be that divinity is not straight old school but with lots of modern elements in it, the best round based party combat ever among them. very unlikely pillars will have equally fun combat, although I'm pretty sure that I'll prefer pillars by a long shot, as a whole.
but sales, not so sure. I think the masses might be afraid of pillars old school promise and will wait for steam sales. and it looks extremely old school on those screenshots.


They're smart, drag feet on releasing the final product, completely miss the original date by a long shot, creating a fervor for playing any part of the game with media sites, offer that chance for an exorbitant amount of money.
What the fuck are you even talking about? This is probably the most on-time kickstarter game ever. And the reward tier pricing was decided from the start.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
How did they miss the original date? Didn't they say 2014 all along?

October 2014 was estimated.
They probably won't make it but that's game developement for you. Nothing takes as long as expected. It's always longer.
I would also happily back Obsidian again.


They're smart, drag feet on releasing the final product, completely miss the original date by a long shot, creating a fervor for playing any part of the game with media sites, offer that chance for an exorbitant amount of money.

They made nearly 4x the amount they originally asked for and thus made a much bigger game, necessitating an obvious increase in dev time. Anyone who pledged knew it was never going to make its original KS-mandated release window, and Obsidian said as much early on, though it's still come damn close. Beta has been offered as an add-on at the same price it is now since the original drive, and it was also originally a part of the higher tiers, so this is hardly some last-minute attempt to drum up more money by manufacturing hype.

I'm truly failing to see your point here.
It's definitely going for the old-school aesthetic of the BG/infinity engine games.

I personally think it looks great, but I do believe they could have gone for full 3D backgrounds, while keeping the isometric camera, like DI:OS and not missed out on much, while gaining a lot.

Just checked a video and yeah, they're copying BG down to a tee. I played BG:EE recently and this game looks really similar, right down to the movement cursor.

I agree, I would prefer more of an updated look with the classic gameplay intact, but they're obviously going for a straight throwback. Which is probably what the backers wanted, so it's understandable.

Having said that, I'm not sure a general audience will take to this game as easily as it would take to something like D:OS, which is a gorgeous, modern-looking game with superb animations and effects. I could be wrong, though.


I'm truly failing to see your point here.

Some people just really love to bitch about crowdfunding. They see scams everywhere. Or maybe they just resent other people getting money on faith.

Obsidian has handled crowdfunding better than nearly every other developer. Great funding campaign, good developer diaries, excellent forum communication, etc.


Please tell me this dungeon is in the beta. I loved everything about it when it was first being expanded.



What are the chances if this coming to iOS anytime soon?

I can play it on my laptop but would prefer my ipad.


Josh showed me the backer beta during Gamescom and I thought this game looked fantastic. Can't wait to hear some more impressions. I only backed at a level that doesn't get me the beta and I don#t really want to play it anyway. I wanna play the finished thing.

Dr Dogg

Obsidian forums seem hammered. :D

Hahaha the backer portal is taking even long than my usual rubbish internet connection does. I mean lets be honest here Steam may update at 6pm GMT / 10am PST but that doesn't that mean everyone else does or should as well.


There will be an update before the beta. Who knows how long it will be until we can actually play the damned thing.


What the fuck are you even talking about? This is probably the most on-time kickstarter game ever. And the reward tier pricing was decided from the start.

It could be sarcasm. It sounds like something I'd post (but with a /s now because I hate being banned).


I really wouldn't build on it. It's going to be more like Watcher's Keep probably - Which is fine, because Watcher's Keep is one of the best crawls I've ever played.

It's going to be more Temple of Elemental of Evil (which is waaaaayy better) than Watcher's.


So when this beta starts where is it being announced? Am I getting it in my e-mail? Do I DL it through Steam? Any word on the size? ETA?


He is never gonna live that one down.

no, he's not. And, I've mentioned before - I'd love if Obsidian ends up making a reference to the beetle incident in the full game. Something about the sassy paladin meeting the beetles or something like that.

brennecke : beetles : : avellone : wolves

pretty much.

I tried watching his Arcanum playthrough (I've never played it myself! I know, I know...) and pretty much started cringing by the second video. Oh well, I shouldn't be too hard on him - it took me hours to actually leave BG2's intro dungeon. That's what happens when you're a noob :p
The title is a pun on one of the gameplay presentations from Gamescom. I should maybe have gone with somethintg else, but whet the hell, I found it a bit funny at least.

No worries, guess I haven't been following this enough.

They're sharing the same engine and a number of the same tools, and also some of the designers are working on both.

Alright, so some degree of overlap at least?


Whatever became of his Arcanum playthrough?
I remember that he played embarrassingly awful (especially for someone who is making great RPGs) but than the videos just stopped.

He said on Twitter awhile back that he's been too busy working but promised to get back to it as soon as he gets more free time. Ask him yourself, he's usually happy to answer questions from fans.

Regarding the release date: iirc the initial release window was spring of 2014, but that was pushed back to late 2014 when it became clear just how overfunded they were gonna get. In other words, they're within the promised release window. If anything, we should be glad that Obsidian finally gets the time they need to realize their ambition. Just imagine what Kotor 2 an New Vegas could have been with more development time. Don't get me wrong, they're both already 10/10 games in my book, but still...


Oh well, I shouldn't be too hard on him - it took me hours to actually leave BG2's intro dungeon. That's what happens when you're a noob :p

LOL good thing my first infinty game was BG, so being a noob was to be expected, BG2 was definitely better, Icewind Dale games tho... those were a massive pain in the ass, specially since ranged users were ultra crap.


Didn't back the game because I had no money at the time but definitely getting this on release day. Have set aside some money for future Obsidian kickstarters. Not going to miss out if they do go back to that route.

I'll be keeping a close eye on the beta impressions though. I know I'm not going to be able to resist.
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