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Playboy playmate body shames woman at gym on Snapchat; endures wrath of the internet.

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What do you think that woman was doing at the gym?

This is the saddest thing. Gyms are part of the solution! It's like getting sick, going to the doctor, and hen being shamed that you are sick at the doctor. It's terrible. And actually worst case scenario for anyone unfit trying to get healthy by going to the gym. Not just getting shamed, but having your naked body posted to the Internet so the world can shame you!

Vile shit. And Overly sensitive gaf trying to protect the woman from justice is comedy gold. What does someone have to do to deserve some temporary public disdain without someone trying to protect the person?


Mrs. Harvey
All the people I know who are gym freaks and obsessed with working out are very cool and helpful people willing to give advice, etc to those wanting to get in shape. This girl is nothing but trash and her being permanently banned is about the best solution. If I were any of the other big name gyms I'd ban her too just to make a statement that the gym doesn't need a person like that in their culture.
Some of ya are trying too hard by calling her a "lady", ladies don't go around hurting people and animals. Bitch, is the correct label to use in this context.
I think the matter is whether the punishment fits the crime. You seem to think mass online shaming is no big thing, but it absolutely ruins lives. Jon Ronson's excellent book 'So You've Been Publicly Shamed' tells the stories of those of who committed varying degrees of fuck-ups and ended up attracting the wrath of the internet, and it really puts into perspective the death-by-a-thousand-cuts nature of online revenge. Individually, nobody thinks they're doing anything particularly bad - after all, these cunts (it disproportionately affects women) deserve to be taken to task for what they've done - but taken in aggregate, it's this mass of unfiltered hate and loathing that turns into one of the most extreme forms of punishment around.

Obviously I think mass online shaming isn't good. I literally just got done talking about a woman who's naked body is draped around the internet for all to see (who somehow continues to be ignored despite being the main focus!). But, and this is why context is important, all of this criticism, whether overboard or not, isn't going to reach her.

This isn't going to Twitter, or her Facebook page. This stays on a video game message board. I'm not advocating death threats or overboard insults. I'm saying people are allowed to point out and criticize her actions, and that is in no way comparable to the shit she pulled at all.

Also, this:
This is some dumb "Eye for an eye" bullshit that totally ignores the context of the situation.

She photographed a nude person and made fun of the way she looked by sharing it on the internet to who knows how many people. For no reason othee than this woman dared to share a gym with her.

Everyone here is making fun of the playmate because of her shitty attitude, outlook and behavior.

Not all criticism is equal. Some people deserve to be shamed and insulted for their behavior. It's ridiculous that you can't even call assholes out for being assholes anymore without someone whining about it.


I love how many people just posted in this thread so they could use the word "bitch" or "cunt" on NeoGAF without getting banned.
I also love that people think this is how you show someone they did something awful, by being fucking awful yourselves.

There is even a dude in this thread that flat out fucking body shamed this woman for body shaming another woman...how does that fly, exactly?

Yes, she did a horrible thing. Yes, she needs to know it's not okay and I hope the woman she photo'd presses charges, which is where this shit show should have probably ended. No, you people aren't "teaching" her anything. Yes, Internet mob mentality is bullshit and needs to DIAF.

Carry on with hate parade.


Her post is vile and displays a disgusting lack of any empathy. Glad to see that her income is drying up.

Some of ya are trying too hard by calling her a "lady", ladies don't go around hurting people and animals. Bitch, is the correct label to use in this context.

Might as well go full hotep and call her a female.
Itt "calling a racist racist is worse than actually being racist!" redux

Ahh, this tells me a lot about what I missed. Thanks.
I hope this doesn't hurt the person she took the photo of mentally and emotionally. I really hope it doesn't discourage her from continuing to go to the gym.

As for the women that took that pick. I don't think highly of her. I hope she learns from this experience and grows from it. She's feeling the heat for now and she deserves most of it. This shouldn't be the end all of her.

As for the company that took this chance to out her.

1 - Fuck them too. How genuine can you be if yo continue to work with a women that you thought was awful but didn't say an thing because of her public image.

2 - Working with her after she supposily killed that kitten makes you just as big of a piece of shit as she is when she supposily killed the kitten. I don't fully believe them with everthing they said she did.

3 - imo, it's not cool to wish a women to get so low in her life that she would need to work in a strip club or worse. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption and a second chance.

Bold One

I love how many people just posted in this thread so they could use the word "bitch" or "cunt" on NeoGAF without getting banned.
I also love that people think this is how you show someone they did something awful, by being fucking awful yourselves.

There is even a dude in this thread that flat out fucking body shamed this woman for body shaming another woman...how does that fly, exactly?

Yes, she did a horrible thing. Yes, she needs to know it's not okay and I hope the woman she photo'd presses charges, which is where this shit show should have probably ended. No, you people aren't "teaching" her anything. Yes, Internet mob mentality is bullshit and needs to DIAF.

Carry on with hate parade.

So much self-righteous bullshit in one post, your'e gaffing too hard m8. Don't fall off that pedestal you are on, there is no way you'll survive the fall.

Carry on with the self-aggrandisement.


Barring all the other reasons for it being an awful thing to do - I can't believe somebody would think it's okay to take a photo of somebody else in a changing room.

It's idiots like this making gyms and spas to adopt and enforce very strict mobile phone rules.


Mrs. Harvey
I love how many people just posted in this thread so they could use the word "bitch" or "cunt" on NeoGAF without getting banned.
I also love that people think this is how you show someone they did something awful, by being fucking awful yourselves.

There is even a dude in this thread that flat out fucking body shamed this woman for body shaming another woman...how does that fly, exactly?

Yes, she did a horrible thing. Yes, she needs to know it's not okay and I hope the woman she photo'd presses charges, which is where this shit show should have probably ended. No, you people aren't "teaching" her anything. Yes, Internet mob mentality is bullshit and needs to DIAF.

Carry on with hate parade.

People can call me cunt, bitch, whatever as much as they like. It's so common in today's society that it's more humorous than hurtful to me. They are just words which in the grand scheme of things doesn't affect my every day life. I use those words every day with my close friends. Means nothing. But if someone had an embarrassing or private picture of me and posted it online to millions and once that happens there is no way to get rid of it, then that is a different story. So no it's not the same.


Junior Member
I hope she loses her job over this and gets the book thrown at her. People like this need to be made as an example.
No sympathy for the bimbo, obviously, but that "clothing" ""company"" seems to be just as vile as her. And their social media community person (let's pretend it's not the jilted ex-lover owner behind the keyboard calling her a cunt) seems to be a 14 year old boy who has English as a second language.
Her post is vile and displays a disgusting lack of any empathy. Glad to see that her income is drying up.

Might as well go full hotep and call her a female.

Ahh, this tells me a lot about what I missed. Thanks.

What? My point was you don't call a murderer a saint and you don't chastise people for calling the murderer evil.

Not saying murder and shaming are the same thing, just using it as an example.


Junior Member
Lol at everyone saying this is the end of career. No one is going to remember this in two days and I really doubt anyone bases nude photo shoot bookings based on someone's online persona. Unless it's to capitalize on controversy.
Considering that she works in the public light I doubt that the radio company she works at wants this kind of scrutiny/bad publicity.
I have a hard time seeing the situation being that she wanted to kill the kitten and did it. Doesn't make sense of the studio to not completely drop her if that was the case.

Wouldn't surprise me though if she made it look like an accident or that she didn't show any remorse. Not based on her personality, but more on how people in the industry can be like.
I love how many people just posted in this thread so they could use the word "bitch" or "cunt" on NeoGAF without getting banned.
I also love that people think this is how you show someone they did something awful, by being fucking awful yourselves.

There is even a dude in this thread that flat out fucking body shamed this woman for body shaming another woman...how does that fly, exactly?

Yes, she did a horrible thing. Yes, she needs to know it's not okay and I hope the woman she photo'd presses charges, which is where this shit show should have probably ended. No, you people aren't "teaching" her anything. Yes, Internet mob mentality is bullshit and needs to DIAF.

Carry on with hate parade.

Try not to drown in that water you're currently walking on.
Two wrongs don't make a right, don't call a woman a bitch, no matter what she did.

I hate this attitude, We're just as capable of being horrible scumbags as some men are, it's fine to use harsh words when describing scummy women just as it is with scummy men and I think she's a bitch and worse for what she's done here in my opinion. She clearly doesn't feel any regret about invading somebodies privacy and making it public judging by her apology video, and I have no time, or respect for people like that.


3 - imo, it's not cool to wish a women to get so low in her life that she would need to work in a strip club or worse. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption and a second chance.

You're right that the vitriol towards her personally is overboard. I don't want any personal harm to come to her in any capacity just stop being an asshole. This is a small moment her life that she will overcome easily. She is a playmate and has an audience that will keep her in the spotlight. This is equivalent to that rich woman making that AIDS joke, boarding a plane to Africa, only to get fired right after landing. She's doing fine now and I expect the same for this playmate.

I expect more from a playmate in her position in 2016. At the very least don't take an action like this and assume it will be okay with a quick apology. If I did this my life would be ruined and I'd be in jail today. I'm not saying she needs to face jail time or extreme consequences but have fucking decency. Everyone deserves respect. Shaming people on the internet from a privileged vantage point is a really heinous action.
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