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Pokémon Go |OT| As in "Go Outside"

Woo finally got my first Jolteon from an evolution, sittin on my ass snatching eevees around my place finally paid off it seems.

So what's the low down on churches and graveyards? Are they just regular pokestops or do they offer better chances of rare pokemon? I take it time of day influences that like other areas as well? Thinking of staking one out later tonight with the roomie once they get off work.


Occasionally, when I throw a Pokeball at a wild Pokémon, the game will just freeze and I'll need to restart it again. This seems to happen once every few fights.

Is this server related?
Depends. Was she a George Foreman?

Nah. She was an 20 year old Mormon Grill attending BYU. So not uncommon at all in Utah, but I feel bad that I lied to her. :c


I don't get how Pokemon GO generates income. Haven't played it yet. Actually I have never played a single Pokemon game but as soon as this hits my wife and I are downloading it and going for walks every night from then on we take our phones.

it is actually generating a lot... mostly because some people spend some money on modules or more pokeball, it is not much by itself, but since a lot are paying, they are making a lot
I don't get how Pokemon GO generates income. Haven't played it yet. Actually I have never played a single Pokemon game but as soon as this hits my wife and I are downloading it and going for walks every night from then on we take our phones.

There are people who live in not very populated areas trying to play, and they run out of Pokeballs you could otherwise find in more populated areas.

I've never had a pokeball problem, I live in a dense, but nice populated area and there are people walking down our main roads on the sidewalks smiling and high fiving each other.

This game is nuts!


Guys halp.

So I was playing Pokemon Go around my mall, and this cute grill comes up to me and asks me if I know where the Electabuzz was, so I told her "Yeah, I found it a bit over there by the mechanic!" And she asked me if I could take her to it.

So I took the cute grill to the Electabuzz, and she asked if she could stick around and we'd walk together. So I said sure. We walked and caught a few commons for like 40 minutes, and we talked and stuff. My battery was close to dying, so I told her I'm gonna head home. She wanted my number and she wanted us to do a date perhaps and just go catch Pokemon.

I said sure and took her number, and said goodbye.

Guys I didn't think I'd see her ever again. So I lied to her to make myself not seem like a loser. :c I told her I live in my own apartment, go to University, and I own this nice car. I live with my parents, I actually don't attend school right now, and My car is a POS and the car I was driving was my sister since mine was taken by my father to get an oils change.

GAF do I never contact this grill again? Cause I don't want her to know I'm a liar. :c

It's time to double down. Tell her your apartment caught fire, you got in a car accident and you are graduating at the end of the summer.


Servers have been down all morning.

Tried to do a nickname change a few days ago, they sent an email to confirm which I had to reply to... I did and finally got a mail back from their server now saying it couldn't be delivered because their email receive rate is too high.
Occasionally, when I throw a Pokeball at a wild Pokémon, the game will just freeze and I'll need to restart it again. This seems to happen once every few fights.

Is this server related?

Seems a pretty common glitch the game freezing when a Pokemon is inside it. More often that not you'll lose the pokemon, but my sister was lucky and was able to keep her Staryu when this happened.
I'm strangely drawn to the app, but I don't know why. I'm not really playing anything. Is it simply because I like Pokemon? But I liked the battleing in those Pokemon. I'm just perplexed why i think I like this app.


Guys halp.

So I was playing Pokemon Go around my mall, and this cute grill comes up to me and asks me if I know where the Electabuzz was, so I told her "Yeah, I found it a bit over there by the mechanic!" And she asked me if I could take her to it.

So I took the cute grill to the Electabuzz, and she asked if she could stick around and we'd walk together. So I said sure. We walked and caught a few commons for like 40 minutes, and we talked and stuff. My battery was close to dying, so I told her I'm gonna head home. She wanted my number and she wanted us to do a date perhaps and just go catch Pokemon.

I said sure and took her number, and said goodbye.

Guys I didn't think I'd see her ever again. So I lied to her to make myself not seem like a loser. :c I told her I live in my own apartment, go to University, and I own this nice car. I live with my parents, I actually don't attend school right now, and My car is a POS and the car I was driving was my sister since mine was taken by my father to get an oils change.

GAF do I never contact this grill again? Cause I don't want her to know I'm a liar. :c

For starters, stop calling girls grills outside of 4chan. Thanks.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I was about to go to bed at 1AM last night, when I decided to check Pokemon Go one last time. There was a goddamn Haunter nearby, who is one of my favourite Pokemon of all time, so I decided to go out looking for it. There's a pokemon gym right next to my apartment and there was a car there, I figured they were probably playing Pokemon go. After I walk around a bit trying to find the Haunter, the car drives over to me. Turns out it's an unmarked police car, a police officer gets out of the car asking if I'm high or drunk, they thought I looked really suspicious.

After that I left the area in shame, not even getting the Haunter. Apperantly it's a bad idea to pokehunt during the night.

No way. It's the best. It's so fucking hot during the day (not that that's stopped me) and the servers feel way better! Plus it's just awesome. Nighttime mons easier to sneak up on :D

The key is:

1) Don't be anywhere you know you aren't supposed to be
2) If you realize you are somewhere it MAY not be a good idea for you to be, put your phone away altogether and get a really solid understanding of your surroundings before deciding if you need to turn back or continue playing.
3) If you wind up interacting with law enforcement or anyone else, exude confidence and be completely honest about what you're doing. At this point you can probably just say "Pokemon Go" and they'll get it. A lot of times, acting nervous is a cop's cue to begin questioning you about drug use and whether or not you are hiding anything on your person. Unless your town has a curfew, you're somewhere that is closed or gated at night, or on private property, you have every right to be out at night wherever you please- demonstrate that you know this (rather than seeming afraid or ashamed) and it will go smoothly.

Sorry you missed out on the Haunter.
just got a iphone 6s today upgraded from a 4 so i could play this game was really fun walked about 5 miles with a friend and we caught a bunch of mons even got some fun pictures on the way

Congrats on the new fun, and what looks like a fun trip.

Now I guess you should ask yourself, if not for the app, would you have gone outside today?


Nah. She was an 20 year old Mormon Grill attending BYU. So not uncommon at all in Utah, but I feel bad that I lied to her. :c
As a 20 something Mormon guy also attending BYU (Idaho), you may be doomed. Like 40% of the students here are married and the other 60% are trying to be. That said, my church is a pretty awesome Pokémon gym so maybe hers is too.

XP and Candy which often means more XP, and the fastest to complete. I can incubate the hell out of a 2k egg in about 8 minutes on my bike.

I love 2km eggs! Usually Magikarp which needs frickin' 400 candy to evolve, and eggs give you extra candies. Also loads of experience from egg hatching, and 2k eggs are so fast =D
Normally I would agree with the XP angle but I'm down to my last incubator and naturally I want to use it on my higher level eggs to hatch them ASAP, so the 2km ones are just taking up space.

If you guys like the 2km eggs by all means go for it, nothing's stopping you, but the option would be nice for the rest of us.

I only ever get Weedle and Pidgey out of them ;-;


But Australia is undergoing winter season.
Winters in Australia are not the same as in the Northern Hemisphere.

It's 60F in Sydney right now. If it was 60 here in January we would all be at the pool. When the high for the day is 20 (-6c) or lower I don't see a lot of people walking around to catch Pokemon.
The first child conceived because of Pokemon Go is yet to exist. But I do know for a fact that once that day comes, he or she will lead all of us to the promise land.


Guys halp.

So I was playing Pokemon Go around my mall, and this cute grill comes up to me and asks me if I know where the Electabuzz was, so I told her "Yeah, I found it a bit over there by the mechanic!" And she asked me if I could take her to it.

So I took the cute grill to the Electabuzz, and she asked if she could stick around and we'd walk together. So I said sure. We walked and caught a few commons for like 40 minutes, and we talked and stuff. My battery was close to dying, so I told her I'm gonna head home. She wanted my number and she wanted us to do a date perhaps and just go catch Pokemon.

I said sure and took her number, and said goodbye.

Guys I didn't think I'd see her ever again. So I lied to her to make myself not seem like a loser. :c I told her I live in my own apartment, go to University, and I own this nice car. I live with my parents, I actually don't attend school right now, and My car is a POS and the car I was driving was my sister since mine was taken by my father to get an oils change.

GAF do I never contact this grill again? Cause I don't want her to know I'm a liar. :c
Lol, bro just be yourself. Chances are she doesn't even care and you already have something in common in Pokemon Go.

Going to go walking out by the river and see what I can find today. There's a few poke stops and I need to stock on balls again. I feel like I can never get more than 10 or so because as fast as I get them I use them on catching pokemon right away. Especially if someone's dropped a lure.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ha. My mom just texted me:
"People are walking in the street holding out their phones like they're searching for gold. It's the Invasion of the Body Snatchers."

Also realized
Last night my dad installed the game and picked Squirtle. He's 72.
This afternoon my sister found a Staryu in a fountain after installing the apk on vacation in Dublin. She's 42.
This morning my nephew, who just got his first smartphone, installed the game and got a Horsea.
I don't have one -_-
. He's 12.


Guys halp.

So I was playing Pokemon Go around my mall, and this cute grill comes up to me and asks me if I know where the Electabuzz was, so I told her "Yeah, I found it a bit over there by the mechanic!" And she asked me if I could take her to it.

So I took the cute grill to the Electabuzz, and she asked if she could stick around and we'd walk together. So I said sure. We walked and caught a few commons for like 40 minutes, and we talked and stuff. My battery was close to dying, so I told her I'm gonna head home. She wanted my number and she wanted us to do a date perhaps and just go catch Pokemon.

I said sure and took her number, and said goodbye.

Guys I didn't think I'd see her ever again. So I lied to her to make myself not seem like a loser. :c I told her I live in my own apartment, go to University, and I own this nice car. I live with my parents, I actually don't attend school right now, and My car is a POS and the car I was driving was my sister since mine was taken by my father to get an oils change.

GAF do I never contact this grill again? Cause I don't want her to know I'm a liar. :c

Tell her your gamerscore. That will do the trick.
Pretty frustrating tonight. Took a walk for an hour, and the entire time the game was spotty and wouldn't really work. Weather was beautiful, walk was nice, but it doesn't change that I was looking forward to this all day.

Love that the game still consumed all the items I used on the Pokemon it didn't actually let me catch though.
I now believe Nintendo didn't what to do mobile because they wanted everybody to have a fair chance against them.

Now it's world domination. Should've bought the Wii U fellas.

Naw, but I'm glad that my sisters are willing to go on walks and runs with me now. Even if it's just an excuse from them to catch them all


I have no clue how people are finding spots where the servers aren't down to catch anything. My best is still just over 100 CP. Walked by 3 lures today on my lunch break and didn't find a single mon. Finally found one randomly and the game locked up and I lost it.
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