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Pokémon GO Shares the Love This Valentine’s Day

Hopefully there is an increase in more than strictly "pink" pokemon. I was hoping for ones that are "cute" because I need more vulpix dratini and sandshrew in my life


I like these little events, but I tired on the game and deleted it after the ditto release. Did they ever add all things that were expected to, like local battles and trading?
Good news for those who need to register Chansey. She is extremely hard to find, and I've never seen one in the wild. I won't mind extra especially because my Chansey only hatched with 16 Candy.

Double Candy is always a good thing. I think Niantic isn't releasing enough events, though.
Who cares?

The joke here are the edgelords that think this game needs "saving" when in reality, it's making more money than many "successful" games will ever see or make.

And despite whether you think it's good or not, it's still being played by millions for a myriad of reasons, which is more than many AAA single or multiplayer games can say over a year after launch. Some use it for the collaborative team aspect. Others as a motivator to stay active (my gf and I walk daily for Buddy Candies and Egg Hatching). If those kind of reasons don't matter to you, the fuck do you care, or anyone else tripping over themselves to tell the world how much this game is failing?

And don't pretend like this is the first "bad" game to be so successful. Man, the salt is insane with this game and every little update.
Using words like "edgelord" and "salt" make you come off as a child. If you want people to take you seriously you might want to focus on your vocabulary and not hatching eggs.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Using words like "edgelord" and "salt" make you come off as a child. If you want people to take you seriously you might want to focus on your vocabulary and not hatching eggs.
If this is what you take out of his reply, you're kinda not worth talking to on this topic.


Because it's fun to them?

But why?

But how?

The first few months totally.

But now, I don't understand, its not even worth it to catch most of the pokemon as only a handful of them are actually useful.

I played for a good while with the expectations of a growing and exciting game but they've done... nothing.

Sometimes we get holiday events where they are like "hey you can catch more chanseys!!"

I'm not dogging people and if someone just starts it up they can have a fun time. But if you are a person who has been playing it for 8 months consistently, why? Serious question.

I like these little events, but I tired on the game and deleted it after the ditto release. Did they ever add all things that were expected to, like local battles and trading?



Six hour lures? Time to hit that area near me that have has pokestops overlapping. Increased candy is cool too. Time to evolve some pidgeys
If this is what you take out of his reply, you're kinda not worth talking to on this topic.
He replied to me. I'm not taking the time to give a proper response to someone who most likely won't give me one back. I'd much rather talk about things with adults.

The fact is that while Pokémon Go may be successful, it's popularity has died dramatically since release. Millions may play it now, but tens of millions used to, and stopped. They stopped for a reason, because it isn't a good game. Sorry.
But if you are a person who has been playing it for 8 months consistently, why? Serious question.

I walk daily to take breaks from sitting in the office all the live-long day, and its addictive to be playing a spinoff game to one of my favorites from 20 years ago while just walking outside and being in shape. Holding down my turf of gyms within walking distance of work is even more addictive. I do think its a pretty bad game, though. It used to be fun. More events like this would have helped along the way!


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
As freaking huge as this game became, it had potential to be much more popular and - believe it or not - had the ability to hold consumer interest for much much longer than it did had they capitalized on the success as soon as possible by allowing people to trade and battle pokemon - which is like the main hook to franchise, besides just capturing them. So while I would have chose a different/better analogy, I do see his point.

Trading seems like a good idea. It'd probably be really difficult to add since the game doesn't currently have a system to communicate with other trainers, but its a good idea.

PvP Battling, besides being difficult to add for similar reasons as above, doesn't make much sense to me though. The combat system is a pretty simple attack/defend affair, so I feel like it wouldn't be much fun against other people or add much longevity either.
This will finally allow me to get enough Buddy candy for my MaChamp.

Then I wait for the legendary birds, regional exclusives, mew and mewtwo to complete my original 151, then I'm done forever with this.
Using words like "edgelord" and "salt" make you come off as a child. If you want people to take you seriously you might want to focus on your vocabulary and not hatching eggs.

Childish words to both describe and respond to childish posts. At least the ones that express as little critical thinking as that of a child's. And predictably you've offered no rebuttal to any points brought up choosing instead to focus on vocabulary, demonstrating that you've really nothing of value to say (as if that wasn't already clear).

But hey, let me save you any further embarrassment by restating the point of my original post you responded to with even fewer words, so you have less vocabulary to distract you from responding with actual points, if any.

*posters imply no one plays game, is bomb, needs saving*
*I facetiously remark they make tons of money, so much for needing "saving"*
You: But it's a bad game!
*once more I restate, it needs no saving despite perceived quality, makes bank, people enjoy it for legitimate reasons*
You: (post about vocabulary)

How's that?

I can use fewer, more childish words if that helps you digest it any easier.
He replied to me. I'm not taking the time to give a proper response to someone who most likely won't give me one back. I'd much rather talk about things with adults.

Oh and cute you thought this. lol sorry, but real adults have shit to do and can't immediately respond to every little thing on gaf, maybe you'll understand that one day.
Increased Chansey spawns is fantastic.
I've only ever seen one and my friend still doesn't have one.

Now do the same to Snorlax :)
But why?

But how?

My hot take (based on my experience of the game, anecdotes, and living in the Bay Area which is Go Mecca)—Pokemon Go is a very atypical game. Not even within the realm of Mobile gaming is Pokemon Go similar to what's out there. But we all expected something remotely similar to a Mainline Pokemon game. Hell, expected a video game in general.

So yes, tens of millions played this game when it came out in the height of its popularity. I think it's because we've all expected a Pokemon "game" but for a phone, and got it. However, it's notoriously shallow (hell this was noticeable in the beginning). And after a certain amount of weeks/months, a large portion of people, who wanted a Pokemon "video game" realized how shallow it is, especially as a standalone game, and stopped.

As I kept playing, it seemed that, the "game" isn't about Pokemon at all, but about getting out, moving, discovering new places and meeting folks—using Pokemon merely as a motivator. That's it. The re-implementation of the tracker being Pokestop-dependent, buddy feature and nature of events cemented that opinion.

And for a majority of Go players now, it works for them. I only play because it's a nice couples game to play with the missus while walking/hiking. Playing the game periodically while walking/running, while at a park or city touring, with family or significant others, or overcoming anxieties when meeting folks; playing the game is merely a crutch (get it? Cuz you got to walk to play and it helps you walk like a literal crutch *nudges you annoyingly*).

They are never going to implement trading or PvP and if it does it'll be a mess and sour any goodwill they have left.
How do you go almost a year without implementing the features that make console Pokemon so popular? AKA Trading and Battling. The literal definition of leaving money on the table and not sustaining enough interest in people who are dropping out from the game.
Oh man, perfect timing. I had nine 10k eggs incubating. Hatched them all and got among ither things three Snorlaxs with a combined 140 candies.
Childish words to both describe and respond to childish posts. At least the ones that express as little critical thinking as that of a child's. And predictably you've offered no rebuttal to any points brought up choosing instead to focus on vocabulary, demonstrating that you've really nothing of value to say (as if that wasn't already clear).

But hey, let me save you any further embarrassment by restating the point of my original post you responded to with even fewer words, so you have less vocabulary to distract you from responding with actual points, if any.

*posters imply no one plays game, is bomb, needs saving*
*I facetiously remark they make tons of money, so much for needing "saving"*
You: But it's a bad game!
*once more I restate, it needs no saving despite perceived quality, makes bank, people enjoy it for legitimate reasons*
You: (post about vocabulary)

How's that?

I can use fewer, more childish words if that helps you digest it any easier.

Oh and cute you thought this. lol sorry, but real adults have shit to do and can't immediately respond to every little thing on gaf, maybe you'll understand that one day.
Damn, I really got you upset. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't realized you cared this much about Pokémon Go.

I didn't refute any of your points because they didn't really have much substance honestly. Nothing you said actually proves it's a success. But I will say again, just because Pokémon Go still makes money does not make it success, especially when you consider how much the popularity has nosedived since release.

If you actually live outside of NeoGAF's bubble, you will see A LOT of people have stopped playing. That is not a good thing. Yes there are still people playing it, including you and your girlfriend, however it is a fraction of how many there were initially. Do you remember social media when Pokémon Go released? Do you remember the videos of people literally flooding the streets when it released? That doesn't happen anymore. There are a number of reasons for this, and I think it mainly has to do with the fact that it there are a lot of issues with the game. And I don't mean just because there is no generation 2 yet (although it is a huge problem).

At it's core, it is neither a well designed game, nor is it a well designed Pokémon game. It doesn't actually know what makes Pokémon successful. I think the fact that so many people have played Pokémon Go, and then stopped, says a lot. People wanted to like this game because people like Pokémon, but for multiple reasons people have stopped. If it was a good game, a much greater amount of those initial people would've stuck around. But people quit. Yes it still has fans, of course it does. It has Pokémon, there is a pretty good amount of people who will eat up anything Pokémon. But it also lacks any of the charm that made Pokémon so special.

I am a big Pokémon fan, and it was really cool to see the phenomenon surrounding the release. I played a lot of it. And at first, it was cool catching a Squirtle on my coworkers shoulder. But the more you play the game, the more you start to realize that the game has none of the appeal of what made you a fan in the first place, and is nothing more than a novelty.

There are movies and albums that make a lot of money, but are considered failures because they didn't make as much as the could have, or should have, and Pokémon Go is an example of a game that does this.

Also, chill the fuck out.


They'll release Pokémon Go 2 as a separate app with all of Gen 2 this summer, along with trading and PVP modes.

You heard it here first.



Nothing will save Pokemon Go.
Why would you save a game that is doing fine?

I'm level 32, I play every single day (I have never missed the daily bonus) and I can promise you the userbase is VERY alive, even where I live.

But apparently some people believe they're the centre of the universe, and if they stop playing, then everybody did as well.

*game releases, achieves unprecedented, unexpected, absurd, crazy popularity*
*popularity drops to "just" extremely high*

Also when (if) the playerbase actually gets somewhat low, they will release Gen 2 and the cycle will begin again.

Ingress NEVER reached Pokémon GO numbers, yet the game is very much alive even today.
Fuck battling when most gyms are filled to the brim with 2500+ Dragonites.

if you have a Dewgong you can easily kill those dragos , their ice attacks are powerful

eh I haven't played since the Halloween event and its freezing in Boston so I will pass on this event, was awesome when the game came out though
everyone was outside


Some fella decided to put a lure on almost every stop in our city. Thanks Mike!


eh I haven't played since the Halloween event and its freezing in Boston so I will pass on this event, was awesome when the game came out though
everyone was outside

Yeah I'd still be playing if it wasn't 20 degrees. Was always a great excuse to go on a walk or sit outside at a bar near a lure.


Well, shit. Here I was thinking I had the luckiest day ever after seeing and catching Lickitung at Target tonight, only to then catch him twice more within an hour.
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