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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Sorry I was in a meeting so this might have been touched on but this is incredibly hypocritical. Obama was going to bring a "new level of transparency" to government and as soon as his AG gets into some trouble he executive orders the documentation. It's absolutely a cover-up. Calling it anything else is semantics.

I fully expect it from Republicans who have no problems with trampling the rule of law in the name of national security, but when you ride the white horse of transparency into the Oval Office, maybe you should at least pretend to value said transparency?

Huh? I never said the John Doe stuff would explode.

Why does that make it ok? That's fucking baffling to me. If it was wrong when they did it (and it absolutely was) then it should be wrong now.
Lamentably, Obama's rhetoric on transparency did not translate to policy. It's one of the more regrettable aspects of his presidency. The Administration's vehement prosecution of whistleblowers is another policy reflective of the attempt to diminish transparency. Admittedly, I did not expect Obama to engender a new era of transparency. The problem transcends a particular personality. Rather, the problem is institutional. And until that problem is rectified, the executive will continue to limit transparency.

I'm going to Berlin! (Or maybe the Hague) for another year and an MPP! After I finish my MPA. woooooooooooooooo


Professional Schmuck
^ good post, and mostly agreed.

Someone I work with referred to Asians as "orientals" this week while talking to me. I cringed.

You corrected them, right? Rugs < People.

Invisible_Insane said:

I'm going to Berlin! (Or maybe the Hague) for another year and an MPP! After I finish my MPA. woooooooooooooooo

Reminds me of A Postcard for Nina (or something) by Jens Leckman. Great song.
Obama leads Mitt Romney by THIRTEEN POINTS, WOW

Bloomberg said:
Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.
Obama's approval is 53-44

Generic congressional ballot is Dems 48 GOP 41

Blue wave, baby!

this is probably a huge outlier


Samuel "Joe The Plumber" Wurzelbacher (R), made famous during the 2008 presidential campaign by John McCain and now running for Congress in Ohio, says in a new campaign video that gun control led to the Holocaust and Armenian genocide.\

Wurzelbacher, who is featured in the video blasting tomatoes with a shotgun, proclaims at the end, "I love America."

The New York Observer followed up with a campaign spokesman who not only stood by the video but suggested gun control may have also helped cause slavery in the United States



Gun control led to the Holocaust and slavery?!?!

Holyshit. This guy is either dumb as a pile of bricks or he's playing up to his base.


Professional Schmuck


Rove got to him. "You look like a racist skinhead. Let's call out some policy that your base cares about and say the opposite is to blame for something the liberals hate. How about the Holocaust?"

"And slavery?!"

Joe is beginning to get the idea.


Palin maybe, but Cain is a genius. Dude made so much money of his fake run for office.

Palin made tons of money out of being a moron as well. Doesn't make either a genius. It just makes the people who like them/buy their bullshit even dumber than they are.


Professional Schmuck
Arizona Secretary Of State’s Latest Theory: Obama Lied About Being Born In Kenya To Get Into College

Secretary of State Ken Bennett says he’s convinced Obama was born in Hawaii, but he now believes the president fraudulently claimed to be born in Kenya so he could get into college. He also believes the president has spent millions of dollars since then to cover it up.

The co-chairman of Mitt Romney’s campaign in Arizona, Bennett made the comments recently at an event where he pleaded for local Republicans to unite behind their party’s presumptive nominee for president. He told them a world under Obama is “just very, very scary.”

“Now, I know there’s a lot of people that are very skeptical as to whether he was born in Hawaii,” Bennett told the crowd. “Personally I believe that he was. I actually believe he was fibbing about being born in Kenya when he was trying to get into college and doing things like writing a book and on and on and on.”

...this is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends...


National polls are fun, but going by EVs, isn't a Romney win still extremely unlikely? He has to win Florida, Ohio, and one of either Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/Michigan for Tuesday night to even be interesting, right? Yeah, Obama isn't terribly popular with progressives anymore, but they sure as hell aren't going to vote for Romney. Neither are minorities or women. I've yet to see any realistic scenario where Romney gets to 270.


Professional Schmuck
National polls are fun, but going by EVs, isn't a Romney win still extremely unlikely? He has to win Florida, Ohio, and one of either Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/Michigan for Tuesday night to even be interesting, right? Yeah, Obama isn't terribly popular with progressives anymore, but they sure as hell aren't going to vote for Romney. Neither are minorities or women. I've yet to see any realistic scenario where Romney gets to 270.

That's what everybody is kinda saying. The counter-argument is that Florida, Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio, PA, Indiana, and at least one other could flip back to Romney this year.

I mean, it's far from un-realistic.


That's what everybody is kinda saying. The counter-argument is that Florida, Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio, PA, Indiana, and at least one other could flip back to Romney this year.

I mean, it's far from un-realistic.

Pennsylvania can be pushed into the unrealistic category pretty safely.


"Fiscal Cliff" is overblown:

Economist David Greenlaw of Morgan Stanley thinks the fiscal cliff could cut one percentage point from economic growth.

Still, I’m not freaking out. There are reasons to doubt Congress will let the full fiscal cliff materialize and that what does happen may not be all that devastating. In fact, here and there, the benefits of tightening might outweigh the costs.

An example of the latter is the Social Security payroll tax cut (which is not included in CBO’s estimate). In February, Congress extended the cut, along with unemployment benefits, through the end of this year. Yes, the cut’s expiration would hit working families right in the paycheck and curb consumer spending a bit, but extending the cut would rob Social Security of needed cash.

The improving jobs picture also makes extended unemployment benefits less indispensable; at the margins, they may dull the incentive to seek a job.

The CBO’s $388 billion estimate assumes the expiration of all temporary tax provisions in current law. But one such item is the $89 billion “patch” Congress applied to the alternative minimum tax. No matter how polarized Capitol Hill may be, it has always patched the AMT, and it’s a safe bet that’ll happen again.

One of the largest spending cuts in current law is an across-the-board reduction in how much Medicare pays physicians. As with the AMT patch, Congress has always come up with “doc fixes” for Medicare in the past, and chances are it will again.

These steps would reduce CBO’s estimated fiscal cliff to $280 billion, according to Deutsche Bank economist Joseph Lavorgna. But even that number may overstate matters.

The CBO counts the expiration of accelerated capital depreciation for businesses as a $45 billion tax increase. As Lavorgna explains, this is a bit of a misnomer since not every business can take advantage of this targeted break.

Many economists think that, as an economic stimulus, accelerated depreciation delivers relatively little bang for the buck, which implies that eliminating it would not hurt growth as much as would other measures. Maybe it’s a good thing to let capital allocation follow market signals rather than tax advantages.

Now we’re down to $235 billion. Of that, the biggest item is $102 billion from the end of the Bush tax cuts. What to do about them is likely to be hugely controversial — but only for upper-income taxpayers. President Obama supports the lower- and middle-income Bush rates, so expect those to remain if he’s reelected. Mitt Romney, of course, wants the Bush rates, or something like them, to be permanent. At most, we’re looking at some uncertainty until after November, when Congress and the president will iron things out.

That leaves $133 billion, much of which comes from tax-break bits and pieces, including corporate welfare like the biodiesel fuel credit ($1.1 billion). Good riddance to them if they lapse.

What remains are $60 billion in spending cuts, resulting from “sequestration,” as the automatic cuts in last year’s debt-ceiling agreement are known. No doubt these cuts are controversial, and a blunt instrument. Republicans in the House are already fighting to save defense spending; Democrats are condemning them for doing so at the expense of social programs. It’s doubtful the Senate will act on any bill the House produces. But whatever happens, $60 billion is small change compared to the $15.4 trillion U.S. economy.

The best solution would be a “grand bargain” that reforms the tax code and entitlements, and gradually sets the country on a sustainable long-term path. Alas, this is also the least likely solution. We’re in for some fiscal tightening and some spectacular political fireworks. In the end, though, the actual threat to economic growth may be more manageable than it now seems.



So we have this 3rd party called the Justice Party here in Utah, and a friend of mine (sorta kinda my father in law, but let's not get into that) got on the ballot for Orrin Hatch's senate seat. Granted, it's the longest of long shots, but still kinda cool and if you're a registered voter in Utah, check out his website.



Professional Schmuck
Pennsylvania can be pushed into the unrealistic category pretty safely.

Seriously, how lucky is Obama that Romney is his opponent?

I mean, I know the field we're seeing is the result of eight terrible years of Bush policy/disasters/catastrophes/warmongering/general antipathy toward humanity, the horrendously disastrous Palin/McCain candidacy, the rise of the widely despised Tea Party, a surprisingly popular incumbent, a somewhat reasonable field being pushed out by the tea party or an unfortunate family (Jeb), and all the other serious candidates waiting for 2016, but damn.

Obama really is lucky to be facing the polar opposite of what the nation needs both physically and psychologically (a rich white northeastern wall-street moderate that has a tendency to change his mind on very serious policy numerous times over), considering how much the economy is sputtering.

I mean -- Romney would've had a good showing against Clinton 96 (not really), Gore 00 (would probably win the least-robotic downcard vote), Kerry 04 (running against himself, lol!). But this year? The LOLs will never be enough.


So we have this 3rd party called the Justice Party here in Utah, and a friend of mine (sorta kinda my father in law, but let's not get into that) got on the ballot for Orrin Hatch's senate seat. Granted, it's the longest of long shots, but still kinda cool and if you're a registered voter in Utah, check out his website.


I think we got it, LOL


Seriously, how lucky is Obama that Romney is his opponent?

I mean, I know the field we're seeing is the result of eight terrible years of Bush policy/disasters/catastrophes/warmongering/general antipathy toward humanity, the horrendously disastrous Palin/McCain candidacy, the rise of the widely despised Tea Party, a surprisingly popular incumbent, a somewhat reasonable field being pushed out by the tea party or an unfortunate family (Jeb), and all the other serious candidates waiting for 2016, but damn.

Obama really is lucky to be facing the polar opposite of what the nation needs both physically and psychologically (a rich white northeastern wall-street moderate that has a tendency to change his mind on very serious policy numerous times over), considering how much the economy is sputtering.

I mean -- Romney would've had a good showing against Clinton 96 (not really), Gore 00 (would probably win the least-robotic downcard vote), Kerry 04 (running against himself, lol!). But this year? The LOLs will never be enough.

Agree completely. If he was facing even a competent opponent Obama's four miserable years of abject failure would get him landslided out of office.
Agree completely. If he was facing even a competent opponent Obama's four miserable years of abject failure would get him landslided out of office.
Obama's four years have not been an abject failure. You're drinking too much ale and spending time too much pig wrestling, eznark.


Professional Schmuck
Obama's four years have not been an abject failure. You're drinking too much ale and spending time too much pig wrestling, eznark.

give him a break. he was trying to think of a way to a completely disarming indictment of conservatism of the past decade (we didn't even mention how much Perot and Dole and Gingrich laid the groundwork for the current joke of a party).


Professional Schmuck
Yeah, he didn't say that, he actually said miserable abject failure, so how would 2000-08 be described?

before he replies -- yes yes, he know he wasn't conservative enough and you acknowledge some opportunities for improvement of the Bush years, but at least he wasn't Obama.


Yeah, he didn't say that, he actually said miserable abject failure, so how would 2000-08 be described?

Fluctuating between miserable abject failure and frighteningly totalitarian.

Obama's four years have not been an abject failure. You're drinking too much ale and spending time too much pig wrestling, eznark.

You're the drunk one!

give him a break. he was trying to think of a way to a completely disarming indictment of conservatism of the past decade (we didn't even mention how much Perot and Dole and Gingrich laid the groundwork for the current joke of a party).

And you're the drunk one!
Fluctuating between miserable abject failure and frighteningly totalitarian.
OK what part of repealing DADT and passing HCR is miserable abject failure? Dont you think our country progressed quite a bit since Bush years in these two regards? Although he has other major accomplishments that deserve unilateral respect such as Bin Laden kill order, those two accomplishments should suffice.
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