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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So what do you guys think of the news about Wal-Mart dropping health insurance for 30,000 their sub-30 hour/wk workers?
Fox alert: Hannity is going to have on Pat Buchanan to tell us why banning travel from all of West Africa isn't racist. The go to expert


So what do you guys think of the news about Wal-Mart dropping health insurance for 30,000 their sub-30 hour/wk workers?
Lol, right on time.

I'm gonna un-Diablos and say I actually think Dems will end up holding their majority, but it might be a long night...
I know it's crazy because I see how the average is 60% GOP or what have you, but there's still time.
If Dems can let the RV model trump LV models once more in just enough races, they've got this.


If the Dems hold the senate, there's a serious chance for a supermajority in 2016

Yup. I finally took a peek at the Senate seats up for grabs in 2016. It's a ridiculously favorable map. To put this in terms of college football games, it's a cupcake schedule for Democratic senatorial candidates.

November 2016 could really bring forth a Republican Party apocalypse. If everything lines-up perfectly, their worst nightmare - Hillary Clinton with a Senate supermajority and the House - could really come true.


You guys might want to read this book:


If the Dems hold the senate, there's a serious chance for a supermajority in 2016

Dems won't hold the senate, though. With all of the gay marriage, the GOP is bound to have a huge come back due to all of the old, white, antigay folks coming out to vote for them in the midterm. Then in 2016, you can guarantee a GOP house, senate, and white house so that the Tea Party can guarantee no liberal, activist judges get placed on the SCOTUS.

Truth fact.


In all honestly, I do worry a little bit about the black Christian vote. They are even more vehemently against gays than white Christians are... They could cause a bit of a problem...
Lol, right on time.

I'm gonna un-Diablos and say I actually think Dems will end up holding their majority, but it might be a long night...
I know it's crazy because I see how the average is 60% GOP or what have you, but there's still time.
If Dems can let the RV model trump LV models once more in just enough races, they've got this.
I'm gonna diablos for you then

See map in op
If the Dems hold the senate, there's a serious chance for a supermajority in 2016

And there's great potential to push the Senate in a more leftward direction. Progressives are already getting chairman positions on committees and the Senate map in 2016 gives Dems a lot of races where nominating a progressive is feasible unlike this year's.
Dems are doing a far better job communicating with voters/potential voters.

This is what people forget. The Dems have been fantastic at communicating with minorities and single people (the fastest growing demographics) as well as the youth. I wouldn't be surprised if the nation looked similar to California twenty years from now.
Lot of pollsters still dont understand the kansas shakeup. For all intents and purposes Democrats gained one seat in the senate.

Lets just hope Orman keeps his dick in his pants for the next few weeks.

I am thinking that Braley is going to pull a win out of his ass. Kentuky is a DEADHEAT, but looking awfully better than it did two weeks ago when it was written off. Nunn I think is a goner, and so is Carter. I dont think Georgia is civilized yet. Its confederate blood runs deep and red.


I'm going to try and keep myself grounded with regards to the Senate results. This will be the first time I vote in midterms or a governor's race, so I don't know enough about how much can change a month before an election. Yesterday, I saw Sam Wang's site had Dems down to like 51% chance of maintaining the Senate, then 63% today.

How much do current events affect upcoming elections, such as the gay marriage rulings? I know the abortion issue in Texas has women's reproductive rights groups riled up, but I assume it won't really be enough to impact the governor race.


Dems won't hold the senate, though. With all of the gay marriage, the GOP is bound to have a huge come back due to all of the old, white, antigay folks coming out to vote for them in the midterm. Then in 2016, you can guarantee a GOP house, senate, and white house so that the Tea Party can guarantee no liberal, activist judges get placed on the SCOTUS.

Truth fact.


In all honestly, I do worry a little bit about the black Christian vote. They are even more vehemently against gays than white Christians are... They could cause a bit of a problem...

There are probably as many young antigay people as old antigay people. Only the older ones are more vocal on the antigay side and the younger ones less so

Black people are as in favor of gay marriage these days as anyone.


Lot of pollsters still dont understand the kansas shakeup. For all intents and purposes Democrats gained one seat in the senate.

Lets just hope Orman keeps his dick in his pants for the next few weeks.
The aggregates I'm looking at all have Kansas going for him?

Except for Prop 8...

I'm going to try and keep myself grounded with regards to the Senate results. This will be the first time I vote in midterms or a governor's race, so I don't know enough about how much can change a month before an election. Yesterday, I saw Sam Wang's site had Dems down to like 51% chance of maintaining the Senate, then 63% today.

How much do current events affect upcoming elections, such as the gay marriage rulings? I know the abortion issue in Texas has women's reproductive rights groups riled up, but I assume it won't really be enough to impact the governor race.
It's whatever stupid single issue the media can define your race with.

Like if somebody says that if it's legitimate gay marriage your body has some way of shutting it down.

you should post what election cycle this was written in, helps the post make sense
I bet you're saying that because you looked it up and saw the publication date.
I thought it was from 2004 lol
I bet you're saying that because you looked it up and saw the publication date.
I thought it was from 2004 lol

still works as long as its clear that it signals a party who had won a few and thinks its inevitable the country keeps moving their way.


If forced to guess, it seems like Uncle-Joe-as-tiebreaker is going to be the very best case scenario that we're going to get. But I think Dems miss that by one, maaaybe two seats.

My pessimism doesn't go very far past Election Day. Not like it's going to change the trajectory of the last two years. Congress will be too busy campaigning to get anything done until 2016 anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
I have almost no doubt the Senate will stay Blue.

Well then you need to temper your expectations at least a little bit. You're crazy if you don't think Republicans at least have a pretty good shot. Even going off Wang's 70% chance of Dem hold, you're still looking at a fairly decent opportunity for Republicans and that's the most Dem favor you're going to get.

Chait? Lol

This is an increasingly antiquated conception of male socialization. George Orwell, the old socialist, was well ahead of his time when he scribbled out an angry rant against the sporting ethic, which, he wrote, “is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting.” That is all more or less true. But shooting is precisely the problem with war. War minus the shooting is actually pretty great.

In fact, it is a sign of this advance that American society is now questioning whether football has any role within it at all. But it also marks a point where the advance of social liberalism has swung from the defensive (creating a place of respect and value for those who have long been excluded) to the offensive (suggesting that only a world conforming closely to down-the-line-liberal values is worth living in).

Uh, Chait this is what liberalism has always been. In fact any ideology pretty much says its world is the best and others should conform.


I've been here before, in 2000 and 2004, and I just hope we've got someone on duty for the Jesusland maps.

I don't see why folks would want to bother with getting upset for this particular cycle, other than building-upon future numbers. The GOP gets a week or so of a victory lap, and then we go right back to.. nothing.

And as a bonus? We get to hear incessant whining from the right about how the GOP Congress isn't doing enough to challenge the evil dictator in the White House.


Unconfirmed Member
>has Louisiana going to the Republicans


I assume he's talking about me posting about hoping for SD and GA going above AK and LA. For the record I'll take as many dem seats as I can get, but if we're losing them anyway, that's how I'd like to see them lost.

I'm aware that sounds similar to the tea party radicals, but I don't see a reason to care. In my eyes tea party isn't bad for being anti establishment, they're bad for the dumb positions they hold.
Can I just say that the Vox website is a giant clusterfuck of the same articles being shown over and over and they are either snarky bullshit or click bait. It's almost as bad as GAF and girl advice threads.

I like their political stuff but a lot of the other stuff is insufferable upworthy crap. Its like that obnoxious kid who knows the answer to everything and feels debate has been shut because he wikied something. Their social/pop culture stuff is more insufferable salon-lite crap.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Crap, I've been wrong-threading a lot lately.

Mary Burke better win.

Edit 2: I guess Walker's even surpassed her in likely voters. Damn. Well, I guess all of you can look forward to his stupidity in the primaries.


I like their political stuff but a lot of the other stuff is insufferable upworthy crap. Its like that obnoxious kid who knows the answer to everything and feels debate has been shut because he wikied something. Their social/pop culture stuff is more insufferable salon-lite crap.
My favorite was the "40 maps that explain modern Europe" or something like that, and like 15 of them weren't maps but pictures of boats and stuff.
They should get a refund:

It seems too high, but remember that the GOP is more likely to vote in midterms and thus Romney voters are more likely to vote, so the total gap should close or flip.

Oblovion said:
So what do you guys think of the news about Wal-Mart dropping health insurance for 30,000 their sub-30 hour/wk workers?

Answered that one here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=133329191&postcount=101

BTW, while I obviously want the Dems to hold as many seats as possible, there would be something massively entertaining about the idea of the Dems holding 50 seats and McConnell losing to Grimes. Oh my god, I'd nearly die.
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