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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Unconfirmed Member
Poor turtle.


He may get there, but he's not the master tactician he would want us to think he is.

The article doesn't seem to be about McConnells tactics to get the bill to pass, just about how terrible of a bill it is. They seem most worried their propaganda network can't deflect something that hurts a ton of their voters in a very real way while they have complete control. No amount of tactics can help with that.


WaPo (Made by History) - Why are Republicans trapped on health care? Because Democrats stole their best idea.

Last Thursday, Senate Republicans released the text of a bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that had been drafted in secret by a select group of 13 (all-male) Republican senators. Mitch McConnell and his men pursued this strategy not just because the bill is likely to be unpopular — although it is — and not just because their majority is small and fractious — although, again, it is.

Instead, Republicans negotiated in secret because they are trapped by the history of the health-care policy debate over the last half-century. Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi passed the ACA using conservatives’ best health-care idea — individual and employer mandates. Now Republicans are compelled to repeal the ACA even though they are stuck with inferior policy solutions.

I'm going to spend a lot of time in this section.
Kirblar right yet again re: state GOP parties. On the federal level, Republicans have embraced extremity and obstruction - well, some of them - but at the state level, they have to be somewhat moderate to get elected in blue or blue-leaning states (e.g., Baker in MA, Martinez in NM, Sandoval in NV). They object to this far-right monstrosity because it'll kill their states.

Congressional Republicans basically just spend the last several years saying no. At the state level they have actually had to govern. Not to say they have necessarily done that well, but it is still a very different thing from what Congress has done, and it shows.
His negotiating strategy has been to make a deal then screw over the other party afterwards.

This is not a strategy that works well when repeated.
He's so awful at this, it's hilarious

Trump is willing to trade slightly more immigrants to cut 22 million people's healthcare

This is a bad deal no matter what. It's a bad deal for Trump because his nationalist crazies will hate it. This is a bad deal for the Senators because it's a trivial thing to exchange for their political careers. And there's no guarantees Trump even keeps his word since nothing will be codified into law.


Everyone hates the individual mandate and the main part of the GOP's bill is cutting Medicaid, not sure I get this argument.

That they ceded the ideological mechanism that Dems later took up as the individual mandate, and now find themselves boxed into measurably worse policy for insisting on hardline opposition to everything they do. Quoted only the intro.
As I said in the health care thread, Murkowski and Collins should just crank that Jim Jeffords and go independent. Neither would be penalized by her constituents; in fact, those two might increase their popularity. Murkowski has pretty much hated her party since the 2010 elections, and Maine will accept any decision Collins makes. If they want to be "moderate" voices, they could prove it.

They probably balk at the idea of losing those committee chairmanships, though. Murkowski in particular wouldn't want to relinquish the chair of the energy committee.
I just got through that NYT piece

This bill is in worse condition than we imagined. Lee's out there requesting stuff that literally cannot even be included. Governor's are revolting against the GOP. Everyone is furious at Trump. McConnell made massive misplays right off the back excluding even his own party from the bill.

What a mess.

Maybe there will be a push for McConnell to resign. He messed up big time.
As I said in the health care thread, Murkowski and Collins should just crank that Jim Jeffords and go independent. Neither would be penalized by her constituents; in fact, those two might increase their popularity. Murkowski has pretty much hated her party since the 2010 elections, and Maine will accept any decision Collins makes. If they want to be "moderate" voices, they could prove it.

They probably balk at the idea of losing those committee chairmanships, though. Murkowski in particular wouldn't want to relinquish the chair of the energy committee.
If Democrats had just won one more seat, I wouldn't put it past either of them. As it is... not likely, but maybe if we gain next year.
I just got through that NYT piece

This bill is in worse condition than we imagined. Lee's out there requesting stuff that literally cannot even be included. Governor's are revolting against the GOP. Everyone is furious at Trump. McConnell made massive misplays right off the back excluding even his own party from the bill.

What a mess.

Maybe there will be a push for McConnell to resign. He messed up big time.

Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn

They hate him more than McConnell. McCain and Murkowski in particular loathe him. He would surely inspire loyalty among the caucus.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just got through that NYT piece

This bill is in worse condition than we imagined. Lee's out there requesting stuff that literally cannot even be included. Governor's are revolting against the GOP. Everyone is furious at Trump. McConnell made massive misplays right off the back excluding even his own party from the bill.

What a mess.

Maybe there will be a push for McConnell to resign. He messed up big time.

This would be an amazing turn of events.


I don't think hindsight matters. It was an unforgivably bad decision to not take action for this reason.

In situations like this, they have to get it right. He made a poor judgement call and we are up shit creek because of it.

I don't even know what this means. No response Obama gave, publicly or covertly, was going to retroactively change that Russian hackers had stolen DNC/Clinton emails and were leaking them via Wikileaks. Hell, Wikileaks started dropping the Podesta emails after the government announced that Russia was interfering in the election.

So when you say we're up shit creek because of an unforgivably bad decision and poor judgment call on Obama's part, I can't understand how you're drawing that correlation. You can argue that Obama did not punish Russia enough for their breach, but we were up shit's creek the moment the DNC and Podesta email accounts were compromised.
I just got through that NYT piece

This bill is in worse condition than we imagined. Lee's out there requesting stuff that literally cannot even be included. Governor's are revolting against the GOP. Everyone is furious at Trump. McConnell made massive misplays right off the back excluding even his own party from the bill.

What a mess.

Maybe there will be a push for McConnell to resign. He messed up big time.

Pelosi chuckled.


Well he at least reliably does a BOOM after the ticks, so either the story got killed or it hasnt run yet.

Seems like he hedged on the timing after the initial tweet, but with some of the preemptive messaging going on with collusion supppsedly being ok or Obama's fault out of the admin and FNC, I think something big will drop by Friday


Everyone hates the individual mandate and the main part of the GOP's bill is cutting Medicaid, not sure I get this argument.

Mostly because they can't go further right than the ACA without creating a monstrosity (both from a logical policy perspective and from a moral one). The Democrats basically boxed them out, thanks to Lieberman and the Blue Dogs.


Can I please just vote for IronStache now?



No Scrubs
I just got through that NYT piece

This bill is in worse condition than we imagined. Lee's out there requesting stuff that literally cannot even be included. Governor's are revolting against the GOP. Everyone is furious at Trump. McConnell made massive misplays right off the back excluding even his own party from the bill.

What a mess.

Maybe there will be a push for McConnell to resign. He messed up big time.

It really goes to show how amazing Pelosi was getting the ACA passed with a public option.


A senator who supports the bill left the meeting at the White House with a sense that the president did not have a grasp of some basic elements of the Senate plan — and seemed especially confused when a moderate Republican complained that opponents of the bill would cast it as a massive tax break for the wealthy, according to an aide who received a detailed readout of the exchange.

Mr. Trump said he planned to tackle tax reform later, ignoring the repeal’s tax implications, the staff member added.

After the meeting, Mr. Trump played the role of cheerleader on Twitter, encouraging his weary Republican allies to keep working.

“I just finished a great meeting with the Republican Senators concerning HealthCare,” he wrote. “They really want to get it right, unlike OCare!”


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
lol, less people than the number who secretly wrote it.

I wonder how accurate that is.

How can only five have supported it when thirteen wrote it? Were they trying to sabotage it because they knew it would be suicide?
He really shouldn't be president.

The public option as a backdoor to single payer strategy seems like it could work. I just read this article https://www.vox.com/2016/2/3/10899790/single-payer-americare and it seems reasonable & way easier than pushing for single payer outright. A key point is if you let employers buy into the government plan like they do with private insurance, they'll voluntarily switch over to it if it's cheaper (as the gov't plan should be).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He really shouldn't be president.

The public option as a backdoor to single payer strategy seems like it could work. I just read this article https://www.vox.com/2016/2/3/10899790/single-payer-americare and it seems reasonable & way easier than pushing for single payer outright.

The main advantage is it's far easier to economically transition and prove to naysayers that it would work.


Bwhahah, that's funnier than the gif.
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