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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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mckmas8808 said:
Why is Hannity still saying that Obama loves a white guy named Bill Ayers that's an ex-terrorist?

Because he met him once when he was just getting started in politics. It was a meeting that the senator at the time took him to. Hannity has constructed a quilt of lies about Obama into making him seem like he hates America. The reason the Clinton campaign never mentions it is that Bill pardoned him.


Stinkles said:
If I told you a coin toss was worth nothing, you'd toss. If I told you it was your life or a million dollars, you'd think very hard about it.

His logic makes perfect sense.

Not when your logic forces you to compare it to a life and death situation. :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
CoolTrick said:
Gotta love the spin.
i always find it interesting when spinners are so mesmerized by their own spin that they start calling out other people for using spin that spins against their spin.

CoolTrick, did you also dodge sniper fire?


CoolTrick, I'd like to ask you a hypothetical question re: MI & FL.

Say that a deal was agreed upon by the Obama people, the DNC, and MI & FL. It involved seating the delegation from FL as voted upon, but stripping half their votes, and seating MI as voted but with the "unpledged" delegates all going to Obama, and also stripping half of the MI delegation's votes. Supers from both states would get half a vote as well, so as not to make the votes of party poobah's even more valuable than the states they're supposed to be repping.

Would you say that's a fair compromise? Do you think Hillary would accept it?
mckmas8808 said:
Why is Hannity still saying that Obama loves a white guy named Bill Ayers that's an ex-terrorist?

Because it's Hannity. Watching those shows too often will rob you of any little faith you may have had in the America. It's popularity speaks volumes.

In truth though, their contributors are the worst. I'm ashamed to say that the african americans are the biggest bigots of the bunch.

If I were to sit through Brit Humes, one sessions of O'Reilly, Gretta, and Hannity and Colmes I'd probably put a hole in my tv before the night is done.

The only contributor that seems decent is the blonde that is the democratic contributor and at times may sub in for Colmes. She does a much better job and can probably hold her own against Hannity. Colmes is pure weaksauce. I think they purposely found a neutered "democrat" to give the impression of fairness but it's obvious that Hannity owns the show.


What is CoolTrick talking about when he says we need to count the popular vote of FL and MI?

Since when is there an official popular vote count that the DNC has? There is absolutely no rules about popular vote. So I don't get why he is demanding its votes be counted.

To my knowledge NO ONE has an official popular vote count. At least 4 states refuses to make their vote total public.

So why is he claiming they should count their popular vote when there is no popular vote in existence that counts all the states?


Cheebs said:
What is CoolTrick talking about when he says we need to count the popular vote of FL and MI?

Since when is there an official popular vote count that the DNC has? There is absolutely no rules about popular vote. So I don't get why he is demanding its votes be counted.

To my knowledge NO ONE has an official popular vote count. At least 4 states refuses to make their vote total public.

So why is he claiming they should count their popular vote when there is no popular vote in existence that counts all the states?

It's this week's talking point. Next week it's electoral votes.
I just watched a snippet of the Hannity show. They've gone from indirectly attacking Barack's patriotism to calling him the Manchurian candidate.

Let me sum it up:Michelle Obama is secretly hiding her blatant hatred of the united states. Barack is a sleeper Kenyan agent with terrorist ties that has duped the american people with his slick campaign and advertising.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe this crap makes it on television. It makes Tucker, Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan look tame in comparison.


I can't see him backing a democrat. Although maybe he's disgusted because he actually believed the intelligence he presented was fact.

Wait, this Elton John fundraiser thing was only an hour long concert? That's kinda sad for the donators.

Although it is funny getting Elton John to do a fundraiser for Clinton and giving away tickets to Dave Matthews for Obama.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
What is CoolTrick talking about when he says we need to count the popular vote of FL and MI?

Since when is there an official popular vote count that the DNC has? There is absolutely no rules about popular vote. So I don't get why he is demanding its votes be counted.

To my knowledge NO ONE has an official popular vote count. At least 4 states refuses to make their vote total public.

So why is he claiming they should count their popular vote when there is no popular vote in existence that counts all the states?

Because it is Hillary's last chance. She's making the same argument as Cooltrick is
maximum360 said:
I just watched a snippet of the Hannity show. They've gone from indirectly attacking Barack's patriotism to calling him the Manchurian candidate.

Let me sum it up:Michelle Obama is secretly hiding her blatant hatred of the united states. Barack is a sleeper Kenyan agent with terrorist ties that has duped the american people with his slick campaign and advertising.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe this crap makes it on television. It makes Tucker, Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan look tame in comparison.

hah, wait til the few months leading up to november. terrified of the likely prospect democrats controlling congress and the white house, fox news will go on a CRUSADE against obama.

if you think this is bad, just wait. it will get ugly.


Setec Astronomer
CoolTrick: I hope you realize that it is impossible for Michigan's voice to be correctly heard with the existing election, with major candidates not on the ballot.



Obama proving once again that he leaves no contest uncontested

Rest of article at Pacific Daily News
Sen. Barack Obama's bid to become the next U.S. president has acquired local flavor.

The Obama presidential campaign, in the next few days, will be deeply rooted on island with the opening of a Guam campaign office, just in time for the scheduled May 3 caucus.

The office will be run by Joshua Tenorio, who was appointed Obama's Guam campaign director.
"It's very exciting because in this election, more than any other that I know, the opportunity for Guam issues to gain national attention is there," Tenorio said.

Yesterday, Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago e-mailed the Pacific Daily News a letter written by Obama that includes some of his visions for a better Guam.

"We must recharge the Guam economy," Obama stated. "A strong and prosperous Guam is good for the people of Guam and in the best interests of the United States and countries of the Western Pacific region."

Obama also noted Guam's century-old ties with the U.S., and said he looks forward to "continue strengthening this bond in the 21st Century."

This has special meaning to me since Guam is where I was born and raised.
I am already firmly in Obama's camp, but this is just icing on the cake.
I never thought he would actually open a campaign office there.

I need to convince my parents and sister who still live there to go to the territorial-convention/caucus and vote for Obama.


Setec Astronomer
reilo said:
Erhm, well, I think you'll be sorely disappointed at that answer.
It'd be better if he just said he didn't care about voters actually being heard and wanted A) the appearance that Michigan was represented in the Democratic Party Convention or B) more delegates for Hillary.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
It'd be better if he just said he didn't care about voters actually being heard and wanted A) the appearance that Michigan was represented in the Democratic Party Convention or B) more delegates for Hillary.

I feel the urge to just copy and paste my previous response.

It's the sad fact that he tries to pawn this off that the way Clinton's campaign wants Florida and Michigan seated is completely and utterly fair to both candidates.
maximum360 said:
I just watched a snippet of the Hannity show. They've gone from indirectly attacking Barack's patriotism to calling him the Manchurian candidate.

Let me sum it up:Michelle Obama is secretly hiding her blatant hatred of the united states. Barack is a sleeper Kenyan agent with terrorist ties that has duped the american people with his slick campaign and advertising.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe this crap makes it on television. It makes Tucker, Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan look tame in comparison.
Hannity has always been biased and unfair. But I think that once Romney lost he went off the deep end.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Hannity has always been biased and unfair. But I think that once Romney lost he went off the deep end.

You should of seen him when the Wright videos were released. Not only was he unfit to run for the presidency, but Hannity wanted Obama to resign from the Senate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
KRS7 said:
You should of seen him when the Wright videos were released. Not only was he unfit to run for the presidency, but Hannity wanted Obama to resign from the Senate.

Wonder what Hannity's opinion on Jerry Falwell is.

Oh, I sure surprise myself:


HITCHENS: I think we have been rid of an extremely dangerous demagogue who lived by hatred of others, and prejudice, and who committed treason by saying that the United States deserved the attack upon it and its civil society of September of 2001 by other religious nut cases like himself.

HANNITY: He profoundly and repeatedly apologized. And I'm sure you're perfect.

HITCHENS: No, he did not enough.

HANNITY: I'm sure you're perfect in your life and that you've never made any mistakes.

HITCHENS: I've never committed treason like that. I don't believe in the sincerity of his apology...

HANNITY: I knew Reverend Falwell, Christopher. I know the good work that this man has done.

HITCHENS: Tell me about it.

HANNITY: Well...

What a piece of shit that man is.

$$$ QUOTE:

HANNITY: I think you are incredibly mean, incredibly selfish and thoughtless.

Although, Hannity is right that Hitchens is an asshole :lol


Usually I'm not one for violence, but Sean Hannity is one person who could really use a good ass kicking. I would gladly give said ass kicking.


Bad news, I am checking the oft ignored Guam news sites and you can pretty much add another super for Clinton. Even though demconwatch is listing her as uncommitted, I was able to find who Taling Taitano (GU) is supporting.

From the Marianas Variety

Marianas Variety said:
Taling Taitano, a Democratic national committeewoman, said that she is actively working to garner votes for her candidate, Hillary Clinton.

"We are 'Team Hillary' and we're looking for delegates, and if they are interested in running to support Hillary, they can contact me or Rena Borja," Taitano said.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Deus Ex Machina said:
Colin Powell Praises Obama; hasn't yet decided who he'll back...


Powell was pretty discouraged by Bush's decisions regarding Iraq and John McCain has basically the same idealogy.

Hey I liked this new article. Here's the part with Colin Powell talking about Rev. Wright.

Rev. Wright is also somebody who has made enormous contributions in his community and has turned a lot of lives around," Powell said, "And so, I have to put that in context with these very offensive comments that he made, which I reject out of hand."

Powell added that he does not know Wright, and praised Obama's response.

"I think that Sen. Obama handled the issue well . . . he didn't look the other way. He didn't wait for the, for the, you know, for the storm to go over. He went on television, and I thought, gave a very, very thoughtful, direct speech. And he didn't abandon the minister who brought him closer to his faith," Powell told Sawyer.

Powell, who has been mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate in almost every election since he retired from military service and public life, expressed admiration for Obama.

"It was a good (speech)," Powell said. "I admired him for giving it. And I agreed with much of what he said."

Of course he couldn't be the vice president
two black guys am i rite?! lol
due to what happened in 2003 about yellow cake, but I like the way he's talking to Sawyer on Good Morning America.


mckmas8808 said:
Hey I liked this new article. Here's the part with Colin Powell talking about Rev. Wright.

Of course he couldn't be the vice president
two black guys am i rite?! lol
due to what happened in 2003 about yellow cake, but I like the way he's talking to Sawyer on Good Morning America.

With Colin Powell starting to turn and Condi suddenly talking about race, I'm awaiting Alan Keyes' response now!


Obama is urging bush to boycott the olympics. I guess that Hillary beat down in the other thread was all for not.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Colin Powell Praises Obama; hasn't yet decided who he'll back...


Powell was pretty discouraged by Bush's decisions regarding Iraq and John McCain has basically the same idealogy.
Damn shame what his stint in the Bush administration did to Colin Powell's career. He could have been president himself if it weren't for everything that happened during that first term.
ari said:
"snaps fingers"

So close.
It's OK, the majority of American accents don't distinguish between the "o" sound in "not" and the "augh" sound in "naught", so it's an easy mistake for you to make. Funnily enough though, the sound most American accents use for "o" (for example: "mom", "awesome") is the exact same sound as the Australian/English* "ah".

* As English accents vary wildly, your results may vary


testicles on a cold fall morning

okay, so Johm McCain forms a team of foreign policy advisers, and i guess it's good to solicit competing views and not err into tunnel vision, but wtf - Robert Kagan? Max Fucking Boot? how is this breaking away from the Bush Administration, unless McCain thinks that Rice's push for increased FP realism the last few years was the real stupidity of the Administration.

while this quote points out the obvious i wish the rest of the media would take their mouths away from McCain's crotch long enough to acknowledge it -
One of the chief concerns of the pragmatists is that Mr. McCain is susceptible to influence from the neoconservatives because he is not as fully formed on foreign policy as his campaign advisers say he is, and that while he speaks authoritatively, he operates too much off the cuff and has not done the deeper homework required of a presidential candidate.
really? i couldn't tell...


The way Powell talks and how he reacts to issues and to Obama in all his interviews since 2007 makes it very clear Powell is 100% in Obama's camp but won't come out because it will hurt Obama due to the Bush stigma.

Remember the controversy last year when reports came out that Powell was advising Obama on foreign policy and Obama had to downplay it?
Cheebs said:
The way Powell talks and how he reacts to issues and to Obama in all his interviews since 2007 makes it very clear Powell is 100% in Obama's camp but won't come out because it will hurt Obama due to the Bush stigma.

Remember the controversy last year when reports came out that Powell was advising Obama on foreign policy and Obama had to downplay it?
I don't believe it would hurt Obama.


Deus Ex Machina said:
I don't believe it would hurt Obama.
Well like I said when it was discovered Colin Powell was giving Obama foreign policy advice as an advisor to the campaign it was a big campaign controversy for like a week.

In the Dem primaries it would seem to be a net negative. In a general? I suspect he'd come out publicly.


One of the few intelligent people that was involved in Bush's adminstration, finding the working environment so frustrating, due to a belligerent commander in chief that valued suck-asses over wise and considered council, that he had to leave, endorsing the campaign of another intelligent man with great strength of charisma, who knows when to take council the wise (as evidenced by his campaign to date), with the ability to make intelligent assessments with the broader overarching picture in view...

been seen by a negative?

I'm sure the hardcore right will find plenty of ways of hating on that.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I don't believe it would hurt Obama.

Me either. Colin Powell has a pretty positive image and is a pretty respected person. Same in the way that Condi Rice could bolster McCain. Yes, she's in the Bush administration, but she is at least a respectable person, that you could sit down and talk to. I don't think Condi Rice will be McCain's VP though. Just an example of a respectable person in the Bush administration. I think a Colin Powell endorsement for Obama would be great.
I think a person who left the Bush administration halfway through, knowing the bullshit that was going on, would not incredibly offend the intelligent Democrat voters out there.

Colin Powell is awesome
Zaptruder said:
One of the few intelligent people that was involved in Bush's adminstration, finding the working environment so frustrating, due to a belligerent commander in chief that valued suck-asses over wise and considered council, that he had to leave, endorsing the campaign of another intelligent man with great strength of charisma, who knows when to take council the wise (as evidenced by his campaign to date), with the ability to make intelligent assessments with the broader overarching picture in view...

been seen by a negative?

I'm sure the hardcore right will find plenty of ways of hating on that.

Powell is a sell-out to me.

Maybe one can argue that he was the best about the Bush administration but that's setting the bar pretty low and hardly means anything. He led America into an useless war. Thanks Powell but you resigned at the wrong time.


Instigator said:
Powell is a sell-out to me.

Maybe one can argue that he was the best about the Bush administration but that's setting the bar pretty low and hardly means anything. He led America into an useless war. Thanks Powell but you resigned at the wrong time.

He lead?

This is Bush's war. He cajoled for it. Rewarded everyone that would come around to his opinion, and neglected those that didn't.

It's not something that would've happened without Bush.

And bush isn't something that would've happened if the American public could differentiate merit from a freakin' namesake!


Cheebs said:
The way Powell talks and how he reacts to issues and to Obama in all his interviews since 2007 makes it very clear Powell is 100% in Obama's camp but won't come out because it will hurt Obama due to the Bush stigma.

Remember the controversy last year when reports came out that Powell was advising Obama on foreign policy and Obama had to downplay it?

How do you feel about it personally? Backing the most anti-war candidate in the race might be a good way to atone for his meeting with the UN. I really liked Powell before prior to that moment, so I'd be willing to give him the chance to make things right. Talking to friends about Powell, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions. I'm not so sure he would hurt Obama like you say.
Zaptruder said:
He lead?

This is Bush's war. He cajoled for it. Rewarded everyone that would come around to his opinion, and neglected those that didn't.

It's not something that would've happened without Bush.

And bush isn't something that would've happened if the American public could differentiate merit from a freakin' namesake!

Exactly the problem. Not just supported the war, but campaign for it.

The only thing significant about a Powell endorsement is that he is a Republican. Were he a Democrat, his support would be worthless.


Instigator said:
Exactly the problem. Not just supported the war, but campaign for it.

The only thing significant about a Powell endorsement is that he is a Republican. Were he a Democrat, his support would be worthless.

Did you read he as in Bush or He as in Powell?

And are you suggesting that Powell was one of the inner circle warhawks that wanted the war to happen even before 9/11, or while full well knowing that there wasn't a good reason for entering Iraq?

Ah well whatever. I don't see Powell's endorsement as a big negative even so. Just like if Ann Coulter were to suddenly endorse Obama tomorrow, I wouldn't see that as a big black mark against Obama; it would just be a big wtf towards coulter.


theBishop said:
How do you feel about it personally? Backing the most anti-war candidate in the race might be a good way to atone for his meeting with the UN. I really liked Powell before prior to that moment, so I'd be willing to give him the chance to make things right. Talking to friends about Powell, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions. I'm not so sure he would hurt Obama like you say.
Personally I don't feel it will hurt him. But after the blowup in 2007 about him advising Obama it seems both Obama and Powell want to keep this private. Eh, doesn't really matter.
theBishop said:
No she isn't.

Most people would sit down and have a conversation with her. As the polls show, people think she'd help McCain. Her image is more positive than 99% of the people in the Bush administration. I'm by no means a Rice fan, just looking at the public's perspective.
Zaptruder said:
Did you read he as in Bush or He as in Powell?

And are you suggesting that Powell was one of the inner circle warhawks that wanted the war to happen even before 9/11, or while full well knowing that there wasn't a good reason for entering Iraq?

Ah well whatever. I don't see Powell's endorsement as a big negative even so. Just like if Ann Coulter were to suddenly endorse Obama tomorrow, I wouldn't see that as a big black mark against Obama; it would just be a big wtf towards coulter.

I see it as a man with some influence ready to walk to the beat of the drum and lead his country to the precipice in full knowledge. Apparently, his loyalty to Bush mattered more. Whether he 'planned' the war from the beginning is irrelevant and I am not sure where you got that from anyway. I'm just judging him from his actions, not from insinuations.

As far as I'm concerned, a Powell endorsement of Obama is akin to an endorsement from Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz. Tainted and not particularly welcome, but still news-grabbing because coming from the other party.
I think we're getting ahead of ourselves too. Powell said he hasn't decided who he's voting for, and praised Obama, but even if he decides he's for Obama he may not do a formal endorsement. He may say something ala Jimmy Carter-ish, but he might not do a formal endorsement. Although I could see Jimmy Carter doing one. Maybe.
i always saw colin powell as a william rogers type of secretary of state. im pretty sure he was misled with the iraq intelligence just like all the members in congress and we all were. when he found out he was misled and used to start a false war, he probably started being a thorn in bush's side and then left the administration.

i always liked powell, always struck me as different from the rest of them. he's certainly not a neoconservative, in any case.


ToyMachine228 said:
I think we're getting ahead of ourselves too. Powell said he hasn't decided who he's voting for, and praised Obama, but even if he decides he's for Obama he may not do a formal endorsement. He may say something ala Jimmy Carter-ish, but he might not do a formal endorsement. Although I could see Jimmy Carter doing one. Maybe.
Jimmy Carter doesn't feel it would be right for a President to endorse until after its official who the nominee is. Like how Bush Sr. did it.
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