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Polygon: "Shenmue's 3 budget is a mystery, and why that's a problem."


So I was sitting at the kitchen table at my grandma's house eating a slice of pumpkin pie and relishing the silence, when suddenly, it dawned on me that I had absolutely no clue how Shenmue was going to be funded!
The Polygon review score for Shenmue 3 will be deducted 2 points because we weren't publicly told what the final budget for the game is 2+ years before release.



make this man a member.


I eagerly await their next article:

"12 reasons why YU shouldn't give your hard earned yen to this kickstarter" complete with Shenmue animated gifs.


this article boils down to "we don't know where the rest of the budget is coming from. how shaky."

i am stunned.

this man was paid to write that article.

this is the world we live in.


I put my money in, and I will (hopefully) get exactly what I paid for. I don't feel like I should have the right to know where all the budget is coming from, besides Sony has already stated they are helping funding, so can't people just leave it at that and enjoy that we're getting the game?


this article boils down to "we don't know where the rest of the budget is coming from. how shaky."

i am stunned.

this man was to write paid that article.

this is the world we live in.


You said everything I was thinking. What the hell. This is actually a professional games site posting this? Jesus.


1. They probably don't know what the budget will end up being.

2. Game budgets aren't made public that often.

Right? Seems like a none issue to me.


Here's the thing, I can understand if people on this board and on Twitter don't know how games are being funded. That's not a subject that comes up everyday and only now because of Kickstarter people start to be interested in it. It's about transparency, "where is my money going?" and all that.

What I don't get is how Polygon, a website about video games with access to the people who's business it is to actually do business, misinforms the general public with such an opinion piece.

Economics 101, it's not that difficult. And we all know by now that Kickstarter isn't the same as investing in a project. Not liking Kickstarter is one thing and that's totally fine, but shouting and the reality that is video game funding for no reason other than getting clicks and retweets from people who just don't know this stuff and blindly repeat what the "experts" from Polygon are saying is just disingenuous.


You won't know the budget until years later after it releases like with any other game. It's not a big deal.


We have no idea of the true cost and investment partners behind this project. Shenmue 3 is already hilariously over its goal, although we don't know how close the project is to getting the money needed to finish the project, nor will they comment on how closely Sony is involved. This is an emotional appeal to "save Shenmue" by backing the campaign for millions of dollars, but the follow-up to concerns about where the money is coming from is 'stop asking questions.'



Sony has already stated they will be funding Shenmue 3 officially.
Polygon is looking for clicks.

Unless there's a statement to the effect of Sony being a primary investor, I feel like saying they're "funding Shenmue 3" comes off as potentially misleading. In a sense, I'm personally funding Shenmue 3, but I wouldn't phrase it that way because it implies more than is true. Contributions are coming from more than one source, including Sony and many others. If the people behind Shenmue 3 aren't naming them in that capacity, that may mean it's more credit than is due. It's not unreasonable for a reporting site to ask about who's helping with the project and at what scale.

"Looking for clicks" tends to be synonymous with doing reporting that interests readers. That being said, so long as Suzuki and crew are saying they have the capacity to deliver on the project as described in the Kickstarter, there's no problem. They don't have to reveal every operational detail.


"For right now, all I can tell you is that YS Net has been looking at other sources of funding and we're preparing other sources of funding, so for the Shenmue 3 project it will be what we can source from outside plus the Kickstarter," Yu Suzuki told Polygon when asked about the budget. "But for right now that's all we can say."

The issue I suppose is that it's unclear whether the game actually has any outside funding secured, and if they're basically just hoping on the Kickstarter publicity to get them some more money.


yes, that talented of a member
The way I feel, in all honesty, is that I'm fine paying $29 for Shenmue 3 and I don't really care how the money got there to make it unless it was a human trafficking ring or something.
I don't see a difference with any other game on the market. We don't know how much money EA put into FIFA 16 or the next Mass Effect or SE into the FFXV or FFVII.

We also don't know how much money did publishers gave to other kickstarter projects and I think we shouldn't know as well, that is a business thing that if the developers/publishers want/are allow to talk about such a thing. I don't think Sony or Yu is oblige to say anything regarding the real budget of the game.


This is honestly just Polygon being Polygon and their whole shtick is getting tiresome.

Why is not knowing the budget of this game a bad thing? We don't know the budget to MANY games. Why single this out. They have an agenda. Not sure what it is. But they have one.

We should question every game budget from now on since he wants to champion this movement. What a damn joke.

This narrative was already embarrassing coming the concern trolls on this site, and is even worse coming from a legitimate, reputable


Do you think Polygon knows, deep down inside, what they're doing?

As in, do you think they know they're trash? Like a Polygon writer just thinks, "got to get through today. Another article and I can go home. Need a title for the masses to click." How else do you so consistently produce nonsense?

I can't imagine an adult writing this drivel and being proud of it.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
a company doesn't hand over private documents meant for company eyes only to a news outlet and that's a problem?

fuckouttahere Polygon. clickbait bullshit. go back to making graphs. at least that was the most entertaining thing you've done in years.
Unless there's a statement to the effect of Sony being a primary investor, I feel like saying they're "funding Shenmue 3" comes off as potentially misleading. In a sense, I'm personally funding Shenmue 3, but I wouldn't phrase it that way because it implies more than is true. Contributions are coming from more than one source, including Sony and many others. If the people behind Shenmue 3 aren't naming them in that capacity, that may mean it's more credit than is due. It's not unreasonable for a reporting site to ask about who's helping with the project and at what scale.

"Looking for clicks" tends to be synonymous with doing reporting that interests readers. That being said, so long as Suzuki and crew are saying they have the capacity to deliver on the project as described in the Kickstarter, there's no problem. They don't have to reveal every operational detail.
Also, I want whatever you're smoking


*Sees thread title* "This has to be a Kuch article."
*clicks link, sighs* "Yup..."

At this point I'm convinced he doesn't even do a modicum of research before he starts up his internet outrage machine anymore. I've tried really hard to stay off the Polygon hate train around here but I can't even attempt that right now.

It's sad that this works for anything Polygon related.
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